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Thread: Seriously...

  1. #16

    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Euch has spend more then 100k total, but he is also playing way longer thn most of us..

  2. #17

    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Sarvice View Post
    Euch has spend more then 100k total, but he is also playing way longer thn most of us..
    He also probably makes more than most of us. I don't see why people are making a fuss about things. I'm sure you all waste money on pointless crap (although it may not be $100k, you probably buy multiple of this pointless crap, or multiple of different pointless crap, and it all adds up). Anyways, y'all complaining don't know Eunu irl so you have no right complaining about how much he spends or what he spends it on.

  3. #18

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    Jan 2014
    Didn't you guys get the memo? Global wages have been normalized & food, water, housing free for all 7billion of us!

    Oh wait...

    Just don't let your dying thoughts be about money, your iPhone, the Super Bowl, George clooney ETC or you will just be reborn on this nightmare planet.
    Though, you'll probably love being a materialistic slave then as much as you do now.

  4. #19
    I havent had action against my in game account yet Gree, getting slow.

  5. #20

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    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by balldeep View Post
    I am just, well, curious. I saw a post that Eucharon...
    I just have to ask... is this person a complete friggin retard?
    Yes he is. No doubt.
    Last edited by infliction; 01-28-2014 at 05:49 PM.

  6. #21

    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    I recall an old post in which Euni said he is against the current economic system and that you should spend your money on what you want to spend it on (correct me if i'm wrong euni, my memory is a bit rusty ) and i think he is right, what's the point of saving up money for your entire life? Once you're dead you won't be able to use it any way. So OP, shut up and mind your own business and money. Euni is right, you're wrong. End of story. Now go cry in your corner of jealousy
    Lvl 11x Daily player. Add me, if lvl 100+ i'll accept, below 100 please send a PM. XBB-YDQ-DVY

  7. #22

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    Sep 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by D3athShade View Post
    I recall an old post in which Euni said he is against the current economic system and that you should spend your money on what you want to spend it on (correct me if i'm wrong euni, my memory is a bit rusty ) and i think he is right, what's the point of saving up money for your entire life? Once you're dead you won't be able to use it any way. So OP, shut up and mind your own business and money. Euni is right, you're wrong. End of story. Now go cry in your corner of jealousy
    lol. While I think the OP went incredibly overboard, I have to say "Jealousy"? Who exactly is jealous over another person spending $100k on a game? I don't care what other people do with their money, it's their money for a reason, but that's like saying a person should be jealous that another guy spent $100k on hookers for a year straight. That's nothing to be jealous over. Pitied maybe, for needing to find solace in hookers/video game, but not jealous ^^
    Member of "The Iron Throne" Maxed out Swampstone Platemail+ Fenris+ Headless Horsemen+ Ravenlord+ Storm Sorc+

  8. #23

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    Quote Originally Posted by Starwulf View Post
    lol. While I think the OP went incredibly overboard, I have to say "Jealousy"? Who exactly is jealous over another person spending $100k on a game? I don't care what other people do with their money, it's their money for a reason, but that's like saying a person should be jealous that another guy spent $100k on hookers for a year straight. That's nothing to be jealous over. Pitied maybe, for needing to find solace in hookers/video game, but not jealous ^^
    Pity others based on material goods? I pity you, sir.

  9. #24

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    Quote Originally Posted by D3athShade View Post
    what's the point of saving up money for your entire life? Once you're dead you won't be able to use it any way.
    Some people actually want to retire and not work until they're 80 or be on social assistance (assuming your country even has this) in their golden years. Nobody expects to take it all with them when they die, but look at how many seniors live below the poverty line... that could be you one day without some careful planning.

  10. #25
    I heard justin beibz spent 70k on 6 strippers

  11. #26

    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Ghost of the Eunuchorn View Post
    Pity others based on material goods? I pity you, sir.
    That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever ^^ I pity someone who can only find enjoyment/comfort in a video game(or hooker, as I stated in my original post). I don't pity them because of the things they have, I pity them because they have to find enjoyment IN those things. I don't hold the same materialistic idea that others do, I enjoy the relationships I have in my life far more then I do any material good. If I had so much money that $100k meant absolutely nothing to me, and all my basic needs were met, I'd probably take a trip around the world, meeting new people, exploring new cultures. The concept of dropping $100k on a video game, or any material good that is so fleeting, is completely alien to me.
    Member of "The Iron Throne" Maxed out Swampstone Platemail+ Fenris+ Headless Horsemen+ Ravenlord+ Storm Sorc+

  12. #27

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    Please, tell me more about "insurance" & "retirement" & "banks" & "cars" & any other pointless periodic table bullsh*t you put value on.
    I'm oh so curious how the little lambs feel about the different shades of grass they can pick from inside their pen.

  13. #28

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    Sep 2013
    lol. everything is relative. if u had a couple of million wad is a few thousand to u. or maybe he /she has less commitments and more disposal income. i.e: if u had 1 billion dollars what is 100k to you.

    if u only had 10k. 1k would be alot to u.

    if u have rich parents, lol then maybe u have more disposal income. less commitments.

    so alot of things are relative. some things might seem crazy to you but to others its not.

    lol. eun is a troll. dont take him too seriously. he's just probably too bored.

  14. #29

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    Quote Originally Posted by toogoodformyowngood View Post

    lol. eun is a troll. dont take him too seriously. he's just probably too bored.
    Right now he's reminding me of my buddy when we were considerably younger and he was a massive conspiracy theorist, believing the government was the source of all our woes and was holding us down and doing all these horrible things just out of sight. And then..we grew up, and he realized his younger self and mind-set was an idiot ^^
    Member of "The Iron Throne" Maxed out Swampstone Platemail+ Fenris+ Headless Horsemen+ Ravenlord+ Storm Sorc+

  15. #30

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    Quote Originally Posted by Starwulf View Post
    Right now he's reminding me of my buddy when we were considerably younger and he was a massive conspiracy theorist, believing the government was the source of all our woes and was holding us down and doing all these horrible things just out of sight. And then..we grew up, and he realized his younger self and mind-set was an idiot ^^
    Your younger selves were capable of critical thought but instead you gave in to the system. Sad, really. What were merely understood as "conspiracies" were shut down by long term conditioning before you were able to actually understand the world we live in.
    The pyramid&all seeing eye isn't on the $ bill for no reason.
    If you think it's good & rational that global wage disparity/economies/numbers on computer screens are the way they are then I'll stay on this side of the crazy fence & you can have fun being blindsided when all the grocery stores shut down & there's mass long term electricity shortages & riots in the streets.
    Do you watch Fox or NBC?

    Good Gree, you probably think fluoride is good for you, don't you?
    I recommend ordering a free copy of this short manuscript.

    You know what's not a conspiracy? Fukushima.
    Last edited by Ghost of the Eunuchorn; 01-28-2014 at 09:16 PM.

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