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05-25-2013, 03:20 AM
Hey guys I'm currently 56, just finished clearly misty marsh, gonna start farming wriggling roots soon for the swamp shaman. I currently have maxed hydra+ , AA+ and Crius +. My question is, should I get the Jian Battlegear? I understand a lot of people are highly against getting any boss armor if it is the normal version. But under the new boss circumstances I will not be able to reach 43. That being said the normal version maxed still has 18xx stats, which is decent correct? Being a fire/water typed armor is there a better one that does not require DPC to get? I am far from maxing my castle and training fields so i do not intend to buy dpc anytime soon.
to get a 3 stars armor to lvl 35 u need around 74 snakeskins, for a 4 stars u'll need even more..
better for u first to lvl the 3stars up, Swamp/Inferno/Dark Prince, as that will help u advance faster in the game.
That's my opinion anyway, ofcz u can do as u see fit :)
05-25-2013, 03:37 AM
Hey guys I'm currently 56, just finished clearly misty marsh, gonna start farming wriggling roots soon for the swamp shaman. I currently have maxed hydra+ , AA+ and Crius +. My question is, should I get the Jian Battlegear? I understand a lot of people are highly against getting any boss armor if it is the normal version. But under the new boss circumstances I will not be able to reach 43. That being said the normal version maxed still has 18xx stats, which is decent correct? Being a fire/water typed armor is there a better one that does not require DPC to get? I am far from maxing my castle and training fields so i do not intend to buy dpc anytime soon.
It has decent stats for a normal version, though it's definitely not the best, probably the fourth best water/fire armor. You could always try going for it if you want to, no harm in trying. Keep in mind that it will probably not be your end game armor though.
05-25-2013, 03:38 AM
to get a 3 stars armor to lvl 35 u need around 74 snakeskins, for a 4 stars u'll need even more..
better for u first to lvl the 3stars up, Swamp/Inferno/Dark Prince, as that will help u advance faster in the game.
That's my opinion anyway, ofcz u can do as u see fit :)
Thanks for the response. I will be working on the 3 boss armors definitely. But eventually would you reconmend perhaps replacing my main fire/water armor (hydra) with the jian?
05-25-2013, 03:40 AM
It has decent stats for a normal version, though it's definitely not the best, probably the fourth best water/fire armor. You could always try going for it if you want to, no harm in trying. Keep in mind that it will probably not be your end game armor though.
thanks for the response as well, what would the other top 3 armors be? flamehunter is definitely one but i dont know the others. Also is water/fire a strong combination that i should be aiming to have?
05-25-2013, 03:47 AM
thanks for the response as well, what would the other top 3 armors be? flamehunter is definitely one but i dont know the others. Also is water/fire a strong combination that i should be aiming to have?
Actually reading your post again, the other armors mostly require dpcs to get. Flame hunter, flame hunter+ and steam powered+.
You have to consider what other armors you have at hand and what their stats and element combinations are. Jian's battlegear is probably the best fire water you can get without dpc though it'll probably be killed in the arena when you meet higher leveled players.
05-25-2013, 04:16 AM
is there a lvl/hp/atk/def cap? if so what is the cap of each one of them?
05-25-2013, 04:17 AM
Actually reading your post again, the other armors mostly require dpcs to get. Flame hunter, flame hunter+ and steam powered+.
You have to consider what other armors you have at hand and what their stats and element combinations are. Jian's battlegear is probably the best fire water you can get without dpc though it'll probably be killed in the arena when you meet higher leveled players.
Yeah its defense is rather underwhelming lol. But thanks for the answer. This game is rough without gems haha
05-25-2013, 04:20 AM
Yeah its defense is rather underwhelming lol. But thanks for the answer. This game is rough without gems haha
Haha it's still manageable, just hope the boss gets slightly nerfed though :)
I'm a free player by the way, and I'm doing pretty well haha.
05-25-2013, 04:48 AM
Haha it's still manageable, just hope the boss gets slightly nerfed though :)
I'm a free player by the way, and I'm doing pretty well haha.
Do you get free gems? I live in canada and only get like 2 video offers per week and none of the app offers work for me i would download it and not receieve gems. No matter how many emails i send them i get no response haha
05-25-2013, 04:54 AM
Do you get free gems? I live in canada and only get like 2 video offers per week and none of the app offers work for me i would download it and not receieve gems. No matter how many emails i send them i get no response haha
Nah, I only get the offers on seldom occasions. I get most of my gems from the arena and event bosses. I also get black keys from killing the level 60 version of the boss.
05-25-2013, 05:01 AM
Nah, I only get the offers on seldom occasions. I get most of my gems from the arena and event bosses. I also get black keys from killing the level 60 version of the boss.
haha such a beast man, i wish i can kill the boss at lvl 60 i was hoping i could soon but then this weeks boss slapped me in the face lol. Btw i dunno if its true but theres a thing going around about an epic boss glitch where you won't get rewards for killing it but you get like the tier rewards. Do you know anything about that?
05-25-2013, 05:22 AM
haha such a beast man, i wish i can kill the boss at lvl 60 i was hoping i could soon but then this weeks boss slapped me in the face lol. Btw i dunno if its true but theres a thing going around about an epic boss glitch where you won't get rewards for killing it but you get like the tier rewards. Do you know anything about that?
Yeah, this boss is probably the hardest it's ever been.
I'm not too sure about that, but I'm against exploiting glitches so I don't know much about it.
05-25-2013, 07:13 AM
Hey fellow Knights, just started this game about a week ago and I'm loving this game!
I've been lurking this forum for a day or so now and I've learnt quite abit (:
I'm currently level 39 and up to the Valor stage of Sparkling Steppes. I've got AA+ 29, Crius+ 17 and only 3 Training Fields and 2 Armoursmiths. What would you guys recommend me doing, save up to fully expand and get more Training Fields or just keep enhancing my AA+ and Crius+ to max? The next expansion is going to cost me 500k, so I was just thinking of selling my guard towers, cathedrals etc and just build training fields instead. Would it be wise to do this even though I haven't finished all the building quests?
And if I were to enhance my armours, should I do it evenly balanced or just enhance one straight to 50 then the other?
And I would be very grateful if some high leveled players could add me because I could use some help!
Thanks in advance and sorry for the very long post!
Hey fellow Knights, just started this game about a week ago and I'm loving this game!
I've been lurking this forum for a day or so now and I've learnt quite abit (:
I'm currently level 39 and up to the Valor stage of Sparkling Steppes. I've got AA+ 29, Crius+ 17 and only 3 Training Fields and 2 Armoursmiths. What would you guys recommend me doing, save up to fully expand and get more Training Fields or just keep enhancing my AA+ and Crius+ to max? The next expansion is going to cost me 500k, so I was just thinking of selling my guard towers, cathedrals etc and just build training fields instead. Would it be wise to do this even though I haven't finished all the building quests?
And if I were to enhance my armours, should I do it evenly balanced or just enhance one straight to 50 then the other?
And I would be very grateful if some high leveled players could add me because I could use some help!
Thanks in advance and sorry for the very long post!
For quests you'll need 2 dungeons (1 upgraded), 2 taverns (1 upgraded), 2 crystal conservatory (1 upgraded), 1 training field, 1-2 monster nests (depending if you do both quests at once with 1 nest, 1 needs upgraded) and I believe 2 cathedrals and 3 guard towers of which each one upgraded. Once you have done all the quest that need guard towers, by example, you can just destroy them and build training fields instead. I personally believe the best is unlocking until the 500k field, then build and upgrade training fields and when you have those start unlocking the other fields.
Definitely focus on building before enhancing.
I don't think it matters too much on the Big 4. Personally I'd get em all to 30 or so as that's still pretty fast, then focus on 1 at a time.
05-25-2013, 07:44 AM
Hey fellow Knights, just started this game about a week ago and I'm loving this game!
I've been lurking this forum for a day or so now and I've learnt quite abit (:
I'm currently level 39 and up to the Valor stage of Sparkling Steppes. I've got AA+ 29, Crius+ 17 and only 3 Training Fields and 2 Armoursmiths. What would you guys recommend me doing, save up to fully expand and get more Training Fields or just keep enhancing my AA+ and Crius+ to max? The next expansion is going to cost me 500k, so I was just thinking of selling my guard towers, cathedrals etc and just build training fields instead. Would it be wise to do this even though I haven't finished all the building quests?
And if I were to enhance my armours, should I do it evenly balanced or just enhance one straight to 50 then the other?
And I would be very grateful if some high leveled players could add me because I could use some help!
Thanks in advance and sorry for the very long post!
Glad to see you've learnt something, it's always appreciated. I personally will always reccomend maxing out your castle slots ASAP as gold is generally the foundation to a successful player, without it, you have no way to enchance your armour and progess.
I also think the quests are rather worthless in terms of rewards, if you want them though, you could always sell all your guard towers etc now, build the expansion, complete the quests and then sell the buildings for training fields again, then you get the best of both worlds.
I like to max my armours 1 by 1, but there's no specific order to doing it i'd reccomend. I suppose you could cauge which one is best to be leveled based on the elements of your current story mode level, but I don't think it'd be worth the time working it out!
Adding you now, my IGN is 600RR.
05-25-2013, 08:22 AM
If you are in Indonesia then no. Indo does not sell iTunes gift cards over the counter from what i know.
what if im using the gift cards from US? is it usable?
and should i make another itunes id with us region?
05-25-2013, 02:37 PM
Hey fellow Knights, just started this game about a week ago and I'm loving this game!
I've been lurking this forum for a day or so now and I've learnt quite abit (:
I'm currently level 39 and up to the Valor stage of Sparkling Steppes. I've got AA+ 29, Crius+ 17 and only 3 Training Fields and 2 Armoursmiths. What would you guys recommend me doing, save up to fully expand and get more Training Fields or just keep enhancing my AA+ and Crius+ to max? The next expansion is going to cost me 500k, so I was just thinking of selling my guard towers, cathedrals etc and just build training fields instead. Would it be wise to do this even though I haven't finished all the building quests?
And if I were to enhance my armours, should I do it evenly balanced or just enhance one straight to 50 then the other?
And I would be very grateful if some high leveled players could add me because I could use some help!
Thanks in advance and sorry for the very long post!
Hey buddy my opinion is selling your buildings now and just maxing out on training fields. I myself will continue getting as many training fields as possible until the very last spot i have left, in which i will use to complete my quests just for the sake of completing them haha. But by that time with all the income i have from other training fields completely the quests will be no problem. Also castle is much more important than upgrading and i reconmend you focus on one armor at a time.
05-25-2013, 02:43 PM
I've been doin the aakiri offers and I have been getting ANY gems. I should have around like 21 gems!!! What do I do
05-25-2013, 03:39 PM
I see on the spreadsheet that there are '+' versions of uncraftable armors -- flowstone or Wicked Wraith, for example. Do you get those through luck and fusing + armors? Thanks.
05-25-2013, 04:22 PM
I've been doin the aakiri offers and I have been getting ANY gems. I should have around like 21 gems!!! What do I do
i assume you mean you didnt get any? well theres nothikng you really can do. I've tried countless times and they refuse to give me gems haha. Ive sent about 3 emails to the aakiri support but they won't reply. So sorry to break the news but theres really nothing to be done
05-25-2013, 04:23 PM
I see on the spreadsheet that there are '+' versions of uncraftable armors -- flowstone or Wicked Wraith, for example. Do you get those through luck and fusing + armors? Thanks.
+ versions of uncraftable armors can only be attained through dark prince chests. Fusion will only give you the normal version.
Sir William
05-25-2013, 05:39 PM
Quick question.
What is the last quest that deals with buildings and expansions?
I just finished the misty marsh quest that requires building a tavern and collecting 3,000 from it.
I unlocked my last expansion but I'm afrai to go ahead and build armories or training fields if I have another quest that needs building stuff.
Any help would be appreciated.
05-25-2013, 06:24 PM
does anyone know what causes error code 3? I've had it for two weeks and i've tried reinstalling the app and restarting my iphone without success. i'm getting a little annoyed because i know there is nothing wrong with my network connection and i have no clue what to do about it. i emailed support but they haven't answered and it seems like they never will at this point.
any help would be welcome, thanks!
05-25-2013, 07:04 PM
What is the last quest that deals with buildings and expansions?
I thought that I had completed all the quests that had to do with buildings, and I replaced everything with training fields except for one monster nest in the 1x1 slot. But then weeks later, in a questline called "X Marks the Gravestone", along comes a quest that requires building 1 tavern. I've never had enough excess cash to want to tear down my monster nest, build a tavern, and then rebuild the nest, so that one is still in my quest list.
Sir William
05-25-2013, 07:06 PM
I thought that I had completed all the quests that had to do with buildings, and I replaced everything with training fields except for one monster nest in the 1x1 slot. But then weeks later, in a questline called "X Marks the Gravestone", along comes a quest that requires building 1 tavern. I've never had enough excess cash to want to tear down my monster nest, build a tavern, and then rebuild the nest, so that one is still in my quest list.
Yeah that's te one I just finished. But I'm nervous that it isn't the last building one.
And I'm more focused on leveling than finishing quests at the moment so..
Yeah that's te one I just finished. But I'm nervous that it isn't the last building one.
And I'm more focused on leveling than finishing quests at the moment so..
It's probably worth it to just build full training fields. By the time you'll get another building quest you'll likely have generated more extra cash from them to afford removing something, building the quest thing, removing that and building another field (or whatever you removed, maybe armorsmith might be better for this).
05-25-2013, 07:50 PM
is there a lvl/hp/atk/def cap? if so what is the cap of each one of them?
is there a cap on either HP, atk/def? or u can level infinitely?
05-25-2013, 08:02 PM
is there a cap on either HP, atk/def? or u can level infinitely?
Yes there is a stat cap. Though your levels can go on indefinitely.
05-25-2013, 08:27 PM
Can anybody provide me with a tutorial on how to earn rewards from referring friends? I've had one of my friends download the game and enter my friend code after he had finished the tutorial, but still couldn't redeem it for a reward. Do i have to invite him through facebook somehow or something?
Help is greatly appreciated :)
05-25-2013, 08:34 PM
Yes there is a stat cap. Though your levels can go on indefinitely.
what is the cap currently?
05-25-2013, 09:20 PM
what is the cap currently?
Don't remember atk/def but main hp is 607 knights 455. You get that at 100.
05-25-2013, 09:27 PM
what is the cap currently?
Main knight:
HP - 607
Atk/Def - 316
HP - 455
Atk/Def - 235
05-25-2013, 09:34 PM
no reply back from Gree :( I contacted iTUnes. Does any1 know how long refund takes?
05-25-2013, 09:54 PM
Should I max Wick wraith+ or the jian+ next?
Which would do better in the arena?
05-25-2013, 11:52 PM
Should I max Wick wraith+ or the jian+ next?
Which would do better in the arena?
I would probably say wicked wraith+ and then jian+
05-26-2013, 12:28 AM
Should I max Wick wraith+ or the jian+ next?
Which would do better in the arena?
can you post a picture of Jian's final form (if you can upload the other forms too, it would be great) :D
05-26-2013, 12:37 AM
Should I max Wick wraith+ or the jian+ next?
Which would do better in the arena?
I would say Jian as it is effective against more armors commonly used in arena, ie inferno/prince, will probably beat wicked + too lol
05-26-2013, 12:44 AM
that was annoying! I had created an account and waited for days for my email to come - no email, so created a new account and here I am!
I just wanted to publicly say thank you to all the members who post stuff here, I started playing K+D to help me 8 year old who loves it, and ended up getting rather addicted. Unfortunately I only found the forum when I was about lvl 40 and had not even worked out about + versions!
However with advice from here (and some excellent help from Harvey Guo) I am now level 102, I had to re do all my armours from scratch as I had non + versions levelled, I am getting there, I now have a maxed Atlantea Avenger+, a lvl 46 Hydra Hunter+, a lvl 45 Swamp Shaman+ and some others bits.
I love this game, and am now playing for my other son as well, but doing things right this time ( he is just a lowly lvl 46)
I have lots of friend spaces free, so if you want to add me I will accept anyone lower until I am full (no nemsis armour for current Jain though)
Thanks again everyone for the help
MightyIsaac and MightySimon
05-26-2013, 12:50 AM
Looking to maximize my knights, currently at level 77 and just unlocked the final world. I don't play with money and don't get consistent gems, so dpc not really an option. Any help appreciated with regards to what armors to enhance or which ones I should try to obtain. My current armors are as follows. Thanks for reading!
Horrible Wurm Costume lvl 50
Half Dragon Warrior's Armor lvl 38
Stormrage Armor lvl 38
Admiral's Battleworn Regalia lvl 18
Starsong Shroud lvl 14
Swamp Shaman Robes+ lvl 14
Currently crafting the new big boss water/fire (Jian or something like that?) which will probably replace Stormrage. I also have the following armors not currently being used: Chimera Corps+ (x3), Deep Dragon, Dragonflame (x6), Hydra Hunter (x8), Living Flame, Snakeskin, Spectral Captain, Stonescale, Ten-Ton's Nemesis, and Tortoiseshell.
05-26-2013, 01:05 AM
Looking to maximize my knights, currently at level 77 and just unlocked the final world. I don't play with money and don't get consistent gems, so dpc not really an option. Any help appreciated with regards to what armors to enhance or which ones I should try to obtain. My current armors are as follows. Thanks for reading!
Horrible Wurm Costume lvl 50
Half Dragon Warrior's Armor lvl 38
Stormrage Armor lvl 38
Admiral's Battleworn Regalia lvl 18
Starsong Shroud lvl 14
Swamp Shaman Robes+ lvl 14
Currently crafting the new big boss water/fire (Jian or something like that?) which will probably replace Stormrage. I also have the following armors not currently being used: Chimera Corps+ (x3), Deep Dragon, Dragonflame (x6), Hydra Hunter (x8), Living Flame, Snakeskin, Spectral Captain, Stonescale, Ten-Ton's Nemesis, and Tortoiseshell.
Go for the swamp shaman+. All the other armors aren't worth levelling unless they're the +version. You could probably level your jian battlegear afterwards, though having the big 4 is useful too. (hydra hunter+, atlantean avenger+, crius+, and living flame+)
05-26-2013, 01:49 AM
How long does it take to recover 1 epic energy?
05-26-2013, 02:03 AM
How long does it take to recover 1 epic energy?
30 minutes per energy
05-26-2013, 03:33 AM
XBB-GYH-QXVAnd how can i accept friend requests???
Add me then so i can see if it works, XBB-GYH-QXV
05-26-2013, 03:43 AM
XBB-GYH-QXVAnd how can i accept friend requests???
Add me then so i can see if it works, XBB-GYH-QXV
Go to main menu>friends> friends list. If you have any friend request, you'll see a silhouetted picture of a head with a question mark followed by a name and then an accept/decline button. I don't have any free spaces in my friend's list at the moment, so I can't add you.
05-26-2013, 05:34 AM
05-26-2013, 06:00 AM
If i have requested someone and he Accepted, can he still request me?
05-26-2013, 06:18 AM
If i have requested someone and he Accepted, can he still request me?
no, sorry...
05-26-2013, 06:24 AM
Does the code add threads gave you some friends?? I really need them but no one requests me.
05-26-2013, 06:44 AM
Hey guys since wich level we start to receive 3 and 4 rewards(fused feather) from boss?
05-26-2013, 06:47 AM
Hey guys since wich level we start to receive 3 and 4 rewards(fused feather) from boss?
Either 43 or 44 I think
05-26-2013, 08:48 AM
Can anyone explain how i can redeem my prizes when anyone adds me?
05-26-2013, 09:10 AM
Hi guys I'm wondering what armor should I be enhancing as of now. I'm level 28 with Monk vestments,
Flowstone battlegear, Hydrahunter's mail, Steamwizard's robes, and Livingflame armor. Any suggestions
would be appreciated!
05-26-2013, 09:17 AM
Hi guys I'm wondering what armor should I be enhancing as of now. I'm level 28 with Monk vestments,
Flowstone battlegear, Hydrahunter's mail, Steamwizard's robes, and Livingflame armor. Any suggestions
would be appreciated!
Hydrahunter Mail, to lvl 15 in order to unlock its + version, then focus on maxing the +.
U should aswell get the Big Four (Atlantean Avenger, Crius, Living Flame, And Hydra that u have)
05-26-2013, 09:25 AM
Hydrahunter Mail, to lvl 15 in order to unlock its + version, then focus on maxing the +.
U should aswell get the Big Four (Atlantean Avenger, Crius, Living Flame, And Hydra that u have)
Thank you for the suggestion! I had hydra at lvl 15 and unlocked the + version but I'm confused on how to get it. Do I have to fuse for it once again?
05-26-2013, 09:30 AM
Thank you for the suggestion! I had hydra at lvl 15 and unlocked the + version but I'm confused on how to get it. Do I have to fuse for it once again?
Fusion only gives the nonplus version. You have to unlock the map where you can farm mats for that particular armor..
05-26-2013, 09:38 AM
Fusion only gives the nonplus version. You have to unlock the map where you can farm mats for that particular armor..
Oh :x . Going to be hard for me cause I'm struggling to pass stages right now.
Oh :x . Going to be hard for me cause I'm struggling to pass stages right now.
After Faerie Forest you unlock Writhing Cascades for Atlantean Avenger, then Guardian's Crossing for Crius, Sparkling Steppes for Chimera Corps (ignore that one), Blazing Tides for Living Flame and then Caballero Desert for Hydra Hunter. If you focus on maxing out the + versions of these you'll have a good set until you're high enough for the lvl 70 armors. In the meantime you can farm Skeletons Tomb for exp and Snakeskin for enhancing.
05-26-2013, 02:42 PM
What should I use to enhance Jians armor? Earning around 80,000 gold every 8 hrs
05-26-2013, 03:21 PM
What should I use to enhance Jians armor? Earning around 80,000 gold every 8 hrs
Basics till 15 > snakeskins till 50 > fused non craftable armors till max.
Enhancing a legendary armor takes a lot of time and a lot of money. If you are under leveld and don't make enough money I suggest you wait to enhance the armor till you are further in the game
05-26-2013, 03:37 PM
Hey guys, got a few questions to improve my gaming! im currently lvl 30 and got Chimera corps lvl 6, dragon flame lvl 27, monks vestment lvl 10, vinewood carapce lvl 5, volcanic mantle lvl 6, wind monarchs robe lvl 6.
Now i wonder what armor i shall aim for!
1st. trying to get all those big 4 armors ive read about. atm i got AA at lvl 1(just got my first set), hydra hunters mail at lvl 1. Shall i use these armor and enhance those to max lvl? and what armor shall i use to enhance it with? lets say for the AA armor, shall i use wind and spirit basics? or it works with any elemental armor?
For gold gaining:
Just built my first training field that gives quite nice gold each day. and got every other building that quests said i should build. shall i delete some of those and build training fields?
thanks in advance ^^
05-26-2013, 03:41 PM
Hey guys, got a few questions to improve my gaming! im currently lvl 30 and got Chimera corps lvl 6, dragon flame lvl 27, monks vestment lvl 10, vinewood carapce lvl 5, volcanic mantle lvl 6, wind monarchs robe lvl 6.
Now i wonder what armor i shall aim for!
1st. trying to get all those big 4 armors ive read about. atm i got AA at lvl 1(just got my first set), hydra hunters mail at lvl 1. Shall i use these armor and enhance those to max lvl? and what armor shall i use to enhance it with? lets say for the AA armor, shall i use wind and spirit basics? or it works with any elemental armor?
For gold gaining:
Just built my first training field that gives quite nice gold each day. and got every other building that quests said i should build. shall i delete some of those and build training fields?
thanks in advance ^^
Yes, build as many training fields as u can, they give u the best income.
as for the AA, u should use basic armors to lvl it till 15, then gather mats from Writhing Cascades and craft the + Version, that one should be maxed as well as the other Big Four (AA, Crius, Living Flame and Hydrahunter Mail)
Hey guys, got a few questions to improve my gaming! im currently lvl 30 and got Chimera corps lvl 6, dragon flame lvl 27, monks vestment lvl 10, vinewood carapce lvl 5, volcanic mantle lvl 6, wind monarchs robe lvl 6.
Now i wonder what armor i shall aim for!
1st. trying to get all those big 4 armors ive read about. atm i got AA at lvl 1(just got my first set), hydra hunters mail at lvl 1. Shall i use these armor and enhance those to max lvl? and what armor shall i use to enhance it with? lets say for the AA armor, shall i use wind and spirit basics? or it works with any elemental armor?
For gold gaining:
Just built my first training field that gives quite nice gold each day. and got every other building that quests said i should build. shall i delete some of those and build training fields?
thanks in advance ^^
Focus on building as many training fields as possible as soon as possible. And yes, always use matching elements to enhance. The rest is answered above. ^^
05-26-2013, 04:02 PM
I'm level 45, on Blazing Tides and I'm struggling to clear it any efficient way, what's the best armor to farm it with?
I have:
Atlantean+ 14/50
Crius+ 10/50
Chimera+ 1/50
Living Flame 15/50 (can't craft the + until I get materials)
Hydra Hunter 15/50 (can't craft the + until I get materials)
also the recent Siren Nemesis armor (wind element) 19/30
should I spend three full tries getting to 3/5, 5/5 (dying), 5/5 kill boss or go back and enhance my armors higher so that it doesn't take 2 hits to kill a regular enemy? I'm hesitant to enhance the non+ too much higher and save materials for the +versions
I'm level 45, on Blazing Tides and I'm struggling to clear it any efficient way, what's the best armor to farm it with?
I have:
Atlantean+ 14/50
Crius+ 10/50
Chimera+ 1/50
Living Flame 15/50 (can't craft the + until I get materials)
Hydra Hunter 15/50 (can't craft the + until I get materials)
also the recent Siren Nemesis armor (wind element) 19/30
should I spend three full tries getting to 3/5, 5/5 (dying), 5/5 kill boss or go back and enhance my armors higher so that it doesn't take 2 hits to kill a regular enemy? I'm hesitant to enhance the non+ too much higher and save materials for the +versions
AA+ works pretty well at Blazing Tides, you could enhance that while farming materials (getting your level up) and gaining cash until you can more easily clear through the stages.
05-26-2013, 04:05 PM
Yes, build as many training fields as u can, they give u the best income.
as for the AA, u should use basic armors to lvl it till 15, then gather mats from Writhing Cascades and craft the + Version, that one should be maxed as well as the other Big Four (AA, Crius, Living Flame and Hydrahunter Mail)
Can i max it with any armor? Like snakeskins? Or i shall enhance it with new AA armors?
Can i max it with any armor? Like snakeskins? Or i shall enhance it with new AA armors?
Any armor that contains either water or air. Wind Warrior/Seafoam at the earlier levels (25-30 probably), Snakeskin after that.
05-26-2013, 06:27 PM
you can also use friends :-)
05-26-2013, 06:55 PM
is there a way to know who referred you?
05-26-2013, 07:02 PM
Is there a way to start over? :O
05-26-2013, 07:51 PM
Hey everybody! Been leveling up pretty well since the last time I asked everybody here for pointers, so thanks for that. In terms of armor Im doing pretty well, have the big 4; now working on unlocking their + version. As for my castle, Im running 6 TG's, 3 Armorsmiths and 1 Tavern (because of quest). So gold is not a problem right now. What im having difficulty in, is understanding how the time system works for the Weekly monster fights.If Im not mistaken it takes about 22 hours for you to be able to repeat inviting a friend you used to fight.Any advice would be awesome. I actually thought I could get the armor; got up to 9 kills but been stuck and cant even get to 10 now.
Also, I dont have many high level friends on my list; so if anybody wants to help out my code is
I like the game alot, so even if I cant help you guys out right now; I assure you I will be able to soon. Thanx in advance!
05-26-2013, 09:49 PM
Hey everybody! Been leveling up pretty well since the last time I asked everybody here for pointers, so thanks for that. In terms of armor Im doing pretty well, have the big 4; now working on unlocking their + version. As for my castle, Im running 6 TG's, 3 Armorsmiths and 1 Tavern (because of quest). So gold is not a problem right now. What im having difficulty in, is understanding how the time system works for the Weekly monster fights.If Im not mistaken it takes about 22 hours for you to be able to repeat inviting a friend you used to fight.Any advice would be awesome. I actually thought I could get the armor; got up to 9 kills but been stuck and cant even get to 10 now.
Also, I dont have many high level friends on my list; so if anybody wants to help out my code is
I like the game alot, so even if I cant help you guys out right now; I assure you I will be able to soon. Thanx in advance!
Honestly this week's boss is ridiculous, I'm at 20 and can barely move forward haha. Plus the basic armor isnt that great just work on the regular boss armors for now
Hey everybody! Been leveling up pretty well since the last time I asked everybody here for pointers, so thanks for that. In terms of armor Im doing pretty well, have the big 4; now working on unlocking their + version. As for my castle, Im running 6 TG's, 3 Armorsmiths and 1 Tavern (because of quest). So gold is not a problem right now. What im having difficulty in, is understanding how the time system works for the Weekly monster fights.If Im not mistaken it takes about 22 hours for you to be able to repeat inviting a friend you used to fight.Any advice would be awesome. I actually thought I could get the armor; got up to 9 kills but been stuck and cant even get to 10 now.
Also, I dont have many high level friends on my list; so if anybody wants to help out my code is
I like the game alot, so even if I cant help you guys out right now; I assure you I will be able to soon. Thanx in advance!
It takes 24 hours after using your first friend before you can use them again (after reaching the cap). This guide may help you on the epic boss:
05-26-2013, 11:09 PM
Damn! what's are the stats of the maxed new nemesis?
My maxed AA+/Hydra+ are totally smashed by it >_<
05-27-2013, 01:14 AM
Damn! what's are the stats of the maxed new nemesis?
My maxed AA+/Hydra+ are totally smashed by it >_<
828 attack and 808 defense. It has double the stats of a usual nemesis because of the difficulty of the boss.
05-27-2013, 01:28 AM
828 attack and 808 defense. It has double the stats of a usual nemesis because of the difficulty of the boss.
I better get working on maxing the 70's,
on that topic, i got a question for you:
should i unlock my last expansion before proceeding with enhancing?
I currently have 550,000 and 50/50 armors (which means i cannot craft, mostly of them are snakeskins)
the dilema is if i save money for the expansion, i lose a lot of craft time (because of being full) but on the other hand if i keep enhancing i'll never reach 2million :S
what do you say?
05-27-2013, 01:39 AM
I better get working on maxing the 70's,
on that topic, i got a question for you:
should i unlock my last expansion before proceeding with enhancing?
I currently have 550,000 and 50/50 armors (which means i cannot craft, mostly of them are snakeskins)
the dilema is if i save money for the expansion, i lose a lot of craft time (because of being full) but on the other hand if i keep enhancing i'll never reach 2million :S
what do you say?
I don't think you have to go balls to the wall wiht enhancing lol, what i'm doing is enhancing once or twice everytime im at maxed armor and continue saving. Obviously you wont be enhancing or saving at maximum potential but its a good mix between the two. I do reconmend castle over enhancing though.
05-27-2013, 01:42 AM
I better get working on maxing the 70's,
on that topic, i got a question for you:
should i unlock my last expansion before proceeding with enhancing?
I currently have 550,000 and 50/50 armors (which means i cannot craft, mostly of them are snakeskins)
the dilema is if i save money for the expansion, i lose a lot of craft time (because of being full) but on the other hand if i keep enhancing i'll never reach 2million :S
what do you say?
That depends on what armors you already have. If you already have a pretty strong lineup of armors, you can probably afford to get your last expansion.
Personally I've been pretty lazy with getting expansions though, I'm level 100 with 3 70+ armors yet I've never gotten my 1 million expansion yet.
05-27-2013, 01:46 AM
That depends on what armors you already have. If you already have a pretty strong lineup of armors, you can probably afford to get your last expansion.
Personally I've been pretty lazy with getting expansions though, I'm level 100 with 3 70+ armors yet I've never gotten my 1 million expansion yet.
Damn, you are lazy lol. I'd maxed out my castle by level 25 lmao. Money grabbing son of a b**** I am. lol. Currently got 3m sitting and gaining everyday and I'm not able to spend it quick enough..
05-27-2013, 01:52 AM
Damn, you are lazy lol. I'd maxed out my castle by level 25 lmao. Money grabbing son of a b**** I am. lol. Currently got 3m sitting and gaining everyday and I'm not able to spend it quick enough..
Haha I'm managing pretty well though, I've enough money for enchancing nontheless, though once the armor I'm enchancing reaches 60, it gets a little tough.
05-27-2013, 04:30 AM
Just to ask, will I get a + armor if I fuse 2 + armor together:confused::confused:
Say stonescaleplate+ with wing warrior+, will I get a cruis+ ?
(I have already unlocked cruis+)
05-27-2013, 04:32 AM
Just to ask, will I get a + armor if I fuse 2 + armor together:confused::confused:
Say stonescaleplate+ with wing warrior+, will I get a cruis+ ?
(I have already unlocked cruis+)
Nope, you can't fuse +armors.
05-27-2013, 04:45 AM
Nope, you can't fuse +armors.
Thanks! this saved me 1 fusion stone >.<
05-27-2013, 05:28 AM
Since gree and aarki have stupid support people, does anybody have any tips to make the free gem offers work? I've downloaded over 176 by now only got like 10
05-27-2013, 05:31 AM
Since gree and aarki have stupid support people, does anybody have any tips to make the free gem offers work? I've downloaded over 176 by now only got like 10
It's a known issue mate, they do say to wait atleast 24 hours before contacting them however.
You're defiently not the only one unhappy with this issue, afraid there's nothing you can do but ride it out at the moment.
05-27-2013, 05:33 AM
I know, I know, I'm just sick of app support that won't respond!!!! Like really? I had a problem logging in and I sent the blind support people a help ticket and they didn't respond until 7 weeks after. Missed out on so many bosses
05-27-2013, 05:59 AM
I know, I know, I'm just sick of app support that won't respond!!!! Like really? I had a problem logging in and I sent the blind support people a help ticket and they didn't respond until 7 weeks after. Missed out on so many bosses
yeah they are pretty crappy haha, i haven't gotten a response for gems either.
I got a question myself, when you guys farm wriggling roots for swamp shaman what stage do you farm on? I've tried normal valor and epic, all yielding me a total of 0 lol. Got to be the worse luck.
05-27-2013, 06:07 AM
yeah they are pretty crappy haha, i haven't gotten a response for gems either.
I got a question myself, when you guys farm wriggling roots for swamp shaman what stage do you farm on? I've tried normal valor and epic, all yielding me a total of 0 lol. Got to be the worse luck.
I just went for the stage I was able to do the most times
05-27-2013, 06:24 AM
Which is better? Living flame + or hydra+
05-27-2013, 07:24 AM
Which is better? Living flame + or hydra+
Depends on what elements you're looking for since both of them are roughly the same In terms of stats.
05-27-2013, 08:09 AM
Is it me or do the same questions keep coming and coming? Alot of the questions about best armor or what to level. Maybe we can make a thread with the spreadsheet and some other quick tips about fusing and crafting. If The Wise One would make it sticky, it will hopefully bring some diffrent questions. Also This thread becomes to long for new players to read back so some of us keep explaining the same information.
ps. if the wise one agrees on sticky, ill be willing to make the thread
05-27-2013, 08:38 AM
Is it me or do the same questions keep coming and coming? Alot of the questions about best armor or what to level. Maybe we can make a thread with the spreadsheet and some other quick tips about fusing and crafting. If The Wise One would make it sticky, it will hopefully bring some diffrent questions. Also This thread becomes to long for new players to read back so some of us keep explaining the same information.
ps. if the wise one agrees on sticky, ill be willing to make the thread
go on , ill help you too ;)
05-27-2013, 08:48 AM
Is it me or do the same questions keep coming and coming? Alot of the questions about best armor or what to level. Maybe we can make a thread with the spreadsheet and some other quick tips about fusing and crafting. If The Wise One would make it sticky, it will hopefully bring some diffrent questions. Also This thread becomes to long for new players to read back so some of us keep explaining the same information.
ps. if the wise one agrees on sticky, ill be willing to make the thread
Yeah, actually there was a general guide posted by Radlonghammer (a forum member) some time ago in one of the threads. If need be, I could always dig it out for you to help the new players.
However, there'll always be certain questions that general tips may not be able to cover though, so this thread will certainly still be needed.
05-27-2013, 08:52 AM
I think I'll just make a new thread, the wise one will probably sticky it when he comes across it.
05-27-2013, 09:04 AM
I think like a FAQ / NEWBIES MUST READ thread would be ideal
Just somewhere we can explain priorities on the castle over enhancing etc and it HAS to be clear. This thread is great, but there's just too much crap filling up the pages at the moment. Like you mention, most of the crap is the same questions over and over resulting in 100 pages of useful responses, but not clear enough or easy to trawl through for the answers newbies need.
FAQ thread should look something like this imo:
What is a + armour?
Any + Armour refers to armour that superseeds it's non+ counterpart, i.e if you level a Basic Fire Armour to level 5 (is that correct?) you gain the ability to craft the + version which gives better stat increase per level resulting in higher overall stats.
What level do I unlock the + version of the big 4?
Level 15 will unlock the +version for each of the big 4.
What armour should I be aiming for after level 20-25 as i'm really struggling with progression?
The big 4; Atlantean Avenger+, Hydra Hunter Mail+, Living Flame+, Crius+.
What's the best way to enhance armour?
Ideally you want to keep elements together when enhancing armour. For example, leveling a Basic fire armour with Basic Earth armour (Earth Element) will not be as effective as levelling it with Fire Armour (Fire Element). The aim when enhancing is to consistently use the same elements in order to maximise the levels your gaining for the least money spent.
I honestly think it needs to be that clear - Newbies might not be stupid, but it makes it clear and straight to the point with no side tracking. Answer the question, nothing more nothing less. I'd be happy to help out with the thread and do a few write ups from my experience. When I first started I was ploughing all my questions towards yourself Death, Harvey, Raistmar and Rad, and generally speaking got the answers I needed to progress. But it's become more and more apparent as the thread expands the amount of UNIQUE and RELEVANT information is dwindling, and as you state, questions are being repeated over and over.
05-27-2013, 09:09 AM
Yeah, I'm with 600RR on this one. I just posted one of the guides Rad had made when he was more active in the forum, all credits go to him of course. I still think there's a need for a simple FAQ like you've already mentioned so as to simplify things for new players, such as what each term means and what not.
05-27-2013, 09:12 AM
Yeah, I'm with 600RR on this one. I just posted one of the guides Rad had made when he was more active in the forum, all credits go to him of course. I still think there's a need for a simple FAQ like you've already mentioned so as to simplify things for new players, such as what each term means and what not.
I'd volunteer to do it, write a whole K&D encyclopedia with detailed descriptions, but i'm away all of this week in the UK without access to a PC. If we're still looking for something after the week is done i'll be more than happy to sort it out though.
05-27-2013, 09:22 AM
I'd volunteer to do it, write a whole K&D encyclopedia with detailed descriptions, but i'm away all of this week in the UK without access to a PC. If we're still looking for something after the week is done i'll be more than happy to sort it out though.
Hmm it'll be good if you could do that, I probably won't have the time to type it all down myself, especially on the handphone haha ><
05-27-2013, 09:37 AM
Hmm it'll be good if you could do that, I probably won't have the time to type it all down myself, especially on the handphone haha ><
Not to worry, if there's anything you guys (ANYONE!) wants included in the guide PM me and i'll emsulify it all into one post when I get back :) Questions, helpful threads or any specific point you want being made clear, chuck it all my way and i'll see where I can fit it in.
That reminds me, whilst I am in the UK I am planning on testing out the video offers are dependant on where you live theory. At current I get about 6-7 a day here in Jersey, Harvey, and others I might add who live in the UK have reported many, many more each day which I hope to prove is down to location this week. I'll post back my findings next saturday when I get back if I get a minute :)
05-27-2013, 02:14 PM
Not to worry, if there's anything you guys (ANYONE!) wants included in the guide PM me and i'll emsulify it all into one post when I get back :) Questions, helpful threads or any specific point you want being made clear, chuck it all my way and i'll see where I can fit it in.
That reminds me, whilst I am in the UK I am planning on testing out the video offers are dependant on where you live theory. At current I get about 6-7 a day here in Jersey, Harvey, and others I might add who live in the UK have reported many, many more each day which I hope to prove is down to location this week. I'll post back my findings next saturday when I get back if I get a minute :)
Jup ill back you up in the FAQ to cover most of the questions here. I agree with deathaxe that this thread is still important for questions that were not covered. I think that this thread should be ended and 2 new ones should be started (FAQ and free question thread). I became 100 last week and I have learned a lot about this game and what do's and don'ts are. Probably with 600RR and deathaxe we can make a nice guide for this community and online lurkers to cover the essentials of the game. Extra information can always submitted by other members. We can maintain the guide by editing the post.
Jup ill back you up in the FAQ to cover most of the questions here. I agree with deathaxe that this thread is still important for questions that were not covered. I think that this thread should be ended and 2 new ones should be started (FAQ and free question thread). I became 100 last week and I have learned a lot about this game and what do's and don'ts are. Probably with 600RR and deathaxe we can make a nice guide for this community and online lurkers to cover the essentials of the game. Extra information can always submitted by other members. We can maintain the guide by editing the post.
What deathaxe posted will probably work perfectly for the 'guide'. I think indeed a Q&A would be beneficial for the people who don't wanna read those long posts (which means they'll end up cluttering up this thread, so own benefit really :p).
05-27-2013, 05:57 PM
What level does hydra armor become +? And is Jians battle gear better than hydra at Lvl 35?
05-27-2013, 06:27 PM
HH+ is unlocked at lvl 15 like all 1 star craftable armor are. Overall normal Jian will have high dmg gain over hydra but just 3 on defense. But I don't know which will be stronger at lvl 35 though but hydra will he a hell lot easier to upgrade.
Edit: Since I had nothing to do I went And looked at the numbers. Lvl 1 hydra has 189/207 with a stat gain of 12/12 as per data sheet. So at lvl 35 it's at 595/615.
Now let's look at Jian at lvl 1 366/315 with a gain of 10/7 as per thatzme so at lvl 35 it's at 706/553.
So it's up to you whether you want dmg or def more. Also note that jian is a lot harder to upgrade.
Ps. I need to sit down from all those calculation.
Sir William
05-27-2013, 09:11 PM
Is there a way to fuse a swamp shamans robes?
I'd rather go ahead and unlock + version before having to collect the mats to craft it twice.
05-27-2013, 09:16 PM
Is there a way to fuse a swamp shamans robes?
I'd rather go ahead and unlock + version before having to collect the mats to craft it twice.
Any water and earth Combination would work. Preferably hydra and crius I guess
Sir William
05-27-2013, 09:18 PM
Any water and earth Combination would work. Preferably hydra and crius I guess
Yeah I tried quite a few.
Got a bunch of snakeskin and Asura.
Ill try hydra and Crius
Yeah I tried quite a few.
Got a bunch of snakeskin and Asura.
Ill try hydra and Crius
AA and Chimera Corps is another option, might be easier to farm.
Sir William
05-27-2013, 09:24 PM
Any water and earth Combination would work. Preferably hydra and crius I guess
I combined Crius with hydra and got AA and said damn.
So I combined AA with chimera corps and got snakeskin.
Just my luck :(
05-27-2013, 09:24 PM
Yeah I tried quite a few.
Got a bunch of snakeskin and Asura.
Ill try hydra and Crius
Still probably not worth trying to fuse though, you'd be better off saving the fusion stones to level your armor when you get it.
05-27-2013, 10:45 PM
I thought about fusing for swamp shaman as well, but in the end i don't think its worth it. Kinda hard to fuse and its 25k per fusion with a stone. For some thats really nothing but personally I still need money for castle and to actaully upgrade the swamp shaman when i get it. Farming the wriggling roots will indeed take awhile but it gives you a huge chunk of exp if you're like below 80 ish lol.
05-28-2013, 03:28 AM
Hi all,
is there a way to ensure that I get typhoon gems and not corals from writing cascades boss?
05-28-2013, 03:57 AM
Shaman is a bad combo to try to fuse. Too many 24pts armor result.
@lturn no real way to get a 100% typhoon gem as drops but the higher the stage you go the better chance it drops. I find doing mighty is better than normal or epic. About 70% that it drops typhoon gems. Better drop rate and the sacrifice in dmg is not too great.
05-28-2013, 04:20 AM
Ohh, that's nice. then probably i shall start the mighty stage. haha
05-28-2013, 04:58 AM
I thought about fusing for swamp shaman as well, but in the end i don't think its worth it. Kinda hard to fuse and its 25k per fusion with a stone. For some thats really nothing but personally I still need money for castle and to actaully upgrade the swamp shaman when i get it. Farming the wriggling roots will indeed take awhile but it gives you a huge chunk of exp if you're like below 80 ish lol.
everyone will give you same advice like this
build more training fields :D
so far, ive build 7 training fields in 2 days, and i wish it will gv me more golds just in one night :D
05-28-2013, 10:19 AM
Anyone knows how many snakeskins (aprox.) it will take to enhance Swamp Shamans from 1 to 70?
05-28-2013, 10:48 AM
Anyone knows how many snakeskins (aprox.) it will take to enhance Swamp Shamans from 1 to 70?
As per harvey's post on enhancing his 4star he used around 5,081 ep so around 212 snakeskins.
Edit: I think it would be easier to enhance 3* compared to 4* but I normally don't put too much attention to these kinda things so I can't really confirm that.
05-28-2013, 11:24 AM
As per harvey's post on enhancing his 4star he used around 5,081 ep so around 212 snakeskins.
Edit: I think it would be easier to enhance 3* compared to 4* but I normally don't put too much attention to these kinda things so I can't really confirm that.
yes i saw the 5,081 ep but i thought aswell the regular 70 should be less, or at least i truly hope so xD
05-28-2013, 11:58 AM
Never used the Summoning Stone, how's it work?
yes i saw the 5,081 ep but i thought aswell the regular 70 should be less, or at least i truly hope so xD
Pretty sure *** requires a fair bit less than ****.
05-28-2013, 01:02 PM
I thought I threw some fusions at the famous sky guardian, just to have it in my collection and because the boss armors are not good looking imo. Done about 8 fusions... all crap so far.
05-28-2013, 01:03 PM
Pretty sure *** requires a fair bit less than ****.
Nope 3 star and legendary have the same leveling progress as far as my experience, the only diffrence is when u unlock the + version (*** at level 20)(**** at level 35)
05-28-2013, 01:03 PM
Never used the Summoning Stone, how's it work?
u can pay gems to summon a boss to kill it for the material drops. handy when u missed 2 or 4 mats from an old boss. it is kinda expensive imo
05-28-2013, 01:28 PM
u can pay gems to summon a boss to kill it for the material drops. handy when u missed 2 or 4 mats from an old boss. it is kinda expensive imo
How hard is it to beat the boss?
05-28-2013, 02:43 PM
Hey i been playing knights and drags for about 4 months now iam lvl 60 n i keep trying combine armours n make horrible ones i got really nothin left I got horrible armours now and everyone i fight beats me i always get to 15 on epic boss n can never beat for boss armour i know how to power train relics to enhance armours i jus need help on how to get good armours before i start levelling em private message please!
Sir William
05-28-2013, 03:06 PM
How hard is it to beat the boss?
It shows you his stats. Generally it's always the level 1 version of the boss.
Less than 500 attack/def/health
Hey i been playing knights and drags for about 4 months now iam lvl 60 n i keep trying combine armours n make horrible ones i got really nothin left I got horrible armours now and everyone i fight beats me i always get to 15 on epic boss n can never beat for boss armour i know how to power train relics to enhance armours i jus need help on how to get good armours before i start levelling em private message please!
Make sure you have all the castle expansions first and fill them with upgraded training fields. After that focus on getting the Big 4 (Atlantean Avanger+, Crius+, Living Flame+ and Hydra Hunter+) maxed. This will help you get through the stages so you can start working on *** and **** armors.
New Jersey Jones
05-28-2013, 04:01 PM
Is there any reason to level Snakeskin to +? It sounds like everyone is just farming it to level other armors and from what I understand, the + version doesn't make a difference when fusing. Both the base and + version have the same number of Enhancement Points (24, in this case). Or am I totally off on this?
05-28-2013, 04:55 PM
Is there any reason to level Snakeskin to +? It sounds like everyone is just farming it to level other armors and from what I understand, the + version doesn't make a difference when fusing. Both the base and + version have the same number of Enhancement Points (24, in this case). Or am I totally off on this?
You're totally right. They provide the same amount of ep.
New Jersey Jones
05-28-2013, 07:01 PM
You're totally right. They provide the same amount of ep.
Cool. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something. Being new to the game, I'm still figuring out the idiosyncrasies.
05-29-2013, 03:01 AM
Hi all,
is Flamestorm Finery worth upgrading??? it has high base dmg! :D
05-29-2013, 03:02 AM
Hi all,
is Flamestorm Finery worth upgrading??? it has high base dmg! :D
Nope, it has pretty bad stat growth even though it has high base stats.
05-29-2013, 03:06 AM
How's the rocfeather? The normal version has mediocre stats while the + version is decent at best. I've seen a lot of people use it in the arena is this simply because of the attributes it has? Or am i crazy and the stats are actually good haha
05-29-2013, 03:11 AM
How's the rocfeather? The normal version has mediocre stats while the + version is decent at best. I've seen a lot of people use it in the arena is this simply because of the attributes it has? Or am i crazy and the stats are actually good haha
from what i understand, sky guardian is better=]
though you'll need to fuze it!
05-29-2013, 03:23 AM
How's the rocfeather? The normal version has mediocre stats while the + version is decent at best. I've seen a lot of people use it in the arena is this simply because of the attributes it has? Or am i crazy and the stats are actually good haha
It's only slightly worse than sky guardian. Since its more reliable to get, and it has decent stats, so it's still worth getting.
05-29-2013, 03:52 AM
from what i understand, sky guardian is better=]
though you'll need to fuze it!
What do you reconmend using for the fusion of the sky guardian? and is the + version just dpc?
05-29-2013, 04:19 AM
Nope, it has pretty bad stat growth even though it has high base stats.
Oh man... thats sad! hahah
05-29-2013, 04:58 AM
What do you reconmend using for the fusion of the sky guardian? and is the + version just dpc?
Living flame and AA or crius is a good choice, though it's a low chance of getting it. You probably shouldnt go for it unless you have lots of gold and fusion stars. Even then, it's probably better to save them for future enchancing of armors.
05-29-2013, 05:58 AM
Living flame and AA or crius is a good choice, though it's a low chance of getting it. You probably shouldnt go for it unless you have lots of gold and fusion stars. Even then, it's probably better to save them for future enchancing of armors.
Swamp Shamans, Inferno Lord and Dark Prince are a must right? or do they have a fusion counterpart as well?
05-29-2013, 03:08 PM
Swamp Shamans, Inferno Lord and Dark Prince are a must right? or do they have a fusion counterpart as well?
No good counterpart.... & fusing requires a lot of luck... & u don't get the plus version...
05-29-2013, 03:15 PM
No good counterpart.... & fusing requires a lot of luck... & u don't get the plus version...
awesome then ill focus on those 3 first of all :)
05-29-2013, 07:12 PM
Will you get the Nemesis armor in the chest or is it a chance thing?
Mike Stanley
05-29-2013, 07:23 PM
It's not a guarantee but its a good chance you will get nemesis I just got nemesis for the Sasquatch on the first try it seems that I get nemesis right when the new boss comes out
What armors do people use to level up their living flame+? You can't really use snakeskin as effectively so what do you recommend?
Sir William
05-29-2013, 07:38 PM
What armors do people use to level up their living flame+? You can't really use snakeskin as effectively so what do you recommend?
I used mystic armor, dragon flame, hydra hunter, chimera corps, etc..
Anything that shares an element
05-29-2013, 09:10 PM
What armors do people use to level up their living flame+? You can't really use snakeskin as effectively so what do you recommend?
Actually you should just go with snakeskin, it's the easiest 24ep armor you can get.
05-29-2013, 09:28 PM
I actually miss the last boss' difficulty. The rewards were better );
05-29-2013, 10:58 PM
Possibly silly question, but I'll ask it anyways. Do you get bonus EP if you match both elements on the armors? I.e. if I use a Hydra Hunter on Jian's Battlegear, will it double the bonus?
05-29-2013, 11:01 PM
Possibly silly question, but I'll ask it anyways. Do you get bonus EP if you match both elements on the armors? I.e. if I use a Hydra Hunter on Jian's Battlegear, will it double the bonus?
Nope, it doesn't double.
No good counterpart.... & fusing requires a lot of luck... & u don't get the plus version...
Previous epic boss armors are fusable, but so rare that it's not quite worth considering (Half Dragon and Regalia in this case, Deep Dragon is debatable). You're safe enhancing these.
05-30-2013, 02:02 AM
Hi all,
how many armoursmith should i have? and should i upgrade them? (:
Hi all,
how many armoursmith should i have? and should i upgrade them? (:
About 3-4 after getting all expensions and training fields + upgraded. Yes, upgrading is always worth it in the long run.
05-30-2013, 04:37 AM
Hey guys,
I'm new to this forum and this game (been playing for about a day or two).
How do I get typhoon gems to get the Atlantean Avenger? I've been doing the Writing Cascades but I haven't been able to get a single typhoon gem.
05-30-2013, 04:44 AM
Hey guys,
I'm new to this forum and this game (been playing for about a day or two).
How do I get typhoon gems to get the Atlantean Avenger? I've been doing the Writing Cascades but I haven't been able to get a single typhoon gem.
The only way is for you to concentrate all your will power to farming it haha. P.s. if you do the harder stages theres a higher chance of getting it but you lose more health. You have to determine your own strength. Good luck!
05-30-2013, 04:47 AM
Hey guys,
I'm new to this forum and this game (been playing for about a day or two).
How do I get typhoon gems to get the Atlantean Avenger? I've been doing the Writing Cascades but I haven't been able to get a single typhoon gem.
When you reach more advanced stages like the writhing cascades, the boss will have a chance to drop a lousier material, in this case a chunk of coral, or a better quality material. , in this case typhoon gems. Attempting the harder difficulties, like the epic difficulty, give you a higher chance of attaining better quality materials.
05-30-2013, 04:52 AM
Hey guys,
I'm new to this forum and this game (been playing for about a day or two).
How do I get typhoon gems to get the Atlantean Avenger? I've been doing the Writing Cascades but I haven't been able to get a single typhoon gem.
Don't forget to use special attack on the boss...
05-30-2013, 04:54 AM
Don't forget to use special attack on the boss...
Oh yes, especially this. You need to kill the boss with a special attack to have a chance of getting better quality materials. Can't believe I forgot that haha.
Don't forget to use special attack on the boss...
I was gonna say this. Typhoon gems aren't too rare, I get em more than half the time at least on Normal stage.
05-30-2013, 05:33 AM
Cmon guys I'm sure if hes made it this far he would remember the special attack haha watch me be the fool and he actually hasnt been using it lol
05-30-2013, 07:09 AM
Question i have a bunch of friends now and I still can't redeem any of the rewards is there something wrong or do I have to do something else?
05-30-2013, 07:14 AM
Question i have a bunch of friends now and I still can't redeem any of the rewards is there something wrong or do I have to do something else?
They have to enter your code right after the tutorial when they're prompted to. Anytime else and it won't be considered a referral.
been a long time since last time i get a nemesis, i just got one and tried to level it, but seems like i am
leveling a lvl70 armor? So Nemesis is still level30 and needs same enhancement points as before?
I believe so. try crafting 4 snake skins and enhence those, those are 96 enhancement points.
been a long time since last time i get a nemesis, i just got one and tried to level it, but seems like i am
leveling a lvl70 armor? So Nemesis is still level30 and needs same enhancement points as before?
The nemesis used to need about 33 basic armors to bring it from lvl1 to lvl30.....
05-30-2013, 01:09 PM
The nemesis used to need about 33 basic armors to bring it from lvl1 to lvl30.....
They've increased the required ep to max nemesis but it's not equivalent to a lvl 70 armor. Sadly i don't have the exact numbers though.
Exact numbers are here:
50 basic sets for lvl 30
05-30-2013, 02:10 PM
Is the new armor in the dpc on the armor spreadsheet yet?
05-30-2013, 02:12 PM
Exact numbers are here:
50 basic sets for lvl 30
Previously it only requires 200 ep to max a nemesis but they've increased it so rad's post is kinda outdated.(only for nemesis)
Previously it only requires 200 ep to max a nemesis but they've increased it so rad's post is kinda outdated.(only for nemesis)
Fair enough. Get calculating then Nem hunters! :)
05-31-2013, 12:43 AM
Oh yes, especially this. You need to kill the boss with a special attack to have a chance of getting better quality materials. Can't believe I forgot that haha.
Of course! I would never forget the special attack!
When you say "kill", do you mean the special attack has to land the finishing blow? Or can the special attack only do damage for it to count?
Thanks for all the responses, everyone!
05-31-2013, 12:50 AM
I believe so. try crafting 4 snake skins and enhence those, those are 96 enhancement points.
4 snakeskins would give this nemesis only 80EP, you get 20 for the rarity of the armor and another 4 if an element matches with the armor you want to enhance. Since its fire this week, you only get 20EP per snakeskin
05-31-2013, 12:55 AM
Of course! I would never forget the special attack!
When you say "kill", do you mean the special attack has to land the finishing blow? Or can the special attack only do damage for it to count?
Thanks for all the responses, everyone!
Special attacks has to land the finishing blow.
05-31-2013, 05:11 AM
I have a question , I have crafted the sky guardian armor and I level up it to lvl 20
And I want to know how can I get the + version of this armor?
05-31-2013, 05:16 AM
You can only get Sky Guardian+ from Dark Prince's Chest. It's not craftable.
Anyone struggling to open the game since updating?
I have an iPhone and it's loading up the inital screen, but instead of loading its just quitting straight away, no errors.
Was fine 2 minutes before updating, checked the app store, saw the update, updated, now wont open.
Tried a re-install of the game + restarting phone, no luck.
I have a Epic Boss to kill Gree :(
05-31-2013, 06:39 AM
Anyone else noticing that the game is a lot slower since the update?
Everything takes ages on my iPhone 4s since I patched it an hour ago...
05-31-2013, 07:06 AM
Heya all, ive been reading around a little and have seen you can get 50ep armors from fusing basics which i understand. I was just wondering if i had a crius for example which is wind/earth and 24 ep(i think) would it lose any points if i used it to enhance an earth/spi armor or does it remain 24 as it still shares earth. Sorry fi i have missed the answer to this already and any reply would be greatly apreciated =), Sam
05-31-2013, 07:10 AM
Heya all, ive been reading around a little and have seen you can get 50ep armors from fusing basics which i understand. I was just wondering if i had a crius for example which is wind/earth and 24 ep(i think) would it lose any points if i used it to enhance an earth/spi armor or does it remain 24 as it still shares earth. Sorry fi i have missed the answer to this already and any reply would be greatly apreciated =), Sam
As long as it shares an element, you get the full amount of EP. So, in this case, since the earth element matches, you'll get the full 24EP :)
05-31-2013, 07:29 AM
Thanks for the speedy reply i really love this community for the knowledge and helpfulness =).
05-31-2013, 07:41 AM
Anyone else noticing that the game is a lot slower since the update?
Everything takes ages on my iPhone 4s since I patched it an hour ago...
Yes, I was just going to ask everyone the same thing. Mine even made me do some things over again that I had done about 15 minutes prior(sasquatch, crafts, etc).
Also, anyone want me in their guild? :o
05-31-2013, 08:53 AM
Omg... there is alot of bags !!
I played the game and after i exit and open it again.. the wins and all not saved..
05-31-2013, 09:14 AM
Yes, I was just going to ask everyone the same thing. Mine even made me do some things over again that I had done about 15 minutes prior(sasquatch, crafts, etc).
Also, anyone want me in their guild? :o
Hopefully this gets fixed because my game is so slow that I sometimes cant even loot the creatures I just killed before the lag is over... I added you to my guild btw, just created it and looking for a couple of members :)
05-31-2013, 09:37 AM
You can only get Sky Guardian+ from Dark Prince's Chest. It's not craftable.
Are you sure about that? I mean this is the only way to get the + version?
05-31-2013, 09:46 AM
Are you sure about that? I mean this is the only way to get the + version?
Yup, dark prince chest only.
05-31-2013, 12:41 PM
My questions: is there an interface for inviting people to join your guild? And if so, how does one accept or even view such invitations?
I just got that notification again, it says "You have been invited to join a guild". I opened the game and started looking through the guild-related interfaces and couldn't see if I had any pending invitations anywhere (under join guild or messages in particular). I also looked through the main game menu again, to no avail. Am I just stupid and can't find it? Or is that notification simply an advert for the new update - in which case I *am* stupid, LOL.
Would appreciate any help :)
05-31-2013, 12:45 PM
if i delete and re-install knights and dragon app, i lost something?
05-31-2013, 01:25 PM
Hi all -- I'm having trouble deciding which armors to enhance -- Hoping someone can answer these questions for me:
-Which armors should I enhance first?
-Which armors should I save for Fusing?
-Which armors should I sacrifice to enhance others?
Here's my collection:
Jian's Nemesis Mail
Jian's Battlegear
Storm Sorcerer
Forgemaster's Garb+
Embersteel Armor
Steam Wizard's Robes
Brawler's Armor
Glacier Armor
Monstrous Garb
Stormrage Armor
Vinewood Carapace (x2)
Crius Armor+
Cruis Armor (x2) [regular]
Living Flame Armor (x2)
Atlantean Avenger Armor
Chimera Corps Uniform (x2)
Flamestorm Finery
Volcanic Mantle (x3)
Wavecharmer's Mantle
Wind Monarch's Robes (x2)
Thanks in advance!
Is there any reason an armor wouldn't show up in the list when I try and fuse it? I've got a crius that I want to fuse but when I go to choose the armor to be fused, it's not there. It's not equipped by anyone, it just doesn't show up. Same thing happened when I unequipped an atlantean avenger. My chimera corps shows up but not the other two. Am I missing something really obvious?
05-31-2013, 02:51 PM
Is there any reason an armor wouldn't show up in the list when I try and fuse it? I've got a crius that I want to fuse but when I go to choose the armor to be fused, it's not there. It's not equipped by anyone, it just doesn't show up. Same thing happened when I unequipped an atlantean avenger. My chimera corps shows up but not the other two. Am I missing something really obvious?
I've been having this trouble today too. Just another bug it seems.
05-31-2013, 02:59 PM
Hi all -- I'm having trouble deciding which armors to enhance -- Hoping someone can answer these questions for me:
-Which armors should I enhance first?
-Which armors should I save for Fusing?
-Which armors should I sacrifice to enhance others?
Here's my collection:
Jian's Nemesis Mail
Jian's Battlegear
Storm Sorcerer
Forgemaster's Garb+
Embersteel Armor
Steam Wizard's Robes
Brawler's Armor
Glacier Armor
Monstrous Garb
Stormrage Armor
Vinewood Carapace (x2)
Crius Armor+
Cruis Armor (x2) [regular]
Living Flame Armor (x2)
Atlantean Avenger Armor
Chimera Corps Uniform (x2)
Flamestorm Finery
Volcanic Mantle (x3)
Wavecharmer's Mantle
Wind Monarch's Robes (x2)
Thanks in advance!
1. What level are you? It determines wich armors to go for and wich not.
I take it that your still doing quests, then go for the big four armors first. Atlantean Avenger, Hydra Hunter, Crius and Living Flame. Get those armors, level them up to 15. Then you unlock a + version wich is alot better (even better than most 2 star armors). You need to craft the + version again and then max the armors out to 50. Enhance the armors one by one, not all together at the same time.
2. I suggest you dont waist your time fusing. That proces costs alot of money and it only gives you non plus versions of armors. Plus versions are better, those are the armors that you are aiming for. I see you have Jian's battlegear. I suggest you wait with enhancing that armor till you have a good base with the big four armors like i mentioned earlier. Also if you don't have enough materials to craft another set of Jian's its actually not worth it. The reason for that is that you cant make the plus version.
3. For sacrificing it is all up to you. You can use all armors that you are not intending to level for enhancing. Make sure you line up the elements for extra enhancement points.
05-31-2013, 03:28 PM
Excellent, thanks!
I am level 32. Will the Big Four+ be more powerful at max than Forgemaster's+ and Storm Sorceror?
05-31-2013, 03:43 PM
Excellent, thanks!
I am level 32. Will the Big Four+ be more powerful at max than Forgemaster's+ and Storm Sorceror?
They are slightly better than Forgemaster's+, but you can keep that one for enhancement later, it seems to be pretty good (awesome people, correct me if I'm wrong here). Storm sorcerer is a bit better than those 4, but it will be way more expensive for you to level up at this point. Also keep for later if you want. And storm sorcerer+ is EVEN BETTER ;)
05-31-2013, 04:43 PM
They are slightly better than Forgemaster's+, but you can keep that one for enhancement later, it seems to be pretty good (awesome people, correct me if I'm wrong here). Storm sorcerer is a bit better than those 4, but it will be way more expensive for you to level up at this point. Also keep for later if you want. And storm sorcerer+ is EVEN BETTER ;)
This is all true. I suggest you don't level up the storm sorceror YET cause it will take much more time to max and loads of money. At the level that you are at, you probably don't have the funds for it.
05-31-2013, 06:03 PM
Is there any reason an armor wouldn't show up in the list when I try and fuse it? I've got a crius that I want to fuse but when I go to choose the armor to be fused, it's not there. It's not equipped by anyone, it just doesn't show up. Same thing happened when I unequipped an atlantean avenger. My chimera corps shows up but not the other two. Am I missing something really obvious?
Check to see if it's equipped by one of your knights in the boss fights. I think the update changed it so if it's equipped in PvE, arena, OR boss, you can't use it to enhance. Happened to me last night and took me awhile to figure out the armor I wanted to use was on a knight in the boss battle!
Any suggestions for a lv41 knight with maxed out BIG4 to go about questing? Will the BIG4 suffice for all quests leading up to the dark prince's layer? Do higher maps drop fusion stones? They seem awfully scarce.
05-31-2013, 10:19 PM
Any suggestions for a lv41 knight with maxed out BIG4 to go about questing? Will the BIG4 suffice for all quests leading up to the dark prince's layer? Do higher maps drop fusion stones? They seem awfully scarce.
Big 4 is such sufficient till the last Boss. When u reach dark prince castle then u will probably need level 70 armor to farm Dark Prince materials for crafting. Save your money & don't go crafting Boss armor! It's damn expensive now.
Choose btw roc feather, swamp shaman or infernal lord & max it out accordingly. Have u bought all the space? If u haven't u should focus on that as well.
I am level 116 & got about 200 fusion stones thru farming. Only combine 10 armor so far. So if u r farming regularly, fusion stones will drop accordingly. There isn't too much of a worry.
Your level is rather low so even if u have a max lvl 70 armor, u don't stand alot of chance against lvl 100 with big 4 armor. So my advise is not to be too focus on fusing till u got 3 lvl 70 armor + & a couple of millions of gold before u stay fusing things together.
06-01-2013, 02:18 AM
I have a question about armor. sets.. I have some "old" armor (Seafoam Level 21/30 *Water* and Wing Warrior's Armor Level 11/30 *Air*) sitting in my scroll list of armor that I was wasting my money and time on before I knew how to play the game. I want to enhance my Altantean Avenger Armor Level 5/50 *Air/Water* with both the Seafoam and Wing Warrior. I can go to enhance and select either as the base armor, but I can't add them as one of the 4 enhacement armors when the Altantean or any other armor set is the base. They are not attached to any of my Knights in any armor set (Adventure, Arena, or Boss). I can't find a way to enhance or sell them. What am I missing? What do I do with these armor sets?
06-01-2013, 02:58 AM
I am facing the same issue too. I was going to enhance my sky guardian with a level 14 wavecharners mantle, but it does not appear when I clicked sky guardian as the base. I've check in arena, boss, and adventure, and none of my knights are wearing the wavecharmer armor.
06-01-2013, 03:38 AM
I dont know if this is the correct place to ask it but well i hope im dont bothering you
dear comunity, i was playing this great game on my ipod touch when it begin to crash
when i reboot my ipod the app was uninstalled when i re-install it appears to be an error 100007
i dont know what to do, and i dont want to lose all my progress please help me
06-01-2013, 04:04 AM
Is it just me but my game is really slow and crashes a lot sinc ethe new update
06-01-2013, 07:16 AM
Armor of the Infernal Lord
HOw i get it ?
06-01-2013, 07:18 AM
Armor of the Infernal Lord
HOw i get it ?
Already replied to this on the fusing armor thread. Try not to ask the same questions on both threads :)
06-01-2013, 09:24 AM
I'm focusing on lvling the Big4, but from buying DPCs I have numerous gold 1-star and 2-star armors clogging my list.
Will fusing these together (a long time from now lol, im lv34) bring a chance at valuable x/70 armor?
Is there any reason to keep these? Basically I'm hoping you'll tell me I can use them for enhancing my Big4+'s :p
06-01-2013, 09:27 AM
I'm focusing on lvling the Big4, but from buying DPCs I have numerous gold 1-star and 2-star armors clogging my list.
Will fusing these together (a long time from now lol, im lv34) bring a chance at valuable x/70 armor?
Is there any reason to keep these? Basically I'm hoping you'll tell me I can use them for enhancing my Big4+'s :p
The fact that you're still enchancing the big 4 would mean that it's be better to use the armors you get as enchancement materials unless they're three or four star armors. It's not advisable to fuse at it's extremely expensive for beginner to middle players.
06-01-2013, 09:35 AM
ok great! thx -- also: is it possible to get 4-star armors from Fusion? (i wont be fusing anytime soon, just curious)
06-01-2013, 10:04 AM
For the past few days I've been having a problem with one Dragonflame armor in my inventory. I can enhance it, but when I go to use it to enhance another armor or fuse it, it's not in the list. I contacted Gree and they said, "You'll have to clear some of the armor in your inventory before you can access it, it's sitting in the backlog of your armor currently." I find that pretty hard to believe seeing as how I only have 22 armors total out of 50 I can have.
Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
06-01-2013, 10:08 AM
For the past few days I've been having a problem with one Dragonflame armor in my inventory. I can enhance it, but when I go to use it to enhance another armor or fuse it, it's not in the list. I contacted Gree and they said, "You'll have to clear some of the armor in your inventory before you can access it, it's sitting in the backlog of your armor currently." I find that pretty hard to believe seeing as how I only have 22 armors total out of 50 I can have.
Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
It might be equipped to one of your knights as you're enhancing or fusing, so you have to equip that knight with a different armor.
06-01-2013, 10:22 AM
It might be equipped to one of your knights as you're enhancing or fusing, so you have to equip that knight with a different armor.
Forgot to mention that in the previous post. I checked all 3 sets (questing/arena/boss) and none of my knights are wearing it. It just started like 3 days ago when I was halfway through leveling a living flame armor. It's taking up space and throwing my count off because I think I have 4 when I can only use 3.
06-01-2013, 10:25 AM
Forgot to mention that in the previous post. I checked all 3 sets (questing/arena/boss) and none of my knights are wearing it. It just started like 3 days ago when I was halfway through leveling a living flame armor. It's taking up space and throwing my count off because I think I have 4 when I can only use 3.
Have you gone into the menu and checked "My Knights"?
06-01-2013, 10:25 AM
Yes I think this is a known problem by now. It is also mentioned in the thread "New Update Bags!!" (sic.) He meant "bugs", not bags :P
Regarding elemental armors, which is more the dominant stat? Is it the upper or lower element that is reflected on the damage done to monsters? Take cruis and flowstone battle armors for example, both have wind/earth combos.
If I'm fighting a mob with duo elemental, what should I equip my knights with so i have more of an advantage?
06-01-2013, 10:29 AM
Yes I think this is a known problem by now. It is also mentioned in the thread "New Update Bags!!" (sic.) He meant "bugs", not bags :P
That would make me feel a lot better if I wasn't the only one. Coulda swore it was before the update, but I could be wrong.
06-01-2013, 10:32 AM
It may have nothing to do with the update. I first noticed it today though (maybe I just hadn't tried to fuse any of the problem-armors before). And it's been posted about in other threads, so you're definitely not the only one.
06-01-2013, 07:11 PM
ok great! thx -- also: is it possible to get 4-star armors from Fusion? (i wont be fusing anytime soon, just curious)
You can get legendaries from fusion. The higher the rarity you use the better the chance to get em. Try to save your normal boss armor to fuse together for higher percentage.
06-02-2013, 12:28 AM
currently i have these armours:
Jian's battlegear lvl35
starshroud+ lvl 15
starshroud lvl 35
mantle of the beast lvl 1
Any comments what i shld do which the above mentioned armours?
06-02-2013, 12:31 AM
Level your + version to 70!
06-02-2013, 12:41 AM
Level your + version to 70!
what about the rest? but i heard starshroud+ isnt that good lol
06-02-2013, 12:51 AM
what about the rest? but i heard starshroud+ isnt that good lol
The rest of your armors aren't really wort leveling either than the starsong shroud+. It is true that it isn't that good, but it's still decent. If you haven't got them yet, get the big 4 too. (crius+, atlantean avenger+, hydra hunter+ and living flame+)
06-02-2013, 04:10 PM
I have a few questions.
1. How do you get Aegis of the Dragon Armor? And is it the best armor in the game?
2. To get Sky Guardian Armor, do you combine: Living flame armor + Crius Armor or Flamestorm Finery + Chimera Corps Uniform?
3. Does it help to have the armors you combine (+) before combining, or is it the same chance of success?
4. Does it really help to get the big 4 to (+) (crius+, atlantean avenger+, hydra hunter+ and living flame+)? Can't I just skip that part and get Swamp Shaman Robes+, Rocfeather robes+, Armor of the Infernal Lord+ and The Dark Prince's Royal Armor+?
5. Do (+) armors increase enhancement of other armors? Is that the reason to get the big 4 to (+)?
Thanks in advance :)
06-02-2013, 04:33 PM
I have a few questions.
1. How do you get Aegis of the Dragon Armor? And is it the best armor in the game?
2. To get Sky Guardian Armor, do you combine: Living flame armor + Crius Armor or Flamestorm Finery + Chimera Corps Uniform?
3. Does it help to have the armors you combine (+) before combining, or is it the same chance of success?
4. Does it really help to get the big 4 to (+) (crius+, atlantean avenger+, hydra hunter+ and living flame+)? Can't I just skip that part and get Swamp Shaman Robes+, Rocfeather robes+, Armor of the Infernal Lord+ and The Dark Prince's Royal Armor+?
5. Do (+) armors increase enhancement of other armors? Is that the reason to get the big 4 to (+)?
Thanks in advance :)
I'm by no means an expert but here's what I can tell you:
1) Go to the new spreadsheet: Here ( lE#gid=0) Also "best" is relative based on element choices and bonuses etc.
2) Fusing armors is all random. There isn't a guaranteed way to get Sky Guardian. As long as you have the proper elements in the fusion, you can have a chance at it.
3) The more rare the armor, the (seemingly) better chance at getting better armors. But it is entirely possible to fuse two legendary armors and get a rare armor out of it. Again, its pretty random.
4) Yes. The big 4 are going to help you to get the next group of armors. They're easier and cheaper to level than level 70 armors. You're better off in the long run unlocking each of the big 4's + version, crafting, and then leveling the + versions.
5) No. The enhancement points only vary if it is leveled. You'll get more points if you use a level 15 armor to enhance than a level 1 of the same armor. The only other time enhancement points change is if the elements do/don't match.
06-02-2013, 04:44 PM
5) No. The enhancement points only vary if it is leveled. You'll get more points if you use a level 15 armor to enhance than a level 1 of the same armor. The only other time enhancement points change is if the elements do/don't match.
So enhancement points will not increase by using armors(+), but by using armors of the same element?
06-02-2013, 04:48 PM
Correct. Using a basic fire armor to enhance another fire armor will give you 6 points. Basic fire+ will still only give 6 points. If you use basic fire to enhance an earth/water/wind/spirit armor (not containing fire) you'll get 5 points. As you go up the rarity tree, you get more enhancement points. I know there's a list of enhancement points somewhere.
06-02-2013, 04:55 PM
I saw it posted before but can't seem to find it now, but what are the 50ep 1 star armors you can fuse?
06-02-2013, 08:07 PM
I saw it posted before but can't seem to find it now, but what are the 50ep 1 star armors you can fuse?
06-02-2013, 11:06 PM
what about the rest? but i heard starshroud+ isnt that good lol
dunno y everyone thinks starshroud+ isn't good. if you can't get blackfrost+, which is only via DPC, then it's the next best option for those elements. it could make a good tank - alot of people are using swamp as their tank, and this has better stats. also only wind/fire has dual strength against it and there aren't any good wind/fire armors (knock on wood).
anyways, i agree that its the best of your armors u listed. if you are mid-level and gold is harder to come by, then it'll be easier to level the big 4 though.
06-03-2013, 12:19 AM
dunno y everyone thinks starshroud+ isn't good. if you can't get blackfrost+, which is only via DPC, then it's the next best option for those elements. it could make a good tank - alot of people are using swamp as their tank, and this has better stats. also only wind/fire has dual strength against it and there aren't any good wind/fire armors (knock on wood).
anyways, i agree that its the best of your armors u listed. if you are mid-level and gold is harder to come by, then it'll be easier to level the big 4 though.
What about mantle of the beast+? i left 4 more furs before i can craft it. Should i max it out as well? Or should i wait for next boss armour... This armour doesnt seem as good as WW+ :/
06-03-2013, 12:33 AM
Hi i have just started leveling infernal lord armor and I was wondering how much money would it cost to bring it to level 70 and what is the easiest way to do this? With what type of armor should i enhance it?
06-03-2013, 01:24 AM
Hi i have just started leveling infernal lord armor and I was wondering how much money would it cost to bring it to level 70 and what is the easiest way to do this? With what type of armor should i enhance it?
Start with enchancing it with basic armors, afterwards go on to using mono element armors (stonescale, etc) when it gets too expensive go on to using snakeskin. Use armors with matching elements to get the full EP from each enchancement. By the way, only level the normal versions of craftable 3 star armors like inferno lord to 20 to unlock the +version. Don't bother leveling the normal version any further after that.
06-03-2013, 02:19 AM
What about mantle of the beast+? i left 4 more furs before i can craft it. Should i max it out as well? Or should i wait for next boss armour... This armour doesnt seem as good as WW+ :/
It is far from good as WW+ but its decent. WW+ is hard to get since it has a low outcome chance in the dpc. I suggest go max that badboy if you like the element combination. New weekly boss will probably have diffrent elements.
06-03-2013, 07:02 AM
Start with enchancing it with basic armors, afterwards go on to using mono element armors (stonescale, etc) when it gets too expensive go on to using snakeskin. Use armors with matching elements to get the full EP from each enchancement. By the way, only level the normal versions of craftable 3 star armors like inferno lord to 20 to unlock the +version. Don't bother leveling the normal version any further after that.
Correct me if Im wrong, but armors that come from fusion like Flowstone Battlegear can be (+) if u up it a bit, and then creating it again? :)
06-03-2013, 07:14 AM
Correct me if Im wrong, but armors that come from fusion like Flowstone Battlegear can be (+) if u up it a bit, and then creating it again? :)
Actually you can't. All 2* armor are uncraftable so the only way you can get the + version is from the DPC.
Also so there are some 1* uncraftable as well.
06-03-2013, 07:32 AM
It is far from good as WW+ but its decent. WW+ is hard to get since it has a low outcome chance in the dpc. I suggest go max that badboy if you like the element combination. New weekly boss will probably have diffrent elements.
Hmm, so far i dont have any earth ele kind of combination. I already have starshroud+. and my instinct tells me that this armour isnt that good combi for me if i were to max my starshroud.
I guess i shld wait for Air legendary armour?
06-03-2013, 07:56 AM
Hmm, so far i dont have any earth ele kind of combination. I already have starshroud+. and my instinct tells me that this armour isnt that good combi for me if i were to max my starshroud.
I guess i shld wait for Air legendary armour?
It's a very good counter for the OP aegis lol. Not to mention tortoise and wurm.
And starsong is more of a tank and this weeks armor is built for dmg.
06-03-2013, 09:34 AM
Actually you can't. All 2* armor are uncraftable so the only way you can get the + version is from the DPC.
Also so there are some 1* uncraftable as well.
Sorry for being a bit rookie, but bye saying "DPC", u mean drops from "NPCs" right? Not sure what it stands for lol
06-03-2013, 10:10 AM
Sorry for being a bit rookie, but bye saying "DPC", u mean drops from "NPCs" right? Not sure what it stands for lol
Don't be sorry, we all started as a rookie.
By DPC, he meant dark prince chest
06-03-2013, 11:07 AM
It's a very good counter for the OP aegis lol. Not to mention tortoise and wurm.
And starsong is more of a tank and this weeks armor is built for dmg.
hmm, so u think i shld upgrade both starshroud and beast mantle?
sigh couldn't get Twin Jian+ for myself :( now its lvl 35 not sure if i shld proceed upgrading it to max cuz i dont have any great armour other than my maxed out hydra+
Darth Kallous
06-03-2013, 12:00 PM
Question -
I don't know if I am doing something wrong or what......
I have a couple of armors that I want to enhance with -
I have a 1 basic fire armor that was on my fire knight for a day or so while I crafted something else and then I also have 1 LL armor that is level 27 - I wore it for a while before I got better stuff.
I have now removed these 2 armors from my knights in "My Knights" screen, the Arena, and the Epic Boss Fight. They still don't show up for me to use to enhance or fuse.
I see them available to put on in the My Knights screen.
I can also see them when I select the armor I want to enhance but not when I choose the ones that I want to enhance with.
Any suggestions/ideas?
06-03-2013, 01:23 PM
So I just won the stormrage armour (Non plus) from the Dark Prince's Chest.
Does anyone know how this armour compares to the + versions of the big 4, stat wise?
I want to know if it's worth keeping and leveling up.
Thank you everyone!
06-03-2013, 02:02 PM
Storm rage gives 865 attack and 801 defense. Better than AA+ I believe
06-03-2013, 02:28 PM
What do you guys do with the boss's armor (the non + version)? Starting to run out of room for all my armors.
Darth Kallous
06-03-2013, 02:33 PM
Question -
I don't know if I am doing something wrong or what......
I have a couple of armors that I want to enhance with -
I have a 1 basic fire armor that was on my fire knight for a day or so while I crafted something else and then I also have 1 LL armor that is level 27 - I wore it for a while before I got better stuff.
I have now removed these 2 armors from my knights in "My Knights" screen, the Arena, and the Epic Boss Fight. They still don't show up for me to use to enhance or fuse.
I see them available to put on in the My Knights screen.
I can also see them when I select the armor I want to enhance but not when I choose the ones that I want to enhance with.
Any suggestions/ideas?
Yep -
After reading a thread.... I Wasted 4 gems to go into the Summoning Stone and there was the problem.
Made sure to re-equip all my knights correctly and now the armors show up.
There needs to be a way to select them without wasting gems........
So I just won the stormrage armour (Non plus) from the Dark Prince's Chest.
Does anyone know how this armour compares to the + versions of the big 4, stat wise?
I want to know if it's worth keeping and leveling up.
Thank you everyone!
Not worth it, 50 EP from enhancing though. AA+ beats reg Stormrage, though Stormrage+ would beat AA+, so would be a good replacement if you don't have Storm Sorcerer.
What do you guys do with the boss's armor (the non + version)? Starting to run out of room for all my armors.
They're pretty worthless. Could use them to enhance or go for fusing them as they're ****. Never expect anything good from fusing though.
06-03-2013, 04:36 PM
Storm rage gives 865 attack and 801 defense. Better than AA+ I believe
That's the +version. Normal stormrage only has 600ish attack and defense, not as good as AA+.
06-03-2013, 04:47 PM
...combine my existing level 22 Atlantean Avenger armor with my level 1 Chimera armor? No one is wearing either armor.
06-03-2013, 04:52 PM
Why is gree such a *****
06-03-2013, 04:55 PM
Why is gree such a *****
Give them some time, I don't see how this is in anyway constructive.
06-03-2013, 04:56 PM
...combine my existing level 22 Atlantean Avenger armor with my level 1 Chimera armor? No one is wearing either armor.
It's an ongoing bug at the moment, where some armors can't be fused or enhanced. Gree is working on it now though, so we'll just have to be patient.
06-03-2013, 04:58 PM
It's an ongoing bug at the moment, where some armors can't be fused or enhanced. Gree is working on it now though, so we'll just have to be patient.
Well then. I've had problems ever since the new update. It works just fine for my husband on the iPad, but I've had issues with my phone. At least it's not me......
Thanks, that was helpful.
06-03-2013, 05:02 PM
In sorry gree/wiseone, I'm just really irritated by the slow fixes
06-03-2013, 05:12 PM
I've combined a couple 'undeveloped' sets of legendary armor, but I'd like to combine one that is level 25 or so with its replacement, but it does not show up as an option...any ideas?!?! Thnx.
I've combined a couple 'undeveloped' sets of legendary armor, but I'd like to combine one that is level 25 or so with its replacement, but it does not show up as an option...any ideas?!?! Thnx.
It's possible that one of your knights is wearing it for a summoning stone fight. Either spend 4 gems to fix it or wait until they've changed the summoning stone accessibility. They're currently working on it and it will be fixed with the next update.
06-03-2013, 05:40 PM
I get the epic boss armor every week but i can barely make it past level 21 with them. I know not to really enhance them unless i'm going to get the plus version. Would you say its better to use them as enhancement armors for armors I do have the + version of or, save them?
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