Fed up with your Syndicate? join us! We came in 385 in the last battle (every Battle in top 400 ).
Last PVP Battle ranked 257.
We cut the dead heads and want to make a push to Top 250.

Fight Respect Payout : +25%
Jobs Payout : +20%
Car attack : +10%
Car defense : +25%
Building Output : +25%
Melee attack : +20%
Melee defense : +25%
Gun attack : +5%
Gun defense : +25%
Armor attack : +25%
Armor defense : +25%
Explosive attack : +10%
Explosive defense : +25%
Building defense : +25%
Hideout Health : +20%
Hideout Damage : +10%
Influence Increase : +10%
Syndicate Member Increase : +34
Members : 51/54

Serious players wanted.
Groupme is required.
Take your Chance and let the Battle begin.

Syndicate: 959219301