Please join us Thursday, December 4th, at 10am PST for our next Developer Ask Me Anything! Please join us in discussing and asking questions about upcoming features and updates, particularly those related to update 5.0.

Representatives from the Development Team:

CrazyNerdGirl: Lead Game Designer
RhythmNBruise: Producer
Milburn Pennybags: General Manager

This time we are trying something new so as to allow those in other time zones to participate and this thread will be unlocked Wednesday at 5pm PST so that you may post your questions in advance. The Developers will arrive Thursday morning at 10am sharp and will be answering questions here for an hour! The thread will then be locked at at the conclusion of the AMA. We'll answer as many questions as possible.

Remember any posts that violate the Forum Code of Conduct will be removed. Furthermore, any post that attacks, insults, implies insults, harasses the Development Team will result in an immediate and permanent ban. Please keep everything on topic and constructive.