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  1. #16

    Join Date
    May 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Sam Spade View Post
    Since you were not ever part of Blades of Rage, you do not know what ANYONE did for Blades of Rage. I can speak to it because I WAS ONE OF THE ORIGINAL MEMBERS before J (who got it from Cruz - who mistakenly trusted J) gave it to ChuChu to empty so they could give it to the members of the existing BFD2 so they could benefit from all the bonuses and upgrades that were earned and bought by the BoR members she BOOTED with NOWHERE to go.

    Speak from what you KNOW (not what you THINK you know) or keep quiet!
    First off I would like to apologized to Breakfast For Dinner and all in the forums for this crap. BFD had nothing to do with this “hijack” you speak of. You say “speak from what you KNOW (not what you THINK you know) or keep quiet!”..... well i think you should keep quiet then. The swap was between BoR (now BFD 1) and BFD (now BFD3) not BFD2. BFD2 has nothing to do with this.

    You were an “original member”..? What does that even mean? There is 1 person who creates the guild. HE is the original member. Let’s tell the whole story.. after the 1st or 2nd war Cruz cut more than half the guild for not being active. Then Tommy (the co leader) brought me on right after the war. Immediately I went to work and started talking to cruz about strategy and assigning positions during war. I created spreadsheets and documents explaining what each member should do. I even created a website with a MySQL backend to track every single guild/player we face so we have war intel on them if we were to challenge them again. In the background there were 4 main people guiding the guild and you sir were not one of them. Takes a ton of work, time and dedication to recruit, gameplan and keep progressing every war. Every war we either stayed the same or improved in ranking. Eventually making top 100.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sam Spade View Post
    And I can speak for the TRUTH. They were not happy ENOUGH in BFD to not hijack the Blades of Rage.
    What do you mean not happy ENOUGH in BFD? We are not even part of BFD yet. We have not even done one guild quest or war under the BFD banner. Do you even read the thread before posting in it? Bluedood clearly says we have been in talks for only several days. Everything you say is WRONG. Why do you even come here and try to sabotage BFD’s recruiting thread without knowing any of the facts?

    Alright story time… I’ll lay out all my cards on the table. I have nothing to hide. I stepped down as founder of BoR... maybe 3-5 days before Besieging the Buried City war started. I was burnt out from talking/jumping with various guilds trying to achieve the grand prizes for the raid boss and box event for BoR. I was pissed off because everyone complains and wants the big prizes but never willing to do anything about it. Complaining on why we stopped at level 27 of the raid boss. Expecting the gem players to spend 1000’s of gems for them so they can reap the benefits. I spend gems for my enjoyment not yours. I always preached in the guild that we don’t expect anyone to spend gems but to be active. When the box event came and we needed jumpers… all of a sudden the people who always complained disappeared. Only a handful of us jumped to benefit the ENTIRE guild. Then when everyone gets the big prize people are suddenly back posting how much their stats went up. ummm wtf….….jumping doesn't require gems! We were a top 100 guild and we need active members to keep that position. If you don’t want to be active go to a top 400-500 guild.

    Alright alright I’ll stop ranting… back to the story. We left the guild and joined a top 50/75 team with the hope of finding like minded active players. I left one of the officer’s mini as founder of BoR just in case things didn't work out and we could go back. The other guild had some awesome players. Really cool people, but our playing styles clashed a bit so we then decided to go searching again. I talked to a couple of prestigious guilds but ended up going with BFD. We talked about aligning our guilds under one roof. Which I thought would be an awesome idea. It would allow BoR to have the support of a top 50 guild for all guild quest events. Also allows for players to move up and down depending on if someone in the top guild goes on vacation or wants to take a break. The only catches were that we would make the main guild BoR since there is a little more space and I would give up founder position. Both of these were no big deal in my eyes. I wanted to take a back seat and spend less time on the game. I thought everyone would be for it since BoR only had 26 members remaining and could use a lot of help in the guild quest. All we needed to do was swap guilds and do name changes… simple. Since I wanted to spend less time with this game I put chuchu in charge of informing everyone and explaining things. I was not in the chat so I don’t know what exactly what was said but from what I heard people went ape sht I guess. Started calling chuchu names and swearing at her… so then I decided to step in and pulled master wolf aside in a separate chat. Master wolf seemed to take the leadership role while we were gone during the war. I explained things to him and he seemed to think it was also a great idea. He informed and explained to the other members what has been said... then the next day we get more PMs and stuff swearing us out… I was like what the heck is going on? That was the last straw.. I was done. I quit trying and gave up. Put chuchu as founder of BoR and left. Side note, I have nothing against Master Wolf. He was an active member and I wish I could have taken gem free players like him along in the first move with us. But unfortunately many top 75 and better guilds require 50k CP a war which is very hard for gem free players to obtain.

    After all that I am here now at the forums… spending more time on this f’n game because some people think they know everything that went on and blames BFD. Now they and everyone else in this forum knows what went on. I can care less about anyones opinion on what happened. The matter of fact is 1 person has the power in the guild to do as they please… The founder. Cruz gave founder to me, I gave founder to chuchu, chuchu will soon give founder to current BFD3 founder. If you don’t like the direction of the guild, go find another guild. How about you try and run your own guild and see how hard and how much sacrifice it takes to make the guild a top 100 guild. Then you will truly find out how much time and effort I and the other 6 of us put into it. Forget about the BS original member crap. You can be their from the beginning and not do a damn thing. The real members are the ones who sacrifice and put the guild first. This merge with a reputable/top guild like BFD will benefit the guild. I give props to all founders who achieve and reach their guild goals. It’s amazing how much this game consumes your life…..

    Telling me I’m hiding…. I got nothing to hide. I layed out my cards on the table. Stop hiding behind your forum name and put your in game names on here and your player ids. People here know who I am. I’ve had my player id on here for months when I was recruiting. I probably still have it somewhere on the forums. Making all these accusations and not even putting your name behind it… man up.

  2. #17
    Bluedood perhaps you are psychoanalyst you read a lot between the lines!! Even you understand what they wanted and what they want!!! That's a great thing!! I like it... But why you are insisting on PM ? are there many skeletons in the cupboard which you don't want to show?? Any way keep it up !!! Cheers!

    Quote Originally Posted by Bluedood View Post
    Hi Sam spade, instead of ranting like crazy all over the forums, why did you not come to me and send me a pm or message on Groupme? I am the leadership you are calling out, so if you want to do it come to me. My name is on every thread you pulled and I am the founder of BFD. Where I come from you have a problem you go face it man to man, not by having a temper tantrum.

    From what I am reading you liked the original leader and did not think J should get the guild, but stayed there anyway instead of finding a place you liked. The fact is in any guild you must get along with the people there and trust that as a team you will meet whatever goals you set, why would you stay with J if you felt like Cruz was betrayed? I am sorry that you feel all of those things, in your shoes I would say start a guild and build it up and be the boss.

    Clearly from your reaction and the way you handle change, we do not match as people, and there is no way you will ever be offered a spot now. It makes me wonder if you freaked out when the leadership of bor told you about the guild swap, perhaps you did not even listen until you saw the name change because you rarely play, who knows. I was not on that end of the swap and can only speculate based off your current actions.

    I am always available to chat and try my best to answer PMs here, but it seems like you want to just scream and yell, what's your goal? If its attention you now have mine, what do you want? There will be a point you get banned for posting slander over and over, I am not sure what other result you want.

    BFD has has interactions with many guilds and offers help anytime people ask. We have a guild that has been around with players who love the game, and a second guild that has been with us for a few wars, and now a third. As you said it is a game, but for most of BFD and every other guild we have met with it is a community of people from all over the world who are friends and teammates. I'm not sure you get that, and I am sorry.

  3. #18

    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by arunpathak3030 View Post
    Bluedood perhaps you are psychoanalyst you read a lot between the lines!! Even you understand what they wanted and what they want!!! That's a great thing!! I like it... But why you are insisting on PM ? are there many skeletons in the cupboard which you don't want to show?? Any way keep it up !!! Cheers!
    I am not insisting on a PM, just pointing out that there are much better ways to get things done. Posting here is all well and good, but speaks volumes about the person to bring it to that level without trying to find a less aggressive and public solution.

    There have been two players (although my assumption is they are the same person) calling out BFD leadership and the guild with the intent of harassment and slander. In both cases this person pulls a post or several posts I started and rather than contacting me directly for answers, runs off at the mouth and makes a scene. On a base level I am sure it felt good for him/her to react as such, but creating a second account to go on a multi post rant leads me to believe that person knowingly has no intent of fixing whatever situation was created and that they are acting like a child.

    Players involved in this who feel like they have been done wrong can certainly contact me like an adult and we can discuss. Keep in mind if you are one of the people who cussed at and resorted to name calling at Chu, save your breath and move on, that type of disrespect is uncalled for and not tolerated by me or anyone I associate with.

  4. #19

    Manage your beast

    Quote Originally Posted by Bluedood View Post
    I am not insisting on a PM, just pointing out that there are much better ways to get things done. Posting here is all well and good, but speaks volumes about the person to bring it to that level without trying to find a less aggressive and public solution.

    There have been two players (although my assumption is they are the same person) calling out BFD leadership and the guild with the intent of harassment and slander. In both cases this person pulls a post or several posts I started and rather than contacting me directly for answers, runs off at the mouth and makes a scene. On a base level I am sure it felt good for him/her to react as such, but creating a second account to go on a multi post rant leads me to believe that person knowingly has no intent of fixing whatever situation was created and that they are acting like a child.

    Players involved in this who feel like they have been done wrong can certainly contact me like an adult and we can discuss. Keep in mind if you are one of the people who cussed at and resorted to name calling at Chu, save your breath and move on, that type of disrespect is uncalled for and not tolerated by me or anyone I associate with.
    The "little" people were avoided by J as ChuChu began her maniacal rants and insults. THAT is why people got upset and cussed at her...she belittled them, called them names FIRST, provoking and antagonizing them. Had those 26 been treated with ANY respect in the first place, instead of her acting like a power-hungry attacker, then she would have been dealt with accordingly. As it was, she dealt it out and people gave it back. Had YOU been told to "deal with it," taunted with "welcome to the big leagues" and other disrespectful rants, I doubt you would have just said, "Thank you, ma'am, may I have another?" either.

    The 26 were never told how it was all going to work, what number to use to move to the "new" home, or anything else. In fact, not even the timetable of the booting was kept by your agent CC. She did nothing but insult and abuse the remnant; she actually received much LESS than she dished out. Too bad you didn't choose (or monitor) your agent better...her actions made YOU look bad because she said you had directed everything.

    You can either attempt to make things right and - at least offer to - do what was offered before everyone (hard workers and coasters alike) were treated like so much garbage, or keep the image ChuChu earned for you.

    Your choice. And I'm smart enough to not let you know who I am; your "team" has too many unsavory "friends" for me to run the risk of NEVER enjoying this game again.

  5. #20

    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    I don't think you understand who you are speaking to or what world you are living in Sam Spade.

    You think that you can call me out for some baggage you had even before any guild name changes or swaps happened, and then turn around and make demands as if you are in any position to do so? Then you go as far as to hide behind a second account name and not post your in game name like a man, that really calls for respect.

    The reality for you is at this point you owe me and all of Breakfast for Dinner an apology for trying to slander us because you are angry. Until that happens you get jack from me, and all of your posting does nothing but entertain folks on the forums and make you look like a bigger tool.

    I've posted before for people to contact me from those you are saying I personally wronged, and some have. Help has been offered to those and been given already. People have told me your in game name, so your bridge has been burnt. I find no need in putting your name up here for all to see because it doesn't matter. Some guild out there will be happy to take you in and see how much you participate and do for the group(you do participate right?), and your life will move on. Or you will quit the game, and the same will happen. Both have no bearing on how much fun I have playing this game with friends from all over the world.

  6. #21
    I was just reading up some forum stuff and this sounded very similar to things that happened in my guild, ie drama and some people or 1 person ranting/complaining. I just wanted to drop some objective input from an outsider about this and hope anyone looking to join BFD ignores all the background noise of the 1 person. Do what you think is best and if it does not work out you can always leave.

    Bluedood, sound like a very reasonable and willing to listen leader. I agree with him about not needing to have this put in display but unfortunately some people feel the need, hence they are exercising their freedom of speech at our expense and for the public entertainment. My current guild leader feels the same way and treat internal matter as quietly as possible and has my respect for it. Would you like your boss to scream at you or talk to you privately about things?

    NinjaHonu, even though you need not explain the whole situation, thank you and I think as an active player, previous officer of a guild and being part of a guild from the beginning, I can understand multiple point of view. People do get attached after being in a guild for a while, but they need to earn the right to be there or be cut/move down. It does take a lot of work and dedication to succeed and top 100 is pretty damn good! If the previous founder felt that you earned his confidence to make you founder than you deserved it. If other were better for the job why where they not place in the founder position? Another reason why I think you have earned the founder position was and is your willingness to step forward and defend your officer and guild member and apologize for any misunderstanding, as you are doing for both Chu? and Bluedood. This IS just my opinion from just reading your post.

    Sam Spade, I am sorry to hear that you got cut, booted, or insulted. If you wanted more power and authority on the guild from the beginning, you should have worked hard to be more valuable to the guild. Either be higher stat and active to be needed, or communicate and do extra work to help the guild and be wanted. Unfortunately, the previous founder did not feel you did either, hence you did not earn any title. In my previous guild, the founder would have left me in charge if I wanted it, but I rather like the back seat. Lastly, if things did not work out for whatever the reason... For example, YOU, might be 100% right, you were a key player, an active member and disrespected/belittled/wronged....what is stopping you from just leaving when Ninja or all this happened? Just leave, there are tons of great guild out there that would take you and be thrill. I know because I left mine to see what is out there. My stats and cp scores although not great, shows my activity level for the game, my connection and friendship in the KA community by communicating and doing the extra work has allowed me to open door in top guild and get recommendations. My own hard work will hopefully prove my worth to the new guild. It wont matter to me if I get kick, disrespected, or just want change... I can leave any time. So why go on someone else thread and post all this bad stuff. It is just a game and have fun!!!

    BTW, I am not part of this guild but something similar has happened to my guild and it touches a core and I think it is a sad day when for some people can go around screaming bloody murder over a game. Well, hope things work out for everyone and have fun cuz I know I still will,lol.

  7. #22

    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Wow we could make this into a movie. I was there when it all began to go pear shape . If only I had posted the gem the XXXX up message when the 40% sale was on it could have all been saved. Sad to see friends fighting. it was too few doing too much, but we had gotten used of the top players dragging us through. I'm now in a new guild there great. See you all in game

  8. #23

    Join Date
    May 2013
    By the sounds of it I can't wait till I get my butt over to the new bfd1. Sounds like some people did alot of hard work for me to benefit from.

    Awesome job everyone! Time to move in.
    Wicked job Snap. Nothing better then free publicity to get more people interested in BFD!

  9. #24

    and so...?

    Quote Originally Posted by Eddard KFF View Post
    I can speak for J and ChuChu, they're both friends of mine and great players. They did a lot for BoR and they are happy now in BFD. So, if they're happy it means BFD is a well organized and fun guild. And why would anyone want screenshots? This is BFD's recruiting thread.
    They obviously weren't sufficiently happy with BFD, they had to STEAL BoR to make it part of their desired empire building. Too bad they decided to show a total lack of loyalty to the original guild. J brought ChuChu in to BoR to dismantle it, not be a member.

    BFD may be a wonderful guild, run by and participated in by great people, but J and ChuChu have tarnished it by their shameful and honorless actions towards the BoR Guild.

    If you don't like the guild you're in, switch...but don't harm others for your own selfish gains and to make yourself look important or powerful. And if you do decide to betray and sellout your previous team, don't lie to them, insult and belittle them and then say it's just too bad and "Welcome to the Big Leagues" because it actually just shows what a small person you are.

  10. #25

    Live your own words

    Quote Originally Posted by NinjaHonu View Post
    First off I would like to apologized to Breakfast For Dinner and all in the forums for this crap. BFD had nothing to do with this “hijack” you speak of. You say “speak from what you KNOW (not what you THINK you know) or keep quiet!”..... well i think you should keep quiet then. The swap was between BoR (now BFD 1) and BFD (now BFD3) not BFD2. BFD2 has nothing to do with this.

    You were an “original member”..? What does that even mean? There is 1 person who creates the guild. HE is the original member. Let’s tell the whole story.. after the 1st or 2nd war Cruz cut more than half the guild for not being active. Then Tommy (the co leader) brought me on right after the war. Immediately I went to work and started talking to cruz about strategy and assigning positions during war. I created spreadsheets and documents explaining what each member should do. I even created a website with a MySQL backend to track every single guild/player we face so we have war intel on them if we were to challenge them again. In the background there were 4 main people guiding the guild and you sir were not one of them. Takes a ton of work, time and dedication to recruit, gameplan and keep progressing every war. Every war we either stayed the same or improved in ranking. Eventually making top 100.

    What do you mean not happy ENOUGH in BFD? We are not even part of BFD yet. We have not even done one guild quest or war under the BFD banner. Do you even read the thread before posting in it? Bluedood clearly says we have been in talks for only several days. Everything you say is WRONG. Why do you even come here and try to sabotage BFD’s recruiting thread without knowing any of the facts?

    Alright story time… I’ll lay out all my cards on the table. I have nothing to hide. I stepped down as founder of BoR... maybe 3-5 days before Besieging the Buried City war started. I was burnt out from talking/jumping with various guilds trying to achieve the grand prizes for the raid boss and box event for BoR. I was pissed off because everyone complains and wants the big prizes but never willing to do anything about it. Complaining on why we stopped at level 27 of the raid boss. Expecting the gem players to spend 1000’s of gems for them so they can reap the benefits. I spend gems for my enjoyment not yours. I always preached in the guild that we don’t expect anyone to spend gems but to be active. When the box event came and we needed jumpers… all of a sudden the people who always complained disappeared. Only a handful of us jumped to benefit the ENTIRE guild. Then when everyone gets the big prize people are suddenly back posting how much their stats went up. ummm wtf….….jumping doesn't require gems! We were a top 100 guild and we need active members to keep that position. If you don’t want to be active go to a top 400-500 guild.

    Alright alright I’ll stop ranting… back to the story. We left the guild and joined a top 50/75 team with the hope of finding like minded active players. I left one of the officer’s mini as founder of BoR just in case things didn't work out and we could go back. The other guild had some awesome players. Really cool people, but our playing styles clashed a bit so we then decided to go searching again. I talked to a couple of prestigious guilds but ended up going with BFD. We talked about aligning our guilds under one roof. Which I thought would be an awesome idea. It would allow BoR to have the support of a top 50 guild for all guild quest events. Also allows for players to move up and down depending on if someone in the top guild goes on vacation or wants to take a break. The only catches were that we would make the main guild BoR since there is a little more space and I would give up founder position. Both of these were no big deal in my eyes. I wanted to take a back seat and spend less time on the game. I thought everyone would be for it since BoR only had 26 members remaining and could use a lot of help in the guild quest. All we needed to do was swap guilds and do name changes… simple. Since I wanted to spend less time with this game I put chuchu in charge of informing everyone and explaining things. I was not in the chat so I don’t know what exactly what was said but from what I heard people went ape sht I guess. Started calling chuchu names and swearing at her… so then I decided to step in and pulled master wolf aside in a separate chat. Master wolf seemed to take the leadership role while we were gone during the war. I explained things to him and he seemed to think it was also a great idea. He informed and explained to the other members what has been said... then the next day we get more PMs and stuff swearing us out… I was like what the heck is going on? That was the last straw.. I was done. I quit trying and gave up. Put chuchu as founder of BoR and left. Side note, I have nothing against Master Wolf. He was an active member and I wish I could have taken gem free players like him along in the first move with us. But unfortunately many top 75 and better guilds require 50k CP a war which is very hard for gem free players to obtain.

    After all that I am here now at the forums… spending more time on this f’n game because some people think they know everything that went on and blames BFD. Now they and everyone else in this forum knows what went on. I can care less about anyones opinion on what happened. The matter of fact is 1 person has the power in the guild to do as they please… The founder. Cruz gave founder to me, I gave founder to chuchu, chuchu will soon give founder to current BFD3 founder. If you don’t like the direction of the guild, go find another guild. How about you try and run your own guild and see how hard and how much sacrifice it takes to make the guild a top 100 guild. Then you will truly find out how much time and effort I and the other 6 of us put into it. Forget about the BS original member crap. You can be their from the beginning and not do a damn thing. The real members are the ones who sacrifice and put the guild first. This merge with a reputable/top guild like BFD will benefit the guild. I give props to all founders who achieve and reach their guild goals. It’s amazing how much this game consumes your life…..

    Telling me I’m hiding…. I got nothing to hide. I layed out my cards on the table. Stop hiding behind your forum name and put your in game names on here and your player ids. People here know who I am. I’ve had my player id on here for months when I was recruiting. I probably still have it somewhere on the forums. Making all these accusations and not even putting your name behind it… man up.
    You have the nerve to say "If you don’t like the direction of the guild, go find another guild." If you had just done that YOURSELF, then none of this would have happened. By your own admission, you jumped from guild to guild, getting points (or whatever) from whoever you could, while leaving someone else's "mini" behind at BoR so you had someplace to run back to if your plotting and scheming (for just yourself and maybe a few buddies) didn't work out. Thank you for the full admission of your underhanded and dispicable behavior.

    As I said, perhaps BFD is a great guild with great leadership and people, but people like you and ChuChu have tarnished it by taking the BoR guild from its members and doing it in the underhanded and honorless way you did it. I don't know or care what the reasons were for you doing it, but it was handled in a pathetic and horrible fashion. It may not have been done personally by you, but since ChuChu was your agent, you're as guilty as she.

    This is just a game to me, but some (like ChuChu) need it to feel important and throw their (perceived) power/weight around. You defend her for being cussed at, but you should ask her what she said and did to prompt the actions/reactions and cussing she received from people. It wasn't just that they were being dropped or moved to another guild. If you wanted to drop dead wood, that is understandable and expected in this game, but treating people as if they are crap is not necessary and should not have been done.

  11. #26

    Your stupidity is showing

    Quote Originally Posted by Deadwater View Post
    By the sounds of it I can't wait till I get my butt over to the new bfd1. Sounds like some people did alot of hard work for me to benefit from.

    Awesome job everyone! Time to move in.
    Wicked job Snap. Nothing better then free publicity to get more people interested in BFD!
    Deadwater is obviously an accurate name for you...perhaps "Dead Weight" would be better, since you are excited about benefiting from other people's hard work. Pathetic and ignorant.

  12. #27

    You know me...NOT

    Quote Originally Posted by Bluedood View Post
    I don't think you understand who you are speaking to or what world you are living in Sam Spade.

    You think that you can call me out for some baggage you had even before any guild name changes or swaps happened, and then turn around and make demands as if you are in any position to do so? Then you go as far as to hide behind a second account name and not post your in game name like a man, that really calls for respect.

    The reality for you is at this point you owe me and all of Breakfast for Dinner an apology for trying to slander us because you are angry. Until that happens you get jack from me, and all of your posting does nothing but entertain folks on the forums and make you look like a bigger tool.

    I've posted before for people to contact me from those you are saying I personally wronged, and some have. Help has been offered to those and been given already. People have told me your in game name, so your bridge has been burnt. I find no need in putting your name up here for all to see because it doesn't matter. Some guild out there will be happy to take you in and see how much you participate and do for the group(you do participate right?), and your life will move on. Or you will quit the game, and the same will happen. Both have no bearing on how much fun I have playing this game with friends from all over the world.
    First, I have not called YOU out, I just let everyone know the truth about how BFD got its latest acquisition. If you were ignorant to all the behind the scenes activity, to include the unnecessary abuses heaped upon the BoR remnant before they were dumped, then you should be thanking us (yes, it's more than one person, I'm only posting by this one name) for letting you know who you've let into your ranks and are now trusting.

    Second, since I have not told anyone that I was doing this, you (and anyone else) could only guess as to my if that even matters. What matters is the truth. Enjoy the guild and the unsavory people that brought it to you. And J and his chosen few didn't do all the building of the guild, just the taking of the built guild.

  13. #28

    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Sam Spade View Post
    First, I have not called YOU out, I just let everyone know the truth about how BFD got its latest acquisition. If you were ignorant to all the behind the scenes activity, to include the unnecessary abuses heaped upon the BoR remnant before they were dumped, then you should be thanking us (yes, it's more than one person, I'm only posting by this one name) for letting you know who you've let into your ranks and are now trusting.

    Second, since I have not told anyone that I was doing this, you (and anyone else) could only guess as to my if that even matters. What matters is the truth. Enjoy the guild and the unsavory people that brought it to you. And J and his chosen few didn't do all the building of the guild, just the taking of the built guild.
    The minute you pulled up every post I started with the intent of making my guild look bad you called ME out. You want to argue back and forth and I will and it will still not change the fact that all of your posting does nothing for you and has no effect on me or mine. If your intent was to show the game what happened and how you were wronged, you should have posted in general about it or contacted me directly, end of story.

    Letting everyone know how BFD got its latest acquisition? So the intent of posting that up was to get justice for you and make me drop everyone involved and then give the guild to you? No, but you are not calling me out. Are you for real?

    This is how you call someone out, all leaders reading this feel free to PM me for the name of this player who is posting as Sam Spade. If you prefer to contact me on Groupme most have channels in place, I am available all day. Now Sam Spade you have the choice of spending gems on a name change because I do know who you are. Or if this is all an act post up your actual in game name because you are so high and mighty fighting for all of the players who were wronged, you don't want to be the reason the name I give gets tarnished right? Your other option is to man up and apologize for acting like a child and wasting people's times and you and I can squash the beef you have started up.

    The offer is still there for any of the BOR members involved to contact me via PM or Groupme, like the others who have already, and I will assist in getting you into a different guild if you want. Email is available through my profile if you prefer to chat that way.

  14. #29

    Not Happening

    Quote Originally Posted by Bluedood View Post
    The minute you pulled up every post I started with the intent of making my guild look bad you called ME out. You want to argue back and forth and I will and it will still not change the fact that all of your posting does nothing for you and has no effect on me or mine. If your intent was to show the game what happened and how you were wronged, you should have posted in general about it or contacted me directly, end of story.

    Letting everyone know how BFD got its latest acquisition? So the intent of posting that up was to get justice for you and make me drop everyone involved and then give the guild to you? No, but you are not calling me out. Are you for real?

    This is how you call someone out, all leaders reading this feel free to PM me for the name of this player who is posting as Sam Spade. If you prefer to contact me on Groupme most have channels in place, I am available all day. Now Sam Spade you have the choice of spending gems on a name change because I do know who you are. Or if this is all an act post up your actual in game name because you are so high and mighty fighting for all of the players who were wronged, you don't want to be the reason the name I give gets tarnished right? Your other option is to man up and apologize for acting like a child and wasting people's times and you and I can squash the beef you have started up.

    The offer is still there for any of the BOR members involved to contact me via PM or Groupme, like the others who have already, and I will assist in getting you into a different guild if you want. Email is available through my profile if you prefer to chat that way.
    Nope. No post, no apology (I'm not the one that owes one), no name change, no fear. My last suggestion is that you dump ChuChu before her venom poisons your ranks. Oh, and watch your back because you have some real unsavory characters in your ranks now. Or ignore everything I've makes no BFD to me.

    And, to make you happy now that I've said my piece and brought the darkness into the light, no more comments.

  15. #30
    Now the recruitment drive has turned to accusations and defending drive!!! People nobody has time to read all these things... I would suggest move on... Its after all a game... Even you two don't know each other personally!! Sam Spade you have made your point and thereby has created a doubt in many minds!!

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