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07-25-2013, 09:35 PM
Writhing: squire in Crius(15), Knight in Monks(20). Blazing: Squire in hydra(15), Knight in Atlantean Avengers+(50), Cabellero: Squire in Crius+(50), Knight in AA+(50)
obviously you can beat these before the armour gets to 50, but at least you wont have to worry about wasting gold on the armor.
Don't worry that snakeskin is slow, you are trying to save gold for expansions and Training Fields. Also, upgrade TF's, they get faster gold production to match the cap. Test it with a lvl 1 and lvl 2 fountain to see it if you have not before.
Thanks, and right now I'm leveling my DF to 10 then to 22 or till I sleep, it's 30 mins before midnight here ( EST)
But can I really beat writhing cascades on epic with just a crius on 15 and a monks vestment knight on 20? Same goes to the other armor suggestions for Blazing and cabellero.
That's okay, I already know and tested it with my friend's.
07-25-2013, 09:54 PM
Well I don't have that much strong friends, mostly on the range of 20-30. I only have one strong friend which he is at lvl 60. I doubt strong players would invite newbies so I took that out of my options. The only reason I got a friend that high level was because that was my IRL friend's account who suggested me this game and got me hooked.
Go into your arena, click leaderboards, and go to the very top of the rankings. Start looking for people with their codes in their name and add them. Those people are always willing to add people and are high level.
07-25-2013, 09:55 PM
Thanks, and right now I'm leveling my DF to 10 then to 22 or till I sleep, it's 30 mins before midnight here ( EST)
But can I really beat writhing cascades on epic with just a crius on 15 and a monks vestment knight on 20? Same goes to the other armor suggestions for Blazing and cabellero.
That's okay, I already know and tested it with my friend's.
With the harder levels you can do 3 things:
1. Use 2 friends
2. Time it so that you level up by round 3-4
3. Fight before you go to bed and leave it overnight to heal.
The armor should be enough to beat the normal round for the materials. For blazing and cabellero you should already have a high enough AA+ to farm the mats and progress.
Also, I wouldn't level monks to 20. It's just not worth it. Get a stonescale to help with writhing cascades.
07-25-2013, 10:03 PM
Go into your arena, click leaderboards, and go to the very top of the rankings. Start looking for people with their codes in their name and add them. Those people are always willing to add people and are high level.
Already have done that and no luck of me being added, either they're not interested in newbies or they're friend list is full. And saying they are always willing is like saying everybody like oranges, there's always a possibility where the top ranking people don't add newbies or mid level people.
With the harder levels you can do 3 things:
1. Use 2 friends
2. Time it so that you level up by round 3-4
3. Fight before you go to bed and leave it overnight to heal.
The armor should be enough to beat the normal round for the materials. For blazing and cabellero you should already have a high enough AA+ to farm the mats and progress.
1.Sure well since I have a lvl 110 and a lvl 60 it shouldn't be a problem.
2. Will do, thanks. and I've used that method before, seems similar to RPGs that I've played.
3.Okay, thanks.
Thanks for the advice again. Man, this is a pretty sweet site for newbies. I should suggest this next time I come across someone clueless to the game, my sister might like this since she likes these kind of games especially with the somewhat cute yet deadly looking armors. As well as my cousin. Maybe.
07-25-2013, 10:11 PM
Already have done that and no luck of me being added, either they're not interested in newbies or they're friend list is full. And saying they are always willing is like saying everybody like oranges, there's always a possibility where the top ranking people don't add newbies or mid level people.
The percentage of you getting people to add you is better than getting denied. I did that at the start of level 20 and got enough high level people to add, that it got me through most of the game. Go lower on the leaderboards than the top 1000/2000.
07-25-2013, 10:12 PM
Already have done that and no luck of me being added, either they're not interested in newbies or they're friend list is full. And saying they are always willing is like saying everybody like oranges, there's always a possibility where the top ranking people don't add newbies or mid level people.
Don't go to the Top Top. Even if you just find ppl in the 1000-1500 range, they should be high enough to help you and would probably accept you.
07-25-2013, 10:13 PM
The percentage of you getting people to add you is better than getting denied. I did that at the start of level 20 and got enough high level people to add, that it got me through most of the game. Go lower on the leaderboards than the top 1000/2000.
I actually found it to be much, much lower. I got maybe 1 out of 5 friend requests when I was a low level. And now, since I get 50 requests in an hour, I don't accept anyone unless they're from my guild or this website.
07-25-2013, 10:21 PM
5-10 minutes of work of clicking profile -> add and just going through the ladder saves hours/days of work. I think it's worth it even if a person personally gets only 1/5th of the people he added to accept. It's all about how many requests you send out.
There's people here you can add too, Crash. Just PM them and ask.
07-25-2013, 10:22 PM
"But can I really beat writhing cascades on epic with just a crius on 15 and a monks vestment knight on 20? Same goes to the other armor suggestions for Blazing and cabellero."
Sounds like some one is getting ready to take notes and find out the lowest possible armour requirements for a writhing tides completion! Add it to a guide when you have figured out the answers. It has been a while since I was there, and I am guessing everyone is going to have different experiences.
Using keys i got from quests I got enough materials to craft a Hydra Hunters. So I fused one up, leveled it to 15 and then crafted the +. That was a giant gold sink for me, got an expensive armour way before I had the training fields to support it.
Not saying it hamstrung me, but your economy is going to outlive any armour. I dislike ABC, it should simply be: don't let your training fields stop producing gold.
07-25-2013, 10:46 PM
"But can I really beat writhing cascades on epic with just a crius on 15 and a monks vestment knight on 20? Same goes to the other armor suggestions for Blazing and cabellero."
Sounds like some one is getting ready to take notes and find out the lowest possible armour requirements for a writhing tides completion! Add it to a guide when you have figured out the answers. It has been a while since I was there, and I am guessing everyone is going to have different experiences.
Using keys i got from quests I got enough materials to craft a Hydra Hunters. So I fused one up, leveled it to 15 and then crafted the +. That was a giant gold sink for me, got an expensive armour way before I had the training fields to support it.
Not saying it hamstrung me, but your economy is going to outlive any armour. I dislike ABC, it should simply be: don't let your training fields stop producing gold.
Guilty as charged :). Okay, will do.
5-10 minutes of work of clicking profile -> add and just going through the ladder saves hours/days of work. I think it's worth it even if a person personally gets only 1/5th of the people he added to accept. It's all about how many requests you send out.
There's people here you can add too, Crash. Just PM them and ask.
Don't go to the Top Top. Even if you just find ppl in the 1000-1500 range, they should be high enough to help you and would probably accept you.
The percentage of you getting people to add you is better than getting denied. I did that at the start of level 20 and got enough high level people to add, that it got me through most of the game. Go lower on the leaderboards than the top 1000/2000.
I did that too, I lowered my standards and went those ranks but sadly only people on lvl ranges from 20-30 only add me.
Anyway, if any high level players are willing to add a newbie like me than thank you very much for your help.
07-25-2013, 10:47 PM
5-10 minutes of work of clicking profile -> add and just going through the ladder saves hours/days of work. I think it's worth it even if a person personally gets only 1/5th of the people he added to accept. It's all about how many requests you send out.
There's people here you can add too, Crash. Just PM them and ask.
I wouldn't recommend that at all. It gets kinda annoying when your friends requesr list is constantly maxed out because of players doing that.
The best way would be to either add your guild members, or PM players in the forum yore interested in adding.
07-25-2013, 10:57 PM
I wouldn't recommend that at all. It gets kinda annoying when your friends requesr list is constantly maxed out because of players doing that.
The best way would be to either add your guild members, or PM players in the forum yore interested in adding.
I actually did that as well when i started out, but PM'ing people on the Forums turned out to be the better solution.
The people there usually got way better levels/armors than a random arena invite and they are not annoyed by the 1 million friend requests.
My request list is constantly full for weeks now. I only add manually by entering their code i got via PM atm, which is quite annoying but still better than declining 500 friend requests each day.
07-25-2013, 11:39 PM
I wouldn't recommend that at all. It gets kinda annoying when your friends requesr list is constantly maxed out because of players doing that.
The best way would be to either add your guild members, or PM players in the forum yore interested in adding.
Yeah, which is why I suggest going lower on the leaderboards. They don't get as much as the people near the top. Remember, Android doesn't have a guild system yet and the 'Android add me' forum mostly consist of lower levels, with some 40s+. These late bloomers (which I'm a part of) are trying to get as much help as they can. Maybe they should remove adding people from Arena like they do for Epic boss leaderboard?
07-26-2013, 12:39 AM
How do I go about getting my old game data on my new phone? Too much money and too many hours spent to start over. :/ Thanks
07-26-2013, 01:09 AM
What are the best armors to use in Kingdom of Darkness? I'm debating whether to try to farm in Haunted Citadel or Kingdom of Darkness. I've been getting trolled by the Wriggly Roots. So many hydra scales.
I'm crafting my first Infernal and have 8/12 Wriggly (been getting trolled for the past almost 2 days). I have all big four just about max, making a second HH+ to farm better..just need advice to make this next step with the 'bigger 4' faster.
07-26-2013, 01:31 AM
colemantgann: need to file a ticket with gree and have them transfer the data for you.
solostar: I used a friend and fought the epic level of that stage
07-26-2013, 03:54 AM
My request list is constantly full for weeks now. I only add manually by entering their code i got via PM atm, which is quite annoying but still better than declining 500 friend requests each day.
O_o 500? I wonder if anybody has ever tried to get a top arena score just from getting that many friend requests and only adding, battling, dumping them (should be nearly 2500 points/day or nearly 17500 points per tournament. Although friend battling for 5+ hours/day would be more annoying than materials farming... ;) )
07-26-2013, 04:16 AM
I dont know if u could help me in any way?
Ive been trying to get in contact with funzio via ingame ticket with no result.
Purchased 1 65 gem pack but got charged for 2 packs.
So if u could help me in any way i would be glad.
Kind regards
07-26-2013, 04:19 AM
I dont know if u could help me in any way?
Ive been trying to get in contact with funzio via ingame ticket with no result.
Purchased 1 65 gem pack but got charged for 2 packs.
So if u could help me in any way i would be glad.
Random people on a forum can't help you.
Maybe spam some more tickets at ?
07-26-2013, 04:33 AM
Random people on a forum can't help you.
Maybe spam some more tickets at ?
Spamming isn't the way, probably send a pm to the wise one instead.
07-26-2013, 04:46 AM
What are the best armors to use in Kingdom of Darkness?
Here are the minions/bosses in KoD:
Stage / All Elements / Boss Elem / Need
1/4 / water-spirit-earth / water-earth / air-fire-spirit
2/4 / spirit-air-fire / air-spirit / fire-earth-water
3/4 / fire-earth-air / fire-earth / water-spirit-earth
4/4 / spirit-fire-air / spirit/fire / fire-water
You will need to use friend(s) until you get some of your armors like Inf+ and Shaman+ maxed. I'm on farm in KoD with maxed Eurus+, Infernal+, and Shaman+. It works well, even though I end up on stage 3 using Inf+ which requires 3 hits on the boss (vs 2 with a water armor). But I get through no problems and no friends needed for it anymore.
07-26-2013, 05:16 AM
I don't think top players on Android will add a newbie, just because of the lag issue on Android devices now.
I was once willing to help newbie and add low level knights, but unfortunately after adding about 100 friends
I cannot play anymore. The game just stop responding @@
So I think maybe newbie will get help after GREE fix the issue with lagging :)
Knight : Nahuy1987
Level : 88+
Armor : maxed combustion armor and working on Guardian Battle gear :)
Android player :)
07-26-2013, 05:44 AM
I don't think top players on Android will add a newbie, just because of the lag issue on Android devices now.
I was once willing to help newbie and add low level knights, but unfortunately after adding about 100 friends
I cannot play anymore. The game just stop responding @@
So I think maybe newbie will get help after GREE fix the issue with lagging :)
Knight : Nahuy1987
Level : 88+
Armor : maxed combustion armor and working on Guardian Battle gear :)
Android player :)
I guess I'm lucky. At most I get 1-3 seconds of lag on my ASUS Transformer Infinity with currently 104/117 friends.
PS: sent you a PM.
07-26-2013, 05:56 AM
Guilty as charged :). Okay, will do.
I did that too, I lowered my standards and went those ranks but sadly only people on lvl ranges from 20-30 only add me.
Anyway, if any high level players are willing to add a newbie like me than thank you very much for your help.
I just added you, got to level 100 a few days ago. I know how it feels to not have friends to help you out since your low level. I got to 100 and high level for epic bosses thanks to friends. Good luck slaying dragons =]
07-26-2013, 09:23 AM
Trying to decide what the next step for a mid tier player like me. I maxed out big four+ and am wondering if it is better to work on crafting/leveling Shaman+ or Phyrus (non +) armor next.
Is it generally a good idea to skip shaman and go straight to infernal ? I am pretty sure I can do Haunted Citadel on normal over and over to get the materials for infernal.
07-26-2013, 09:30 AM
Trying to decide what the next step for a mid tier player like me. I maxed out big four+ and am wondering if it is better to work on crafting/leveling Shaman+ or Phyrus (non +) armor next.
Is it generally a good idea to skip shaman and go straight to infernal ? I am pretty sure I can do Haunted Citadel on normal over and over to get the materials for infernal.
Shaman+ > Phyrus.
1936 > 1843 combined stats.
Apparently the next set to level up after Big4 are Shaman, Infernal and Dark Prince Armour thing. All are very good armours. I'm working on Shaman at the moment, but trying to get it to lvl 20 before I can get the + version.
07-26-2013, 11:05 AM
after an update, my wanderer's shroud change to earth and mystic, does this happen to anyone??
I was just about to ask the same thing... Theey must've changed it back to what they had originally..dunno why...I liked my mono fire
07-26-2013, 11:38 AM
how do you get more arena point, arena always give me opponent where they are always at the 1st range rank, cant advance at all, even I am at ribbon rank, they give rank 1-10 player, er, how to gain point like that ??
how do u guys get point ?
07-26-2013, 11:57 AM
Hi can someone please tell me, does having wings or capes make any difference to your armour or are they purely just for show ????
Necromancer Guild.... Recruiting new members
The wings and capes are purely cosmetic for now (just for show)
07-26-2013, 12:00 PM
So, i have almost maxed all of the Big Four + armors and my castle is full, what should i be working on now? see tons of posts of mid game being about getting the Big Four and filling out the castle, but im pretty much done with that. Whats next?
07-26-2013, 12:19 PM
Bigger four. Swamp shaman, infernal lord, dark prince, roc feather (optional)
07-26-2013, 12:51 PM
So I found the spreadsheet and has been looking at the stats of the armours. I compared the numbers for these 2:
Phyrus (non plus) F/E 1036ATK / 807DEF (at lvl 70) 200k to craft, materials provided at boss lvl 15, long crafting time
Infernal Lord+ F/E 1025ATK / 1050DEF (at lvl 70) 160k to craft (2x 80k), need to hunt for Infernal Iron and 2x crafting time
If my math is correct, Infernal Lord+ needs 6734 EP to craft (1664 normal plus 5070 for +) plus time to hunt 36x Infernal Iron.
On the other hand, Phyrus only needs 5070 EP right out of the box plus crafting time
If I go for Phyrus instead of Infernal Lord+, I sacrifice 243 DEF points for 1664 savings in EP + time saved by not hunting for Infernal Iron.
Is this a good plan ?
07-26-2013, 01:06 PM
So I found the spreadsheet and has been looking at the stats of the armours. I compared the numbers for these 2:
Phyrus (non plus) F/E 1036ATK / 807DEF (at lvl 70) 200k to craft, materials provided at boss lvl 15, long crafting time
Infernal Lord+ F/E 1025ATK / 1050DEF (at lvl 70) 160k to craft (2x 80k), need to hunt for Infernal Iron and 2x crafting time
If my math is correct, Infernal Lord+ needs 6734 EP to craft (1664 normal plus 5070 for +) plus time to hunt 36x Infernal Iron.
On the other hand, Phyrus only needs 5070 EP right out of the box plus crafting time
If I go for Phyrus instead of Infernal Lord+, I sacrifice 243 DEF points for 1664 savings in EP + time saved by not hunting for Infernal Iron.
Is this a good plan ?
No, 243 defense is a lot. And you only need to get Infernal to level 20 to craft the plus version.
07-26-2013, 01:15 PM
No, 243 defense is a lot. And you only need to get Infernal to level 20 to craft the plus version.
Thanks for the answer and the correction, somehow I thought Infernal needed to be at lvl 35 for + to show up. At level 20, the saving is only 656 EP, not really worth the difference in stats
07-26-2013, 01:21 PM
Thanks for the answer and the correction, somehow I thought Infernal needed to be at lvl 35 for + to show up. At level 20, the saving is only 656 EP, not really worth the difference in stats
Legendary armors(****) require level 35 to craft the plus version. Ultra-rares(***) require level 20 to craft the plus. Either way, giving up 243 defense to save a bit of EP isn't worth it. 243 defense is basically the difference between a tanky armor and a glass cannon.
07-26-2013, 01:36 PM
we can only advice, the ultimate decision lies with you.
07-26-2013, 02:33 PM
You can lead a horse to water....etc, etc :p
07-26-2013, 03:23 PM
I think I am going for the traditional Shaman -> Infernal route afterall. I was trying to see if there was an alternative to the Infernal route. The other reason for the question was I already have a stack of 20 snakeskin ready to use as upgrade material but not enough Roots or Infernal Iron yet. I need to use these snakeskins (and other extra armours) to upgrade something as I am running out of armory space.
I am too stingy to purchase gems and whatever little I had saved were immediately used to upgrade my TGs
07-26-2013, 07:18 PM
What do you guys usually do with the non+ version of your epic boss armors once you unlock the plus version? Keep them, use them to enhance the plus version, or fuse with them?
07-26-2013, 08:22 PM
What do you guys usually do with the non+ version of your epic boss armors once you unlock the plus version? Keep them, use them to enhance the plus version, or fuse with them?
I've kept them for now, as they're often my 3rd string armor vs the Epic Boss. Pretty soon they'll be grist to the enhancing mill.
07-26-2013, 09:13 PM
So after si me hours ( a lot) I finally got my big four maxed for the first time now on what should I focus? I liked this week epic boss armor, should I max it instead of infernal lord? Sinceramente they are same element?
07-26-2013, 09:17 PM
So after si me hours ( a lot) I finally got my big four maxed for the first time now on what should I focus? I liked this week epic boss armor, should I max it instead of infernal lord? Sinceramente they are same element?
Only if you get the plus version. If you don't I'd get either Swamp Shaman or Infernal Lord.
07-26-2013, 10:20 PM
Is there a faster way to select which armor to enhance. Going through 30 snakeskins to get to my swamp shaman is so annoying.
07-26-2013, 10:29 PM
Is there a faster way to select which armor to enhance. Going through 30 snakeskins to get to my swamp shaman is so annoying.
Since SS and Snakes are the exact same elements, tapping the element button will not help by much. So, no.
07-26-2013, 10:38 PM
burn those snakes first :P
07-26-2013, 10:42 PM
Is there a faster way to select which armor to enhance. Going through 30 snakeskins to get to my swamp shaman is so annoying.
Equip your swamp shaman.
07-26-2013, 11:14 PM
Equip your swamp shaman.
ding ding ding. Thanks a lot for this
Couple quick questions:
-I have seven level three training fields, what's considered the right number?
-I opened two DPCs and got dark prince and aegis, both non-plus. I'm going to stop leveling dark prince when I can craft + but what level is that? 15 like the big4?
-Now that I have dark prince and aegis, can I just stop leveling LF+ and AA+? I don't see much point because of the comparative max stats
07-26-2013, 11:34 PM
Couple quick questions:
-I have seven level three training fields, what's considered the right number?
-I opened two DPCs and got dark prince and aegis, both non-plus. I'm going to stop leveling dark prince when I can craft + but what level is that? 15 like the big4?
-Now that I have dark prince and aegis, can I just stop leveling LF+ and AA+? I don't see much point because of the comparative max stats
1) 11 is usually the minimum number of training fields you should have. 12 if you only want 3 armorsmiths.
2) 3 stars unlock their +counterparts at level 20
3) The big 4 will still be useful because of the element combinations, and because they're easy to level. Ideally, you would want 3 of every element combination, so unless you have 3 fire/spirit armors or 3 water/air armors, the big 4 should still be leveled.
1) 11 is usually the minimum number of training fields you should have. 12 if you only want 3 armorsmiths.
2) 3 stars unlock their +counterparts at level 20
3) The big 4 will still be useful because of the element combinations, and because they're easy to level. Ideally, you would want 3 of every element combination, so unless you have 3 fire/spirit armors or 3 water/air armors, the big 4 should still be leveled.
Thank you! This forum is great.
07-27-2013, 01:25 AM
what should i do with my 6 lightning lord armors?
07-27-2013, 01:30 AM
what should i do with my 6 lightning lord armors?
seriously dude ...
07-27-2013, 01:38 AM
seriously dude ...
what? >.< i got those from the last arena event and dont know what to do with them!
07-27-2013, 01:51 AM
Use them for enhancing? I mean...if you're not going to wear them, the only obvious answer is to use them for enhancing.
07-27-2013, 01:58 AM
all the care bearing eating the brains up
it's like "i'm thirsty, what should i do with this glass of water?"
07-27-2013, 02:12 AM
Use them for enhancing? I mean...if you're not going to wear them, the only obvious answer is to use them for enhancing.
ok >.< sorry for the stupid question..
07-27-2013, 02:48 AM
In most cases, the armors from Arena sucks besides the top prize from black medal and the single armor in gold medal. Unless you're those lucky 6 people in this game, the armors you get from Arena are typically for enhancements and/or fusion (if you want).
07-27-2013, 03:37 AM
Is right that when building a expansion your TFs stop producing gold? Or is it just a bug for me?
07-27-2013, 03:40 AM
Is right that when building a expansion your TFs stop producing gold? Or is it just a bug for me?
Your TFs should always be producing gold. The only time it doesn't is when it reaches full capacity.
07-27-2013, 03:47 AM
Your TFs should always be producing gold. The only time it doesn't is when it reaches full capacity.
All 7 of them are stuck at 0, with 17 hours left on my 1 million expansion. I've ended the game from task manager with no success. What should I do?
07-27-2013, 07:08 AM
All 7 of them are stuck at 0, with 17 hours left on my 1 million expansion. I've ended the game from task manager with no success. What should I do?
Ouch, that's not good. I'd say to open a ticket with GREE on the issue. Hopefully tonight, I will unlock my last 2 mil expansion. I will post if it does the same thing and definitely open a ticket.
07-27-2013, 07:46 AM
Ouch, that's not good. I'd say to open a ticket with GREE on the issue. Hopefully tonight, I will unlock my last 2 mil expansion. I will post if it does the same thing and definitely open a ticket.
Yeah I've opened one, I'd be interested to see if any other users have this issue as it is seriously affects my ability to play the game.
07-27-2013, 07:59 AM
What is the most efficient way to level armor?
I've been enhancing dragonflames with four basic fires, then using four of those basic-enhanced dragonflames to enhance gold living flames. I have a feeling I may be wasting my time doing that, though. What's the most efficient way to enhance armor?
07-27-2013, 09:01 AM
Should I craft the AA or just combine a seafoam and a wing warrior? Cause if I craft it's more cheaper than combining and spending 25K.
07-27-2013, 09:09 AM
Should I craft the AA or just combine a seafoam and a wing warrior? Cause if I craft it's more cheaper than combining and spending 25K.
1. Do you want/care to spend a fusion star and 25k?
2. How fast do you want AA+?
Those are the two questions you should ask yourself before you decide. If you don't want to deal with gathering another set of Typhoon Gems, then fuse and level it up to unlock AA+. Use the materials you saved from not crafting AA (since you fused) to craft AA+.
If you don't care about how fast you unlock AA+, then just craft AA. Then level it up to unlock AA+, and gather more Typhoon Gems to craft AA+. AA+ will last you for the rest of the game until end game. I would suggest making 2.
07-27-2013, 09:30 AM
Hello.. i am lvl 64 with the big four, i just fused clayplate mantle.. is it worth upgrading to lvl 70 and replacing one of my other big four armor?
07-27-2013, 09:30 AM
What is the most efficient way to level armor?
I've been enhancing dragonflames with four basic fires, then using four of those basic-enhanced dragonflames to enhance gold living flames. I have a feeling I may be wasting my time doing that, though. What's the most efficient way to enhance armor?
Read the Sticky: Armor Levelling Research. This will give you a ton of info on efficient levelling.
07-27-2013, 09:36 AM
1. Do you want/care to spend a fusion star and 25k?
2. How fast do you want AA+?
Those are the two questions you should ask yourself before you decide. If you don't want to deal with gathering another set of Typhoon Gems, then fuse and level it up to unlock AA+. Use the materials you saved from not crafting AA (since you fused) to craft AA+.
If you don't care about how fast you unlock AA+, then just craft AA. Then level it up to unlock AA+, and gather more Typhoon Gems to craft AA+. AA+ will last you for the rest of the game until end game. I would suggest making 2.
I guess I'll just craft the AA cause it's already hard enough to gather typhoon gems, even on mighty my crius lvl 10 and monk vestment on 13 was no match. I wanted to see how good my knights were without friend hiring.
Also I could just wait another two to three days to get my first TF cause guard towers are too slow for me.
By the way, why 2 AA, I thought one would be good enough for the whole game.
07-27-2013, 09:51 AM
I guess I'll just craft the AA cause it's already hard enough to gather typhoon gems, even on mighty my crius lvl 10 and monk vestment on 13 was no match. I wanted to see how good my knights were without friend hiring. Also I could just wait another two to three days to get my first TF cause guard towers are too slow for me.
As suggested above, if you have the mats to craft an AA, you can fuse an AA with a fusion star and 25k, level it up to 15 to unlock the + version, THEN craft an AA+ with the materials you have. Time factor, it's faster because you don't have to wait to craft the AA, and don't have to farm the typhoon gems for the AA+. Money wise, it's works out to be 16k gold more (25k fusion - 9k crafting).
By the way, why 2 AA, I thought one would be good enough for the whole game.
It's not about having 2 AA's. It's having 1 AA and leveling to 15 to be able to craft an AA+ and level the AA+ to 50 to keep. You are going to end up with an AA and and AA+, but you can use the AA as an enhancement.
07-27-2013, 10:09 AM
As suggested above, if you have the mats to craft an AA, you can fuse an AA with a fusion star and 25k, level it up to 15 to unlock the + version, THEN craft an AA+ with the materials you have. Time factor, it's faster because you don't have to wait to craft the AA, and don't have to farm the typhoon gems for the AA+. Money wise, it's works out to be 16k gold more (25k fusion - 9k crafting).
It's not about having 2 AA's. It's having 1 AA and leveling to 15 to be able to craft an AA+ and level the AA+ to 50 to keep. You are going to end up with an AA and and AA+, but you can use the AA as an enhancement.
I see, I misunderstood the part about the two AA's, thanks.
I already combined a seafoam and a wing warrior and got an AA, now all that's left is level it up. But for now, I'll lvl my crius and monk vestment as the writhing cascade and the crossing needs earth armors to beat.
07-27-2013, 10:16 AM
By the way, why 2 AA, I thought one would be good enough for the whole game.
3 of your knights can use Air/Water combo and AA+ is good for like 1/2 of the stages in the game. I meant get 2 AA+, not AA. You don't have to. I mean I got Stormrage+ from DPC so it was a better Air/Water that I used along with AA+. The other 2 of the big 4, LF+ and HH+, don't really shine until the last areas.
I already combined a seafoam and a wing warrior and got an AA, now all that's left is level it up. But for now, I'll lvl my crius and monk vestment as the writhing cascade and the crossing needs earth armors to beat.
You should level the AA asap to get AA+. After leveling the AA+, work on unlocking Crius+ because that's the next big four you will be crafting.
07-27-2013, 10:18 AM
Hello.. i am lvl 64 with the big four, i just fused clayplate mantle.. is it worth upgrading to lvl 70 and replacing one of my other big four armor?
Huh? Clayplate is earth/water, so not the same element combo as any of the big four.
OTOH, it is the same elements as and better than Swamp Shaman Robes+, so you may want to level Clayplate instead of Swamp+ .
Which has the side benefit of (other than finishing a quest) not having to worry about Swamp Kraken's horrible drop rate on Wrigling Roots...
07-27-2013, 10:21 AM
Which has the side benefit of (other than finishing a quest) not having to worry about Swamp Kraken's horrible drop rate on Wrigling Roots...
Man, don't tell me about that. I had enough materials for 2 Infernal Lords before I had enough for 1 Swamp Shaman lol
07-27-2013, 10:29 AM
3 of your knights can use Air/Water combo and AA+ is good for like 1/2 of the stages in the game. I meant get 2 AA+, not AA. You don't have to. I mean I got Stormrage+ from DPC so it was a better Air/Water that I used along with AA+. The other 2 of the big 4, LF+ and HH+, don't really shine until the last areas.
You should level the AA asap to get AA+. After leveling the AA+, work on unlocking Crius+ because that's the next big four you will be crafting.
I think AA+ can wait, besides, writhing and crossing will be hard if my crius is rewlly low but then again, there's that two day crafting time so I think I'll ho along with your advice leveling my AA TO GET AA+ fast.
07-27-2013, 10:29 AM
Man, don't tell me about that. I had enough materials for 2 Infernal Lords before I had enough for 1 Swamp Shaman lol
Well, to me Cerberus isn't being very nice either, so for me it will be a race between maxing Swamp+ and getting enough material for Infernal+.
07-27-2013, 11:30 AM
Thanks for the answer marco, think i will lvl it to 70 then :)
07-27-2013, 12:58 PM
Hi, i'm lvl 20 and i have a few questions:
1) which is the best method to lvl up fast?
2) i have read on this forum about the "big four"..are those armors? and, if yes, which are?
3) at my lvl, which armors are better to use? do i have to focus on something specific?
sorry for my bad english
07-27-2013, 01:02 PM
Hi, i'm lvl 20 and i have a few questions:
1) which is the best method to lvl up fast?
2) i have read on this forum about the "big four"..are those armors? and, if yes, which are?
3) at my lvl, which armors are better to use? do i have to focus on something specific?
sorry for my bad english
1) Level up in the place with the best exp/hp ratio. That's gear-dependent, so I can't really tell you where to go. A maxed Crius in the Writhing Cascades offers the best ratio until the Haunted Citadel.
2) The Big 4 are level 50 armors. They're the Atlantean Avenger, Hydra Hunter, Crius, and Living Flame.
3) The Big 4 are your best bet. But focus on getting Training Grounds before enhancing armor.
07-27-2013, 01:48 PM
1) I saw leveling up as just a nice side effects of working on beating the various areas, completing quests and farming for material.
The sticky posts on this forum provide a lot of helpful information.
07-27-2013, 04:47 PM
Hi guys ı am lvl 66 and what is the best way to lvl up fast
07-27-2013, 05:33 PM
I think AA+ can wait, besides, writhing and crossing will be hard if my crius is rewlly low but then again, there's that two day crafting time so I think I'll ho along with your advice leveling my AA TO GET AA+ fast.
Sorry I have to reply to this. We've given you advice to farm low level areas first while waiting to save up for TFs. You really need the TFs before you spend your money enhancing or on any fusion. I think you'll find that your leveling will be so much faster once you've built all TFs.
Oh and it's 2 hours crafting time for AA.
07-27-2013, 05:43 PM
1) Level up in the place with the best exp/hp ratio. That's gear-dependent, so I can't really tell you where to go. A maxed Crius in the Writhing Cascades offers the best ratio until the Haunted Citadel.
2) The Big 4 are level 50 armors. They're the Atlantean Avenger, Hydra Hunter, Crius, and Living Flame.
3) The Big 4 are your best bet. But focus on getting Training Grounds before enhancing armor.
Thank u!
Now i have the living flame and the atlantean also, but they look really weak compared to my rageborn or monk's vestment..
am i doing something wrong?
07-27-2013, 05:48 PM
Thank u!
Now i have the living flame and the atlantean also, but they look really weak compared to my rageborn or monk's vestment..
am i doing something wrong?
The stats at the max level are more important. They have better growth and are easier to obtain.
07-27-2013, 05:50 PM
I bought the 11 dragon chests and along with many other armor, I recieved a weird armor called "Water Fusion Boost Armor" Attack:1 Defence:1 I have no idea what it does. is it for enhancing or combining armors? Thanks in advance.
07-27-2013, 05:55 PM
I bought the 11 dragon chests and along with many other armor, I recieved a weird armor called "Water Fusion Boost Armor" Attack:1 Defence:1 I have no idea what it does. is it for enhancing or combining armors? Thanks in advance.
Enhancing. IIRC worth 180 points when used on an armor that include water, 150 points if it doesn't.
07-27-2013, 05:56 PM
I bought the 11 dragon chests and along with many other armor, I recieved a weird armor called "Water Fusion Boost Armor" Attack:1 Defence:1 I have no idea what it does. is it for enhancing or combining armors? Thanks in advance.
It adds 150ep (enhancement points) when used to enhance your armors, or 180ep when used to enhance a water armor.
07-27-2013, 06:15 PM
It adds 150ep (enhancement points) when used to enhance your armors, or 180ep when used to enhance a water armor.
Thanks to both of you for the quick replies. I figured it had something to do with enhancing armors but didnt want to make a mistake and waste the armor. Like the many mistakes I've made when combining...Thanks again.
07-27-2013, 06:40 PM
The stats at the max level are more important. They have better growth and are easier to obtain.
oh..ok! i need the + versions? and if can i make them?
07-27-2013, 06:42 PM
Hi guys ı am lvl 66 and what is the best way to lvl up fast
07-27-2013, 06:42 PM
oh..ok! i need the + versions? and if can i make them?
For the Big 4, get the regular versions of each to level 15 and then you can craft the plus version.
07-27-2013, 07:17 PM
Hi guys ı am lvl 66 and what is the best way to lvl up fast
No one answered your question the first time because you need to read the sticky posts. They will tell you how to level PROPERLY. Leveling fast does you no good! Being Level 100 doesn't mean you're going to kick a$$ in the game, beat the epic bosses, or kill everyone in arenas if your gold production and armor are not up to par.
QuantumP 86
07-27-2013, 08:52 PM
Why do some people award me 45 tournament points when I beat them in the arena and others only 15?
07-27-2013, 08:57 PM
What do the titles Guild Champion and Guild Sentinel mean?
07-27-2013, 08:59 PM
Why do some people award me 45 tournament points when I beat them in the arena and others only 15?
You get 45 if you beat someone several levels higher than you. 15 is what you get if they are the same level or lower. There are values in between you can get too.
There is a school of thought that you don't want to reach level 100 (max level for stat gains) because then you can only get a maximum of 15 per win. However you will gain level through farming for materials, sio unless you never farm then eventually you can't avoid hitting 100.
Levels continue above 100, but there are no more stat gains and minimal rewards, usually 1,000 gold each level.
07-27-2013, 09:03 PM
What do the titles Guild Champion and Guild Sentinel mean?
It means that person has been promoted to the position of Guild Champion or Guild Sentinel by their Guild Master. The other officers are called High Commanders, and all other members of a Guild are Commanders.
I am a Guild Sentinel, but I have no idea what powers or privileges this confers above those of a High Commander. I suspect it means only the Guild Master can demote me to a regular Commander. I have the power to promote and demote Commanders and High Commanders, as well as the usual powers of a Guild Officer (spending Guild funds and accepting new members).
I have acquired at least twelve hydra scales from killing the hydra in caballero desert on normal. None have them have counted towards the quests "hydra hunting" and "first do no harm 4" which require 13 and 10 hydra scales to be collected respectively. I opened a ticket but is there something I'm missing?
07-28-2013, 12:24 AM
Hey guys,
I'm working towards a swamp+ and found a riverstone+. Is it worth maxing that out first just to tide me over until I can max swamp?
QuantumP 86
07-28-2013, 12:44 AM
I see that the sum of stats for Notus+ and Sky Guardian+ are similar. Is one better for arena and another for epic boss? I want to level one of them and wanted some feedback and reasoning for which is more worth it.
QuantumP 86
07-28-2013, 12:46 AM
I have acquired at least twelve hydra scales from killing the hydra in caballero desert on normal. None have them have counted towards the quests "hydra hunting" and "first do no harm 4" which require 13 and 10 hydra scales to be collected respectively. I opened a ticket but is there something I'm missing?
Did you acquire the hydra scales while the quest is active? You could've had a million and it not count unless you collected them while the quest is active.
07-28-2013, 12:49 AM
Hey guys,
I'm working towards a swamp+ and found a riverstone+. Is it worth maxing that out first just to tide me over until I can max swamp?
How far are you from swamp+? It's better to just focus on getting Swamp+ then turning your focus on Riverstone+ that will be replaced, especially if you don't need it. The Big Four is good enough to farm for Wriggly Roots while you craft Swamp and enhance to unlock Swamp+.
Veloster Raptor
07-28-2013, 12:58 AM
I am Level 63 and have ca+ at 50, aa+ 50 and lf+ 43. I'm working on hh+ 20ish. My question is what should I level after the big four? I'm grinding for the ss and just unlocked Zephyer plateau. Suggestions welcome.
07-28-2013, 12:58 AM
How far are you from swamp+? It's better to just focus on getting Swamp+ then turning your focus on Riverstone+ that will be replaced, especially if you don't need it. The Big Four is good enough to farm for Wriggly Roots while you craft Swamp and enhance to unlock Swamp+.
I already have a swamp+ that's lvl 20. I just thought it might be a small but worth it detour to have 2 stone/water for a future epic boss or something. But you make a good point, I'll just focus on swamp+ first.
I am Level 63 and have ca+ at 50, aa+ 50 and lf+ 43. I'm working on hh+ 20ish. My question is what should I level after the big four? I'm grinding for the ss and just unlocked Zephyer plateau. Suggestions welcome.
I think most people work towards swamp+, infernal+ and dp+ which are found at the 3 stages after zephyr plateu. And then with those maxed, work towards epic boss+
07-28-2013, 01:29 AM
I am Level 63 and have ca+ at 50, aa+ 50 and lf+ 43. I'm working on hh+ 20ish. My question is what should I level after the big four? I'm grinding for the ss and just unlocked Zephyer plateau. Suggestions welcome.
If u r fighting epic boss regularly, big 4 is always the most convenient & easiest to Max.
U can always use it on your 3 knight while max your level 70 Armors.
07-28-2013, 02:40 AM
Hi guys I am level 41 at the desert place I have aa+ level 40, I also have a monstrous garb I want to know should i upgrade that over the crius? I currently do not own crius+ but my monstrous garb is level one. What one should i upgrade? Thanks
07-28-2013, 03:02 AM
I have acquired at least twelve hydra scales from killing the hydra in caballero desert on normal. None have them have counted towards the quests "hydra hunting" and "first do no harm 4" which require 13 and 10 hydra scales to be collected respectively. I opened a ticket but is there something I'm missing?
You mean collected them after viewing the quest's intro or having them in stock before the quest?
"collect" quests only start counting after you've seen what exactly your quest is.
"Craft", "level to" etc. do count what's in your inventory though.
(This is why I tried to always have as many quests unlocked at once as possible, so all collecting counted towards all of them and I didn't have to do any pointless repeat collecting...)
Hi guys I am level 41 at the desert place I have aa+ level 40, I also have a monstrous garb I want to know should i upgrade that over the crius? I currently do not own crius+ but my monstrous garb is level one. What one should i upgrade? Thanks
Farm for Crius+ and level that.
Monstrous non-plus max combined stats: 1099
Crius+ max combined stats: 1490
07-28-2013, 03:02 AM
Hi guys I am level 41 at the desert place I have aa+ level 40, I also have a monstrous garb I want to know should i upgrade that over the crius? I currently do not own crius+ but my monstrous garb is level one. What one should i upgrade? Thanks
No. Work on getting Crius+.
07-28-2013, 07:06 AM
When you level up after 100, do you still get hp heal?
Do you still get bonus like gold keys and gems?
thank you.
07-28-2013, 07:13 AM
When you level up after 100, do you still get hp heal?
Do you still get bonus like gold keys and gems?
thank you.
Yes you do.
07-28-2013, 07:35 AM
When you level up after 100, do you still get hp heal?
Do you still get bonus like gold keys and gems?
thank you.
Yes you do
07-28-2013, 11:23 AM
I opened a few of these epic chests. My results were kinda bad to be honest, but I did get a Sky Guardian , normal and a Vinewood carapace +, sucks I know ....
I looked up the stats at max for the vine thing and i am not impressed, it's worse than the big 4 armors so that's a no no.
The Sky Guardian however has decent stats and seems worth leveling. What do you guys think ?
07-28-2013, 11:56 AM
where does your account in K&D attached to, your phone or googleplay account?
What happen if your phone or tablet break down?
thank you.
07-28-2013, 12:10 PM
I opened a few of these epic chests. My results were kinda bad to be honest, but I did get a Sky Guardian , normal and a Vinewood carapace +, sucks I know ....
I looked up the stats at max for the vine thing and i am not impressed, it's worse than the big 4 armors so that's a no no.
The Sky Guardian however has decent stats and seems worth leveling. What do you guys think ?
The general consensus seems to be if you really want to, you should, since it is better than Roc+. However, it's a general 'rule of thumb' I guess, to not bother with non-plus armors.
07-28-2013, 12:20 PM
The Sky Guardian however has decent stats and seems worth leveling. What do you guys think ?
I maxed out my SG and it has done me well over the last 3-4 weeks. Of course, a few days after I maxed it out, I opened a few chests and got an SG+. I'm slowly leveling that one right now in between all the dragon armor. I will keep both the SG and SG+ since the SG has better stats than Rocfeather+. I can craft a Roc+, but have been saved from doing so and leveling it up thanks to the SG reg.
07-28-2013, 12:40 PM
curious as to how the fusion boosts are used. i have 2 from the chance chest event this week and i am unsure if i use them to fuse with other armor or fusion boosts, or if i am supposed to use them when enhancing an armor and if i should use them with same type armor (water fusion boost with water element armor). any advice is appreciated.
07-28-2013, 12:53 PM
curious as to how the fusion boosts are used. i have 2 from the chance chest event this week and i am unsure if i use them to fuse with other armor or fusion boosts, or if i am supposed to use them when enhancing an armor and if i should use them with same type armor (water fusion boost with water element armor). any advice is appreciated.
Used primarily for enhancing your armors. Gives 150ep, 180 on matching element
07-28-2013, 03:36 PM
Has anyone else experienced this? What was the resolution? Do I need to wait for gree support? I have tried uninstalling which did not work.
Thanks in advance!
07-28-2013, 03:47 PM
Any idea what bugs/stability was fixed for this patch? I wish they would let us know some of the stuff they fixed.
07-28-2013, 05:47 PM
First of all, thanks to everyone who has been responding to everyones questions. I'm fairly new (started the day before these four dragon bkal+ event). The forum has been sooooo helpful, especially with using gems for TFs instead of the chests and getting the big four.
My question is that I saw somewhere somebody said that he saved up all of his keys (silver, gold, etc) for a 'sale' event. Are there sales that provide better chances of getting good items in chests? I have seen events like '20% off on opening chests' (so 16 instead of 20), but that doesn't mean anything about better chances. Any help would be great. Thanks in advance :)
07-28-2013, 07:24 PM
Gathering the mats for swamp shaman and infernal are driving me mad. I even tried the epic level several times and still got the crappy secondary drops. Any tips for getting these mats faster?
07-28-2013, 07:28 PM
Gathering the mats for swamp shaman and infernal are driving me mad. I even tried the epic level several times and still got the crappy secondary drops. Any tips for getting these mats faster?
Nope lol. I'd recommend doing normal and trying to get 3 teams of 2 to finish the boss if you can. Use 1 friend for the weaker armours if you need to. Just have to maximise the amount of times you fight him.
07-28-2013, 08:12 PM
Why are training fields better than nests to have? By my math at level 2 in each, Ide make 500 more per hour per 2 land spots. That would be 10,000 more a day(I sleep 6 hours so would lose 4 hours or gathering). subtract 4 hours extra of training fields and im still up 4500 a day per 2 land spots. With 9 that's 40k per day extra profit. So what makes them better to have if you lose so much?
07-28-2013, 08:34 PM
Why are training fields better than nests to have? By my math at level 2 in each, Ide make 500 more per hour per 2 land spots. That would be 10,000 more a day(I sleep 6 hours so would lose 4 hours or gathering). subtract 4 hours extra of training fields and im still up 4500 a day per 2 land spots. With 9 that's 40k per day extra profit. So what makes them better to have if you lose so much?
Nests are better if you can check them all the time as you said. Almost nobody is willing to check often enough for them to be worth it.
07-28-2013, 08:41 PM
Why are training fields better than nests to have? By my math at level 2 in each, Ide make 500 more per hour per 2 land spots. That would be 10,000 more a day(I sleep 6 hours so would lose 4 hours or gathering). subtract 4 hours extra of training fields and im still up 4500 a day per 2 land spots. With 9 that's 40k per day extra profit. So what makes them better to have if you lose so much?
If you truly plan to be in the game at least every 2 hours, by all means make the nests. But you have to sleep as you said, also work, school, and life in general will keep you away from the game now and then where TFs will keep collecting for 12 hours. Plus it will cost you up front for 22 L2 nests 2,530,000 gold vs 11 tf's at 825,000. If you wanted to go to L3, it's only 11x35 (385) gems for the TFs vs 22x40 (880) for the nests.
07-28-2013, 09:22 PM
First of all, thanks to everyone who has been responding to everyones questions. I'm fairly new (started the day before these four dragon bkal+ event). The forum has been sooooo helpful, especially with using gems for TFs instead of the chests and getting the big four.
My question is that I saw somewhere somebody said that he saved up all of his keys (silver, gold, etc) for a 'sale' event. Are there sales that provide better chances of getting good items in chests? I have seen events like '20% off on opening chests' (so 16 instead of 20), but that doesn't mean anything about better chances. Any help would be great. Thanks in advance :)
There are frequent 2x and 3x events to get rarer armors. Although .1 x 3 still isnt all that high
07-28-2013, 09:27 PM
There are frequent 2x and 3x events to get rarer armors. Although .1 x 3 still isnt all that high
You can only save up gold and silver keys in most cases, but there aren't any events for that. Personally I have 156 gold keys, and I'm saving them for when I need fusion boosts and fusion stars the most.
07-28-2013, 09:31 PM
You can only save up gold and silver keys in most cases, but there aren't any events for that. Personally I have 156 gold keys, and I'm saving them for when I need fusion boosts and fusion stars the most.
Wow, thats some hoarding Aiden. IDK how you folks do it, I personally have difficulty holding on to more than 11. My fingers start to itch real bad!
07-28-2013, 10:20 PM
where does your account in K&D attached to, your phone or googleplay account?
What happen if your phone or tablet break down?
thank you.
It's connected to the server via your phone. If you get a new device, assuming it is the same operating system as your past one (the one you already played K&D on), you can contract GREE and they can transfer your account to the new device. You just can't do transfers to different OS, ie android to iOS or vs versa.
Google play means nothing for this game other than in game purchases.
07-28-2013, 10:38 PM
How in the world do you get so many gold keys:S?
07-28-2013, 11:04 PM
How in the world do you get so many gold keys:S?
Back then when I was hitting 60 on every epic boss, that was 18 gold keys per week. Now I'm getting 8 per week and I'm I've just been saving up.
07-28-2013, 11:31 PM
Hi guys.. Just a question for ones who have bkal+ do u use 50ep's as well or just anything
07-29-2013, 12:30 AM
Hi guys.. Just a question for ones who have bkal+ do u use 50ep's as well or just anything
Just a note: since it's Kaleidoscopic, it's unmatched elements, so 40EP... ;)
Gathering the mats for swamp shaman and infernal are driving me mad. I even tried the epic level several times and still got the crappy secondary drops. Any tips for getting these mats faster?
Swamp Kraken on Castle of Darkness -> Epic seems to have better drop rates based on my first few runs, so it might work to do that stage until after Swamp Kraken, then flee just after, start another stage elsewhere to reset and then start that Epic stage again. (you also don't have to battle through 6(?) levels of minions that way.)
07-29-2013, 12:52 AM
Hey guys I am currently crafting the ancient dragon phyrus armour. I have two fusion boost armours of its element(earth and fire) should i use these to enhance the armour or save for the infernal lord is it? I am level 42
07-29-2013, 12:55 AM
Why is wriggly roots so trolly..
1) I thought i read about a certain level rewarding you with 5 DPC? or was it a quest?
2) Any word on when guilds will be available for android?
3) Do android users compete against IOS users in arena and epic boss leaderboards?
4) What are the lvl 70 armors I should be starting to make once my big four are close to being maxed out?
4)a) Im having trouble understanding how people manage to kill the epic boss so many times? Im currently up to level 19 (which is the furthest iv'e gotten), and I can't see myself getting any further any time soon,even with a couple of my friends who have relatively weak nemesis armor (500-700 stat points atm). So getting anywhere close to 43 kills just seems impossible to me
b) Do you all just keep recycling your friends till you find people with nemesis armors? or is there a thread or chat somewhere with nemesis owners offering help?
Thanks for taking the time to answer
07-29-2013, 12:58 AM
Hey guys I am currently crafting the ancient dragon phyrus armour. I have two fusion boost armours of its element(earth and fire) should i use these to enhance the armour or save for the infernal lord is it? I am level 42
I thnk ul be better wd infernal lord coz u cn make a + of it wen u go to the stage of cerberus.. Dragon is good but if u cnt make the + version of it its nt worthit...
07-29-2013, 12:59 AM
[QUOTE=Marco_;893941]Just a note: since it's Kaleidoscopic, it's unmatched elements, so 40EP... ;)
So ders no proper way or best way to enhance it? 40 is the highest?
07-29-2013, 01:02 AM
[QUOTE=Marco_;893941]Just a note: since it's Kaleidoscopic, it's unmatched elements, so 40EP... ;)
So ders no proper way or best way to enhance it? 40 is the highest?
Best way is to use another Bkal to enhance your Bkal+
07-29-2013, 01:14 AM
Killing the epic boss 60 times gives 5 dpc keys. I don't think anyone does this more efficiently than buying them outright any more. Except through a bug that has been around so long the programmer's probably consider it a feature.
2. Nope. No clue. Hopefully people like xx zxxzxxzxz, vader and the like keep dropping serious coin and serious hints.
3. Fortunately no. Android a wouldn't see the top 2k without guild bonuses
4. Get to level 100 with 10 top tier friends and the boss becomes much more manageable. Using only previous epic boss armours (first one might cost you 55 gems) I can get up to 43 before I need to buy a win. And yeah, I use the same ten friends every day.
Other 4: I would get either a boss armour plus to level (using a small pile of the free gems you get while you are doing all of those quests) or swamp shamans. It is a decent armor, stats wise, and it is good for farming snakeskin. Unfortunately you do not have any armour to make that level easy. Persistence is key.
Also gold is awesome, don't worry if you are not always crafting. Just keep buying tfs.
07-29-2013, 02:17 AM
4 a/b) don't tunnelvision on Nemesis. For ex. a Clayplate will probably do more damage at (nearly) any level by staying alive much longer.
At level 90, none of my level 90+ friends are wearing nemesis and only 1 or 2 lower level ones are.
Myself I'm aiming for about level 35 this boss, so if you haven't even maxed all big 4, trying for level 43 is a bit ambitious... :p
07-29-2013, 02:35 AM
what's the speed of HP healing for your guys?
07-29-2013, 02:39 AM
4 a/b) don't tunnelvision on Nemesis. For ex. a Clayplate will probably do more damage at (nearly) any level by staying alive much longer.
At level 90, none of my level 90+ friends are wearing nemesis and only 1 or 2 lower level ones are.
Myself I'm aiming for about level 35 this boss, so if you haven't even maxed all big 4, trying for level 43 is a bit ambitious... :p
do you know what is need to get to lvl 35?
07-29-2013, 02:49 AM
do you know what is need to get to lvl 35?
Depends on what elements the boss has. If you have the big 4 and maybe 1 70+ armor that's strong against the boss, you should be able to take 35 down. That's if you're level 100 that is. It's very much possible to do it at lower levels too, if you have strong friends.
07-29-2013, 03:05 AM
what's the speed of HP healing for your guys?
AFAIK it's 1 health per 20 seconds (3 health per minute) for both your followers and commander.
This does mean that as you level up, 0% to 100% times get longer and longer. (for my commander it's now 552/3=184 minutes, which is 46 minutes longer than the followers, so I always put the commander 3rd position on the storyline stages)
do you know what is need to get to lvl 35?
Lots of good friends, timing your boss runs correctly with your friend list reset.
I've still got level 31-35 to go if I want to reach 35.
(edit: calculation fail on my part: 4 4/3 runs would be 4*13 Epic Energy = 52, while there are only 48 half hours in a day, so three 4/3 runs max per day if no extra sources of Epic Energy are added.)
Epic Energy wise, I could do 3 runs per day, but if I need 4 friends for each level (1 follower + commander + 2 friends followed by commander + 2 friends 1 1/2 hours later) then friend list limits me to 2 1/2 runs per day. To then get the most out of the friend list, if I have just 2 friends left, I have to make sure the friend list resets between the first and second part of a run, so I can pick the last 2 friends from 1 day and 2 from the next.
edit: and you of course got to time the 2 hour epic boss window correctly with both the epic energy window and the friends window, so at times it can be best to hold of from farming for 1 - 1 1/2 hours as to not trigger the epic boss at the wrong moment.
And if you really want to tryhard, I think there's an epic boss damage calculator spreadsheet floating around the forum somewhere that gives you advice on how many knights to send in at each epic boss level.
07-29-2013, 04:08 AM
I could understand how you get +boss Armor by getting lvl43, didn't the boss only drop 1 material each time?
07-29-2013, 04:12 AM
I could understand how you get +boss Armor by getting lvl43, didn't the boss only drop 1 material each time?
It drops 1 or 2.
Post 15, I've been getting 2 most times.
07-29-2013, 04:13 AM
I could understand how you get +boss Armor by getting lvl43, didn't the boss only drop 1 material each time?
From level 22 onwards the boss drops 2 materials each time. At level 43, it drops 3 materials.
07-29-2013, 04:17 AM
I could understand how you get +boss Armor by getting lvl43, didn't the boss only drop 1 material each time?
2 at level 1
1 per kill from levels 2-21
2 per kill from levels 22-46, 3 at 43
3 per kill from levels 47-59
4 per kill at level 60 onwards til ....
07-29-2013, 05:48 AM
I've been lurking for a bit, but first post here.
My Stats:
Level 90, Big 4 maxed, working on maxing out Dark Prince+, Inf.Lord+, and a Blackfrost for better Arena/EB armors, then S.Shamon+, Roc+, and Tortoiseshell(non+). I can currently get to level 21 in the EB events, and once cleared level 28 with 2 friends with the Nemisis armor... so it's very tough to get to level 43 to get EB+ armors still, and I'm working on that... but even then, I don't think I have the time or gems (I don't want to spend real $$ on this game) to craft EB+ armors.
So I have a few advanced questions for the more experienced players:
1. 4* (non +) EB armors: Is it better to fuse them together to get other good armors, or is it best to use them for their points to upgrade other armors? For instance, with exception of the Armor of Boreas, all 3 of the non-+ Dragon armors are trumped by other armors in my inventory, according to their max-stats data, making them pretty useless other than being good-looking.
1.5: 3*+ armors: Now that I've crafted all my 3*+ armors, while leveling up to level 100 (not a priority now), is it best to fuse the 3*+ armors - like Roc and Swamp - or use them for their points to upgrade other armors?
2. So I mentioned that I've crafted the Dark Prince + Armor: What else is there to do in the game (bessides EB and Tourney's ?? lol
3. I have 42 Gems, and it seems that I can collect 2/week with the tournament quests and the EB rewards. So I am at a fork in the road with what to do with them:
3a: Upgraded Training fields. These cost 35 gems. Do these increase the gold production rate, or just the maximum collected?
3b: Is the Dark Prince Chance Chest worth the 20 gems? The way I figure it is this is sort of a waste in my situation since even if I did get a Nemesis armor, it would only be useful for a week.
4. Does anyone know when the Guild events are starting?
Sorry for the elaborate questions, but thank you very much in advance!!
07-29-2013, 06:03 AM
I've been lurking for a bit, but first post here.
My Stats:
Level 90, Big 4 maxed, working on maxing out Dark Prince+, Inf.Lord+, and a Blackfrost for better Arena/EB armors, then S.Shamon+, Roc+, and Tortoiseshell(non+). I can currently get to level 21 in the EB events, and once cleared level 28 with 2 friends with the Nemisis armor... so it's very tough to get to level 43 to get EB+ armors still, and I'm working on that... but even then, I don't think I have the time or gems (I don't want to spend real $$ on this game) to craft EB+ armors.
So I have a few advanced questions for the more experienced players:
1. 4* (non +) EB armors: Is it better to fuse them together to get other good armors, or is it best to use them for their points to upgrade other armors? For instance, with exception of the Armor of Boreas, all 3 of the non-+ Dragon armors are trumped by other armors in my inventory, according to their max-stats data, making them pretty useless other than being good-looking.
1.5: 3*+ armors: Now that I've crafted all my 3*+ armors, while leveling up to level 100 (not a priority now), is it best to fuse the 3*+ armors - like Roc and Swamp - or use them for their points to upgrade other armors?
2. So I mentioned that I've crafted the Dark Prince + Armor: What else is there to do in the game (bessides EB and Tourney's ?? lol
3. I have 42 Gems, and it seems that I can collect 2/week with the tournament quests and the EB rewards. So I am at a fork in the road with what to do with them:
3a: Upgraded Training fields. These cost 35 gems. Do these increase the gold production rate, or just the maximum collected?
3b: Is the Dark Prince Chance Chest worth the 20 gems? The way I figure it is this is sort of a waste in my situation since even if I did get a Nemesis armor, it would only be useful for a week.
4. Does anyone know when the Guild events are starting?
Sorry for the elaborate questions, but thank you very much in advance!!
1. I wouldn't even recommend crafting boss armors if you can't get the +version to be honest. Though if you've already crafted them I would say fusing two 4* armors is the way to go, make sure you know what you're fusing for though, get the elements right.
1.5. I would use them for enhancing since it's only with 4* armors that you get the best odds for better armors.
2. Epic boss and tournies are the only thing, though guild wars should be coming out soon.
3. Training fields. Always max training fields with gems before using gems for anything else. The rate of gold production and total gold it can contain increases.
4. Nope.
07-29-2013, 02:31 PM
When start guilds on android
07-29-2013, 04:38 PM
Hi all! I was just introduced to this game a couple of days ago by a friend and absolutely love it! I've been reading a lot of the posts on this forum and I think I'm really starting to understand the game but there's a few things I'm still confused about:
I'm level 24 now and I'm currently wearing Monk's Vestments level 14, Embersteel Armor level 7, Seafoam Armor level 18, Volcanic Mantle level 6, Wing Warrior's Armor level 16 and I just unlocked the spirit knight, so she's just wearing the basic spirit armor right now. I know about the Big 4 and there's something I'm not sure about. I've read that you shouldn't Fuse armor together to get the Big 4 because you'll be getting them as rewards somewhere, but I haven't found anyone that's actually stated where I might be finding them. Am I just too low level to have found them yet? I'd love to get some of them as soon as I can so I can stop wasting armor on enhancing the junk I'm wearing right now.
I've currently got up to the Fairie Forest Valor stage unlocked so far, but it's getting to the point where I need multiple attempts at each stage before I can clear them, as in, fight until I'm just about dead and run away, then wait forever to heal and go back and finish it off. I've used up my 10/10 friend hires and I've got about 7 hours to go before I can use them again. Should I just keep enhancing my junk gear until they're strong enough to clear these areas? I've been using Skeletons Tomb normal to level up, as it gives 22xp per drop and a couple of snakeskins most runs, but right now I'm not sure if I'm better spending my time trying to clear the Fairie Forest as fast as I can or to keep trying to level bit by bit.
I've beaten level 7 Ancient Dragon Phyrus, but I'm finding now that even with hiring a friend and using three of my own knights, it's not getting the job done. I could try hiring two friends but that would take 10 epic energy and I'm thinking I should be using those friends to help me clear areas. I've got one level 162 friend but the rest are all 12-95 with ok gear, so I'm not sure I'll even be able to get much further this time with the dragon. I'd need 3 more kills to even get to the next tier of rewards and it doesn't look like there's much to be excited about there. It's the 8th kill that gets me to 15 that would be worthwhile from what I'm seeing and I seriously don't think I'll be getting there any time soon. I could be wrong though of course.
As for my castle, I've unlocked the expansions up to the point where the next one is 80,000. I've got 2 armor smiths, 6 fountains, 1 upgraded guard tower and 2 training fields. I switch out the fountains just before going to sleep and replace them with guard towers, then in the morning I put the fountains back in and upgrade them to level 2. I've currently got about 16k in gold and 92 gems. I bought a few gems and got the rest from watching those videos. Right now, one of my training fields is upgraded to the maximum and the other is level 1. I'm thinking I should get the 25k to upgrade the other one to level 2 and then use 35 gems to take it to level 3. But my other thought is that maybe I should use that 25k to try to get myself an Antlantean Avenger. 25k is a ton of cash to me right now though and it would really suck to fail that combine.
Is it better when you're starting out to make one knight as powerful as possible or to evenly bring them all up at the same time? I'm guessing it's the second, but I'd like to hear what you guys think.
I've got a ton of time on my hands right now, so I'll be playing this a lot. I've been reading through this Q & A thread and I'm currently on page 39, so maybe my answers are on page 138 or something! :p Thanks for any answers to my questions and sorry for the novel, I promise all my posts won't be this long!
TL:DR version:
What's the quickest way for a newbie to get the Big 4?
Should I use my friends to help me clear the dragon or new areas?
Should I use 25k to upgrade one of my TFs or to try to combine an AA?
Is it a better use of time to level up using earlier areas or to keep grinding away at new areas with multiple attempts at each level?
07-29-2013, 05:10 PM
Not sure if I'm using the right thread here. I just joined minutes ago. I purchased a gem package several days ago and have the confirmation email and order number. But I have yet to receive my gems. Does it usually take several days to receive purchases on this game? I have sent messages to funzio through the contact us part of the game and one through the contact us link on this site. I have heard nothing from them. Getting incredibly impatient and frustrated. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
07-29-2013, 05:13 PM
Not sure if I'm using the right thread here. I just joined minutes ago. I purchased a gem package several days ago and have the confirmation email and order number. But I have yet to receive my gems. Does it usually take several days to receive purchases on this game? I have sent messages to funzio through the contact us part of the game and one through the contact us link on this site. I have heard nothing from them. Getting incredibly impatient and frustrated. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
I know it was pretty much instantaneous when I bought mine.
07-29-2013, 05:27 PM
Ok Xaidar,
1. The quickest way would just be playing through the story mode as that is where you get all the mats, unless you have masses of gold to be throwing around I would bother trying to fuse for them.
2. At this stage you should focus on the story as you aren't going to be able to get too far with the epic boss, perhaps wait until you have the Big 4 until you try and progress with the Epic Boss.
3. TFs most definitely, your no. 1 focus should be gold production show definitely TFs.
4. I think this is subjective, as for me I'd say keep grinding away at the story but they may be a challenge until you have the big 4 so just try to do what works best for you.
07-29-2013, 05:32 PM
I know it was pretty much instantaneous when I bought mine.
Well that sucks. But thanks for the info.
07-29-2013, 05:34 PM
Ok Xaidar,
1. The quickest way would just be playing through the story mode as that is where you get all the mats, unless you have masses of gold to be throwing around I would bother trying to fuse for them.
2. At this stage you should focus on the story as you aren't going to be able to get too far with the epic boss, perhaps wait until you have the Big 4 until you try and progress with the Epic Boss.
3. TFs most definitely, your no. 1 focus should be gold production show definitely TFs.
4. I think this is subjective, as for me I'd say keep grinding away at the story but they may be a challenge until you have the big 4 so just try to do what works best for you.
Thanks for answering! So basically right now I should enhance the junk armor I have in order to be able to progress through the areas until I unlock the areas that drop the Big 4, and pretty much ignore the epic boss until the next time, when I should be much better geared.
A follow-up to #3, should I upgrade the second TF I have right away or try saving another 25k and get a 3rd TF first?
#4: I'd have to grind away at the story in order to get the Big 4 unlocked without fusing or chests anyway though right?
07-29-2013, 06:21 PM
Do keep trying at the epic boss each week without expending resources you need elsewhere; it does give you some nice extra gold XP and some armors and keys even if you don't reach that high.
Following the story/quests should eventually get you to the big 4 when you're ready for it.
I think I leveled my "junk" armors to about level 15-20 before I got to the first of the big 4.
Castle expansions: first priority is to not leave any unlocked expansion bare, since bare land produces no gold. It is mostly more cost efficient to level a TF to 2 than to unlock an expansion and build a TF level 1 though.
07-29-2013, 06:30 PM
Thanks for answering! So basically right now I should enhance the junk armor I have in order to be able to progress through the areas until I unlock the areas that drop the Big 4, and pretty much ignore the epic boss until the next time, when I should be much better geared.
A follow-up to #3, should I upgrade the second TF I have right away or try saving another 25k and get a 3rd TF first?
#4: I'd have to grind away at the story in order to get the Big 4 unlocked without fusing or chests anyway though right?
Yep I'd say craft the best armour you are able to currently and then level that to carry you through to getting the Big 4. You can do the first few levels of the epic boss as you do get some armours you can use for enhancing.
I'd say save up to buy another TF then start to upgrade them.
Yes, without chests or fusing you can ony get the mats for the Big 4 from the story.
I've sort of hit a platuea. Currently lvl 64 with newly maxed big 4. Stuck on Zephyr Platuea epic stage,can only pass this stage if I let my main 3 knights heal without killing my friends 2 knights,so I've skipped wasting time on this stage for now and focused on some quests and snakeskin farming,and stuck around lvl 19-20 on the epic boss. So I need some advice on how to proceed?
I currently have a spectral captains uniform ready to be crafted,should I go ahead and craft that? Will it be a part of my next main armors after the big 4? I'm also thinking of farming for the swamp sheman robes.
I'm also only 300k away from unlocking my 1million expansion,and currently places 70th in arena (which I'm pretty excited about). So any advice on what my next move is?
07-29-2013, 07:10 PM
Thanks for answering! So basically right now I should enhance the junk armor I have in order to be able to progress through the areas until I unlock the areas that drop the Big 4, and pretty much ignore the epic boss until the next time, when I should be much better geared.
A follow-up to #3, should I upgrade the second TF I have right away or try saving another 25k and get a 3rd TF first?
#4: I'd have to grind away at the story in order to get the Big 4 unlocked without fusing or chests anyway though right?
No, don't even upgrade the junk armour. You should be able to progress through the areas with friends. The area right after faerie forest is where you get AA+ so it's not far off to go. Save all your money to get all TFs first. The transition to get the big 4 takes a while so don't rush it.
07-29-2013, 07:11 PM
Do keep trying at the epic boss each week without expending resources you need elsewhere; it does give you some nice extra gold XP and some armors and keys even if you don't reach that high.
Following the story/quests should eventually get you to the big 4 when you're ready for it.
I think I leveled my "junk" armors to about level 15-20 before I got to the first of the big 4.
Castle expansions: first priority is to not leave any unlocked expansion bare, since bare land produces no gold. It is mostly more cost efficient to level a TF to 2 than to unlock an expansion and build a TF level 1 though.
Yep I'd say craft the best armour you are able to currently and then level that to carry you through to getting the Big 4. You can do the first few levels of the epic boss as you do get some armours you can use for enhancing.
I'd say save up to buy another TF then start to upgrade them.
Yes, without chests or fusing you can ony get the mats for the Big 4 from the story.
Thanks, I'm pretty sure I know exactly what I should be doing now! :D
07-29-2013, 07:12 PM
I've sort of hit a platuea. Currently lvl 64 with newly maxed big 4. Stuck on Zephyr Platuea epic stage,can only pass this stage if I let my main 3 knights heal without killing my friends 2 knights,so I've skipped wasting time on this stage for now and focused on some quests and snakeskin farming,and stuck around lvl 19-20 on the epic boss. So I need some advice on how to proceed?
I currently have a spectral captains uniform ready to be crafted,should I go ahead and craft that? Will it be a part of my next main armors after the big 4? I'm also thinking of farming for the swamp sheman robes.
I'm also only 300k away from unlocking my 1million expansion,and currently places 70th in arena (which I'm pretty excited about). So any advice on what my next move is?
Add friends from Arena or some of us high levels to add you to help you for the epic/harder stages. The next armors you should go for is Swamp+, Infernal Lord+ (Haunted Citadel, area after Zephyr), and Dark Prince+ (after HC). You can get Roc+ from Zephyrs, but people don't really suggest it, but it's part of the 'bigger 4' I just listed. Work on getting the 1mil expansion while unlocking Swamp+/Infernal+. You're on the right path.
07-29-2013, 07:12 PM
07-29-2013, 07:13 PM
No, don't even upgrade the junk armour. You should be able to progress through the areas with friends. The area right after faerie forest is where you get AA+ so it's not far off to go. Save all your money to get all TFs first. The transition to get the big 4 takes a while so don't rush it.
Well, I still have a good few hours until I can use my friends again, so I'm going to use a few upgrades to see if I can get through a bit more of the forest. I'll definitely get another TF next though! Once I have three of them, the others should come pretty quickly!
07-29-2013, 07:20 PM
Hi can any pro pls let me know the last final quest is this one ?
collect 18/18 evil jewels
craft a dark prince armor
Reason I ask is because no more quest appearing. I do not count the arena tournament quests.
07-29-2013, 07:32 PM
is the reward a gem and some other stuff?
a gem marks the end of a quest line, I think that is the last or 2nd last
07-29-2013, 07:41 PM
reward is 1 gem + exp
is there any quest that require you to upgrade the dark prince armor
07-29-2013, 08:25 PM
reward is 1 gem + exp
is there any quest that require you to upgrade the dark prince armor
Nope. That's the last one.
07-29-2013, 09:07 PM
reward is 1 gem + exp
is there any quest that require you to upgrade the dark prince armor
Yup, the last quest is "More Like Dork Prince". After you finish that one, the only quests you will get are the weekly tournament quests. Kinda sucks for iOS guilds that require "Complete 44 Quests" to do the guild quest. That one sits there for quite awhile! So does the "Complete 380 Fusions"!
As I read more and more I realize most of the questions I've asked have been answered time and again. Having said that, apologies if this has been asked before:
I crafted Armor of Phyrus today and don't want to level it until I know how to get the plus version. Do I level it to a certain level and then wait for Phyrus to come back? Or do I have to beat him 46 times or something and this non + armor is useless?
07-30-2013, 02:43 AM
As I read more and more I realize most of the questions I've asked have been answered time and again. Having said that, apologies if this has been asked before:
I crafted Armor of Phyrus today and don't want to level it until I know how to get the plus version. Do I level it to a certain level and then wait for Phyrus to come back? Or do I have to beat him 46 times or something and this non + armor is useless?
You need to level the normal version of the armor to level 35. That will unlock the optio to craft the +version. However, you would need another 50 materials to craft the + version. This would mean beating the leve 43 version of the boss.
07-30-2013, 03:30 AM
As I advance in the game and maxed all Big Four + armors it is time to move on the the bigger four.
Currently I'm crafting the Swamp Shaman Robes and will level it to enable the + version. However, the succes rate of getting Wiggling Roots is very low...Has anybody got some experience in raising the succes rate when defeating the Swamp Kraken with a SA?
07-30-2013, 04:09 AM
What happend to The Rainbow Room? I can't find it anymore in the guild section and my phone will restart the game if i check the profile of few guild members and go to the guild section.
07-30-2013, 04:16 AM
What happend to The Rainbow Room? I can't find it anymore in the guild section and my phone will restart the game if i check the profile of few guild members and go to the guild section.
We're still here.
07-30-2013, 04:23 AM
We're still here.
Ok good. I think my phone has issues.
07-30-2013, 05:02 AM
Yup, the last quest is "More Like Dork Prince". After you finish that one, the only quests you will get are the weekly tournament quests. Kinda sucks for iOS guilds that require "Complete 44 Quests" to do the guild quest. That one sits there for quite awhile!
Aww, "sits there for quite awhile" just means that guild isn't willing to take in a few newbies... :p ;)
Good for Gree encouraging guilds to take some newbies under their wing.
Currently I'm crafting the Swamp Shaman Robes and will level it to enable the + version. However, the succes rate of getting Wiggling Roots is very low...Has anybody got some experience in raising the succes rate when defeating the Swamp Kraken with a SA?
Other than heading over to the first round of Kingdom of Darkness -> Epic and defeating Kraken there, I don't think there's really a way to get better Roots drop rate...
07-30-2013, 07:02 AM
Yeah, there isn't. The rate sucks for wriggly roots, even on higher difficulties (that's if rates even get better on a higher difficilty). Best thing to do is just spam Normal as much as you can. I literally had spans of 6+ runs of hydra scales. Check my posts in the recent pages complaining lol
07-30-2013, 08:44 AM
Yeah, there isn't. The rate sucks for wriggly roots, even on higher difficulties (that's if rates even get better on a higher difficilty). Best thing to do is just spam Normal as much as you can. I literally had spans of 6+ runs of hydra scales. Check my posts in the recent pages complaining lol
Yeah hydra scales. The only silver lining is you will have several HH armors to upgrade the Shaman or Infernal since HH is compatible to both.
Has anyone ever mapped the quest progressions ? I notice some quest only appears once you complete part(s) of other quests or arrive at a certain area. I want to make sure I have all quests related to collecting Wriggly roots open at the same time because I do not want to go back collecting these damn things once I get Shaman+.
I currently have 2 opened at the same time, Man best friend lv 2 or 3 (get 10 roots) and the one with getting 12 roots + crafting 1 shaman. Is there anymore roots related quests out there ?
07-30-2013, 09:37 AM
Goddamit! I've lost ANOTHER phone! This time it wasn't backed up.. I'm still waiting on a new one to check myself but I gotta know.. Have I lost my account, armours, gems etc??? :(
If so.. from anyone else's experience, can/will/did GREE help?
I've spent ALOT of IRL £££ in the last month since i started playing...
07-30-2013, 09:59 AM
Goddamit! I've lost ANOTHER phone! This time it wasn't backed up.. I'm still waiting on a new one to check myself but I gotta know.. Have I lost my account, armours, gems etc??? :(
If so.. from anyone else's experience, can/will/did GREE help?
I've spent ALOT of IRL £££ in the last month since i started playing...
Data should be synced to the server at lots of points, so you shouldn't miss much, though you'll have to send a ticket to Gree to have them link the account to the new phone.
Yeah hydra scales. The only silver lining is you will have several HH armors to upgrade the Shaman or Infernal since HH is compatible to both.
Has anyone ever mapped the quest progressions ? I notice some quest only appears once you complete part(s) of other quests or arrive at a certain area. I want to make sure I have all quests related to collecting Wriggly roots open at the same time because I do not want to go back collecting these damn things once I get Shaman+.
I currently have 2 opened at the same time, Man best friend lv 2 or 3 (get 10 roots) and the one with getting 12 roots + crafting 1 shaman. Is there anymore roots related quests out there ?
- HH costs 18K, while Snakeskin costs 3K and also matches against Swamp+ and Infernal+ , so most people don't bother crafting all those HHs...
- I'm working on mapping all the quests (will need to get KnD up and running in an emulator to log the first few dozen quests from before I started logging though...)
Roots (number to be collected in brackets):
- Marsh Memories 3 (5)
- Man's Best Friends 3 (10)
- Swamp Swag 1 (18)
- A Mind for Metal 5 (12)
Marsh Memories you've very likely already completed (you can search through your quest archive to see if you can find it; unfortunately in their infinite wisdom they didn't sort it alphabetically though... :( )
Chain ending up at Swamp Swag 1:
* Atlantean At-Vengeance
* Atlantean Re-Vengeance
* Midterm Review
* Crius Crafting
* Upgrade Fiesta
* Chimera Corps
* Complex Combination
* Flame On
* Flames Rise Higher
* Hydra Hunting
* Armor Restoration
* Pirate Prep
* Pirate Power
* Swamp Swag 1
07-30-2013, 10:26 AM
- HH costs 18K, while Snakeskin costs 3K and also matches against Swamp+ and Infernal+ , so most people don't bother crafting all those HHs...
Lol so much for silver lining
- I'm working on mapping all the quests (will need to get KnD up and running in an emulator to log the first few dozen quests from before I started logging though...)
Roots (number to be collected in brackets):
- Marsh Memories 3 (5)
- Man's Best Friends 3 (10)
- Swamp Swag 1 (18)
- A Mind for Metal 5 (12)
Marsh Memories you've very likely already completed (you can search through your quest archive to see if you can find it; unfortunately in their infinite wisdom they didn't sort it alphabetically though... :( )
Chain ending up at Swamp Swag 1:
* Atlantean At-Vengeance
* Atlantean Re-Vengeance
* Midterm Review
* Crius Crafting
* Upgrade Fiesta
* Chimera Corps
* Complex Combination
* Flame On
* Flames Rise Higher
* Hydra Hunting
* Armor Restoration
* Pirate Prep
* Pirate Power
* Swamp Swag 1
Thanks for the quest progression list. You were right, I completed Marsh Memories quests around the time I got enough mats to craft my normal Shaman.
Oh my, so for the privilege of gathering 18 roots I have to spend my time gathering 18 useless beard plus whatever required for Pirate Power. I skipped the Pirate Prep quest and went straight to the Swamp Shaman since the Captain uniform armour is weak. I had 6 beard when I cleared the Sunken ship stage.
Lol I do not know if I should bother with these quests anymore.
07-30-2013, 10:47 AM
Oh my, so for the privilege of gathering 18 roots I have to spend my time gathering 18 useless beard plus whatever required for Pirate Power. I skipped the Pirate Prep quest and went straight to the Swamp Shaman since the Captain uniform armour is weak. I had 6 beard when I cleared the Sunken ship stage.
Lol I do not know if I should bother with these quests anymore.
45K gold, something like 27K XP and 1 gem for completing the 9 quests starting with Pirate Prep.
If you can live without that, you can skip that chain with its "collect", "craft", "level armor to..." quests.
07-30-2013, 05:05 PM
Recently tried to purchase gems and they took my money but I never got the gems I have the Google play receipt but I have no gems I tried to contact them through the contact us thing but I never received a reply the only reason I even bought the gems was to try and beat the dragon one more time so I could get the armour and open the special chance chest but by the time I get my gems if I ever get them it will be to late can anyone help me
07-30-2013, 05:20 PM
Recently tried to purchase gems and they took my money but I never got the gems I have the Google play receipt but I have no gems I tried to contact them through the contact us thing but I never received a reply the only reason I even bought the gems was to try and beat the dragon one more time so I could get the armour and open the special chance chest but by the time I get my gems if I ever get them it will be to late can anyone help me
Whoa, punctuation, please.
We can't help you, we're just players, but you could send a PM to The Wise One, he is the Gree employee who reads posts the notices. Gree may have received your contact but not yet have responded. You could also raise a complaint with Google Play if you have not already done so.
07-31-2013, 06:55 AM
Not sure if I'm using the right thread here. I just joined minutes ago. I purchased a gem package several days ago and have the confirmation email and order number. But I have yet to receive my gems. Does it usually take several days to receive purchases on this game? I have sent messages to funzio through the contact us part of the game and one through the contact us link on this site. I have heard nothing from them. Getting incredibly impatient and frustrated. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.
Yeah they just did the same thing to me gems come instantly when you purchase them we just got screwed out of our money if you have any luck contacting them Let me know n I'll try to fill you in if I have any luck thanks Sorry I know it really sucks losing your money especialy when the stuff were paint for isn't even real it's pretend ya no major bummer I know it's hard work to make A game that's why I support it n give them money great game but I really want my money back
07-31-2013, 07:56 AM
I have a question regarding friend's stats and swamp+
According to my hire friend page, marco_'s stats on a maxed swamp is 1113/1297. If you subtract around 300 to account for main knight, the stats for swamp+ becomes 813/997. According to the armor_data xl and by my own calculations the defence stat should be 1120 with the main knight being around 1113/1420.
Does anyone know what's going on here? Are friends' stats capped or did i miscalculate somewhere
07-31-2013, 09:48 AM
hello, this is a FORUM issue.
everytime i try to open a new thread
Renly, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:
Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.
But my account is activated. i try with another account, same thing.
help me please :D
hello, this is a FORUM issue.
everytime i try to open a new thread
Renly, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:
Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.
But my account is activated. i try with another account, same thing.
help me please :D
You need 10 posts to start a thread. Since that was your 10th post you should be good to go :)
07-31-2013, 09:58 AM
You need 10 posts to start a thread. Since that was your 10th post you should be good to go :)
thanks mate :D (11!)
thanks mate :D (11!)
No problem :D
08-01-2013, 12:49 AM
Managed to make it to level 47 on Phyrus and am now crafting my 2nd Epic Boss Armour +, would like to thank all the friends who helped me ^_^
A quick question, since I'm currently crafting Phylus+ which will take another 2 days, should I be enhancing other armours like Boilerplate and Dark Prince? Or should I just save up materials and gold for Phylus+? I feel that Boilerplate final stats are abit low considering its a Legendary armour, or it could just be me haha. I don't have any fire/water armour except HH+, I wasn't strong enough to make it to 43 on Jians. Anyone reckon it would be worth it to max my Boilerplate?
Thanks in advance!
08-01-2013, 03:11 AM
I check online is shows that forgemaster garb can be crafted, fire-earth element, But i dont see where can i get the material,
how do u guys get the material??
08-01-2013, 03:17 AM
The Max stat showing at the epic refer to the normal version, or the plus version ?
Plus version.
08-01-2013, 04:05 AM
I have a question regarding friend's stats and swamp+
According to my hire friend page, marco_'s stats on a maxed swamp is 1113/1297. If you subtract around 300 to account for main knight, the stats for swamp+ becomes 813/997. According to the armor_data xl and by my own calculations the defence stat should be 1120 with the main knight being around 1113/1420.
Does anyone know what's going on here? Are friends' stats capped or did i miscalculate somewhere
Yes. Ur friends stats is capped by ur level. The higher ur level. U will be able to use their full potential.
08-01-2013, 04:26 AM
Yes. Ur friends stats is capped by ur level. The higher ur level. U will be able to use their full potential.
Thanks, I just checked this. It's actually not capped by level but by your main knight's stats even if he's not in your party. This seems like such a stupid thing to put in..
Example if my main knight is
490/473, swamp+ 1277 defence
630/618, swamp+ 1277 defence
587/634, swamp+ 1277 defence
863/1039, swamp+ 1298 defence
1049/1080, swamp+ 1350 defence
1080/1098, swamp+ 1372 defence
Just from basic calculations, it doesn't seem to be a linear cap. Sorry if this has been discussed previously but does anyone know how this works? I'm a bit annoyed my friend's stats are capped even if I am higher level than them.
08-01-2013, 05:56 AM
I have a question regarding friend's stats and swamp+
According to my hire friend page, marco_'s stats on a maxed swamp is 1113/1297. If you subtract around 300 to account for main knight, the stats for swamp+ becomes 813/997. According to the armor_data xl and by my own calculations the defence stat should be 1120 with the main knight being around 1113/1420.
Does anyone know what's going on here? Are friends' stats capped or did i miscalculate somewhere
On my side it's showing 1113/1417 and 558 health in My Knights.
Level 91 lists 558 health and 297 attack/defense in the spreadsheet as inate values.
There being a cap is logical, so a level 1 player with 10 level 100 friends can't just breeze through the storyline...
08-01-2013, 07:28 AM
Thanks, I just checked this. It's actually not capped by level but by your main knight's stats even if he's not in your party. This seems like such a stupid thing to put in..
Example if my main knight is
490/473, swamp+ 1277 defence
630/618, swamp+ 1277 defence
587/634, swamp+ 1277 defence
863/1039, swamp+ 1298 defence
1049/1080, swamp+ 1350 defence
1080/1098, swamp+ 1372 defence
Just from basic calculations, it doesn't seem to be a linear cap. Sorry if this has been discussed previously but does anyone know how this works? I'm a bit annoyed my friend's stats are capped even if I am higher level than them.
So if ur main knight is wearing a better armor. Ur friends stats would be higher too?
08-01-2013, 08:21 AM
Did anybody knows when guilds starts on android
08-01-2013, 08:47 AM
Is it worth to use gem to upgrade 1 monster nest? To level 3?
08-01-2013, 11:12 AM
What should i do with having only 3 of the armors because i started after 1st one ended
08-01-2013, 11:45 AM
I have an Atlantean Avenger+ which I only leveled to level 7 because I put leveling it on hold for expansions, however recently I opened a DPC which gave me Stormrage+ I looked at the stats in the spreadsheet and saw that it's stats are a lot better than AA+, but my question is does it cost the same or more (in terms of gold and overall EPs) to max out Stormrage? or should I just continue leveling AA+ and use the Stormrage for it's 50 EP towards another armor?
08-01-2013, 11:49 AM
Hello all :)
I am new to the forum and quite new to the game (lvl 45) so I have a few questions, even though I've been through some guides. I am a french student so sorry for my English.
- first, when do you use fusion? I read everywhere that we must save fusion stones...ok, but when do we have to use them? Late game only? Plus, i found no guide for fusion, so how do you know what to fuse together?
I also have a fusion boost armor but everyone says that it's better to use them for it really the best choice? (if it is, I guess I have to wait to use it for the last levels only to save money)
- then, what is the best way to use our gems? I get some gems with the arena (ranked in the 1000-1500 bracket without using gems for the moment, I think i'll stay in this bracket for a while) but I read everywhere that the chest is bad...and that you have only 1% chance to get a legendary by opening it (but if I get one it would be a huge boost^^). The other choice I think is to upgrade training fields...but in every video I see, everybody has way too much money...maybe that's enough if the training fields are upgraded only once.
- I read that it is useless to craft an epic boss armor if you are not able to craft the + version. That would mean that it's possible to get the lvl43 epic boss with the big 4 maxed out or the 3-stars story crafts maxed out...I don't think that's possible, what could you say about this?
- I am on mid-game so what's recommended to me is to have the big 4 maxed out...but in the story I am on Caballero Desert (honor stage) so I will soon be able to craft the 3-stars armors. Plus, i am only using one of the big four's armor and only on lvl 23 (an other is being leveld up so I will use it soon) so I am pretty sure I'll be able to get far enough in the game (to craft the 3 stars armors) when those 2 armors will be leveled up.
So is it possible to skip 2 out of 4 armors from the big 4 ? Have some of you did it?
To remind you, the big four have atk+def stats at around 1500 when maxed and the 3-stars story crafts have atk+def stats at around 2000.
Thanks a lot and have a nice day !
P.S : If you want to add/help me ---> XBD-YBP-MGN
I have an Atlantean Avenger+ which I only leveled to level 7 because I put leveling it on hold for expansions, however recently I opened a DPC which gave me Stormrage+ I looked at the stats in the spreadsheet and saw that it's stats are a lot better than AA+, but my question is does it cost the same or more (in terms of gold and overall EPs) to max out Stormrage? or should I just continue leveling AA+ and use the Stormrage for it's 50 EP towards another armor?
Stormrage is a level 50 armor so it will require the same amount of EP to max. I would say abandon the AA+.
Hello all :)
I am new to the forum and quite new to the game (lvl 45) so I have a few questions, even though I've been through some guides. I am a french student so sorry for my English.
- first, when do you use fusion? I read everywhere that we must save fusion stones...ok, but when do we have to use them? Late game only? Plus, i found no guide for fusion, so how do you know what to fuse together?
I also have a fusion boost armor but everyone says that it's better to use them for it really the best choice? (if it is, I guess I have to wait to use it for the last levels only to save money)
- then, what is the best way to use our gems? I get some gems with the arena (ranked in the 1000-1500 bracket without using gems for the moment, I think i'll stay in this bracket for a while) but I read everywhere that the chest is bad...and that you have only 1% chance to get a legendary by opening it (but if I get one it would be a huge boost^^). The other choice I think is to upgrade training fields...but in every video I see, everybody has way too much money...maybe that's enough if the training fields are upgraded only once.
- I read that it is useless to craft an epic boss armor if you are not able to craft the + version. That would mean that it's possible to get the lvl43 epic boss with the big 4 maxed out or the 3-stars story crafts maxed out...I don't think that's possible, what could you say about this?
- I am on mid-game so what's recommended to me is to have the big 4 maxed out...but in the story I am on Caballero Desert (honor stage) so I will soon be able to craft the 3-stars armors. Plus, i am only using one of the big four's armor and only on lvl 23 (an other is being leveld up so I will use it soon) so I am pretty sure I'll be able to get far enough in the game (to craft the 3 stars armors) when those 2 armors will be leveled up.
So is it possible to skip 2 out of 4 armors from the big 4 ? Have some of you did it?
To remind you, the big four have atk+def stats at around 1500 when maxed and the 3-stars story crafts have atk+def stats at around 2000.
Thanks a lot and have a nice day !
P.S : If you want to add/help me ---> XBD-YBP-MGN
First of all let me say that your English is very good.
Most players consider fusion a waste and only use it to create 50 EP armors to enhance when they get to the later levels of enhancing level 70 armors. There is also a fusing armors thread where people with experience can help you.
Your fusion boost armor IS better for enhancing armors than combining, make sure you use it on an armor with its element and you will get 180 EP for it.
I'm not really sure what the best way to use gems is. When I get them (very infrequently) I save them for when the DPC has a 3x chance to win a legendary armor, but I've still never received anything so that might not be the best method.
The reason people say to not craft the boss armors is because they are (1) expensive (2) take forever to craft and (3) are level 70 armors so they are very hard to max. It used to be possible to beat the boss 43 times with the big four but the difficulty of the boss has been substantially raised so you would need gems.
If you think you can beat the 3-star places with just two of the big four then by all means try, however I found them very beneficial and still use them today.
Good luck and happy hunting!
08-01-2013, 01:03 PM
Today I lost progress at the worst possible time. I'm not sure what caused it exactly but I've narrowed it down to 2 possible reasons. A user or server error.
On the last day of the event Phyrus the Dragon I had enough materials to craft my second Phyrus. First i needed to enhance the first Phyrus to be able to craft the + version. If successfully crafted it would be the last ancient dragon armor + version I need to be awarded the BKai+!... I lost my progress when Verizon told me i should do a factory reset because I couldn't send/receive texts. BEFORE the factory reset I changed my knights armor to save the game to GREE's server(2nd Phyrus was craftable before changing armors). While
looking through a forum on here I found this tip (I now fear they failed to mention you need change your main knights armor for it to work) . It seemed like a reliable
way to save to the server because I was able to test it. By changing the knights armor, un-installing and re-installing KnD the progress was the same. After saving I did a factory reset, set up my phone and was able to
send and receive texts. I re-downloaded my apps opened KnD it loaded my account but the recent progress i made was gone!! I lost a rank but most importantly the remaining materials I need to craft the second.
Like I said earlier this the last ancient dragon armor + version I need to be awarded the BKai+. It is not pleasant to say the least about losing this reward at the last moment. I don't expect GREE to do anything about this because I think the lost progress was caused by me not GREE. It seems very likely I spent countless hours in order to obtain this armor in vain... :'- (
1) Did this happen because I didn't change my main knights armor!?!?(plz say no :$)
2) How will GREE respond to my ticket?
08-01-2013, 01:27 PM
I am stuck at leveling right now. I am level 56 at Epic Zephyr Plateau. I know someone posted quick leveling but i cannot see to find it. I have the big 4 maxed. Working on SS+. I also have DP and IL normal that i am just leveling to get the + version. Where do I go to get good xp for leveling to move on?
08-01-2013, 01:36 PM
Today I lost progress at the worst possible time. I'm not sure what caused it exactly but I've narrowed it down to 2 possible reasons. A user or server error.
On the last day of the event Phyrus the Dragon I had enough materials to craft my second Phyrus. First i needed to enhance the first Phyrus to be able to craft the + version. If successfully crafted it would be the last ancient dragon armor + version I need to be awarded the BKai+!... I lost my progress when Verizon told me i should do a factory reset because I couldn't send/receive texts. BEFORE the factory reset I changed my knights armor to save the game to GREE's server(2nd Phyrus was craftable before changing armors). While looking through a forum on here I found this tip (I now fear you need change your main knights armor for it to save) . It seemed like a reliable way to save to the server because I was able to test it a couple of weeks ago. By changing the knights armor, un-installing and re-installing KnD the progress was the same . After saving I did a factory reset, set up my phone and was able to send and receive texts. I re-downloaded my apps opened KnD it loaded my account but the last day of progress i made was gone!! Now i can't craft the second Phyrus because the remaining materials I need were lost with the progress.
Like I said earlier this the last ancient dragon armor + version I need to be awarded the BKai+. It is not pleasant to say the least about losing this reward at the last moment. I don't expect GREE to do anything about this because I think the lost progress was caused by me not GREE. It seems very likely I spent countless hours in order to obtain this armor in vain... :'- (
1) Was progress lost because I didn't change my main knights armor when saving!?!?(plz say no :$)
2) How will GREE respond to my ticket?
08-01-2013, 01:58 PM
I have one more question. Does it count if i crafted 3 of the armors but got one of the armors through the Epic chest? I have all four in my armory.
08-01-2013, 02:05 PM
apologies if this was asked before, I looked through a few pages but didn't want to look through a few hundred more.
Is there any point to the capes in the shop other than for looks? Do they add stats or elements?
08-01-2013, 02:17 PM
hello there, where can i read about guild or guild bonus ?
08-01-2013, 02:53 PM
I am stuck at leveling right now. I am level 56 at Epic Zephyr Plateau. I know someone posted quick leveling but i cannot see to find it. I have the big 4 maxed. Working on SS+. I also have DP and IL normal that i am just leveling to get the + version. Where do I go to get good xp for leveling to move on?
I have had good luck leveling in Writhing Cascades with Crius+
08-01-2013, 04:29 PM
Something like this overseas moving in Surrey (, what will you say or share information regarding on this moving services, are you willing to give ideas on it, if yes just hit me up!
08-01-2013, 04:30 PM
I have had good luck leveling in Writhing Cascades with Crius+
Thank you drhawk.
Do the bosses repeat? And if so how long in between?
08-01-2013, 04:48 PM
Do the bosses repeat? And if so how long in between?
No they don't.
08-01-2013, 04:49 PM
Something like this overseas moving in Surrey (, what will you say or share information regarding on this moving services, are you willing to give ideas on it, if yes just hit me up!
Delete this spammer's post please, and his account!
08-01-2013, 05:18 PM
Delete this spammer's post please, and his account!
Nooo a spammer attack no! On the last mmorpg forum i saw, there was twn scam posts for every user post... Stop this ducker!
More a Guild question so I am not sure if anyone can help yet, but is it only the Guild Master that can initiate war or can anyone in a leadership positron. Only asking as my GM is MIA.
08-01-2013, 05:58 PM
More a Guild question so I am not sure if anyone can help yet, but is it only the Guild Master that can initiate war or can anyone in a leadership position. Only asking as my GM is MIA.
The information given to us under Guild Help does not specify that only the Guild Master or Officers can declare war. I hope that anyone can.
If your Guild Master has stopped playing it may be worth sending a ticket to Gree to see if they can change the leadership. I've seen this happen in other games, and they usually set a grace period for the GM to return, before appointing another officer as GM.
08-01-2013, 06:28 PM
Finishing up getting the big four and I'm level 55. Maybe I'm just stupid but I don't know what to craft next, should I just craft the 3 star armors from the single player bosses or level up the dragon armors. Thanks in advance.
08-01-2013, 06:29 PM
Don't craft or level up the dragon armors if you can't get the + version of it.
08-01-2013, 06:29 PM
Finishing up getting the big four and I'm level 55. Maybe I'm just stupid but I don't know what to craft yet, should I just craft the 3 star armors from the single player bosses or level up the dragon armors. Thanks in advance.d
Save up money to max out your castle expansions. While saving up, farm the mats needed to get Swamp+ and Infernal+.
08-01-2013, 06:33 PM
Don't craft or level up the dragon armors if you can't get the + version of it. I thought that was how it went but I wasn't sure. Thanks for clearing that up for me.
08-01-2013, 06:33 PM
Save up money to max out your castle expansions. While saving up, farm the mats needed to get Swamp+ and Infernal+.
Okay, thanks!
The information given to us under Guild Help does not specify that only the Guild Master or Officers can declare war. I hope that anyone can.
If your Guild Master has stopped playing it may be worth sending a ticket to Gree to see if they can change the leadership. I've seen this happen in other games, and they usually set a grace period for the GM to return, before appointing another officer as GM.
Thx for the info
08-02-2013, 12:19 AM
is it possible to get a + armor by fusing?
08-02-2013, 12:35 AM
is it possible to get a + armor by fusing?
No, it is not
Lord Of The Infernal
08-02-2013, 01:37 AM
I have had good luck leveling in Writhing Cascades with Crius+
Thank i am currently stucking at chimera stage :'(
08-02-2013, 06:59 AM
Hi, i cant really find all those 2 star material, where did those material drop from? from the spreadsheet is written can be smited, how to craft them?
08-02-2013, 07:00 AM
i have a quastio about the noncraftble armors
from what i understand when you reach some lvl depends on the armor raretiy of the armor you can craft the plus version but how do you get the plus verion of a non craftable armor if i combine tow armor to create this armor i need the combined armors to be a plus verion or how do i get it ?
08-02-2013, 07:22 AM
i have a quastio about the noncraftble armors
from what i understand when you reach some lvl depends on the armor raretiy of the armor you can craft the plus version but how do you get the plus verion of a non craftable armor if i combine tow armor to create this armor i need the combined armors to be a plus verion or how do i get it ?
You can only get the + version of non-craftable armors from the dark prince chest.
08-02-2013, 07:23 AM
i have a quastio about the noncraftble armors
from what i understand when you reach some lvl depends on the armor raretiy of the armor you can craft the plus version but how do you get the plus verion of a non craftable armor if i combine tow armor to create this armor i need the combined armors to be a plus verion or how do i get it ?
You can only get the noncraftable + versions from the DPC chest. Fusion will yield noncraftable regular armors, but never a +.
08-02-2013, 07:25 AM
Hi, i cant really find all those 2 star material, where did those material drop from? from the spreadsheet is written can be smited, how to craft them?
The Armors Data link in my sig has a tab for Area Item Drops, that tells you where to get each material. Certain materials can only be obtained from the chests.
08-02-2013, 08:00 AM
Hi, i cant really find all those 2 star material, where did those material drop from? from the spreadsheet is written can be smited, how to craft them?
The Armors Data link in my sig has a tab for Area Item Drops, that tells you where to get each material. Certain materials can only be obtained from the chests.
I think the relevant part there was "2 star".
I've not been here that long, but I'm 99% sure "2 star" material == epic boss material from very long ago, so unless you played the game back then, you can't get the crafting material any more.
It's like asking where you can get Dancing Flames material if you started playing after the Wandering Flame epic boss: nowhere.
08-02-2013, 12:29 PM
Is there a better earth/spirit armor than monk vestment? I would get the plus version buy I won't even try taking my luck in DPC as that is pure BS luck.
Also is there a way to fuse a swamp, because I've heard it was hard to even get the mats for it. That way, When Fuse one, I won't have to craft twice.
08-02-2013, 12:53 PM
Is there a better earth/spirit armor than monk vestment?
Of course, but Chimera Corps which you will encounter before long isn't very good.
The last Earth/Spirit Epic Boss was Sasquatch, nine bosses ago, which dropped Mantle of the Beast materials, which is the best Earth/Spirit armor most people are currently using. There should be another Earth/Spirit boss along fairly soon, I'd say in the next three bosses maximum. I'm hoping to nail that one to add a decent Earth/Spirit set to my wardrobe.
08-02-2013, 01:21 PM
what advantages do u get after lv 110? anyone getting lv 150++ at android?? it seem all the level just give very little award, no use leveling up after lv 100 ?
would like to know what u guys get
08-02-2013, 01:25 PM
Hi all another stupid question from me, lol. First I do want to say thank you for all the great advice and help you have all provided.
I am lvl 57, all big 4 maxed and working on leveling and TF's to level 3. I have read some posts that i should have multiple of the Big 4, is this true or just opinion? I am currently working on Shaman +. I am also working on normal infernal just to get the +. I am also working on SG normal. Is having at least 2 copies of each big four better for leveling?
08-02-2013, 01:36 PM
No, you don't need multiples of the big 4. Maybe 1 extra of 1 or 2 of them, but not all 4, especially when you are working on SS+, Infernal to unlock Infernal+, and a SG.
08-02-2013, 01:44 PM
Is moontide in the dpc still? Or just fusable, what should I enhance bkal with?
08-02-2013, 01:47 PM
I mean fuze bkal with what to possibly get moontide or something good. Most of my armous have surpassed it.
08-02-2013, 03:37 PM
Is there a good place to farm chunks of coral fast?
08-02-2013, 04:28 PM
Thieves Cove boss.
08-02-2013, 04:41 PM
I know thieves cove has the boss but is there a high level area that minions drop them? I farmed a lot of valhallan ingots on crossing and thought maybe an area like writhing might drop a few corals.
08-02-2013, 04:46 PM
I know thieves cove has the boss but is there a high level area that minions drop them? I farmed a lot of valhallan ingots on crossing and thought maybe an area like writhing might drop a few corals.
Yes, Writhing Cascades drops coral. But Thieves Cove is much more reliable a source if you're hunting specifically for them.
08-02-2013, 04:51 PM
Thanks, now I can start leveling my AA+ to 40 to prep up for the desert, just need crius+ to 40 or 30 before the desert area
08-02-2013, 04:52 PM
First of all i cannot post a new thread yet so I will ask in here. Second, looks like a great community here, glad to be a part of it!!!
My question is about the big 4. I have the plus versions of the Crius and AA but only have LF and HH in regular but they are up to lvl 15 to have the plus versions. I am only lvl 40 and wondering if I should be at the stages where the mats drop for these armors. I feel like I am behind in this regard. Is there another way to get these plus armors or mats to craft them? Can you fuse the two plus versions to get a plus version?
08-02-2013, 04:53 PM
Plus on Normal you rush through the minions quit quickly: there's not even enough room to build up 2 special attacks...
08-02-2013, 05:30 PM
First of all i cannot post a new thread yet so I will ask in here. Second, looks like a great community here, glad to be a part of it!!!
My question is about the big 4. I have the plus versions of the Crius and AA but only have LF and HH in regular but they are up to lvl 15 to have the plus versions. I am only lvl 40 and wondering if I should be at the stages where the mats drop for these armors. I feel like I am behind in this regard. Is there another way to get these plus armors or mats to craft them? Can you fuse the two plus versions to get a plus version?
No, there is no way to get the plus version by combining armors, only way is getting the regular to level 15 and craft it again to get the plus.
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