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Thread: A personal view and decision about the current boss event

  1. #31
    Verbose Veteran
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    No comment needed... my breakpoint was reached already quite some time ago.

    Such a pitty Gree doesn't listen and want to listen.

    But positive side is it seems a lot of spenders have reached the limit and that's the only way to get Gree to listen and act. I see two possible scenarios:
    1. Gree does listen and tries to save their business
    2. Gree does not listen, puts more pressure as they want to squeeze as fast as possible a lot off money due to their bad financial situation.

    As Gree is on the stock market, option 1 is a no go so we got a vicious circle... squeeze till it's dead i fear.

  2. #32
    Moderator Vile Lynn's Avatar
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    I have opted out... I'm saving my money for war, and I'm cutting way back on that, too.

    *hoping for a bug-free war this weekend*

  3. #33
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    Thanks you all for your posts. Please if you have not posted yet, are a heavy or moderate gem spender, and are not going for level 100 boss, do so. The more feedback Gree gets from paying customers the better it might be.

  4. #34
    Steady Scribe
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    Good Thread Guido69. I know we didn't agree much lately.
    Anyway this time I agree with you. As an heavy spender, I have to confess that I was first tempted to run for this prize !
    Reading the whole thread I have also decided to slow down the gems machine and won't run anymore for boss 100.
    It has a sense only if your guild works also for the 5 daily quests and as mine will not and I don't want to put more pressure on my guildies, I am giving up for this time.

  5. #35
    Consistent Contributor Samskill's Avatar
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    GREE is definitely setting a unrealistic target this event. I am stoping at boss 60 and asking GREE go fly kite!*
    * my local slang for asking GREE to fxxx Oxx .

  6. #36
    Articulate Author
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    heavy gem user, not going for this one. Gree is milking us more and more, it takes the fun out of it.

  7. #37
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    I don't see why the obsession to "must have every prize available." The best way to put this is comparing it to buying cars.

    When you go to shop for a car, do you immediately want to buy a Lamborghini Veneno (most expensive car in the world priced at $3,900,000)? No. You go and find what you can afford. Maybe it's a Honda, or maybe it's a Lexus. Or perhaps you're pretty well off and can afford a Benz or something a little better.

    The line has to be drawn somewhere. This prize, IMO, was made for the filthy rich. People that can throw away a few grand a week without breaking a sweat. This prize is NOT for all of us. No prize is. No prize should be. If you can afford a prize that took $100 to complete, someone that could only spend $50 will be complaining. And this pretty much goes on down the list. Someone who is not willing to spend as much as you will complain that it's too hard.

    Its only a game guys. Don't get so worked up.

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dogs Pizza View Post
    heavy gem user, not going for this one. Gree is milking us more and more, it takes the fun out of it.
    Perhaps it's a way to see how much people are willing to spend, to see people's limits, and adjust the difficulty in the next events accordingly.

  9. #39
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    the real question is this:
    those of you that are abstaining from this silliness - would you readily jump back on the bandwagon if GREE released a 40% sale? If "yes"...then I personally feel that this thread is sending the wrong message. If "no", then I salute you...as I feel exactly the same way.

    We need to start a "Sitting It Out" thread - with a list of moderate-to-heavy gem spenders who have now decided to go free.

  10. #40
    Steady Scribe
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    Ok...Ive been wanting to give my opinion for a while but have been busy.

    I believe that most here are completely off the mark. I support what GREE did here. There is always SOOOOO much complaining that the gap in power between the top an bottom is unmanageable to the point that the people on top will always be too strong to catch up to.

    This event is hopefully just the start to a string of events that will allow low lvl players, new players and campers the ability to "keep up" with high stat players.

    The idea that every person needs to finish every event is ridiculous. There have been DOZENS of events in the last month alone that my llp is just too weak to do. As such, the gap between him and FUN stats continues to expand. Now there is finally an event that my llp can complete and the high stat high lvl players wont be able to! I get to catch up a little!

    I personally hope there are more events like this to help close the gap for newer players and older players. There is NOTHING that says that every event must be completed...so I say to those high stat players who cant finish...sit this one out the way ive been forced to sit out so many other events because it wad geared to high stat players.

    My ONLY criticism would be that the experience for this event is rather high for a newer player. I could see it causing 20-30 lvls for someone new enough.

  11. #41
    Verbose Veteran
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bloodsucker View Post
    Ok...Ive been wanting to give my opinion for a while but have been busy.

    I believe that most here are completely off the mark. I support what GREE did here. There is always SOOOOO much complaining that the gap in power between the top an bottom is unmanageable to the point that the people on top will always be too strong to catch up to.

    This event is hopefully just the start to a string of events that will allow low lvl players, new players and campers the ability to "keep up" with high stat players.

    The idea that every person needs to finish every event is ridiculous. There have been DOZENS of events in the last month alone that my llp is just too weak to do. As such, the gap between him and FUN stats continues to expand. Now there is finally an event that my llp can complete and the high stat high lvl players wont be able to! I get to catch up a little!

    I personally hope there are more events like this to help close the gap for newer players and older players. There is NOTHING that says that every event must be completed...so I say to those high stat players who cant finish...sit this one out the way ive been forced to sit out so many other events because it wad geared to high stat players.

    My ONLY criticism would be that the experience for this event is rather high for a newer player. I could see it causing 20-30 lvls for someone new enough.
    But you miss one crucial point in your answer... You get your stats in llp almost for free due to gree balance pffff things. Top players with current great stats did invest loads off money.

    So can you explain how it would be fair to get smaller players close the gap for free while others paid a lot to get there and now are getting punished for making gree rich in the first place?

    I hope you see where the 'issue' is. By the way... I dont have anything against. Smaller players being able to close the gap but only if it requires same effort as others had to do... Time? Money?

  12. #42
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    I think you have nailed it! Buisness needs
    to know the high limit of their customers
    in order to maximize profits. This was Gree's
    test. I do believe we will see a slim down
    next time and maybe even 2 or 3 until they
    find the sweet spot. Risk is how many did
    they lose jumping so high so fast?

  13. #43
    Articulate Author
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    Its funny when LLPs say this event helps them, sure, you got to 50 or 100 with free hits, but how many levels did you go up and for what stat boost? You are misguided in thinking this helps even out the field. I blew my mini up just doing 55 bosses in this one, went up 9 levels and gained less than 100k stats. With my main I dont do an event unless I will gain at least 60k/level.

  14. #44
    Consistent Contributor aphroKEN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by P4TR1C14N View Post
    But you miss one crucial point in your answer... You get your stats in llp almost for free due to gree balance pffff things. Top players with current great stats did invest loads off money.

    So can you explain how it would be fair to get smaller players close the gap for free while others paid a lot to get there and now are getting punished for making gree rich in the first place?

    I hope you see where the 'issue' is. By the way... I dont have anything against. Smaller players being able to close the gap but only if it requires same effort as others had to do... Time? Money?
    It's not really free because they'll level too much after doing 100 bosses. With the amount of stat inflation, that one-off prize doesn't make much of a difference. If I were a LLP, I wouldn't trade 40-50 level ups for that one-off stat gain. The low level advantage would be lost and the chance to win the streak rewards would be reduced.

    In essence your trading one reward for another. This is just not worth the XP gain.

  15. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by pendentive View Post
    the real question is this:
    those of you that are abstaining from this silliness - would you readily jump back on the bandwagon if GREE released a 40% sale? If "yes"...then I personally feel that this thread is sending the wrong message. If "no", then I salute you...as I feel exactly the same way.

    We need to start a "Sitting It Out" thread - with a list of moderate-to-heavy gem spenders who have now decided to go free.

    Put me on that list as "gone free". My issue is over the lack of GREE valuing their customers. For over a month, I have had an open ticket about some accidental gold purchases during the heat of a battle. Gold was immediately vaulted in guild and never used. This is the typical buying mtns of gold as opposed to gems that many here have experienced. Ticket was sent right away....within minutes. GREE failed to correct this or even attempt to satisfy a customer. I got told that exceptions cannot be made...whatsoever. Absolutely ridiculous! Exceptions have been made numerous times.....for many individuals more than once. From correcting un intended gold purchases and swapping the gold with gems to combining purchases on accounts to meet a higher tier towards the bonus program. It has happened and is still happening. Now, we have an event (box event) where GREE openly admitted was "bugged" and continued to operate it without long before fixing. We were told they cannot stop an event. Anyone remember the FUN boss event? We all started on last level finished of previous boss event. They stopped that one while they fixed it. Only because it costed them money......unlike this box event where it worked in their favor. 'Nuff said. Still playing......only no longer spending.

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