Frontline event issues - Page 14


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Thread: Frontline event issues

  1. #196
    Verbose Veteran
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shrinko View Post
    Yeap that's another problem with this event. Low income people can't participate at all. Gree has those 2 units that are cheap but they are completely useless since everyone else is deploying tanks with the power of 1700. They need to go back to how it used to be. Let people select units from their inventory. Maybe let people select 5 units of each type that they want to use in the event so they don't have to scroll through their inventory. Allowing diversity of the units to be used would make it 100% better than everyone using the same stupid tank. Low income people might also be able to use valor units if they want to. I have an account that's low income but has a ton of valor. I used to be able to use it in full assault but now it's useless. We also got a lot of units as rewards for wining battles which allowed low income people to be competitive. Now we get basically nothing. 1 stupid cruiser for wining a war. Seriously? How cheap can gree get?
    I don't necessarily agree re your point about low income people not being able to participate. On the contrary, the way the event has been set up, it evens the field because high level players are unable to use higher level units and the only way to beat an opponent is to use gold. So if a low level player wanted to use gold, theoretically you could compete. The event is all about gold and participation. If you can get the whole 60 man team to fully participate, you could beat a higher ranked team in WD unless they resort to golding it. The new format also hurts high IPH players, as they no longer have the advantage they used to, which is to be able to buy an endless army of high cash units. So again, how does the new event not help low level players? Sure, if you can't even afford the tanks, perhaps. But there are more other advantages that the event is more in your favor than before.

  2. #197
    Articulate Author
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    Quote Originally Posted by DFI View Post
    I don't necessarily agree re your point about low income people not being able to participate. On the contrary, the way the event has been set up, it evens the field because high level players are unable to use higher level units and the only way to beat an opponent is to use gold. So if a low level player wanted to use gold, theoretically you could compete. The event is all about gold and participation. If you can get the whole 60 man team to fully participate, you could beat a higher ranked team in WD unless they resort to golding it. The new format also hurts high IPH players, as they no longer have the advantage they used to, which is to be able to buy an endless army of high cash units. So again, how does the new event not help low level players? Sure, if you can't even afford the tanks, perhaps. But there are more other advantages that the event is more in your favor than before.
    I think we identified another Beta tester. You can't be for real?! You sound like a person in congress who has no idea what people in real life are dealing with. You seriously think that low income people can afford tanks? I know that I'm engaging in a dialogue that's not going to go anywhere since you sound like one of the people who took part in creating this disaster and thought this was gonna be great. Anyhow, here it goes:
    1. The only units that it makes sense to deploy are tanks but low income people can't afford them so they can't participate.
    2. Most people are not high gold users and cannot spend thousands $$ on cruisers. Top 50 factions with high gold users represent only 50 out of tens of thousands teams.
    3. In full assault people got a lot of strong units which were usable in the event. Now we get $hit.
    4. In full assault people had a choice and they could use any unit they wanted which allowed for flexibility and low income people were able to use valor units. Now they can't use anything.

    Should I go on? I know it's a waste of time, so I'll stop.
    Last edited by Shrinko; 06-28-2014 at 08:03 PM.

  3. #198
    Articulate Author
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    When FA was first released the chat on here (the forum) was almost entirely opposed to it. People hated it except high IPH people who thought it was fine. The units you won probably never make it into your army so you just keep recycling them back into FA.

    Now, at the resounding request of the people, Gree has changed from FA to Frontline, which is hated even more. There is no strategy now, just gold spending to buy deploys and for those that have low IPH gold spending to buy units as well. The entire war happens in the last 5 minutes and we all walk our dogs and do laundry while nothing happens at all.

    We no longer can use units from inventory so all those useless units from doing 150 boss levels just sit around (well a few made it into my army but only a few the rest were just too low).

    The math regarding how points are tallied is still a mystery and if there is some complex method that actually has a benefit it would be nice to find it out. My observations are limited, and I am probably wrong but I think I get the same points if we fight 9 wars or just one and put all our units and deploys out in a single huge win. Then we regen til someone is maxed on deploys and we do it over again. Why bother declaring a bunch of wars when you can score the same with 1? Since this is the first event I'm sure they will change the math (every time) but for now it's just how much do you want to pay for your e-units?

    For me the answer to that is zero dollars. So free deploys and roll out the tanks @ 50M/100. With 288 regen deploys plus my 100 to start that's 200 mill for 2 days worth of units. The prize units are nice, so 200 mil for one individual and one faction with only a few hours work is great. Specifically as I turn my ingame cash into bonus units without being glued to my phone. Boring game compared to FA but easy bonus units with minimal effort on my part.

    I think of it as Gree's LE bonus units that I can buy with game cash. Fun is out of the picture on this event though.

  4. #199
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    Just leveled up and my deploys showed full. Now, after buying 250 more tanks, it won't let me deploy. Says I need to buys more for 25gold. Thanks gree. Wasted the cash on units I won't have time to get rid of. Unbelievable.

  5. #200
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shred View Post
    Just leveled up and my deploys showed full. Now, after buying 250 more tanks, it won't let me deploy. Says I need to buys more for 25gold. Thanks gree. Wasted the cash on units I won't have time to get rid of. Unbelievable.
    Happened to me several times. There is a glitch with the health display. Sometimes it shows as full when it is not. It never happened in full assault. That was a hint for gree. I'll translate: don't fix what's not broken. It worked fine in full assault. Why change it? Oh I forgot. You wanted to squeeze more gold out of players

  6. #201
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    I like the idea behind this event, much more for full assault but the problem is gree are trying to introduce a tactical challenge which will only work if the requirement to gold spend is neutralized.... Which completely contradicts what they need to achieve as a business.

    Offering no xp gains on the ltq for weapons etc would possibly help and other things outside the box to assist in participation.

  7. #202
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    P.s all these people talking about not being able to by tanks etc, if you can't afford tanks then you will probably be getting matched with people that can't afford tanks!

  8. #203
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rowe1985 View Post
    P.s all these people talking about not being able to by tanks etc, if you can't afford tanks then you will probably be getting matched with people that can't afford tanks!
    You are so smart that you made me laugh. Since when are players matched individually and based on their income per hour?

  9. #204
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    Give them a break and quit crying.. complainantt every tiny aspect does nothing but clog up them from addressing major issues.. 1 person cannot answer 500 stupid and repetitious negative comments.. props for trying to help mod, but these trolls are relentless.. I spent money as well but ain't crying, just give them a chance, they can't fix everything you're *****in about In 5 minutes. Lots of issues like no results screen or individual ranking but if you can do both you can determine where ya rank.. people always gotta be whining about something or else they have no reason to live

    Toning down the gold units wouldn't hurt, as well as giving the high IPH folks advantage, even though I'm not in that category, my minis are
    MW: 241-710-189 L176 1.2bil Hard Hatters
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    both top something

  10. #205
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shrinko View Post
    I think we identified another Beta tester. You can't be for real?! You sound like a person in congress who has no idea what people in real life are dealing with. You seriously think that low income people can afford tanks? I know that I'm engaging in a dialogue that's not going to go anywhere since you sound like one of the people who took part in creating this disaster and thought this was gonna be great. Anyhow, here it goes:
    1. The only units that it makes sense to deploy are tanks but low income people can't afford them so they can't participate.
    2. Most people are not high gold users and cannot spend thousands $$ on cruisers. Top 50 factions with high gold users represent only 50 out of tens of thousands teams.
    3. In full assault people got a lot of strong units which were usable in the event. Now we get $hit.
    4. In full assault people had a choice and they could use any unit they wanted which allowed for flexibility and low income people were able to use valor units. Now they can't use anything.

    Should I go on? I know it's a waste of time, so I'll stop.
    First of all, yes, I was a beta tester and advised gree that the event sucks.

    Second, are you kidding me? Can't afford the tanks? I'm not a high IPH player and raided for days to save up for the event. I haven't spent a dime on this event, so stop rambling about cruisers. Crap awards for winning? Take a number. I'm only going to deploy what deploys I get for free. And you know what? My team will still finish top 50 easily without using gold.

  11. #206
    Consistent Contributor Kimm's Avatar
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    So to summon up again (I'll keep this list going untill it's fixed. Will check off what has been fixed) issues for Android are...:

    - no idividual ranking view. Does this also mean you won't get the individual rewards at the end since you're not ranked according to the system?

    - no pop up after the battle has ended, so clueless in how you finished, especially since the servers don't update in time.

    - war timer off with a few seconds, or at least not able to deploy in those final 7-10 sec.

    - constantly having server errors, and server issues. When deployed a bunch it can take a long time before they are actually counted towards the node. Sometimes the server can't handle it and I get a popup of error and my deploys back. Why have an event that the servers can't even handle......

    - issues with chat, when Ingame for a few minutes I have to log out and back in for chat to work again.

    (I'll leave the not rewarding out since it has been fixed for most and the rewards aren't worth it to begin with.)

    Ooh and thanks for the bs about WHY we only started with 100 deploys. One of my accounts joined the party a few hours after start. (So should have regained more deploys) but started off with 100 as well. Regen only starts after your first deploy. So thanks for screwing players out of that as well.

    The fact that the event is totally non strategy and just a way of trying to squeeze us for money isn't a big deal, you can choose not to play if you Dont like it. But releasing another massively bugged event in that attempt... Creating another unfair playground between platforms, making it impossible to play this event the way it's supposed to cause of servers who can't handle your event, is another story.

    time left in event: 8h 55m.. Still no answers, still no fixes. Thank you Gree.
    We all have addictions.. I just have 298 of them..

  12. #207
    Steady Scribe
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    One of my members tapping like mad to deploy his tanks had a miss hit with button mashing. bought 100 gold ships!

    No confirmation question on buying gold units. So now he waits on his WD gold being refunded.

    Shouldn't all purchases with real money/gold have a button saying are you sure you want this?

    If Gree does not refund, I am sure Itunes will.

  13. #208
    Articulate Author
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    Quote Originally Posted by DFI View Post
    First of all, yes, I was a beta tester and advised gree that the event sucks.

    Second, are you kidding me? Can't afford the tanks? I'm not a high IPH player and raided for days to save up for the event. I haven't spent a dime on this event, so stop rambling about cruisers. Crap awards for winning? Take a number. I'm only going to deploy what deploys I get for free. And you know what? My team will still finish top 50 easily without using gold.
    Lol how did I know you were a beta tester? It's so easy to identify you guys on this forum based on what you say. You are so out of touch with the majority of the players that it's unbelievable. You sit in your top factions and have no idea what most people's experiences are like. It is obvious to me at this point that beta testers are a big part of the reson that this game has been going down the drain.

    Gree, if there is anyone with a half of brain left in your company, fire your beta testers. Get new testers from different fancion levels starting on the bottom. Make sure that testers stay in their factions and don't move up. Make sure that top factions are not over represented in your pool of testers and make sure that the feedback you are getting is not only from testers in the top 50 factions.

  14. #209
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    What I hated about Front Line.

    1)Deploy time is horrible, needs to be 1 deploy per minute or at least 1 deploy every 2 minutes.
    2)When buying units IOS does not display how many you have bought. Droid does, this needs fixed.
    3)Instead of 1 click per deploy you should be able to do either 1,5,10,25,50. Tired of the nonstop clicking Gree
    4)Needs more unit options, not all players can buy a bunch of tanks, and high IPH players need another cash option to buy.
    5) 1 hour wars is too long, 15 or 30 min per war would be better
    6) 48 hours is too long, 24 hours is plenty enough

    What I like
    1) my stats didnt drop
    2) Units much easier to find
    3) LTQ along with it was cool

  15. #210
    Master of Musings Agent Orange's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shrinko View Post
    I think we identified another Beta tester. You can't be for real?! You sound like a person in congress who has no idea what people in real life are dealing with. You seriously think that low income people can afford tanks? I know that I'm engaging in a dialogue that's not going to go anywhere since you sound like one of the people who took part in creating this disaster and thought this was gonna be great. Anyhow, here it goes:
    1. The only units that it makes sense to deploy are tanks but low income people can't afford them so they can't participate.
    2. Most people are not high gold users and cannot spend thousands $$ on cruisers. Top 50 factions with high gold users represent only 50 out of tens of thousands teams.
    3. In full assault people got a lot of strong units which were usable in the event. Now we get $hit.
    4. In full assault people had a choice and they could use any unit they wanted which allowed for flexibility and low income people were able to use valor units. Now they can't use anything.

    Should I go on? I know it's a waste of time, so I'll stop.
    You could not be more incorrect. I'm no beta tester, have been a very low gold to no gold spender since the game was released and I can tell you with good strategy I was able to get my 13 LLP member faction to 1,434 on 5 battles. Had I felt like playing more I might have done better but why waste a perfectly lovely weekend. Just to clarify that was just me playing those 13 devices, using only what Gree gave us plus tanks I bought along the way.

    Yeah in Faulty Assault weak players could deploy any unit they had and then get their a$$e$ handed to them or were you playing some other version of MA in a different dimension since you appear to not know what you are talking about.
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