Kindom of Magi guild has 9 open spots


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Thread: Kindom of Magi guild has 9 open spots

  1. #1
    Member Since
    Mar 2013
    Post Count

    Kindom of Magi guild has 9 open spots

    Each war we have steadily improved our ranking by:

    *increasing our communication
    *helping our junior players be successful

    In the last war, we were in the top 750!

    Our bonuses are not maybe as attractive as some of the larger guilds, but they stand at:

    *Upgrade costs -14%
    *Building Upgrade Time -19%

    We do not have a set donation for members!
    We do ask that they give what they can. The guild must have something in order to prepare for war!
    This goes back to helping our junior members be successful; if they have to give all their money to the guild, then they cannot upgrade their buildings, armor, weapons, and units in order to become a strong member of the guild.

    Guild members are asked to participate in guild quests and the battles on war event weekends.

    Please consider joining Kindom of Magi (yes - I know it's spelled wrong....)
    INVITE CODE: 505-544-377

    Thank you!


  2. #2
    Member Since
    Aug 2013
    Post Count
    I will pm you now

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