Duck Butter Recruiting


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Thread: Duck Butter Recruiting

  1. #1
    Member Since
    Jun 2013
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    Duck Butter Recruiting

    Duck Butter is accepting guild members. No need to donate, 175k guardian, active on guild quests, and do guild battles. Trying to fill some spots as we are pretty much all RL friends and we're running out of spare devices hehe

    Send request to 619-639-454

    ~8 spots available trying to get to 20



  2. #2
    Member Since
    Aug 2013
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    Another guild Matluc (invite code 435690446) with bonuses:
    Upgrade cost: -14%
    Building upgrade time: -19%
    Guild member increase: +2

  3. #3
    Member Since
    Jul 2013
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    Hey Buzzer, I am in a top 300 guild, Pirate United Nation. It seems from your post that you only have a small guild. If so would you like to merge with us. We are very active and use GroupMe to chat. Last war everybody participate except for one player, he was cut. We have several players with 2-3 accounts. We have around 5 spots open and I am sure some of us will drop our 2nd account for more active and stronger players. We have some gem user and non user. Will you be interested in a merger with our guild?

  4. #4
    Member Since
    May 2013
    Ontario, Canada
    Post Count

    Maybe Merge into VCG?

    Hey bu77er we could make room for all of you in our guild. This is our guild info:

    Vicious Grace is looking for some light hearted but active players to join our family. We ranked #456 with only 15 players active during the last event, we now have 20! Every member has a voice, a vote and a real life! We're a group of semi-serious players that have fun and avoid the drama that seems to plague KA. We have a great time & tend to get pretty silly.

    We use GroupMe, a free app, for real time chat & for voting on how our donations are spent. We also have an iCalendar for everyone so we're able to keep organized no matter what time zone we're in. We have a relaxed war schedule of 3hour blocks so we can still have lives & sleep during guild wars but with our fighting strategies we still kick major ass but save gold & our sanity in the process!

    All we require is members to be active, especially during the guild wars. We look for CP in the 7,500-10,000 range; donations of $30,000/day or $210,000/wk but we are flexible, understanding & work with our members so it's all fair for everyone.We currently have the following Bonuses:

    Upgrade Cost -19%,
    Upgrade Time -23%
    Guild Increase +2

    We have 2 spots open currently but could easily open up a few more if you want to bring some friends with you. All are welcome, even those of lower level/stats, we just want you to be active & have fun with us!

    VCG: 991-836-763

    *We are willing to have smaller guilds merge into Vicious Grace though not the other way around at this time.

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