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Thread: Top players will be top forever

  1. #31
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    Interesting thread.

    Just to give you an idea. The final 2 units of the last guild war (Dauthus, Tormentor and Dauthus Avatar) had a combined attack of 78k raw. With the boosts that we have, my attack from these two units increased by >300k.

    So, yes, the gap will widen as long as players on the top continue to have interest to get those units.

    Whether it is good or not for the game in general is another question, but an easy one to answer.

    The "sad" part is that many players literally spent 10,000s of real $ on units that very soon will not even be used in their army anymore.

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by kruppe View Post
    Believe me people raid all the time 

    Kruppe is sure it wasn't part oavatar! Gree grand design but raids by opponents with 1-4 m less stats can succeed. To me this is consistent with little raids skirmishes by outlaws and brigands... Going to work sometimes but not always and a trail is left to follow. And of course there is the wrath of FUN well, a giggle anyways..
    Hey Kruppe,

    Just realized that the Daleth, Claimant to the Delta looks like your avatar!

    The angle of the body, the angle of the weapon that he's holding and even the color almost look the same!

    Any copyright issue? Did they consulted you?

  3. #33
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    Its hard to be the top player for very long. Same goes for being one of the top players. People miss quests, scale back, or just leave altogether. Top ten guilds lose players all of the time to retirement, or people decide to play free.

  4. #34
    Consistent Contributor sousas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by procsyzarc View Post
    There is no real point, just means what? Spending a lot more for one extra boost which unless you do it for at least the number of wars they have already won changes nothing overall.

    It is easy as it is now you join the faction that fits your budget and desire if you want everything and are prepared to spend you join FUN, if you are ok missing a boost a month and want to spend less you join RK or SB. If you are happy to miss a couple of boosts per month and spend a lot less you join a top 10 faction etc.
    I'm not talking of getting 1st in guild wars to improve stats, I'm just saying isn't there nobody interested in being the 1st one to win a war, while not being part of FUN?

    Nowadays is almost a point of honor for some players to be able to say that they pulled out a Daleth or a Tormentor. We have threads only for that purpose.

    Yet I see no harder objective in KA than winning a guild war without being part of FUN or maybe FUN2..
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  5. #35
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    The way this game is setup, you can indeed be better. Just spend more money then them. There is pretty much zero skills, strategy, or very little effort in being a top player in this game. Just simply spend more then them and you'll get ahead eventually. Finish all the quests and get those insane units. Eventually, those top players will move to another game or stop all together.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryosaeba View Post
    ... Just spend more money then them. ... Just simply spend more then them and you'll get ahead eventually. ....
    Let me tell you that that is indeed very difficult to accomplish

    At some point, it becomes not a matter of $ rather than how many times can you tap the attack button per minute (speaking for guild wars). Even if you are willing to spend more money you are limited to your network speed.

  7. #37
    Steady Scribe
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    Very wrong!

    Quote Originally Posted by Guido69 View Post
    Let me tell you that that is indeed very difficult to accomplish

    At some point, it becomes not a matter of $ rather than how many times can you tap the attack button per minute (speaking for guild wars). Even if you are willing to spend more money you are limited to your network speed.

    Fools talk it is very simple it is only about cash and cash alone.. Don't kid yourself lol this game has zero requirements for skill or strategy for a true gamer.. All this game is is whoever spends the most is the winner.. That is the sad truth. But if it helps you sleep at night keep deceiving yourself I'm sure gree will keep telling you otherwise $.$

    As Ryosaeba has said it's simple you just have to spend more money but that's the thing we aren't all rich or idiots to spend that much on a basic game. Personally I think you need help if your spending $ on this game.
    Last edited by Mystogan; 08-21-2013 at 02:37 PM.

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cola3 View Post
    There's a lot of top 10-500 guild members who are in par with FUN and RK stats.
    Wrong. So, so wrong.

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kronous View Post
    From my brief time in KA(started back in April of this year) I have found that achieving top500 can be done without gems, but to get top 300 or higher requires real $$$
    You can make Top 300 easily without gems. If you can't, you are not doing it right.

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cola3 View Post
    Not necessarily true....Guild wars are just one thing, there's the LTQ, Boss and box. There's a lot of top 10-500 guild members who are in par with FUN and RK stats.
    Only someone in FUN or RK would say something this ridiculous.

  11. #41
    Consistent Contributor aphroKEN's Avatar
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    Their ATK and DEF stats are not static. They increase at the near maximum rate. So the only way for lower guilds to catch up is to increase their ATK and DEF at the maximum possible rate and maintain that rate for 2 years. I think it's impossible. Both objectively impossible and subjectively impossible.

    It's subjectively impossible because almost nobody outside of those guilds is willing to persistently spend megabucks. It's objectively impossible because lower guilds don't have the stats boosts exclusively available to the top 3. They will never reach the required maximum rate of increase, let alone maintain it for 2 years. Therefore they will never be able to catch up.

  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mystogan View Post
    Fools talk it is very simple it is only about cash and cash alone.. Don't kid yourself lol this game has zero requirements for skill or strategy for a true gamer.. All this game is is whoever spends the most is the winner.. That is the sad truth. But if it helps you sleep at night keep deceiving yourself I'm sure gree will keep telling you otherwise $.$

    As Ryosaeba has said it's simple you just have to spend more money but that's the thing we aren't all rich or idiots to spend that much on a basic game. Personally I think you need help if your spending $ on this game.

    I dont think so. If you start now and buy 1500 of the max possible buyable unit(lets say around 1000/1000 att/def), you will have a stat of 1,5m. Thats still around 5m short of the top guys. And they have boosts, so every ltq finished their stats will increase ALOT more then yours. So IMAO its impossible to "buy" your way up anymore and everyone with llp are wasting time and money.

    That is unless everyone "in front" of you quits or stop doing ltq etc. And i dont think that will happen..


  13. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fredcole View Post
    I dont think so. If you start now and buy 1500 of the max possible buyable unit(lets say around 1000/1000 att/def), you will have a stat of 1,5m. Thats still around 5m short of the top guys. And they have boosts, so every ltq finished their stats will increase ALOT more then yours. So IMAO its impossible to "buy" your way up anymore and everyone with llp are wasting time and money.

    That is unless everyone "in front" of you quits or stop doing ltq etc. And i dont think that will happen..
    when it happens, the game dies

    no one is unraidable.

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  14. #44
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    The reason why the top players are the top is because of wars.. the inflation in the stat boosts 20% infantry, magic, beast, machine attack defence etc. It's as simple as that. There are many players that probably have the same "base stats" as the top players but without all the ridiculous bonus boost % Greeds been handing out. It's not rocket science. So if some decent players decided they would be idiots and waste thousands of dollars they could win the war without even vsing the top guilds all they need to do is spend a **** load of cash like the top players.. but like I said not everyone is stupid enough to do that. That's how non strategic this game is, it really comes down too are you dumb enough to waste so much money on this average game that seems to be getting poorer and poorer due to the big spenders that are wrecking this game making greed fast track it's death.

    Lets not forget the top players with 5 mill stats probably half of that 5 mill is made up for percentage boosters its not their raw attack. So to beat FUN in the war to win the units you have to be like I said an idiot to spend that much money. It's really that simple.. but not everyone is that dumb.. and thank God for that lol!
    Last edited by Mystogan; 08-22-2013 at 05:55 PM.

  15. #45
    Consistent Contributor custos's Avatar
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    The same type of conversation, with people predicting the death of the game, went around here a year ago. That's when the top players who spent lots of money had 100-200K stats. Some of those top players have dropped out. I reiterate: it will be impossible to stay at the top without continually spending money. The stat inflation will see to that. In the future there will be 100K units, maybe with 100% boosts or more. People will have 100M A/D stats. It will happen. Only those who continue to pour money into the game will remain at the top. If they stop, they will be over-run. Stat inflation is s double-edged sword

    That's why, in my opinion, it's dumb to spend a lot of money on the game. The advantage is fleeting. Have a look back at some early screen shots. In the early days there were units you could buy for 900 gems with stats like 100/100, and people did. Obviously these expensive units don't even feature in the armies of medium level players anymore.

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