Quote Originally Posted by Clementine View Post
When we came up with these we actually drew from all the different games GREE has and the different characters in each game. This includes characters from Fantasy games (trolls, gremlins, minions, etc.), War games (general), and High Crime games (boss, consigliere). We paired these with various words that mean "talkative" because that is what we are all doing here on the forums, talking and engaging with one another.
I remember when we had to kill Seal Team 6 in an LTQ. It is a top factions handle but I can tell you anyone who thought that was a bright idea hadn't really thought it through.

I do get it, however not everyone will and even in getting it I still don't think you call your members trolls. I think it is hilarious but its poor taste.

Come up with better ones and think it through