Two-Year Anniversary Community Event!! - Page 6


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Thread: Two-Year Anniversary Community Event!!

  1. #76
    Articulate Author
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    I second the nomination of Sgt Rud. I know him from the forum and from our intel alliance. He always has great info on the LTQ. Like Thumper said, his posts are always well thought out and are always full of useful info.

    Quote Originally Posted by Thumpr View Post
    I only know them from the forums, but they are always posting really good and informative threads. Guide to free gold back in June, many about the new NPCs and the LTQs. I haven't seen them engage in any flame wars, not saying they haven't been snarky, just that I haven't seen it. In fact, they have seemed pretty reasonable in their comments. Offering constructive criticism vs whining, explaining the logic of their arguments and pretty much taking the high road that I've seen.

    That .... and and their avatar image is the penguin Skipper. That alone should get high marks.

  2. #77
    Articulate Author
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    Need to put my vote the Devin - Specially if you have him in your inventory. His detail walk through is evolutionary.

  3. #78
    Articulate Author camper killer's Avatar
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    I nominate the following:

    Speed Ump (Riddler/Freeze what ever you want to call him) for obvious reason with PUN and now SUP
    Micky Mac IRL for reasons none of you will ever know, CJ you know why
    Khimsoo for the same as Micky.
    Just a little ole friend with a hockey mask and my lucky machete!

  4. #79
    Prominent Poet lemonhaze's Avatar
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    i would also like to nominate THEIF for the hard work he does in helping the whole community with the boss events..i know he has helped me and my faction mates many times with that list he does..thanks theif for the great work u are appreciated bro

  5. #80
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    I nominate the symbol guy. I think he's level 300 and used to be known as Bilal or Salty.
    He gives guys $100 iTunes cards to help them play the game. They couldn't afford to play if he didn't fund them. He has one faction of homeless guys, meth addicts, convicted drunk drivers, forgers, etc... He helps them in recovery. Bought them iPads about 20 and put them in his faction. He doesn't say much about it, but does it through his religion. He's a great guy, does so much to help others.

  6. #81
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    Nominate salty iguana

    I nominate salty iguana because he has seriously help a lot of us with this game in ways no one else has he has took the time out of gaming for a lot of players to help them and deserves a reward for his contribution to the game thanks

  7. #82
    Verbose Veteran
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    There are many players that have made the game fun and many who have been helpful at times on the forum. I have been around for a long time and watched a lot of players come and go.

    Factions made players selfish and unwilling to help anyone other than their team or their collective of teams. That was pretty much the nail in the coffin for this forum. It was great for the game and I am glad to have been apart of the evolution.

    Many players will vote for their teammates or friends but that really isn't fair nor is it my objective. I have no ties to my nomineee what-so-ever. There is only one player that has remained helpful throughout my tenure here.

    My nomination goes to Thief. He is truly the only deserving one on this forum. There are several new people here that are following in his footsteps but he has remained constant from the beginning.
    Last edited by Evil Mastermind; 12-11-2013 at 08:31 AM.

  8. #83
    Steady Scribe
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    I would have liked to nominate my former faction leader Cpt.Steelman, but since he retired last war I nominate Thief...
    Thief's threads about Epic Boss's have been a really big help since I started playing MW 7 months ago and has
    never ignored A PM I've sent asking for help...

  9. #84
    Articulate Author
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    paul from the faction Zass deserves to be recognized...

    paul is one of the kind of leader's that every faction searches for, wants on their side, but few manage to get. I met paul when I first joined Zass back around the time of the third war. It was the first time I had been a part of such an organized team. paul ALWAYS was quick to help with any questions people asked. A few wars later, the faction literally split over a disagreement in how to move forward and improve the the faction. Missing out on the top-100 was the breaking point. Many of the gold spenders left and merged with another faction. Honestly, paul probably had more in common with the ones who left stat-wise than those he stayed with. What he stayed for, though, was the idea that we could be a great team without booting people who weren't throwing heaps of gold at the game.

    Since then, paul has been a tremendous leader who has been through it all as we scratched and clawed our way back up the ranks. He has served as one of the main reasons we have done as well as we have and we have finally broken into the top-100 playing the game our way. In this time he has served as our DL, been one of our strongest WD point contributors, been a constant flow of information on events as he typically finishes them ahead of everyone else and has been a great friend to get to know outside of the game too.

    I've had the pleasure of meeting a lot of characters and personalities in this game, but I've had the honor of having paul on the team.
    Zass. 'Nuff said.

  10. #85
    Prominent Poet lemonhaze's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dbznumber1 View Post
    I would have liked to nominate my former faction leader Cpt.Steelman, but since he retired last war I nominate Thief...
    Thief's threads about Epic Boss's have been a really big help since I started playing MW 7 months ago and has
    never ignored A PM I've sent asking for help...
    thats a great point that i didnt mention on my post..If u PM theif he will anwser u back with the most helpful info he has at the time about that particular subject..thanks for bringing this up DBZ..he gets back to u in a timely manner as well

  11. #86
    Verbose Veteran droffatsto50's Avatar
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    Nice subject, many players give lots of information here but here goes my 2 votes.]

    1. Thief
    The amount of effort put into his loot trackers, or health trackers , is enormous, one thing for a start is that he always keeps updating instead of making a thread and then nothing. Then we have the information about all the loot and stuff you can gain from the boss event. But I think his best thing is the health tracking part to it, it helps us know how far we can go and with that it can help factions get more daily goals because of bosses defeated and how far we can go individually, this helps me, and I'm sure it helps many others too.
    He also does great when it comes to ideas for new things which a lot of people tend to agree with. I know this is a well deserved vote for thief.

    2. SGT Rud
    This is also pretty much the same as thief, apart from the loot tracker obviously. His ideas are great and have a lot of depth to them which could practically change the game how it is played. I also very much look forward to his NPC list, it helps prestaging loads because we know where we're going and how much we do. Another well deserved vote for another great, helpful guy.

    There are many more people out there that are great but these 2 stand out to me, not only do they have the ideas but they also take the time to help out the community with their lists of information and to me they are key features to someone who is good & helpful. They are kind too and never try to go against anyone if someone is trying to tell them something to help them out
    Back again, but now i'm not playing as much

  12. #87
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    I have two nominees, one goes to "big daddy" of the 101 airborne division. He has been a great help to me in the past 6-7 months I have been there. Not only does he keep the faction coordinated during war he also helps coordinate during events as well. He is the heart and soul of the 101. Over the time he has become a person I would consider a friend. He has been there for me when real life got a lil tough and when I'm ready to throw in the towel with this game. He makes everyone laugh and smile and is always ready to help anyone who needs it. It is also because of him in Florida there is a shortage of Fritos and bean dip lol

    My second nominee would have to be "blacksheep" also a part of the 101, our leader. Just. 2 or 3 wars ago out former leader Steve past over leadership to him. With Steve as leader we managed a top 50 spot for 6 consecutive wars, not two bad. First war "blacksheep" was leader we managed a top 25 spot which we got back to back top 25. We decided to take the month of December "slow" and we managed a top 75 spot. Don't worry gree even tho we taking it slow you still getting your money lol. He is a war machine, he score a average of 1 mil points+ per war and is always there to help pull out faction thru any and all events

    I wish I could nominate our whole faction but unfortantly I can't. In my eyes we all deserve the "special" units. 101 thanks for a great year and looking forward to kicking butt again in January. I love each and every one of y'all. Good luck "big daddy" and "black sheep"

  13. #88
    Articulate Author & The Horse U Rode In On's Avatar
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    3 Nominations

    I was not surprised to see my first consideration as the first one listed this morning when I opened this thread. So for my nominations, I will echo many others, then provide a personal side to my final nomination.

    1. Thief - no single individual has provided more tips, tricks and insightful opinions on this game, without the dripping sarcasm and bile that some posters seem so proud of (ok maybe a little sarcasm). Thief does not put you down for asking noob questions, and is who I wait to hear from when a new feature, issue or aspect of MW is first posted.

    2. SGT Rud - the Commander's Tool is an invaluable resource

    3. LT.Petersen (MW player ID 487745172)- my Sea Daddy. For those of you who are not familiar with what/who a Sea Daddy is, it is a Navy term for a senior person, usually in the same job specialty as you, that takes you under his wing and teaches you what the REAL job is about beyond the books of A and C school. Kenny brought me into my first faction, made me an officer and eventually leader. He taught me all about the faction side of MW, fighting and working together as a team, and how to survive without being crushed. We have fought together in 3 different factions now and have become close friends outside of the game; we know all about each other's families, jobs and lives in general. When my son was born 2 months ago, he was one of the first to congratulate us and demand pics. No single person has done more to make this game fun for me.
    Last edited by & The Horse U Rode In On; 12-11-2013 at 11:38 AM. Reason: added info
    &HorseURodeInOn 535775522
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  14. #89
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    I nominate Hooker Gal.
    gotta love her for everything she does to bring the whole community together.
    I'm sure a lot of people wouldn't even get nominated if she didn't host the rooms on GroupMe.
    Keep up the good work HG!

  15. #90
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    Thief, plain and simple

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