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  1. #16

    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Are you guys going to do something about the top 10 team that had a hacker in it? it is only fair as prior precedent involves removing the team. TBC deserves 10th in this case and it is only fair given they are a clean faction and the other one had hackers

  2. #17

    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Peoria, IL
    I have to agree with the above post. They removed teams in the past for having hackers in them. Only seems right to remove the team that had a hacker in it, and move everyone up a spot. Don't say you can't do it Gree because you have done it before.

  3. #18
    Congrats ARMED ORDER FACTION. Top 25 with 10 vacancies. Now recruiting 54020012!

  4. #19
    TIMB0's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    And on the other scale of things...congrats to my team Semper Fi Never Retreat for cracking top 500! Onto 400!

  5. #20

    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Joseff 3 View Post
    If you are talking about PJ, the def leader of ICF, no he is not a hacker. He was gone from the game during the battle because he got pissed and deleted his game. He was not banned.
    Deleting the game from your phone will not remove you from the faction. If he was removed from the faction during a WD Event it would have had to be done by gree.

  6. #21

    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Paris, France
    Wow ...a few post here in regards to what happened to TBC this war!! Yet no answer from a moderator!! I was hoping that Gree would look into this before posting winners! No longer wondering if they care about loyal clients ...cause they don't!!! They have proved in the past and continue to show they don't care at all!!! This has happen twice to me...I along with a few other member were in Darkness now we are in TBC! Same exact scenario AGAIN!!!! Great job Gree ...

  7. #22
    Thief's Avatar
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    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Idiokus View Post
    Wow ...a few post here in regards to what happened to TBC this war!! Yet no answer from a moderator!! I was hoping that Gree would look into this before posting winners! No longer wondering if they care about loyal clients ...cause they don't!!! They have proved in the past and continue to show they don't care at all!!! This has happen twice to me...I along with a few other member were in Darkness now we are in TBC! Same exact scenario AGAIN!!!! Great job Gree ...
    Note to self...don't play with Idiokus...gree has cursed him
    (Sorry man i really am..i was just trying to make light of the situation but you know i stood behind you when you were in Darkness and i support you now) Gree needs to do the right thing.
    VFF Legends

  8. #23

    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Paris, France
    Quote Originally Posted by Thief View Post
    Note to self...don't play with Idiokus...gree has cursed him
    (Sorry man i really am..i was just trying to make light of the situation but you know i stood behind you when you were in Darkness and i support you now) Gree needs to do the right thing.
    Ha ha ha ...thanks bro...yeah I do feel cursed!

  9. #24

    Join Date
    May 2013
    Rumor has it down the line it was more then one person. There were multiple people removed up to about 10 members. I believe it is fair to reward those teams that came up shy one position of a reward for a team that was obviously led by a cheat! A lot of people spent a lot of money for their final push ... Honor that gree ... so what if it takes one employee to credit teams with a bonus ! Just my 2 cents. In the end one of two things are gunna happen.

    1. The cover up stands and we move on
    2. Gree honors those who deserve what they fairly earned.

  10. #25

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    May 2013
    many factions have members bouncing from faction to faction for various reasons. That doesnt mean that the relationships we experience end. Some remain in contact and share info. Many players have multiple accounts in these factions and share the info in the factions they are in ! Therefor what happens in one faction spreads like wild fire. Facts/rumors spread down the line. Something is clearly happening and those who were at a disadvantage should be rewarded !

  11. #26

    Winners for the Battle for Australia!

    England- loss to Australia 6-1
    Pakistan- loss to Sri Lanka 3-2
    New Zealand- Group Stage in Compaq Tri- series
    If you didn't expect these teams to make it to the finals, than star this QUESTION, and also tell me how will this tournament will be without Sri Lanka and the hosts South Africa..

  12. #27
    Thief's Avatar
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    May 2012
    1 SUPER UNITED PIRATES 1 86064563
    2 Ferr's Emperors 68255083
    3 SUPER UNITED PIRATES 2 27754394
    4 TheGunners 23628318
    5 Global Strike Force 23483380
    6 McGurt 22433571
    8 Veteran Forum Fighters 22223817
    9 The Buckwheat Connection 21517896
    10 World Wide Warriors 16856049
    11 Joy Killers 13131227
    12 Sealteam-6 12718459
    13 Special Ops Ghost Recon 11187221
    14 WE FIGHT ALL 10438255
    15 kill yo self 10146273
    16 TEF Splinter Cell 9657676
    17 Armed Order Faction 9221530
    18 Forums Finest Fighters 9212996
    19 Air Force Special Ops 9130659
    20 Infected Boot Of Blest 9073051
    21 =BRAVO= 8867073
    22 The Unsullied 8762846
    23 Darth Seals Revenge 8671365
    24 Alpdruck 8591506
    25 SKYNETCOMMAND 8470041

    There i went ahead and started to fix it for you gree.

  13. #28
    Mcdoc's Avatar
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    San Diego (Vista) California
    Rumors of hacking ?

    Isn't this a broken record - as in - didn't the clowns cheat like 2 or 3 times before and get DQ before ?

    Why is this faction still even in existence ?

    Why are these players still in the game?
    Don't whine about a problem unless you're prepared to offer a reasonable solution.

    I Buy / Sell REAL Gold and Silver everyday at
    Great Blog:

  14. #29

    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    The results thief has should be the right ones. Mr. Joseff the third, thief and Mcdoc are both in VFF, so I don't understand where exactly thief is going lol.
    No matter what y'all say, I'm still proud to be a Pirate. Feel free to shoot me a pm if you need help, always like chatting with people.

  15. #30

    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    None of us are new players Mcdoc and I have played since the game came out and same with theif
    No matter what y'all say, I'm still proud to be a Pirate. Feel free to shoot me a pm if you need help, always like chatting with people.

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