Boss Tiers Need to be Updated - Page 2


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Thread: Boss Tiers Need to be Updated

  1. #16
    Master of Musings Thief's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Durt McGurt View Post
    If/When they update boss you really think they will make it easier for those in the Level 151-200 or 201 to 250 bracket?

    I think they would keep the current top tier as the Level 151-200...then make 2 harder tiers for the 2 higher tiers, thus further penalizing the long time players whom play the game for playing the game.

    I guess you must have just stepped into the level 151 tier? Sucks doesnt it.
    I mean this time the upped difficulty 50% on boss 100 when compared to the last boss 100 for this tier. Overall it was absurd regardless if you were lvl 151 or 300. If they keep upping the boss by 50% then they will simply have players give up before reaching the goal.

    Currently i would imagine that next boss they go:

    251-300: Boss 100: 330 Million
    201-250: Boss 100: 300 Million
    151-200: Boss 100: 250 Million.

    Needless to say i think the structure is a little more balanced and between those 150 levels offers a slight improvement. Obviously Gree can play with the numbers as they see fit (and its still pretty high IMHO) but a stand from which i think people will maximize spending.

    As for the 151...not quite but its coming to an end very shortly due to me doing the LTQ that gave out the Omega War chopper.
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  2. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Corporal Punishment 2 View Post
    As someone who recently started a new account to try out BlueStacks (BlueSucks!), I was surprised I managed to go all the way without any gold. I can only think that GREE want to have a way of allowing new players to the game to fast-track and become competitive. Otherwise, no new blood means no new customers.
    New people should be competitive, but letting them in 30 days have the same stats as people who've been playing daily for 2 years !?

    To how how backwards this is, he's a comparable situation:

    Example: Lets say I'm a loyal season-ticket owner of a sports team. Now they offer new season tickets, for me to get the tickets it costs me 7500 because I've been with them for a long time. Now there's a new customer, they can get the exact same thing for 200. Thanks I get to pay 3650% more because I've been loyal for 2 years and you're giving the customer something for almost free.

    No business operates at these extremes.

    I could have created a new account 60 days ago and for free have been as good as my current account, that's just plain stupidity at every level.

    I'm personally enjoying the game because of my faction members, but will not pay a single dollar more ever for a Gree product until they fix their imbalance (no holding my breath on that). I doubt most new players who enjoyed all the stat increase will even generate the same revenue as me or other long time players have and all they're doing is alienating their loyal base.

    Most completely backwards business model I've ever seen.

  3. #18
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    I heard that the difficulty was based on the players in that bracket so if you are in 1-25 it is so easy as there are so many level 5 100 attack acs of guys that have up but in the current 151-300 tier you have all or most of SUP plus all the guys that couldn't care less about XP as they have always been at the ceiling. If they don't change it they are crazy! I haven't spent any gold since last WD event as the bosses are too hard and the LTQ have been far too much experience.

  4. #19
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    I used to always spend gold to finish Off the boss. But since they have made it ridiculously hard I don't even try anymore. I go as far as cash hits will allow me to. I was able to get to 73 on this boss but didn't even think twice about buying any gold to finish.They really need to break the tiers up. How is a lvl 151 player supposed to do the same as a lvl 270 player. And I am in the 151-300 teir

  5. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chris_ View Post
    I used to always spend gold to finish Off the boss. But since they have made it ridiculously hard I don't even try anymore. I go as far as cash hits will allow me to. I was able to get to 73 on this boss but didn't even think twice about buying any gold to finish.They really need to break the tiers up. How is a lvl 151 player supposed to do the same as a lvl 270 player. And I am in the 151-300 teir
    Level 270 aren't necessarily stronger. They've been handicapped on every single Boss event for a long time as well. Early on in the game, level meant nothing really, just you had less energy, stamina so leveling up was a way to get more raids, attacks and complete more missions. Then the game decided the penalize for being at a high level. So Level +250 aren't any strong than sub-L200.

    Sure there's the 1% of +L200 that have consistently outspent everyone else, but I have teammates and see rivals and the stat difference isn't that big from L125-L270.

  6. #21
    Steady Scribe
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blade of 3 View Post
    I know people that created an account a month or so ago and are breaking 1 mil in the level 30s. That's unbelievable. For practically no gold. This game is losing its skill level.
    I had a player (started just before the inflation) at lvl35 with some 350/450K stats. I had to work hard to get it there - and I know a few tricks and know a few people by now.
    My LLP is lvl91 with 1.7/2.3M stats, started way before the inflation - but tagged along in good factions to stay low leveled but still get powerful units. I have put maybe 2-3 vaults of gold into it, but i have worked hard - nailed the 4 last bosses.
    I highly doubt you will see many lvl30's with 1M stats - so when you see them, you might want to consider congratulating them. It's not as easy as you make it sound - it takes skill.

  7. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by BoThox View Post
    I had a player (started just before the inflation) at lvl35 with some 350/450K stats. I had to work hard to get it there - and I know a few tricks and know a few people by now.
    My LLP is lvl91 with 1.7/2.3M stats, started way before the inflation - but tagged along in good factions to stay low leveled but still get powerful units. I have put maybe 2-3 vaults of gold into it, but i have worked hard - nailed the 4 last bosses.
    I highly doubt you will see many lvl30's with 1M stats - so when you see them, you might want to consider congratulating them. It's not as easy as you make it sound - it takes skill.
    Its not skill to know the right group to tag along for the ride.

  8. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by BoThox View Post
    I had a player (started just before the inflation) at lvl35 with some 350/450K stats. I had to work hard to get it there - and I know a few tricks and know a few people by now.
    My LLP is lvl91 with 1.7/2.3M stats, started way before the inflation - but tagged along in good factions to stay low leveled but still get powerful units. I have put maybe 2-3 vaults of gold into it, but i have worked hard - nailed the 4 last bosses.
    I highly doubt you will see many lvl30's with 1M stats - so when you see them, you might want to consider congratulating them. It's not as easy as you make it sound - it takes skill.
    Sorry I don't see any skill in that. Maybe our definition of 'skill' are different.

  9. #24
    Steady Scribe
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    I don't really care whether you call it skill or not. I have been gaming these types of games for many years now. Wonder why I end up at or near the top?

    Knowing how to behave in a game, making alliances - is a skill. Tagging along with the right group is crucial. I have seen many come and go. "Unlimited" amounts of gold willl be welcomed anywhere - but it's not that I talk about.
    Knowing what not to do in a game, and what to do - in an overwhelming explosion of events - is a skill.

  10. #25
    Articulate Author
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    over lvl 150, below 200. I don't have any issues with the boss events, it takes ALOT of work but I can get it done. another thundarr complaint thread. lol.

  11. #26
    Articulate Author
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    Quote Originally Posted by AlexFoo View Post
    over lvl 150, below 200. I don't have any issues with the boss events, it takes ALOT of work but I can get it done. another thundarr complaint thread. lol.
    I as do many other fail to see anything funny about the boss event. If you have the time and patience to play it 24/7 and complete it, good for you. By the way how much gold did you spend and what are your stats?

  12. #27
    Consistent Contributor aphroKEN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnny_blayze View Post
    Sorry I don't see any skill in that. Maybe our definition of 'skill' are different.
    I think he is referring to social engineering and persuasion skills.

  13. #28
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    I basically gave up on the boss events because once I can't take them out straight away, I can never remember to go back and finish them off. Largely, anything where a gold option is available means you either pay into the Gree management pension fund, or fail to finish and gain nothing for the work you put in. That's their business plan - make the game a treadmill like reality where you always have to do more, otherwise the effort you've already expended becomes worthless.

  14. #29
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    Talking of the super minis you guys refer to. It's a bit off topic (an we shouldn't lose sight of the issue on tiers) but I have to say no skill involved in a 1m plus level 50 player.

    There are loads in my faction - they were created just before last WD event so got the 50 win and all but 1 streak unit, then 1 faction LTQ and 2 easy beat the boss events. Over 1m easily in under a month and no gold spent.

  15. #30
    Master of Musings Thief's Avatar
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    Clearly there needs to be some adjustment on both sides of the gambit right now.
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