04-22-2013, 10:17 AM #1
[Tips & Tricks] How To, Questions & More
This thread mainly use to answer any question relate to K&D, especially for beginners and mid-level players, any question will be gained an appropriate answer ASAP. Some tough issue may need other forum players' wisdom, I'm sure they are happy to give you a hand.
I've received many private messages for asking questions, seeking advice etc. It is inconvenient for replying each messages, so I've decided to open this thread to focus on solving any question and issue which relates to K&D.
Furthermore, this thread also welcome people to discuss any subject, feel free to share your thought or give any construction advice to other forum members.
At last, I would glad to find this community, share and discuss thoughts with forum members, really appreciated many people who gives me useful and valuable helps, thanks you all.
By the way, the players code for beginners are now starting with XBC ! The number of K&D players are increasing significantly, glad to share this information with forum membersHope this game will become better and better!
After DreaM0d3, I've reach to lv100 within a month too, the picture below would be the final form of buildings, should be able to give some guides to beginners.
Depends on personally bias, normally 4-5 armorsmiths, 10-11 training fields, 1 dungeon.
The income would be 2000golds per hour gain*24hours*11training fields + 750golds per hour gain*24hours*1dungeon = 528,000golds+ 18,000golds= 546,000 golds per day
Last edited by Harvey Guo; 04-25-2013 at 06:49 AM.
04-22-2013, 10:25 AM #2
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All opinions I know but, whats the best way to spend 800 gems?
04-22-2013, 10:35 AM #3
The best way is give them to me if possible
just kidding.
You can buy a luxury cape by spending 650 of them to show your status and wealthy.
You can upgrade your buildings to the top.
You can have 4,5,6,7,8 armorsmiths to boots your crafting process.
You can buy energy to rush the damage board and arena board.
You can open dark prince chest to try your luck, maybe you will gain a Sky guardian+ or Wicked Wrath+ and share results with us.
The best way is always depends your bias and direction, mostly spending some of gems on upgrading buildings (mostly training fields) will be a certain gain, 500,000 golds gain per day
04-22-2013, 11:16 AM #4
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It doesn't increase the generation rate of gold does it, just the maximum capacity? I think my training fields have only ever maxed out once or twice; I'd upgrade armour smiths to speed up armour creation, spend 200 on 10 + 1 crates (as soon as the next boss generates) and then hold onto the rest for the next nemesis armour.
04-22-2013, 11:25 AM #5
04-22-2013, 11:26 AM #6
Each time when you upgrade your buildings does increase the both gold generation and maximum gold stored.
For training fields, 1167/1367/2000 per hour gain for each level. That's why I upgraded all my 11 training fields to the top level, which can give me 48,000*11=528,000 golds per day
For the armorsmith, 10,000 golds for 5% time less, then 10gems for another 5% less, totally 10% times less than before. I think it is worthwhile for me.
04-22-2013, 11:28 AM #7
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04-22-2013, 11:30 AM #8
IMO, upgrading buildings (money, then armorsmiths) is the best use of gems, you will reap the benefits for as long as you play the game
MQ - 119898071
04-22-2013, 11:36 AM #9
04-22-2013, 11:37 AM #10
04-22-2013, 04:15 PM #11
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what is the best way to make gold/gems? i started playing this yesterday and i really enjoy it im lvl 18 and im trying to upgrade my monk set because i dont know how to get gold/gems fast i have to farm and then put in armorshop for 30 mins then get the armor and repeat so it goes by really slow, i was wondering how i can get fast gold and or gems so i can fuse new armors and upgrade my current ones faster?
04-22-2013, 04:24 PM #12
For beginner, Fountain is always best choice, especially for quick money. Fill all your spots with fountain, upgrade them to level 2, need to collect money frequently because its maximum gold stored is 75, if you collect them frequently, you will gain 800 golds each fountain per hour. When you have enough golds, expand more spots, so that you can build more buildings.
For gems, you can finish many free gems offers to gain free gems.
Good luck.
04-22-2013, 04:29 PM #13
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thanks, but all my stuff is alrdy filled up with fountains, and i try to do the offers and i finish them but they dont give me my gems :/
oh and fountains make like 700 gold an hour per fountain, the max is just low
heres my castle if you want to give me some pointers
Last edited by pown otto; 04-22-2013 at 04:36 PM.
04-22-2013, 04:43 PM #14
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fountains are good if you are on a lot, but if you are not on for most of the day you want guard towers. Or one guy would switch to guard towers at night and put the fountains back when he started playing the next day. eventually you want training fields as you gold earner
04-22-2013, 06:16 PM #15
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I did 2 fountains and 2 guard towers in my early stages. I roughed that out till I could buy a dungeon. Replaced 1 fountain with the dungeon. Then wait till the dungeon gives you enough for a training field. Once I got my training field I just started expanding and filling with more training fields. I'm no pro, this was just my way of doing it.