The Band of babarians placed Top 35 in the last war and we will be aiming for top 25 in the upcoming war this weekend.

We have 2 slots open for active players or Gem users (not mandatory)

All we ask is that you are willing to or already use Palringo.

And can put up at least 30K minimum points during war.

To give you an idea on where you need to be stat wise. Some of our lower level players with 700K attack found it difficult to find a target during the last war and struggles to make the required points with the teams we were being matched with.

If your interested please let us know via PM and i can give you the invite code so we can check you out. And if possible pls send a screen shot of the points you scored during the last battle. (not putting out there to stop a hundred requests from players that wont meet the above requirements.