I'm I the only one experiencing problems when buying gold?? I tried buying vaults for war and finish off Ltq quest the purchase went through but I keep receiving a pop up message that states..."gold was purchased but did not down load". It's been over a few hours now but still no gold in my account!

I tried to buy again but it won't allow me!!! The pop up message keeps coming up!!

I'm on last level of Ltq, and can not finish cause I need 2 or 3 refills...really annoying a few hours left and Ltq will be finished. All this playing and leveling up only to not be able to finish event! War starts in a few hours and would like and need to help my faction...CJ or any forum moderator if ya read this can you help please?

I sent support a ticket ---# 621500 ...I understand ticket take awhile to get answered....I need help here can't finish Ltq and can't do war ....I'm hoping a moderator reads this and tries to help me out here cause I'm lost and frustrated!

Please don't troll my thread!!!!!!!