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07-05-2013, 05:22 AM
There isn't a best way, just go about your material farming - killing bosses as per normal, with an SA of course.
Ok, thanks for that so good to see such a helpful community.
07-05-2013, 05:22 AM
It's not a live update. So they might have pushed their points up minutes before the tourney ended.
The current timed quest is trolling me: "defeat 5 opponents within 50 points of you on the Tournament leaderboard".
Well, everybody with 0 matches since the end of the previous tournament seems to still be listed with their end-ranking of the previous tournament and I'm getting matched against 0 match rank 2xx people (I guess since that was my end rank the previous tournament) even though I'm now at rank 12xx, so that doesn't do a thing to progress the quest. Hopefully those 0 match people get un-stuck from the list soon...
2 questions:
1) If I remove people from my friend list, do they get notified of that fact?
2) Is my understanding of the elements w.r.t armor combining/fusing correct?:
for ex:
- water + fire -> water/fire
- water + fire/air -> water/fire or water/air
- water/earth + fire/air -> water/fire or water/air or earth/fire or earth/air
Is it also possible to combine/fuse an armor that's not 1 element from 1 armor and 1 element from the other? (if not, then the pool size of armors with certain element combinations will also influence your odds of getting a wanted armor...)
07-05-2013, 05:33 AM
I got the cannot start game save data is out of date contact support, but I'm sure it will be way to long for them to respond back to me so is there Nything I can do to fix this problem
07-05-2013, 05:38 AM
I got the cannot start game save data is out of date contact support, but I'm sure it will be way to long for them to respond back to me so is there Nything I can do to fix this problem
I've found exiting from game or uninstall/reinstall solves this issue. Don't be concerned about losing data
07-05-2013, 05:47 AM
I've found exiting from game or uninstall/reinstall solves this issue. Don't be concerned about losing data
I haven't played the game in a while and thought I would start again I think that's why but I can't even get in the game as soon as I launch I get the error save data is out of date contact support, soi don't really think there is anything I can do but wait for support which will be months
07-05-2013, 05:48 AM
The current timed quest is trolling me: "defeat 5 opponents within 50 points of you on the Tournament leaderboard".
Well, everybody with 0 matches since the end of the previous tournament seems to still be listed with their end-ranking of the previous tournament and I'm getting matched against 0 match rank 2xx people (I guess since that was my end rank the previous tournament) even though I'm now at rank 12xx, so that doesn't do a thing to progress the quest. Hopefully those 0 match people get un-stuck from the list soon...
2 questions:
1) If I remove people from my friend list, do they get notified of that fact?
2) Is my understanding of the elements w.r.t armor combining/fusing correct?:
for ex:
- water + fire -> water/fire
- water + fire/air -> water/fire or water/air
- water/earth + fire/air -> water/fire or water/air or earth/fire or earth/air
Is it also possible to combine/fuse an armor that's not 1 element from 1 armor and 1 element from the other? (if not, then the pool size of armors with certain element combinations will also influence your odds of getting a wanted armor...)
Try force restarting your game maybe that would help.
And your example is correct for fusion. You would never get an element not used when you fused, but it is possible to get a mono element as a result.
So if you are targeting a certain armor it is best to use two mono legendaries to minimize possible elemental mix. The higher the rarity the better the chance for another legendary.
07-05-2013, 05:49 AM
I haven't played the game in a while and thought I would start again I think that's why but I can't even get in the game as soon as I launch I get the error save data is out of date contact support, soi don't really think there is anything I can do but wait for support which will be months
Try updating to the most recent version.
07-05-2013, 05:50 AM
I've found exiting from game or uninstall/reinstall solves this issue. Don't be concerned about losing data
Yeah about that.
Deleting and reinstalling the game has been causing kingdom purchases to be deleted the past few weeks. I WOULD NOT reccomend this as a good option at the moment, last resort only as far as i'm concerned. I lost over 1million gold when my TF were deleted and having to pay to get them back, not to mention the crazy wait times for them to build. On top of that I then had to re-upgrade them to level 3 costing over 700 gems (The price of upgrading them first time round and then re-upgrading due to deletion).
Once again, only reinstall the game as a very LAST measure at the moment, it's carries more risk than you may think.
07-05-2013, 05:53 AM
Yeah about that.
Deleting and reinstalling the game has been causing kingdom purchases to be deleted the past few weeks. I WOULD NOT reccomend this as a good option at the moment, last resort only as far as i'm concerned. I lost over 1million gold when my TF were deleted and having to pay to get them back, not to mention the crazy wait times for them to build. On top of that I then had to re-upgrade them to level 3 costing over 700 gems (The price of upgrading them first time round and then re-upgrading due to deletion).
Once again, only reinstall the game as a very LAST measure at the moment, it's carries more risk than you may think.
Gree will disagree with you about that lol. Their first reply to any queries regarding game issues is have you tried deleting and reinstalling.
07-05-2013, 05:54 AM
Yeah about that.
Deleting and reinstalling the game has been causing kingdom purchases to be deleted the past few weeks. I WOULD NOT reccomend this as a good option at the moment, last resort only as far as i'm concerned. I lost over 1million gold when my TF were deleted and having to pay to get them back, not to mention the crazy wait times for them to build. On top of that I then had to re-upgrade them to level 3 costing over 700 gems (The price of upgrading them first time round and then re-upgrading due to deletion).
Once again, only reinstall the game as a very LAST measure at the moment, it's carries more risk than you may think.
I apologise for the poor guidance, I haven't ran into this issue as I don't buy from the game. So once again I'm sorry
07-05-2013, 10:20 AM
I apologise for the poor guidance, I haven't ran into this issue as I don't buy from the game. So once again I'm sorry
No need to apologise mate, you weren't to know :)
07-05-2013, 10:55 AM
To get 50ep armors, you fuse Basics based on the element combinations I stated above.
So its like a result of volcanic mantle nd wavecharmers? Those r some of 50 ep? Then do u just enhance them to the armor or its still better if everythgs the same element
07-05-2013, 10:59 AM
So its like a result of volcanic mantle nd wavecharmers? Those r some of 50 ep? Then do u just enhance them to the armor or its still better if everythgs the same element
As long as one element matches, you'd get 50 ep.
07-05-2013, 11:03 AM
So its like a result of volcanic mantle nd wavecharmers? Those r some of 50 ep? Then do u just enhance them to the armor or its still better if everythgs the same element
All uncraftable level 50 armors yield 50ep. You need to have at least one matching element when enhancing to get the 50ep, hence I gave you the possible combinations of 50ep armors for all five elements.
07-05-2013, 11:53 AM
Hmmm what would you advice? 12 TG and 3 forges or 11 TG and 4 forges?
07-05-2013, 12:04 PM
Maybe when you're still building up a bunch of good armor go with 11 and 4. But when you've got a good selection of armor go 12 and 3.
07-05-2013, 12:08 PM
Maybe when you're still building up a bunch of good armor go with 11 and 4. But when you've got a good selection of armor go 12 and 3.
I noticed that some players have 5 blacksmiths. Is that normal?
07-05-2013, 12:25 PM
There's those that want a separate armory to craft their legendaries. Especially now that it takes 3 days to finish one. So they can use the other 4 armory to fill all enhancement slots.
07-05-2013, 12:26 PM
Hmmm, would you make enough gold to be enhancing if you have 5 smiths?
07-05-2013, 12:29 PM
Maybe if you have 10 lvl3 TFs? That's 240k a cycle.
07-05-2013, 01:12 PM
First of all, hello to everyone, I am a new player to K&D ( 35 atm ), played a few days and I like what i see so far.
I am looking for some advice to see if what i am doing is right :)
This game certainly does not feel like one of those you can play over night and become great at it :).
So, after reading the forum and playing a bit, I decided to concentrate on gold.
My town now looks like this :
I am in the process of building a third Training Ground and a Crystal Conservatory ( this one is for a quest )
I have 6 knights :
and some armors, I bought 2 chests when they were on offer, a few days ago, for 16 gems each :
My next plans are to upgrade a crystal conservatory to lvl 2 to complete a quest, then keep working on my atlantean armor to get it to lvl 15, I haver enough mats to craft 2 of those, but I want the + on first. Once I have that, maybe buy some expansion slots and keep working on more training grounds and upgrade all of them to lvl 2.
I am also thinking to get one of those independence day chests, maybe I get a decent armor, who knows :).
What do you guys think so far ?
07-05-2013, 01:13 PM
my 6-th armors screenshot, cause it didn't fit in the previous message :)
The only thing I didn't manage so far is get someone to use me as referral, all my friends have android devices :).
So if anyone can add me as referral, i'd appreciate it and return the favor in other games maybe.
My code is XBD-MWF-RYY
07-05-2013, 01:25 PM
Hey im currently level 83 and am seeing all these lower people beat the epic boss 43 times I am wondering how do you guys do it? is it a secret I am a free player so I don't buy energy and I have a couple level 70 armors and the big 4 plus a few boss armors from past weeks. Am I doing something wrong?
07-05-2013, 01:26 PM
Hey im currently level 83 and am seeing all these lower people beat the epic boss 43 times I am wondering how do you guys do it? is it a secret I am a free player so I don't buy energy and I have a couple level 70 armors and the big 4 plus a few boss armors from past weeks. Am I doing something wrong?
07-05-2013, 01:54 PM
Just focus on the 'big 4' they have the best stat gain among all lvl 50 armors except a few which is all only obtainable through the dpc. As for buildings I didn't finish the quest chain for it and just focused on getting TFs. Expand all castle slots before attempting to fuse or level up lvl 70 armors.
As for referrals, you only get those from new players that enters your code after their tutorial.
Hey im currently level 83 and am seeing all these lower people beat the epic boss 43 times I am wondering how do you guys do it? is it a secret I am a free player so I don't buy energy and I have a couple level 70 armors and the big 4 plus a few boss armors from past weeks. Am I doing something wrong?
I don't see a bunch of low level getting to lvl 43. Maybe with the older bosses yes, but since the deva I doubt that's the case.
If you are having problem with the boss now, I suggest focusing on getting to 100. Not only do you get better stats, it also removes the cap on friends stats. Then focus on getting the + version of the storyline armor like swamp, infernal and dp armor. Don't craft boss armor if you can't get the + version.
07-05-2013, 01:59 PM
I have to craft the basic boss to get the +armor correct? plus is the basic non+ boss better then the big four if they have the same elements?
07-05-2013, 02:06 PM
I have to craft the basic boss to get the +armor correct? plus is the basic non+ boss better then the big four if they have the same elements?
If you don't have enough material to craft a regular and a + version why waste 200k when you can put it into something better.
It cost around 600k to max lvl 50 armor and 3+mil for lvl 70 armors. If you think that the stat gain is good enough for you to waste that much gold + materials to get a sub par armor go ahead. If you ask me better to use that gold and materials to max lvl 70 story line armor to use on future boss.
07-05-2013, 02:09 PM
Lol thanks a ton for the advice you make to much sense to argue.
07-05-2013, 02:22 PM
Yup i am working on the big 4, as you can see in the screenshot I have a 15 crius and can craft crius + ( although i need more mats for it ). Working on the atlantean one right now, I also have the flaming and hydra as well. I believe this covers the big 4 you're talking about, right ?
I did enhance some other armors, as i go through areas I find i need various armors of various elements so having a few plusses here and there helps at this stage. Won't enhance them any more though, all my resources go into the atlantean one now. Once i get the atlantean +, I am thinking to enchant it to max before working on crius+. I read that maxing one at a time is the way to go.
07-05-2013, 02:49 PM
Yup i am working on the big 4, as you can see in the screenshot I have a 15 crius and can craft crius + ( although i need more mats for it ). Working on the atlantean one right now, I also have the flaming and hydra as well. I believe this covers the big 4 you're talking about, right ?
I did enhance some other armors, as i go through areas I find i need various armors of various elements so having a few plusses here and there helps at this stage. Won't enhance them any more though, all my resources go into the atlantean one now. Once i get the atlantean +, I am thinking to enchant it to max before working on crius+. I read that maxing one at a time is the way to go.
At that stage of the game i usually recommend people to focus on unlocking maps using friends instead of usin them for the epic boss. But I know how it feels to have the boss there and not attempt fighting it. Things should get easier after you get AA+ and get to the LF map. Maybe get monk vestment to 20 to help with the crius armor map. You might always want to start farming snakeskins when your friends are used up.
07-05-2013, 02:53 PM
Yup i am working on the big 4, as you can see in the screenshot I have a 15 crius and can craft crius + ( although i need more mats for it ). Working on the atlantean one right now, I also have the flaming and hydra as well. I believe this covers the big 4 you're talking about, right ?
I did enhance some other armors, as i go through areas I find i need various armors of various elements so having a few plusses here and there helps at this stage. Won't enhance them any more though, all my resources go into the atlantean one now. Once i get the atlantean +, I am thinking to enchant it to max before working on crius+. I read that maxing one at a time is the way to go.
Just keep the big 4 + version, rest of the armor can use them to enhance the big 4+.
Keep all gems to upgrade TF to lv3, open all land with gold and just keep 3/4 armorsmith and the rest fill with TF lv3.
Dont waste gems on those chest boxes unless u have alot of cash to throw in.
And keep grinding to reach lvl100.
07-05-2013, 03:17 PM
question, does lvl 3 TF raise your gold income/ hour? Cuz i connect regularly so mt TF lvl 2 never or rarely reach max capacity =/ so why would i spend gems to upgrade them to lvl 3?
07-05-2013, 03:21 PM
question, does lvl 3 TF raise your gold income/ hour? Cuz i connect regularly so mt TF lvl 2 never or rarely reach max capacity =/ so why would i spend gems to upgrade them to lvl 3?
Marco answered this a few pages back.
1) gold/hour scales proportionally with the max gold value. (in other words: time to hit the max stays the same on all 3 levels of a building.)
07-05-2013, 03:50 PM
Yeah, I read that, the higher the level, the more gold they produce
07-05-2013, 03:52 PM
Just keep the big 4 + version, rest of the armor can use them to enhance the big 4+.
Keep all gems to upgrade TF to lv3, open all land with gold and just keep 3/4 armorsmith and the rest fill with TF lv3.
Dont waste gems on those chest boxes unless u have alot of cash to throw in.
And keep grinding to reach lvl100.
Well, I tried that, but I found that when i need to fight in various areas, those 4 are not enough to cover the elements I need to do dmg and not take extra, that's why i keep all those armors for now.
07-05-2013, 04:18 PM
Marco answered this a few pages back.
Sorry and thank you :)
07-06-2013, 12:21 AM
Eidand: why do you feel the need to fight anywhere but skeletons tomb? the exp/hp is higher than most and the crafting materials are second to none.
The bonuses provided by clearing the map are less than the bonuses by quickly leveling and cheaply enhancing
As for lvl 2 vs lvl 3 traing feilds, check out the armour data spreadsheet. Jello did a great job, and the store lies (by a small %) I had to double check his work (trust no one) and I came up with the same results (within five gold)
07-06-2013, 12:32 AM
Eidand: why do you feel the need to fight anywhere but skeletons tomb? the exp/hp is higher than most and the crafting materials are second to none.
The bonuses provided by clearing the map are less than the bonuses by quickly leveling and cheaply enhancing
As for lvl 2 vs lvl 3 traing feilds, check out the armour data spreadsheet. Jello did a great job, and the store lies (by a small %) I had to double check his work (trust no one) and I came up with the same results (within five gold)
He probably needs to progress through the map to get the better craftable 70+ armors.
07-06-2013, 01:24 AM
What happens when I uninstall the game and install it again ??
Do I have to start a new game ??
I mean is there a "savegame" ??
I am asking, because I want to buy a new & better mobile. So I'd like to start from the point where I uninstalled the game lol:rolleyes:
07-06-2013, 01:55 AM
What happens when I uninstall the game and install it again ??
Do I have to start a new game ??
I mean is there a "savegame" ??
I am asking, because I want to buy a new & better mobile. So I'd like to start from the point where I uninstalled the game lol:rolleyes:
Your data is saved on Gree's servers, linked to your device ID. You will need to contact Gree customer support to get them to transfer your account to the new device.
07-06-2013, 02:00 AM
He probably needs to progress through the map to get the better craftable 70+ armors.
that and the quests keep sending you everywhere
07-06-2013, 02:20 AM
Hi my character is around level 25 but I cannot get to level 15 on the epic bosses, should I continue to try and do them or focus more on questing. I kinda feel like I'm missing out on the bosses when I don't try them what is a good level to begin the bosses and what armour should I aim for for all my Knights, thanks
07-06-2013, 02:39 AM
Hi my character is around level 25 but I cannot get to level 15 on the epic bosses, should I continue to try and do them or focus more on questing. I kinda feel like I'm missing out on the bosses when I don't try them what is a good level to begin the bosses and what armour should I aim for for all my Knights, thanks
Do go through the other stickied topics as well.
07-06-2013, 12:01 PM
New to Knights and Dragons and I'm loving it so far. I was wondering if any hight levels would be so kind as to add me as a friend to help me with the epic boss? If you would be willing to that would be awesome. Sadly I'm only level 26 so I need the help. I'm on level 14 of the boss and I don't think I would be able to finish without some help.
IGN: Griffith
07-06-2013, 07:03 PM
Hey guys! Quick question.. Lets say ur enhancing swamp shaman+ wd 4 crius armors.. But the other crius armor is lvl 30... Is it gna gv u more boost on the lvl of the shaman armor?
07-06-2013, 07:08 PM
Hey guys! Quick question.. Lets say ur enhancing swamp shaman+ wd 4 crius armors.. But the other crius armor is lvl 30... Is it gna gv u more boost on the lvl of the shaman armor?
You'll get 1 extra EP for each additional level on the Crius Armor. So in your case, you would get an extra 29 EP with the level 30 Crius Armor.
Veloster Raptor
07-06-2013, 09:21 PM
I have a slight problem. I have two games going on at the moment, one of my tab Level 40 almost 41. Then I have a level 14 on my phone. The knight on my phone got nemesis armor this afternoon. I don't think Gree will combine accounts, but which one should I level? I think I remember reading that you can contract gree to transfer games to different devices. Is that true and what should I do?
07-06-2013, 09:22 PM
I have a slight problem. I have two games going on at the moment, one of my tab Level 40 almost 41. Then I have a level 14 on my phone. The knight on my phone got nemesis armor this afternoon. I don't think Gree will combine accounts, but which one should I level? I think I remember reading that you can contract gree to transfer games to different devices. Is that true and what should I do?
Neither character is high enough to really utilize the Nemesis armor. Just go with the device which you'll be using more.
Veloster Raptor
07-06-2013, 10:37 PM
What is the general delivery time on purchasing gems? I decided I've spent money on bigger waste of things. Also reading all of the posts complaining about loot, I have low expectations. So we shall see what happens.
07-07-2013, 12:51 AM
I get gems basically instantly. Getting your gold production to max is more important than hoping for an armour in dpc. Even if you get a good one by the time you get your character and the armour to max level it will probably be over shadowed :)
07-07-2013, 02:26 AM
I think my game has been hacked - or the game itself decided play on its own by clicking on Arena and other instances while I'm just watching :/ Creepy!
Is there any procedure I should do when this happens? I've been searching the forum but haven't found anything useful to use.
07-07-2013, 02:32 AM
I think my game has been hacked - or the game itself decided play on its own by clicking on Arena and other instances while I'm just watching :/ Creepy!
Is there any procedure I should do when this happens? I've been searching the forum but haven't found anything useful to use.
First time I've seen this happen. Maybe try contacting gree.
07-07-2013, 02:37 AM
How much points does a fusion armor gives me?
07-07-2013, 03:23 AM
How much points does a fusion armor gives me?
180 matching, 150 not matching
07-07-2013, 08:19 AM
Hi everyone,
I try to first purchase gems on 20%dc, but unfortunately, as I try to buy the 39.99 package, but cannot, the system popup to me to contact itune store. Then, I try to buy other packages like 3.99 or 19.99 , there are worked at the first time. However ,after that I cannot buy it anymore. What should I do now, is it gree's problem , because I lready contact itune support. Tomorrow discount event will ended ^ ^.
07-07-2013, 08:35 AM
anyone have this problem, when u go in the game, it like being reverse, like u never played before for that last few hours,
This is the 3-4th time already, 1st time made me lost an award armor, 2nd, 3rd just reverse a bit, so still OK, but this time it reverse few hours back again,
reinstall , update, tested everything, not is getting better, anyone have any idea to fix this?
07-07-2013, 08:49 AM
anyone have this problem, when u go in the game, it like being reverse, like u never played before for that last few hours,
This is the 3-4th time already, 1st time made me lost an award armor, 2nd, 3rd just reverse a bit, so still OK, but this time it reverse few hours back again,
reinstall , update, tested everything, not is getting better, anyone have any idea to fix this?
Sounds like you keep crashing out of the game, and any unsaved data is lost.
To do a manual save, go to the My Knights page, tap your main knight and then tap okay. You will see a "please wait...connecting" page pop up. That's saving your data. Do this anytime you are going to leave the game, or try something that often results in a crash.
Then you can crash out in one of the half-dozen ways still possible (accessing other player data via friends or the Guild members screen crashes me out) and not lose your recent work.
07-07-2013, 11:45 AM
I have found that the list may indicate 70/86 and when we accept a new friend tells me full list.
How is this possible?
Thank' s
Pedro (Perolo)
07-07-2013, 01:20 PM
How/when do you plan in the last few castle expansions?
My next one is the 500K gold one.
If I analized (see my last post in "Data Sheet Administration") and calculated correctly, my gold income from my castle is 2.7 gold/sec or 233280/day. The large majority of that is currently being used to upgrade my "big four" armors.
Both waiting a week or more before I can afford the 500K expansion or shutting down armor building for 2 1/2 days (totally goes against "Always Be Crafting"...) seem a bit silly to me...
07-07-2013, 01:30 PM
How/when do you plan in the last few castle expansions?
My next one is the 500K gold one.
If I analized (see my last post in "Data Sheet Administration") and calculated correctly, my gold income from my castle is 2.7 gold/sec or 233280/day. The large majority of that is currently being used to upgrade my "big four" armors.
Both waiting a week or more before I can afford the 500K expansion or shutting down armor building for 2 1/2 days (totally goes against "Always Be Crafting"...) seem a bit silly to me...
Unlocking all slots in your kingdom is much better in the long run. That's most likely directed to people who have unlocked all slots.
07-07-2013, 01:37 PM
Sounds like you keep crashing out of the game, and any unsaved data is lost.
To do a manual save, go to the My Knights page, tap your main knight and then tap okay. You will see a "please wait...connecting" page pop up. That's saving your data. Do this anytime you are going to leave the game, or try something that often results in a crash.
Then you can crash out in one of the half-dozen ways still possible (accessing other player data via friends or the Guild members screen crashes me out) and not lose your recent work.
If you are on android this is still not 100% reliable. Only way I can always be sure I have saved progress is to change my main armor 2 or 3 times until the 'please wait...connecting' takes a little bit longer than before, quite possibly just a placebo effect of course but I haven't lost any progress for a few days now ;)
Veloster Raptor
07-07-2013, 02:08 PM
So I purchased gems for the sale. That was at 8pm last night. I still don't have the gems. I have two tickets in. Any suggestions of what steps to take now?
07-07-2013, 02:14 PM
So I purchased gems for the sale. That was at 8pm last night. I still don't have the gems. I have two tickets in. Any suggestions of what steps to take now?
Step 2: Wait for holiday weekend to end
Step 3: Moar tickets!
07-07-2013, 02:27 PM
I'm very sorry if this has already been asked, but I really don't want to look through 100+ pages for the answer :(
Say I wanted my friend(s) to use me with my AA+ armor when they are battling stuff. Do I set that on the roster for the epic boss, the tournament, or just have it equipped in general (at all times, basically).
Thanks in advance! :)
07-07-2013, 02:31 PM
Unlocking all slots in your kingdom is much better in the long run. That's most likely directed to people who have unlocked all slots.
On the bright side, mostly halting crafting for 2-3 days gives me time to restock my crafting supplies (3 armorsmiths burn through them nearly as fast as I can farm them...)
07-07-2013, 09:08 PM
I'm very sorry if this has already been asked, but I really don't want to look through 100+ pages for the answer :(
Say I wanted my friend(s) to use me with my AA+ armor when they are battling stuff. Do I set that on the roster for the epic boss, the tournament, or just have it equipped in general (at all times, basically).
Thanks in advance! :)
Equip it in "Adventure mode" and "Epic boss mode". If you decide to use something other than AA+ (cirus for example) on the epic boss, when your friends use you to battle their epic boss they will see you in Cirus armor but if they play Adventure/Story mode they will see you in AA+ because you didnt change to Cirus when you played story mode.
07-08-2013, 01:23 AM
Hi, small question. I'm able to craft all big four armors, even in the + version. However, I haven't completed the Sparkling Steppes stage, which is quite a challenge finishing off in one go.
I really want to get to the phase I could invest in all Big Four + armors, so I should finish this stage and the coming two as well.
On which armor should I put the focus?
Crius + of Atlantic Avenger +?
Thanks a lot!
07-08-2013, 01:29 AM
Hi, small question. I'm able to craft all big four armors, even in the + version. However, I haven't completed the Sparkling Steppes stage, which is quite a challenge finishing off in one go.
I really want to get to the phase I could invest in all Big Four + armors, so I should finish this stage and the coming two as well.
On which armor should I put the focus?
Crius + of Atlantic Avenger +?
Thanks a lot!
Crius+ is weak to both spirit and air, both of which are elements in sparkling steppes if I remember correctly. Since that's the case, atlantean will probably be better, though a living flame in sparkling steppes will be much better
07-08-2013, 03:13 AM
Quick, maybe slightly stupid question.
Does upgrading a lvl 70 3 star armor take as long as upgrading a lvl 70 4 star legendary? I'm saving up for Infernal + to replace some of my big 4 items and I really like its stats. However I havn't even upgraded my boiler to 52/70 yet cause it takes so much time/resources lol.
07-08-2013, 03:30 AM
3 star or 4 star its the same.
Boiler has good stats. even if its the regular version. Stick to boiler & max it as soon as u can. Both uses the same materials, snake skin, so focus & keep farming my friend! :D
07-08-2013, 05:51 AM
Crius+ is weak to both spirit and air, both of which are elements in sparkling steppes if I remember correctly. Since that's the case, atlantean will probably be better, though a living flame in sparkling steppes will be much better
Thanx Deathexe, but that's one of the problems....Got living Flame lvl 15. But I'd rather not level it any further. I'll keep my savings for the plus version...
Nero rage
07-08-2013, 07:29 AM
Was wondering, why everbody Just spends ****loads of gems to beat lvl 43 bosses when u Can Just summon it and get the last 2 comps needed?
07-08-2013, 07:29 AM
I am level 61 right now. Can anyone help me with my question. I was waiting for legendary armor before I upgrade any. Now, I've got 4 from epic bosses. But I don't know which one or ones I should upgrade. Since each one of them are similar in stats. And each element got its pros and cons. So which one should I upgrade? I only got the latest 4 legendary armors from the epic boss. Thanks for any possible replies.
07-08-2013, 07:53 AM
I am level 61 right now. Can anyone help me with my question. I was waiting for legendary armor before I upgrade any. Now, I've got 4 from epic bosses. But I don't know which one or ones I should upgrade. Since each one of them are similar in stats. And each element got its pros and cons. So which one should I upgrade? I only got the latest 4 legendary armors from the epic boss. Thanks for any possible replies.
The right answer depends on your goals, really. If you're asking for the sake of arena, that's a moving target, because each new armor released can affect what your opponents are wearing. Armor of Eurus or Pyromancer would probably be your best bets, I guess.
If you're asking for the sake of the map, then first, what's the status of your 'big 4' one-star gear? I'd probably focus on plugging holes in your elemental coverage, to help with the story bosses as you finish leveling.
Edited to add: When you have a choice between armors with similar stats, you might give priority to armors with adjacent elements, because you're more likely to be able to use it profitably against epic/story bosses without facing a defensive penalty. (Pyromancer over Eurus, in this case.)
07-08-2013, 08:03 AM
I am level 61 right now. Can anyone help me with my question. I was waiting for legendary armor before I upgrade any. Now, I've got 4 from epic bosses. But I don't know which one or ones I should upgrade. Since each one of them are similar in stats. And each element got its pros and cons. So which one should I upgrade? I only got the latest 4 legendary armors from the epic boss. Thanks for any possible replies.
I personally don't think you should've upgrading any of the none + boss armors, they only have average stats and take at least 3 million gold to max. You're probably better of going for the big 4 and then moving on to storyline boss armors (swamp+, infernal+, dark prince+)
07-08-2013, 09:41 AM
That makes perfect sense!
Thanks! :o
Equip it in "Adventure mode" and "Epic boss mode". If you decide to use something other than AA+ (cirus for example) on the epic boss, when your friends use you to battle their epic boss they will see you in Cirus armor but if they play Adventure/Story mode they will see you in AA+ because you didnt change to Cirus when you played story mode.
07-08-2013, 09:52 AM
Thanx Deathexe, but that's one of the problems....Got living Flame lvl 15. But I'd rather not level it any further. I'll keep my savings for the plus version...
Actually at the beginning if you have the monk vestment from the referral getting it to around 20-25 helps. It would help you farm for Atlantean and crius. And since there's won't be a good spr armor till later using it to farm snakeskin is also good.
07-08-2013, 10:02 AM
Hello all,
Just started a few days ago (great community by the way) and I see all this chatter about guilds. Is this an ios exclusive? Or is the droid a couple versions back? any info would be great. Thanks!
07-08-2013, 10:15 AM
Was wondering, why everbody Just spends ****loads of gems to beat lvl 43 bosses when u Can Just summon it and get the last 2 comps needed?
How much are 5 gold keys worth compared to how much you spend to get from 42 to 43? Remember that this is just a math game with graphics
07-08-2013, 10:55 AM
Hey guys another quick question, I just fused a Boilerplate armour out of sheer luck and was wondering if I should max that first instead of Infernal Lord+? I'm currently level 84 with the Big Four+ and Jackalope+ maxed. I'm not sure which to upgrade first so need some guidance!
07-08-2013, 12:47 PM
One question: i enhanced my flowstone battlegear armor to lvl 15, but there isnt an option to craft the plus version?!?!
Is it not possible or am i just too stupid??
I already crafted a plus Atlantean Avenger, but the flowstone is a super rare... Is it because of this??
Sry im a noob :)
07-08-2013, 02:42 PM
so I'm hoarding my fusion stones, even moreso since the latest Ancient Dragons BKal+ announcement. These are all I have since starting the game, I only used some for a couple quests, and capping my Starsong Shroud+
if I fuse from 50-70 for non-snake skin armors ( that's around 44 fusions stones each (!!!-Enhanced-A-Legendary-Armor-From-Lv1-to-Lv70-in-180mins-3hours!&p=738357#post738357), do people manage to farm enough fusion stones/earn rewards for a total of 45ish a week to maintain an armor a week?
or has anyone capped a legendary armor on snakeskins alone?
One question: i enhanced my flowstone battlegear armor to lvl 15, but there isnt an option to craft the plus version?!?!
Is it not possible or am i just too stupid??
I already crafted a plus Atlantean Avenger, but the flowstone is a super rare... Is it because of this??
Sry im a noob :)
Nope, you can only get flowstone+ from the DPC. I'd advice to just max out Crius+ and use this flowstone armor for enhancement.
07-08-2013, 02:45 PM
also what's this armor on the knight on the left:
Hey guys another quick question, I just fused a Boilerplate armour out of sheer luck and was wondering if I should max that first instead of Infernal Lord+? I'm currently level 84 with the Big Four+ and Jackalope+ maxed. I'm not sure which to upgrade first so need some guidance!
It depends on what elements complement your team the best. Personally I'd just stack up the armors and wait to see which will be best for next week's boss.
07-08-2013, 03:01 PM
if I fuse from 50-70 for non-snake skin armors ( that's around 44 fusions stones each (!!!-Enhanced-A-Legendary-Armor-From-Lv1-to-Lv70-in-180mins-3hours!&p=738357#post738357), do people manage to farm enough fusion stones/earn rewards for a total of 45ish a week to maintain an armor a week?
or has anyone capped a legendary armor on snakeskins alone?
The gap from 50 to 70 is 2136 EP, or 43 stones.
I don't know a lot of people who max out a ****+ every week (especially on top of hitting 35 with a non-plus). Those who do are buying a lot of chests, most of which ends up as enhancement fodder. Of course, fusion stones are also a reward from gold and silver chests, which come out of epic boss awards, so hoarding rates may vary.
07-08-2013, 03:03 PM
oh good call, I forgot I'm sitting on 35+ chest keys (non DPC)
07-08-2013, 03:12 PM
Roark, it's Tortoiseshell Aegis. And I pick and choose which armors to level. If you can get to top 100 in the tournement it really helps, both for armors to use for enhancing and fusion stones.
07-08-2013, 03:35 PM
How much are 5 gold keys worth compared to how much you spend to get from 42 to 43? Remember that this is just a math game with graphics
Yes... I was telling a friend about this game yesterday, and he said "Beth is playing math!"
07-08-2013, 05:50 PM
Where's the best place to train from Level 85+? ;-;
07-08-2013, 06:08 PM
Where's the best place to train from Level 85+? ;-;
Depends on your equipment. If you only have the Big 4, then I equip my main, fire knight, and water knight with HH+ and do Haunted Citadel(epic). I use my earth/air knights(using Crius/AA) on Cabllero Desert(epic). I use my spirit knight(with LF+) at Sparking Steps(epic). That's how I leveled very quickly.
07-08-2013, 06:30 PM
Roughly how many snakeskins will it take to max out armor of eurus?
07-08-2013, 06:31 PM
Depends on your equipment. If you only have the Big 4, then I equip my main, fire knight, and water knight with HH+ and do Haunted Citadel(epic). I use my earth/air knights(using Crius/AA) on Cabllero Desert(epic). I use my spirit knight(with LF+) at Sparking Steps(epic). That's how I leveled very quickly.
ah ic, tyvm ;}
07-08-2013, 06:36 PM
Roughly how many snakeskins will it take to max out armor of eurus?
If you go from 1-70 with snakeskins, it'll take 212 I believe.
07-08-2013, 07:54 PM
Does anybody know if the Wicked Wraith from 30 friend referrals is a regular or + version?
07-08-2013, 08:28 PM
Does anybody know if the Wicked Wraith from 30 friend referrals is a regular or + version?
Regular version.
07-08-2013, 10:58 PM
Does every armor have its + version? if not , what kind of armor have + version?
Is it true that for all craftable armor, the + version is unlocked by leveling up the regular one to a certain lvl?
More over, is the big 4 better than some super rare armors like monk's vestments or steam wizard's robe?
07-09-2013, 12:09 AM
Does every armor have its + version? if not , what kind of armor have + version?
Is it true that for all craftable armor, the + version is unlocked by leveling up the regular one to a certain lvl?
More over, is the big 4 better than some super rare armors like monk's vestments or steam wizard's robe?
Yes, all armors have a +version. No, you unlock the option to craft the armor in the armory after leveling the armor to a certain level. That means that you would need to craft or once again to get the +version.
Yes they are.
07-09-2013, 12:22 AM
Yes, all armors have a +version. No, you unlock the option to craft the armor in the armory after leveling the armor to a certain level. That means that you would need to craft or once again to get the +version.
Yes they are.
You Sir, really have an epic amount of patience.
Yes, all armors have a +version. No, you unlock the option to craft the armor in the armory after leveling the armor to a certain level. That means that you would need to craft or once again to get the +version.
Yes they are.
You Sir, really have an epic amount of patience.
I'm not so sure that qualifies as epic, but...
It is a very welcome sight, indeed, to see such a straight forward and helpful answer on the forum again.
Thanks, deathexe, for taking the time to help someone out, who hasn't figured it all out yet, in a manner that restored a bit of my faith in this forum. I tip my hat to you, sir.
07-09-2013, 12:41 AM
What is so special about the Spectacular Cape, does it give certain stats? thanks!
07-09-2013, 12:42 AM
What is so special about the Spectacular Cape, does it give certain stats? thanks!
No, just for aesthetic purposes.
07-09-2013, 12:43 AM
I'm not so sure that qualifies as epic, but...
It is a very welcome sight, indeed, to see such a straight forward and helpful answer on the forum again.
Thanks, deathexe, for taking the time to help someone out, who hasn't figured it all out yet, in a manner that restored a bit of my faith in this forum. I tip my hat to you, sir.
Haha thanks, it's nice to know that I'm of some help :)
07-09-2013, 02:20 AM
I'm not so sure that qualifies as epic, but...
It is a very welcome sight, indeed, to see such a straight forward and helpful answer on the forum again.
Thanks, deathexe, for taking the time to help someone out, who hasn't figured it all out yet, in a manner that restored a bit of my faith in this forum. I tip my hat to you, sir.
Oh but it is epic. Not only is he here answering such questions everyday (when the can easily be found with a little effort) but he is also tirelessly answering questions of similiar nature on Line where we have a little community going. I try to help wherever i can but it does get tiring sometimes seeing people asking the same thing over and over.
07-09-2013, 03:29 AM
what happens if i craft exceeds the number of armour limits? example : 61/60
or im already at my limit 60/60 but after arena event, i earn like 3 more armours (that will be 63/60)
what happens to the 3? do i get it still? (becomes 63/60)
thanks in advance!
07-09-2013, 03:36 AM
what happens if i craft exceeds the number of armour limits? example : 61/60
or im already at my limit 60/60 but after arena event, i earn like 3 more armours (that will be 63/60)
what happens to the 3? do i get it still? (becomes 63/60)
thanks in advance!
You get any armors regardless, so you can still get rewards and armors from DPCs. However, you can't craft anymore armors until you have free slots.
07-09-2013, 03:47 AM
You get any armors regardless, so you can still get rewards and armors from DPCs. However, you can't craft anymore armors until you have free slots.
oo cool thanks! finally got it off my chest hahaha. been wondering that since that 1 arena event where 1st place gets 100 armours(if i remb correctly) how the hell he stores them...
kk once again thanks~ :)!
07-09-2013, 03:48 AM
there are some armor cannot be craft isnt it?
then how do you get the + version??
only by chest? thats the only way?
very curious
07-09-2013, 03:52 AM
there are some armor cannot be craft isnt it?
then how do you get the + version??
only by chest? thats the only way?
very curious
Yes, that is the only way.
07-09-2013, 03:52 AM
there are some armor cannot be craft isnt it?
then how do you get the + version??
only by chest? thats the only way?
very curious
The +version of armors that can't be crafted can only be gotten from the dpc.
07-09-2013, 04:48 AM
Yes, that is the only way.
thanks for all the reply, how about fusion boost armor, they are better use in combine or enchance?
07-09-2013, 04:50 AM
Got some trouble finishing of "The More the Merier" quest. It looks buggy to me, since some friends entered my code as well. Is it a bug in the Android version, or do I not understand it correctly...
"Earn rewards when friends enter YOUR friend code after completing their tutorial!"
07-09-2013, 04:51 AM
thanks for all the reply, how about fusion boost armor, they are better use in combine or enchance?
When used as an enhancer it gives 180ep for matching one element and 150 for no matching element.
Got some trouble finishing of "The More the Merier" quest. It looks buggy to me, since some friends entered my code as well. Is it a bug in the Android version, or do I not understand it correctly...
"Earn rewards when friends enter YOUR friend code after completing their tutorial!"
You complete this by having new players finish the tutorial and enter your code as a referral.
07-09-2013, 04:58 AM
You complete this by having new players finish the tutorial and enter your code as a referral.
Thanks, explains a lot...Makes it hard(er) to complete the quest.
07-09-2013, 06:56 AM
Yes, all armors have a +version. No, you unlock the option to craft the armor in the armory after leveling the armor to a certain level. That means that you would need to craft or once again to get the +version.
Yes they are.
thanks a lot!
And what about the regular event boss armors, like Eurus armor?
Are they better than big 4 and worth leveling up?
I don't think i can have enough materiel to get Eurus+ but i may get a regular one..
07-09-2013, 07:13 AM
Got some trouble finishing of "The More the Merier" quest. It looks buggy to me, since some friends entered my code as well. Is it a bug in the Android version, or do I not understand it correctly...
"Earn rewards when friends enter YOUR friend code after completing their tutorial!"
Many people are confused about that one. They don't get that it means other people entering their code as the first one. (and within 24 hour of them completing the tutorial IIRC)
Lots of people think that either them entering friend codes or others entering their codes as second or higher will get them referral awards...
07-09-2013, 08:17 AM
Im not sure when to save for the 500k+ castle expansions. Since i can only put one training field in them, i cant imagine thats worth it at all.
I currently got 7 TFs, 6 upgraded to lvl 2, one upgraded to lvl 3. That 500k investment would need over two weeks just to repay the costs.
07-09-2013, 08:22 AM
Im not sure when to save for the 500k+ castle expansions. Since i can only put one training field in them, i cant imagine thats worth it at all.
I currently got 7 TFs, 6 upgraded to lvl 2, one upgraded to lvl 3. That 500k investment would need over two weeks just to repay the costs.
Opening up a slot in your kingdom should definitely be a priority. Having all the kingdom slots opened with training fields will prove to be extremely useful in the long run.
07-09-2013, 08:23 AM
Im not sure when to save for the 500k+ castle expansions. Since i can only put one training field in them, i cant imagine thats worth it at all.
I currently got 7 TFs, 6 upgraded to lvl 2, one upgraded to lvl 3. That 500k investment would need over two weeks just to repay the costs.
Don't look at it short term. If you're planning in playing it for awhile unlocking all slots pays off in the long run.
07-09-2013, 08:23 AM
Im not sure when to save for the 500k+ castle expansions. Since i can only put one training field in them, i cant imagine thats worth it at all.
I currently got 7 TFs, 6 upgraded to lvl 2, one upgraded to lvl 3. That 500k investment would need over two weeks just to repay the costs.
Each expansion opens up 4 small slots although graphically it shows 2
I was literally about to ask if the color of the flags signified the opening of the expansions all together... And here you all are already have a little discussion about it haha
07-09-2013, 09:16 AM
Each expansion opens up 4 small slots although graphically it shows 2
Huh? that doesn't match up with the google docs spreadsheet's "With 1 Arena, 1 Armorsmith, 1 Fusion Master, and 1 Chest you will have 14 double spots and 1 single spot, OR 29 single spots."...
4 2x2 slots + 6 2x1 slots + 1 1x1 slot == 16 + 12 + 1 = 29 single spots or 8 + 6 = 14 locations for Training Fields.
07-09-2013, 09:23 AM
There's 15 double slots not counting arena and the fusion master. 1 single slot not counting the chance chest slot.
You can sell everything else except those 3.
07-09-2013, 09:59 AM
I've read through quite a bit of this and it has really helped my Game! Thanks to everyone here that takes the time to answer questions. :) I'm really at a loss as to how to get my post count up now. :p
07-09-2013, 10:09 AM
Huh? that doesn't match up with the google docs spreadsheet's "With 1 Arena, 1 Armorsmith, 1 Fusion Master, and 1 Chest you will have 14 double spots and 1 single spot, OR 29 single spots."...
4 2x2 slots + 6 2x1 slots + 1 1x1 slot == 16 + 12 + 1 = 29 single spots or 8 + 6 = 14 locations for Training Fields.
What I interpreted from gexstar's post is he thinks the remaining expansions are 2 slot ones. He prolly opened all the 4 slots already. My assumption is his remaining slots are 6x2 slot expansions. And I'm letting him know that when he opens the next slot he will in fact open up 2 of those instead of 1. Which I assume is his concern. He's got 3 more expansions to go. The current one costing 500k and the remaining 2 costing 1m and 2m respectively.
07-09-2013, 10:20 AM
Ah, the game is not very good at communicating that "1 expansion" is either "1 2x2" or "2 1x2" (not just 1) and you didn't make it very clear the first time either... ;-P
(I interpreted "Each expansion opens up 4 small slots although graphically it shows 2" as you saying it looking 1x2 but fitting 2x2, while you actually meant 2 plots of land)
07-09-2013, 10:48 AM
hey i need help on android, is here anybody with eurus nemesis, im level 55
07-09-2013, 11:13 AM
I'm only lvl 32 and now on 14th Eurus.
So I only able to craft the regular version of Eurus armor before the event ends, maybe with some gems spent...
Just wonder is it worth upgraded if I can not get the + version?
Is the regular Eurus armor better than big 4?
What should I do? Go get and upgrade one regular Eurus armor, or proceed on big 4?
Thx for any advise!!
07-09-2013, 11:18 AM
I'm only lvl 32 and now on 14th Eurus.
So I only able to craft the regular version of Eurus armor before the event ends, maybe with some gems spent...
Just wonder is it worth upgraded if I can not get the + version?
Is the regular Eurus armor better than big 4?
What should I do? Go get and upgrade one regular Eurus armor, or proceed on big 4?
Thx for any advise!!
Big four then bigger four. :)
07-09-2013, 11:23 AM
I got error code 100012 when I was trying to open my knights and dragons app on my iPod. It says I have network connection issues but our wifi and everything works one with everything else like YouTube for example. I just wanna play again man, is there anyone who knows how to fix the issue? Please help. I have alrdy restarted my iPod and reinstalled the app. Still not working tho, thank u anyone who can help.
07-09-2013, 11:57 AM
Im playing this game on my Samsung galaxy s3 mini.
For about 3days K&D lags on my phone extremely...
If i tap on a stage it lafs about 30seconds. That's very annoying.
If u go to my friend list i lags too. Someone has the same problem or a solution???
I already send a ticket to support.
07-09-2013, 12:02 PM
Im playing this game on my Samsung galaxy s3 mini.
For about 3days K&D lags on my phone extremely...
If i tap on a stage it lafs about 30seconds. That's very annoying.
If u go to my friend list i lags too. Someone has the same problem or a solution???
I already send a ticket to support.
Can't help sorry.
You'd need someone more technically gifted for that. Or you can wait for gree's response.
07-09-2013, 12:04 PM
Can't help sorry.
You'd need someone more technically gifted for that. Or you can wait for gree's response.
Maybe here is someone technically gifted :)
07-09-2013, 12:21 PM
From what I've read and experienced, friends list is a bit laggy for everyone on Android.
About those big lags: maybe clearing cache could help? (settings -> apps -> Knights and Dragons -> clear cache (note: do not clear data!))
07-09-2013, 12:23 PM
From what I've read and experienced, friends list is a bit laggy for everyone on Android.
About those big lags: maybe clearing cache could help? (settings -> apps -> Knights and Dragons -> clear cache (note: do not clear data!))
What happens when you clear data?
07-09-2013, 12:43 PM
I already cleared my cash.
but what happens when u clear data?
07-09-2013, 02:02 PM
What happens when you clear data?
Not sure. Just relaying what I read here on the forum.
My guess is it's all the progress that hasn't been comitted to the server, all updates etc. , so clearing that would probably get you to the same state as an uninstall and re-install.</speculation>
07-09-2013, 02:39 PM
Im playing this game on my Samsung galaxy s3 mini.
For about 3days K&D lags on my phone extremely...
If i tap on a stage it lafs about 30seconds. That's very annoying.
If u go to my friend list i lags too. Someone has the same problem or a solution???
I already send a ticket to support.
The friends list is super buggy on android. The more friends you get, the laggier it will be. Until this gets fixed the only thing you can do is reduce the number of friends.
Nero rage
07-09-2013, 02:54 PM
To farm comps for armors is better to farm normal or epic dungeons?
07-09-2013, 02:58 PM
The friends list is super buggy on android. The more friends you get, the laggier it will be. Until this gets fixed the only thing you can do is reduce the number of friends.
Yeah i understand.
But the bigger Problem is that everytime i start a battle on a stage the game lags.
The music dont stop! But i cant tap on anything for about 30 seconds.
If i want to farm it takes so much time to wait till the game stops to lag...
07-09-2013, 02:59 PM
if u just need the rare materials, go epic i'd say.
if you need both materials, go normal.
Nero rage
07-09-2013, 03:05 PM
Wanting to craft infernal lord so gonna go for epic
07-09-2013, 03:11 PM
To farm comps for armors is better to farm normal or epic dungeons?
It depends on the area, how much time you have to spend, and how tough your knights are. Farm at the highest level you can without running out of health before you run out of time to farm. You'll get the best drop rate (and the most exp) that way.
07-09-2013, 04:48 PM
I just fused ruby platemail ****, what should i fuse with or fuse for?
07-09-2013, 06:00 PM
I just fused ruby platemail ****, what should i fuse with or fuse for?
I would mess with that one, a four star mono... If you fuse it to anything else you may end up getting a living flame... Either use it, or use for enhancing..
07-09-2013, 08:48 PM
I would mess with that one, a four star mono... If you fuse it to anything else you may end up getting a living flame... Either use it, or use for enhancing..
Beth linked an image on the wiki about the fact that it looks like Legendary + Legendary seemingly might no longer have the possibility of producing a Rare:
07-10-2013, 02:19 AM
Beth linked an image on the wiki about the fact that it looks like Legendary + Legendary seemingly might no longer have the possibility of producing a Rare:
If thats true then... However since as said gree and details dont go in the same sentence and plus the fact that my every 3 star and 4 star fusion mess-up resulted in rares garbage... I couldnt suggest otherwise.. But even so, trading off 2 four star into one, that wont be a plus either doesnt seem like a good idea, i belive its better to use for enhancing unless you dont really need those 4 star,
07-10-2013, 03:33 AM
Hi, anybody has some datasheet for the EP cost per level? There is data available for common/uncommon armor, but I cannot find any for rare armor. Please help.
Thanks in advance!
07-10-2013, 06:49 AM
Hi, anybody has some datasheet for the EP cost per level? There is data available for common/uncommon armor, but I cannot find any for rare armor. Please help.
Thanks in advance!
Found this spreadsheet in the Forum, which answered my question: Gc#gid=4
07-10-2013, 10:04 AM
It looks like i will be able to get the + Version of Euros since im in the top 25 of the damage boards.
Im lvl 70 atm and got HH+,AA+, Crius+ maxed. LF+ at 32.
The question is, should i get that eurus+ to lvl 70 ? Or rather wait for some of the other boss armors and try to get those to 70 if they are better ? Chances might be that i wont be able to get them in the + version though, since the only chance on android is getting them via damage leaderboards top 25.
07-10-2013, 10:12 AM
can someone tell me the GMT time for this game? Thank you so much ~
07-10-2013, 10:18 AM
07-10-2013, 10:51 AM
Just out of curiosity, is it likely for a lvl 8x with only maxed big four to be able to get to the point where he could collect enough mats for the plus version of the boss armor?
07-10-2013, 11:17 AM
Just out of curiosity, is it likely for a lvl 8x with only maxed big four to be able to get to the point where he could collect enough mats for the plus version of the boss armor?
I dont think so, but im no expert on the topic.
07-10-2013, 11:25 AM
Just out of curiosity, is it likely for a lvl 8x with only maxed big four to be able to get to the point where he could collect enough mats for the plus version of the boss armor?
Only if you spend a lot of gems on it.
07-10-2013, 11:53 AM
How come a legendary armor (Steampowered Exoskeleton) is much weaker than a rare armor (Atlantic Avenger)? Just does not make much sense to me
07-10-2013, 12:24 PM
It looks like i will be able to get the + Version of Euros since im in the top 25 of the damage boards.
Im lvl 70 atm and got HH+,AA+, Crius+ maxed. LF+ at 32.
The question is, should i get that eurus+ to lvl 70 ? Or rather wait for some of the other boss armors and try to get those to 70 if they are better ? Chances might be that i wont be able to get them in the + version though, since the only chance on android is getting them via damage leaderboards top 25.
Oh and what happens if i got two strong elements vs a boss. Do i get even more bonus damage ?
07-10-2013, 12:29 PM
How come a legendary armor (Steampowered Exoskeleton) is much weaker than a rare armor (Atlantic Avenger)? Just does not make much sense to me
You and everyone else.
Oh and what happens if i got two strong elements vs a boss. Do i get even more bonus damage ?
07-10-2013, 12:44 PM
It looks like i will be able to get the + Version of Euros since im in the top 25 of the damage boards.
Im lvl 70 atm and got HH+,AA+, Crius+ maxed. LF+ at 32.
The question is, should i get that eurus+ to lvl 70 ? Or rather wait for some of the other boss armors and try to get those to 70 if they are better ? Chances might be that i wont be able to get them in the + version though, since the only chance on android is getting them via damage leaderboards top 25.
My impression from reading the forum is that if you want the Bkal+, then you probably won't have the resources to level any of the dragon "plus" armors beyond level 1, since you'll be funneling all your resources for the next month into 4 times 'crafting the non-plus dragon armor, leveling it to 35 and then crafting the "plus" dragon armor'...
A question of my own: I've read a few times about people having a few dozen chest keys stockpiled. Is there any other advantage to stockpiling keys vs. using them right away than the resulting armors not cluttering up armor slots you could use for crafting?
07-10-2013, 12:55 PM
Anyone here that can give me an estimation on how much EP is needed to level a legendary boss armor to lvl35? In order to craft the +version of it
07-10-2013, 01:07 PM
Anyone here that can give me an estimation on how much EP is needed to level a legendary boss armor to lvl35? In order to craft the +version of it
1660 ep is needed. theres a datasheet about it somewhere, someone link it pls ? ^^
07-10-2013, 01:11 PM
1660 ep is needed. theres a datasheet about it somewhere, someone link it pls ? ^^ Gc#gid=4
07-10-2013, 01:15 PM
Cheers guys, was looking for this one a long time.
You saved my day:D
07-10-2013, 01:47 PM
My impression from reading the forum is that if you want the Bkal+, then you probably won't have the resources to level any of the dragon "plus" armors beyond level 1, since you'll be funneling all your resources for the next month into 4 times 'crafting the non-plus dragon armor, leveling it to 35 and then crafting the "plus" dragon armor'...
A question of my own: I've read a few times about people having a few dozen chest keys stockpiled. Is there any other advantage to stockpiling keys vs. using them right away than the resulting armors not cluttering up armor slots you could use for crafting?
I got no chance of getting BK+ to be honest. I am no where near beating lvl 43, im only getting + versions if im lucky enough to do leaderboards top 25. But since you need to have the + version of the last dragon before the event ends and the rewards for the event come after said event finishes, it doesnt work for me. :)
So i guess ill just max that Eurus+ and if i get it and if i get another boss armor in + version ill max that too if its good.:D
07-10-2013, 01:52 PM
Is it possible, by chance and luck, to fuse a legendary or a caleidoscop armor? Maybe aegis of the dragon?
07-10-2013, 01:56 PM
I apologize before hand for this dumb question, but i am still not understanding the best way to enhancement process. Am i supposed to be using 4 Snakeskin armors to level up my armor? Or am i supposed to fuse them first?
07-10-2013, 02:00 PM
Hello everyone, new at the game (lvl 11) :). My question is what is the best way for me to get gold? I read that i should invest in fountains and get guard towers at night. I also read that the catherdrals were better then guard towers. Any input?
Also feel free to add me WBB-NYP-WBM :D:D
07-10-2013, 02:09 PM
I got no chance of getting BK+ to be honest. I am no where near beating lvl 43, im only getting + versions if im lucky enough to do leaderboards top 25. But since you need to have the + version of the last dragon before the event ends and the rewards for the event come after said event finishes, it doesnt work for me. :)
The rules were just updated:
You have until a week after the end of the 4th dragon to craft any/all of the 4 armors to qualify for the reward. Meaning the first armor set will have to be complete by the end of the grace period after the fourth dragon to qualify.
So you can get it with 4 "top 25" finishes...
07-10-2013, 02:11 PM
Hello everyone, new at the game (lvl 11) :). My question is what is the best way for me to get gold? I read that i should invest in fountains and get guard towers at night. I also read that the catherdrals were better then guard towers. Any input?
Also feel free to add me WBB-NYP-WBM :D:D
Use fountains and check all day until you get enough gold to start buying training grounds. Replace the fountains at night with guard towers and then buy fountains again in the morning.
07-10-2013, 02:13 PM
Ah, they updated it again. Thanks for the info, didnt notice.
They should really think about getting their facts straight and providing enough information before releasing events like this.
07-10-2013, 02:54 PM
I managed to kill the lvl 15 dragon so I can now craft that armor.
You guys think t's worth doing it ?
Feels pretty expensive for 200k
I managed to kill the lvl 15 dragon so I can now craft that armor.
You guys think t's worth doing it ?
Feels pretty expensive for 200k
Unless you want the cape really badly it's not worth to craft the armor if you can't get the + version.
07-10-2013, 03:25 PM
if you struggle to kill level 15 and 200k feels too expensive, it is
wait until you did your 1,000,000 gold expansion or even the final one, upgrade all your training fields, cap big 4 and then consider leveling a 4* legendary
edit: also, yeah +version only as Sir. said
07-10-2013, 03:31 PM
Use fountains and check all day until you get enough gold to start buying training grounds. Replace the fountains at night with guard towers and then buy fountains again in the morning.
Thank you! I will start doing this. If I don't plan to check my phone every couple minutes and check it every other hour, would guard towers be a better option then fountains?
07-10-2013, 03:34 PM
Thank you! I will start doing this. If I don't plan to check my phone every couple minutes and check it every other hour, would guard towers be a better option then fountains?
Hmm, then I'd probably go with either cathedrals or Taverns. Not sure which one though since taverns have a high initial cost. Fountains are only good if you can check a lot. Guard towers build gold very slowly.
07-10-2013, 03:35 PM
if you struggle to kill level 15 and 200k feels too expensive, it is
wait until you did your 1,000,000 gold expansion or even the final one, upgrade all your training fields, cap big 4 and then consider leveling a 4* legendary
edit: also, yeah +version only as Sir. said
I at boss lvl 23 atm, will get the + version from leaderboards and 3/4 of the big ones maxed. But i dont even have the 500k expansion yet... how would you have all the castle expansions before you get lvl 80 or 90+ ? I dont think i will push another 1,5-2,5 mio gold into castle expansions before upgrading more armors, my armorsmirth would be useless for 2 weeks.
07-10-2013, 03:37 PM
Hmm, then I'd probably go with either cathedrals or Taverns. Not sure which one though since taverns have a high initial cost. Fountains are only good if you can check a lot. Guard towers build gold very slowly.
Thanks for the clarification.
My next questions is that what are the top 3 things I should focus on being a beginner? I am only level 12. Should I focus on leveling up and crafting new armor?
07-10-2013, 03:39 PM
Training Grounds are your first priority. After that you can either focus on getting all the castle expansions or enhancing the big 4. Don't start enhancing level 70 armors without all the castle expansions though.
07-10-2013, 03:43 PM
Thanks for the clarification.
My next questions is that what are the top 3 things I should focus on being a beginner? I am only level 12. Should I focus on leveling up and crafting new armor?
Reading some of the sticky posts here on the forum should provide some nice help.
07-10-2013, 03:44 PM
Training Grounds are your first priority. After that you can either focus on getting all the castle expansions or enhancing the big 4. Don't start enhancing level 70 armors without all the castle expansions though.
Not having to worry about Gold is a plus in this game. Anything that alleviate stressors is a great thing. Plus knowing that you will always have the $$ to enhance is a a great thing
07-10-2013, 03:50 PM
Training Grounds are your first priority. After that you can either focus on getting all the castle expansions or enhancing the big 4. Don't start enhancing level 70 armors without all the castle expansions though.
Once again, what do you guys expect me to do with my Armossmiths while im saving up for getting all the castle expansions ? Big four are maxed in a few days, one or two days later i will be full with snakeskins. Saving for the expansions takes a week or so of not spending any gold. :D
07-10-2013, 03:56 PM
I at boss lvl 23 atm, will get the + version from leaderboards and 3/4 of the big ones maxed. But i dont even have the 500k expansion yet... how would you have all the castle expansions before you get lvl 80 or 90+ ? I dont think i will push another 1,5-2,5 mio gold into castle expansions before upgrading more armors, my armorsmirth would be useless for 2 weeks.
Well, I just collected together the funds for my 500K expansion in 2 1/2 days. My Armorsmith kept decently busy crafting cheap-ish stuff, it's just that my Fusion Master didn't slap any of it onto my Big Four... Kept myself busy questing and farming (yarrr, the pirate is trolling me with Typhoon Gems instead of Beard Hairs... :( ) and now have 14 Snakeskins in store waiting to see what elements the next boss will have, so I know which of the other Big Four I should max next.
07-10-2013, 03:57 PM
Once again, what do you guys expect me to do with my Armossmiths while im saving up for getting all the castle expansions ? Big four are maxed in a few days, one or two days later i will be full with snakeskins. Saving for the expansions takes a week or so of not spending any gold. :D
I just finished this whole process(yesterday actually :p). My first week was dedicated to getting training grounds. My second week was maxing the Big 4. The third week was saving to get my expansions. Now I'm all done and currently crafting Eurus+ to enhance. It's all about getting a good foundation to build on.
Nate R
07-10-2013, 11:44 PM
Hey guys!
I am pretty new to Knights and Dragons, but have found a lot of help from this forum and particularly this thread.
I have been working on an excel spreadsheet that allows you to simulate an unlimited variety of armor enhancement strategies using every variable in the game. It even tells you how long it will take you to save the money to pay for upgrading armors and allows you to compare between different strategies.
I was just wondering if anyone would be interested in something like this because I have seen a lot of arguments and "research" about the most efficient means of leveling armor. Here's a picture of what the results look like: (
07-10-2013, 11:50 PM
Looks very interesting but it may get pretty tricky once you consider the actual farming times/difficulties of certain materials and the fact that fusion stones aren't unlimited!
Nate R
07-11-2013, 12:42 AM
It only looks at active game time, so it would be up to any given player to determine how much time they want to spend playing every week... as long as you keep the gold flowing and the armor crafting, the time given is correct.
As for fusion stones, it is only for people who have a ton or for people who just want to know how helpful they can be. I wanted to make sure the spreadsheet considers every relevant variable and fusion stones are certainly on that list.
07-11-2013, 03:08 AM
In case my question got looked over, since I combined it into 1 post with an answer...:
I've read a few times about people having a few dozen chest keys stockpiled. Is there any other advantage to stockpiling keys vs. using them right away than the resulting armors not cluttering up armor slots you could use for crafting?
I'm having serious issues. I just bought a new phone and I can't figure out how to transfer my knights to my new phone. I've done just about everything I can think of. It's trying to make me start of and I don't want to! Please somebody help
07-11-2013, 01:21 PM
In case my question got looked over, since I combined it into 1 post with an answer...:
I've read a few times about people having a few dozen chest keys stockpiled. Is there any other advantage to stockpiling keys vs. using them right away than the resulting armors not cluttering up armor slots you could use for crafting?
There is not. You do not get an 11-for-10 discount from keys that you would from gems.
07-11-2013, 01:53 PM
I'm having serious issues. I just bought a new phone and I can't figure out how to transfer my knights to my new phone. I've done just about everything I can think of. It's trying to make me start of and I don't want to! Please somebody help
Your account is locked to your device. You'll have to contact Gree support to have them transfer the account.
07-11-2013, 02:47 PM
This might b dumb but in the DPC thats up now are the only armors u will get ultra rare and legendary or are your changes just better of getting those would like to know b4 I spend 40 bucks and end up with a bunch of rare armors
07-11-2013, 02:57 PM
Improved chances of legendary but you're still likely to get a fistful of junk.
ETA I got a bunch of gems through offers today and wasted them on the dpc offer. Results: vinewood, embersteel, snakeskin.
07-11-2013, 03:09 PM
07-11-2013, 03:53 PM
Had a feeling. I almost bought 20 chests but I thought let me ask first b4 I do this. Ill just wait ill they bring in another july 4th type chest. Do they ever do 40% off gems?
07-11-2013, 04:09 PM
Potions: is there ever a tactical use for them or are they just a "don't want to wait for the knights to heal on their own, don't want to grind for a levelup-heal" thing? (got 8 of them doing nothing in my inventory)
Potions: is there ever a tactical use for them or are they just a "don't want to wait for the knights to heal on their own, don't want to grind for a levelup-heal" thing? (got 8 of them doing nothing in my inventory)
I don't think there is a tactical use as you cannot heal knights mid-stage. I have 6 or seven myself and never use them. I think you're right on with the "don't want to wait for knights to heal."
07-11-2013, 04:53 PM
Sorry for the repost but just want to make sure i am doing things right.
I apologize before hand for this dumb question, but i am still not understanding the best way to enhancement process. Am i supposed to be using 4 Snakeskin armors to level up my armor? Or am i supposed to fuse them first? I am still not understanding the whole EP bit. I am only lvl 40. I promise i have read through all the posts, i am just not understanding it.
07-11-2013, 04:54 PM
I've used a few potions. When you're a little bit away from the next level, pop a few onto your main knight and then level up. You'll save an hour or two of waiting for your hp to come back. But there's not much use for them in general.
07-11-2013, 04:58 PM
yeah I used like 12 to fill up my knights to hit 100
07-11-2013, 05:42 PM
Sorry for the repost but just want to make sure i am doing things right.
I apologize before hand for this dumb question, but i am still not understanding the best way to enhancement process. Am i supposed to be using 4 Snakeskin armors to level up my armor? Or am i supposed to fuse them first? I am still not understanding the whole EP bit. I am only lvl 40. I promise i have read through all the posts, i am just not understanding it.
there will be a better answer than mine will, but i'd just like to share my method of enhancing:
lvl 1-10 : basic matching element
lvl 11-20 : uncommon matching element
lvl 20 and above : snakeskin armors [20 points for matching element and 24(?) for matching]
sometimes for lvls 20 and above i use uncommon armors to enhance as well (given i level them up first to lvl 19)
im not really very technical (maybe its why i kinda "waste" gold) when it comes to enhancing.
[There's a detailed guide on enhancement on 600RR's FAQ Breakdown post, a link is in my sig.]
07-11-2013, 05:49 PM
Just started the game, level 17. Should I be crafting some of the big 4 armor now? Which armor should I make first? I believe I have all the items required to make them.
07-11-2013, 05:53 PM
Get your 80k expansion and all of your Training Grounds before enhancing armor. It will make your life much easier once you do ;).
07-11-2013, 06:06 PM
Get your 80k expansion and all of your Training Grounds before enhancing armor. It will make your life much easier once you do ;).
So I should unlock all the land in my castle and fill them up all with training grounds first? Sounds like thats gonna take a while but I'll do that!
Right now i'm having a hard time staying alive in pvp and even against the monsters. What armor should I be using at this stage? The 3 armors my knights are using right now is monk's vestments, asura armor, and steam wizard. Should I craft something better or upgrade these?
07-11-2013, 06:11 PM
So I should unlock all the land in my castle and fill them up all with training grounds first? Sounds like thats gonna take a while but I'll do that!
Right now i'm having a hard time staying alive in pvp and even against the monsters. What armor should I be using at this stage? The 3 armors my knights are using right now is monk's vestments, asura armor, and steam wizard. Should I craft something better or upgrade these?
Just use whatever is best. It's in your best interest to get a good foundation(gold producing buildings) first, or else you'll fall behind later. After that, you can worry about some armors.
07-11-2013, 06:19 PM
Just use whatever is best. It's in your best interest to get a good foundation(gold producing buildings) first, or else you'll fall behind later. After that, you can worry about some armors.
Thank you unresolved :D.
One last question, right now I have 44k. Should I build up a training ground or save up till 80k so I can expand more land? Is it better to have more land so I can have more fountains? Or slowly sell my remaining fountains to put up training grounds and once I have filled up all my land with training grounds, I would buy the land expansions?
07-11-2013, 06:21 PM
If your got ****loads of time, you dont need training grounds. Fountauns make roughly the same money...
If you cant login every 5-10 minutes, go for training grounds early.
07-11-2013, 06:21 PM
Thank you unresolved :D.
One last question, right now I have 44k. Should I build up a training ground or save up till 80k so I can expand more land? Is it better to have more land so I can have more fountains? Or slowly sell my remaining fountains to put up training grounds and once I have filled up all my land with training grounds, I would buy the land expansions?
I'd save up for the 80k expansion and put fountains on that. Fountains actually produce more gold than Training Grounds, but no one wants to use them long-term :p. Don't forget to upgrade all fountains to level 2. Then get Training Grounds as soon as possible.
07-11-2013, 10:35 PM
Ok here is my question, lets say I got a monks vestment from a chest and then unlock the + armor, on my next chest if by chance I get another monks vestment will it be the + version?
07-11-2013, 10:36 PM
Ok here is my question, lets say I got a monks vestment from a chest and then unlock the + armor, on my next chest if by chance I get another monks vestment will it be the + version?
Nope, it'll be random.
07-11-2013, 10:59 PM
Clayplate mantle is craftable? it says fusion results, mean if use related element, there is a chance on getting it?
07-11-2013, 11:05 PM
Clayplate mantle is craftable? it says fusion results, mean if use related element, there is a chance on getting it?
yup! chance is low, real low, but if u get lucky, then hats off to you mate!
07-12-2013, 12:19 AM
For should the crystals be used for? Since I am new and don't know what to do with them.
07-12-2013, 12:24 AM
For should the crystals be used for? Since I am new and don't know what to do with them.
You're talking about gems, right? Save them and upgrade your training grounds.
07-12-2013, 12:26 AM
You're talking about gems, right? Save them and upgrade your training grounds.
Thank you for the reply.
07-12-2013, 02:35 AM
I am now lv47, maxed cirus+ and atlantean avenger+ and is now working on maxing hydra+ and living flame+. After maxing all the big four, what armour should I pursue? btw, I am now in misty marsh, how hard is unlocking all the map (and get the dark prince armour)?
PS: I'm android user and have already unlocked all the castle expansion.
07-12-2013, 02:43 AM
I am now lv47, maxed cirus+ and atlantean avenger+ and is now working on maxing hydra+ and living flame+. After maxing all the big four, what armour should I pursue? btw, I am now in misty marsh, how hard is unlocking all the map (and get the dark prince armour)?
PS: I'm android user and have already unlocked all the castle expansion.
swamp shaman+
07-12-2013, 03:13 AM
swamp shaman+
when should I start considering epic boss armour?
Assume I have the armour with the right elements and with friends who have similar stats, how strong should the armour be so that I can stand a chance getting enough material for +version?
07-12-2013, 05:28 AM
when should I start considering epic boss armour?
Assume I have the armour with the right elements and with friends who have similar stats, how strong should the armour be so that I can stand a chance getting enough material for +version?
With the new generation bosses (higher attack then the old generation) i would say when you are level 8x and when you have a couple of lvl 70 armors + version maxed.
At 86 i still have to spend 10 gems to hit 43. You can go ahead and try the epic boss for kicks and giggles and get to 15, but dont bother leveling the regular version.
07-12-2013, 05:36 AM
With the new generation bosses (higher attack then the old generation) i would say when you are level 8x and when you have a couple of lvl 70 armors + version maxed.
At 86 i still have to spend 10 gems to hit 43. You can go ahead and try the epic boss for kicks and giggles and get to 15, but dont bother leveling the regular version.
for the lv70 armours, u mean those 3 stars like infernal and swamp shaman?
07-12-2013, 05:44 AM
for the lv70 armours, u mean those 3 stars like infernal and swamp shaman?
Yep, The bigger 4 available from story mode; Swamp Shaman, Rockfeather, Infernal Lord and Dark Prince. Those are all in order of which you will encounter them. At least get the Swamp Shaman maxed first, that will help a lot.
07-12-2013, 05:59 AM
I have two questions. The first, is why i have confirmed my email like weeks ago, and i cant start a thread?
The second, have the nemesis armor different looks like other 30 armors?
07-12-2013, 06:15 AM
I had made a purchase on gems but I did not receive after successful payment. how can I restore my purchase? I am an android user.
07-12-2013, 06:38 AM
I have two questions. The first, is why i have confirmed my email like weeks ago, and i cant start a thread?
You need 10 posts first.
I had made a purchase on gems but I did not receive after successful payment. how can I restore my purchase? I am an android user.
Send Gree support a ticket.
07-12-2013, 06:40 AM
All is in the title, no more gem after watching a video offer. I just watch 15 videos and recieve nothing. :(
07-12-2013, 07:12 AM
Alternative material drops from location bosses, is there any use for them?
- Ghostbeard also drops Typhoon Gems
- Swamp Kraken also drops Hydra Scales
And I guess further on such things also happen.
Those are more expensive to craft from than Snakeskin Leather for the same amount of EP, so is there ever any reason to use them other than if a quest later asks for it? (if they were "uncommon armor" type of drops instead of "rare armor" ones, at least they'd be useful. Just an oversight on Gree/Iugo's part?)
07-12-2013, 07:39 AM
Is there some place to see picture of fusion armors and what you need to make them? Aside from the post of fusion armor results? Its kind of hard to keep track of armors there D:
07-12-2013, 07:42 AM
Is there some place to see picture of fusion armors and what you need to make them? Aside from the post of fusion armor results? Its kind of hard to keep track of armors there D:
There aren't any definite results and it's all based on luck. All you need to know is to use the correct elements to get the armor you want and that the higher the rarity of the two armor you're fusing, the better the possible outcome.
07-12-2013, 07:52 AM
there will be a better answer than mine will, but i'd just like to share my method of enhancing:
lvl 1-10 : basic matching element
lvl 11-20 : uncommon matching element
lvl 20 and above : snakeskin armors [20 points for matching element and 24(?) for matching]
sometimes for lvls 20 and above i use uncommon armors to enhance as well (given i level them up first to lvl 19)
im not really very technical (maybe its why i kinda "waste" gold) when it comes to enhancing.
[There's a detailed guide on enhancement on 600RR's FAQ Breakdown post, a link is in my sig.]
Thank you Warchicken it has helped alot.
07-12-2013, 08:01 AM
I have two questions. The first, is why i have confirmed my email like weeks ago, and i cant start a thread?
The second, have the nemesis armor different looks like other 30 armors?
Thank for the first answer, but have nemesis look changes at some levels? Like stonescale platemail or seafoam armor.
07-12-2013, 08:03 AM
Thank for the first answer, but have nemesis look changes at some levels? Like stonescale platemail or seafoam armor.
No, nemesis has the same look throughout the 30 levels.
07-12-2013, 09:32 AM
Is it good to keep the old Nemesis armors? Will those particular epic bosses be rehashed or should i use them to enhance other armor?
07-12-2013, 12:31 PM
ok, now i have a quest to combine Chimera with Atlantean. What's the best way to do this ?
I have both normal and plus versions.
My understanding is that I can ge any combination of Air, Water, Earth and Spirit
Is it going to be be 2 stars or better ?
Which ones should I combine and at what level ?
07-12-2013, 12:46 PM
Is it good to keep the old Nemesis armors? Will those particular epic bosses be rehashed or should i use them to enhance other armor?
Old Nemesis armors are useless as I understand it, you just use them for enhancing.
Hopefully a more experienced player can confirm that before you destroy them.
07-12-2013, 12:49 PM
ok, now i have a quest to combine Chimera with Atlantean. What's the best way to do this ?
I have both normal and plus versions.
My understanding is that I can ge any combination of Air, Water, Earth and Spirit
Is it going to be be 2 stars or better ?
Which ones should I combine and at what level ?
Just combine the non+ versions at level 1 if you have them. The result is unlikely to be anything great, it's just a quets to get you using fusion stones.
As a general rule, fusing armors (almost?) never gives you anything worth having. Use fusion stones only to create cheap(ish) 50ep armors from basic elements to level up your 3*+ and 4*+ armors at the higher levels (at least level 50 onwards unless you have a ton of spare fusion stones).
There are threads about the most efficient ways to level up armors, in time and game money.
07-12-2013, 01:08 PM
Old Nemesis armors are useless as I understand it, you just use them for enhancing.
Hopefully a more experienced player can confirm that before you destroy them.
Thank you Musketeer.
07-12-2013, 01:11 PM
Is it good to keep the old Nemesis armors? Will those particular epic bosses be rehashed or should i use them to enhance other armor?
Old Nemesis armors are useless as I understand it, you just use them for enhancing.
Hopefully a more experienced player can confirm that before you destroy them.
Thank you Musketeer.
there are rare ones that still r useful. for the MOST part they are useless but one that i STILL use (even currently using for epic boss) is the Jian nemesis (wind). i mean its not the greatest but there r a very select few that are still decent.
i think the jian nemesis is 828/808 (i didnt get the +version)
07-12-2013, 01:37 PM
Dudes pls if someone know from witch 2 armours can I get ClayPlate to tell me on PM or here to know everyone.
Sry for bad english i am bulgarian :)
07-12-2013, 01:56 PM
Dudes pls if someone know from witch 2 armours can I get ClayPlate to tell me on PM or here to know everyone.
I'm sorry, but that's like asking someone to tell the next roulette number...
Fusing is always a thing of chance.
since Clayplate Mantle Armor is a legendary water/earth armor,
the least bad odds to it would probably be a legendary mono-water and a legendary mono-earth armor.
Fusing those can then result in about any water/earth armor, but using legendaries as source, it should push the result towards a bit better odds for a legendary and a bit lower odds for something like Snakeskin...
07-12-2013, 03:59 PM
Just combine the non+ versions at level 1 if you have them. The result is unlikely to be anything great, it's just a quets to get you using fusion stones.
As a general rule, fusing armors (almost?) never gives you anything worth having. Use fusion stones only to create cheap(ish) 50ep armors from basic elements to level up your 3*+ and 4*+ armors at the higher levels (at least level 50 onwards unless you have a ton of spare fusion stones).
There are threads about the most efficient ways to level up armors, in time and game money.
thank you, I got swamp shamans robe out of it, 3 stars, goes to lvl 70. it's not + but looks decent. I might level it a little
07-12-2013, 04:03 PM
thank you, I got swamp shamans robe out of it, 3 stars, goes to lvl 70. it's not + but looks decent. I might level it a little
Level it to 20 so you can craft the + version
07-12-2013, 04:20 PM
Level it to 20 so you can craft the + version
sounds like a grand idea :). I will label this as a success then :)
07-12-2013, 04:54 PM
thank you, I got swamp shamans robe out of it, 3 stars, goes to lvl 70. it's not + but looks decent. I might level it a little
Very good luck. That's 18 less Wriggling Roots you have to get from the Swamp Kraken at Misty Marsh. (it's currently trolling me by dropping Hydra Scales instead of Wriggling Roots, preventing me from getting my non-plus Swamp Shaman Robes... :( )
07-12-2013, 05:01 PM
the irony is after you get enough to craft your 2nd, the+ version, is you'll get more than you need quite easily later on
be sure to time your quests right so you don't farm even more than you have to
07-12-2013, 05:01 PM
Very good luck. That's 18 less Wriggling Roots you have to get from the Swamp Kraken at Misty Marsh. (it's currently trolling me by dropping Hydra Scales instead of Wriggling Roots, preventing me from getting my non-plus Swamp Shaman Robes... :( )
Awww i know the feeling man :( it took me a while to get the normal one and i need 6 more for the + version. Keep trying on different difficulty lvls
07-12-2013, 07:12 PM
I got my first legenday, Battlesuit Remnants, not +. Is there any reason in the world to not fuse it, I don't really care about collecting.
07-12-2013, 08:03 PM
the irony is after you get enough to craft your 2nd, the+ version, is you'll get more than you need quite easily later on
be sure to time your quests right so you don't farm even more than you have to
Yeah, I've got 3 "Wriggling Roots" quests running in parallel right now... :)
07-12-2013, 08:12 PM
I have a question regarding + gear. I made my Living Flame armor by combining Basic Fire and Basic Spirit armors. Then I upgraded it to reach lvl 15. Now it tells me I can craft Living Flame+ . Does this mean I can get Living Flame+ by combining Basic Fire and Basic Spirit again? or does the + only come by crafting it with collected materials? Thanks in advance for any info.
07-12-2013, 08:13 PM
I have a question regarding + gear. I made my Living Flame armor by combining Basic Fire and Basic Spirit armors. Then I upgraded it to reach lvl 15. Now it tells me I can craft Living Flame+ . Does this mean I can get Living Flame+ by combining Basic Fire and Basic Spirit again? or does the + only come by crafting it with collected materials? Thanks in advance for any info.
You can only craft the + version with materials. Fusing will only yield regular versions.
07-12-2013, 08:29 PM
my friends start at a weird time now, how do I get it to a time I want? use them for the first time at the desired time? or is it when they run out
07-12-2013, 08:45 PM
Use them first at a time you want. One reason I dislike having 100 friends, hard to scroll over to see when the refresh happens. Also, it might be a 22 through 24 hour cycle , i have not looked.
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