Quote Originally Posted by HGF69 View Post
Ferr every time after an event you put up a similar thread. I understand your request but be completely honest with me here - is this because you think its too long or that a 1 day event gives you a better crack at first place?

I can't help but feel there is a slightly selfish reason behind this but you can tell me otherwise.

24 hours just becomes who can hit reload the quickest for the top 10 factions so there is no skill, planning or fun involved. The Top 10 will have a pretty much identical score and the winner will be the quickest re-loaders with the most members - simple maths.

48 means lower gold teams can still get their refills in and put in a decent shift and get some sleep.

I am also of the opinion that there should be at least one month between events.
It is 100% self centered but not for any other reason than the one I stated. If that is unbelievable I have no way to prove it. As to the leaderboard i can almost guarantee you that the top three will be exactly the same. As to the amount of WD points i am not completely sure. I think it may be more wd points for the top three factions as they may go all out 24 hours. But that is speculating. If that is the case it will cost us more than the current situation. The winner remains to be the one with the most 1 million plus gold spenders going all out.
During three days i am almost 100% preoccupied with the event. That in fact may be my true problem in which case I stop argueing about shortening the event. i will have to find a solution within the faction and within myself. I hope you find this response sincere or honest enough.