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  1. #1
    HellRaizer's Avatar
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    Player / Gree meetings

    As some of you know. Gree have made a massive step in MW (and the other titles) in setting up a reoccurring meeting with some of the addicted player base..

    So far we have had three meetings with Gree and it has been beneficial to both Players and Gree.. Both sides are now more aware on what is important.

    These meetings occur every few weeks and the agenda is driven by the collective player base. At present that means that we have numerous GroupMe rooms that allow the information to be collated into a prioritised agenda that is then openly discussed with Gree.

    Therefore, I would ask that if any faction feels that they are not represented (or hasn't heard) of this ongoing process to PM me.. Any faction that needs to be represented needs to have 1 rep only (faction leader or nominated individual) added into one of our tiered groupme rooms.

    Note - I'm UK based and work pretty long hours, so it may take me 24 hours to reply.

  2. #2
    HellRaizer's Avatar
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    I would also like to personally thank Gree (Aurelius) for making all of this possible.

  3. #3
    HellRaizer's Avatar
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    In the last meeting with Gree, they wanted us to get some feed back on Frontline

    Therefore we have created a Google Form that will allow you submit things that you
    1) Like
    2) Dislike
    3) Agree to being bugs

    You need to have a google account to submit your answers:

    here is the form

  4. #4
    Quick post to say thanks for putting this up @HellRaizer, and to authenticate that yes, this is something that has been on going. We are working towards restoring dialogue with the community and trust that while we won't always get things right, we will take in feedback from the players and try our best to be responsive and timely.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Nice to see that gree are apparently/finally taking the concerns of the gamers seriously, a couple of concerns though
    1 why has it taken so long for gree to listen to us not just the gold players but everybody in general,
    2 will gree finally be improving its customer service team from automated response(if lucky) and closure of tickets without anything being done and the issues still remaining?
    This doesn't just include fl and wd events it includes individual events and other faction based events.
    3 and on the subject of faction based events ie raid bosses and Fltq events will they be returning? If not are gree planning to replace them with something that a faction can get involved in?

  6. #6

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    Gree has said that they wish to improve many/most aspects of the game. Many of these will take a lot of time to accomplish. Some things may or not be able to be changed, as they would require new coding, rather than the patches that have been added on top of the old, and forced to do things they didn't intend when the game was created. Raid boss will eventually be coming back, as it seems there were some sort of issues which I believe they caught before we saw them. This does not mean we won't see any problems in the future. It does mean we have an avenue to have those issues adressed as they do happen, with the goal being for them to be greatly reduced further down the road ( wouldn't that be great if there were none). As far as why not before, and now. I think we can all surmise this. I believe they understand that we have not been happy with the last way of doing things, and yet have continued to suffer through. He good news is that they are willing now to change things for the better, as they can given time and expense considerations. This will benefit them long term as well as us. Happy customers tend to spend more. There is a room in group me that we can add you to where we try to keep everyone up to date with what's going on with all of this. Feel free to on me, or hellraizer ( david) here in the forum to get you added there, or any one else who would like to be added. This is a work in progress, and the players and gree are both improving it to get a better understanding g of the issues and ideas that the players have, or would like to see happen.

  7. #7

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    Jul 2014
    I am sure that resolving the performance issues in the game (including FL and HB) will increase income to Gree.
    E.g. popups, lags and freezes do not allow to deploy all your ships and to buy enough deploys to win nodes in last minute of FL war.
    The similar situation is on end of HB day.

    Gree simply misses a lot of real money because of performance issues. And they don't fix these issues that impact on their business. As result, I don't wait that any problems indicated by players will be resolved.
    Last edited by Annihilator2; 10-16-2016 at 09:29 AM.

  8. #8

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    Dec 2011
    Unfortunately it's too late for a lot of people who quit. Had they done this a year or two ago the game could've been saved.

  9. #9

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    May 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by HGF69 View Post
    Unfortunately it's too late for a lot of people who quit. Had they done this a year or two ago the game could've been saved.
    I think you got the nail on the head. They waited way too long. I had enough well over a year ago, I still play casually but I don't even think about buying gold anymore, my spending has gone to clash of clans.

  10. #10

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    You can't go back in time and change the past. I'm sure we would all have things we would have done differently if that were the case.

  11. #11

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    Feb 2013
    actually, and more correctly, they've talked the talk about treating customers properly several times. CJ and a few others... but ever time it comes to the rubber meeting the road, they only thing gree seems to hit is black ice. the spin out and crash.

    it's their own doing, and no desire to fix things. i just encountered a problem and support said ... too bad. nothing we can do. have a nice day.

    advertising a prize that requires gold to acquire, and then, after gold is spent, saying sorry... you earned one 3 months ago, so this doesn't count. you should advertise those. (the lock box event that ended 15-oct2016, 15 opens was supposed to be a +1 regen. nope.)

    Quote Originally Posted by WBS View Post
    I think you got the nail on the head. They waited way too long. I had enough well over a year ago, I still play casually but I don't even think about buying gold anymore, my spending has gone to clash of clans.

  12. #12
    HellRaizer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pick_sax View Post
    actually, and more correctly, they've talked the talk about treating customers properly several times. CJ and a few others... but ever time it comes to the rubber meeting the road, they only thing gree seems to hit is black ice. the spin out and crash.

    it's their own doing, and no desire to fix things. i just encountered a problem and support said ... too bad. nothing we can do. have a nice day.

    advertising a prize that requires gold to acquire, and then, after gold is spent, saying sorry... you earned one 3 months ago, so this doesn't count. you should advertise those. (the lock box event that ended 15-oct2016, 15 opens was supposed to be a +1 regen. nope.)
    These are the very types of things that are now discussed in the meetings between Gree and the Players.

    HQ would be the prime example. Because the FL boost was changed in HQ, everyone who worked towards it was refunded all resource/gold spent..

    Do you have a screenshot of the prize that you won upon opening box 15, as we can raise it?

    Edit: for me that unit was Blue, meaning I didn't have it and it was non stacking.. was it blue for you as well or red? As if it was red then you would have already had it.. to ensure that newer players have to chance to win items that older players have won, Gree will sometimes bring out legacy units.. but they should show as red if you have them already..
    Last edited by HellRaizer; 10-17-2016 at 02:01 PM.

  13. #13

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    Hellraizer is correct, the issue you mention was adressed by the color coding of the units. If you already had one it would have been red. That was posted here in the forum some time back. Not sure what gree is supposed to do if you bought it anyways. In the past they did say they were goi g to improve their relations, and never followed up. This time they have, and have followed through with actions. You're not going to see every issue solved in a short span, or even every issue solved period.

  14. #14

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    Quote Originally Posted by Speed ump View Post
    Hellraizer is correct, the issue you mention was adressed by the color coding of the units. If you already had one it would have been red. That was posted here in the forum some time back. Not sure what gree is supposed to do if you bought it anyways. In the past they did say they were goi g to improve their relations, and never followed up. This time they have, and have followed through with actions. You're not going to see every issue solved in a short span, or even every issue solved period.
    So your the voice of reason. Try and calm everyone down after years of abuse. Good for you. Keep up the good work.

  15. #15

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    so. yeah i hear ya. and claim bs. here's why.

    i stayed away from this place, the forum, because it's been useless. a bunch of wanks going at each other mostly, and not worth my time for a long time now.

    there is, was, no ingame notice about the color coding that i have seen, but maybe i missed it. the only reason i came back to this place was to post about this screwing.

    either way, placing the ffaa battleship. there, as a 15 prize, which requires gold or EXTREME luck, with no blatant disclaimer and then saying ... sorry, you spent 300 gold... and get nothing because you already had one. NO!

    the disclaimer should have been on the prize. for 325 there was a unit with +1 for sale. if it had been posted, that the one prize wouldn't work, that would be different. it was not posted in game. taking the chance on getting from the 12 free opens to 15 for the prize on less then 325 gold was my gamble, i chose it. under the believe that the prize would work when acquired.

    so gree fail. and they will do nothing, or very little in the long run, to fix stuff. for too many years now we've all seen it. "let it burn"

    about 9 months ago i deleted multiple accounts. i made the MISTAKE of getting back involved with gree again with a new phone. should known, they never change. 5 years now...??? and still jerking their customer base around.

    Quote Originally Posted by Speed ump View Post
    Hellraizer is correct, the issue you mention was adressed by the color coding of the units. If you already had one it would have been red. That was posted here in the forum some time back. Not sure what gree is supposed to do if you bought it anyways. In the past they did say they were goi g to improve their relations, and never followed up. This time they have, and have followed through with actions. You're not going to see every issue solved in a short span, or even every issue solved period.
    Last edited by pick_sax; 10-18-2016 at 10:39 AM.

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