Thread: Add me Saturday

  1. #1
    Maestro's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Within 4 hours from gree's headquarters

    Add me Saturday

    We haven't had one of these since January in CC and MW. How about kicking off the guild events with one?
    For those who haven't seen one of these everyone that checks in and posts in the thread gets 100 gems.
    So admin how about it? Lets kick the guild events off right for the forum members?
    CC(iOS)-Retired, CC(droid)-Retired, KA-Retired, DR-Retired, WON- Retired.
    Call to Arms- Retired. MW(droid)-Retired, KnD-Retired, BtD- Retired.
    MW(iOS)-burning last of gold for my faction then will retire
    Future gree games- won't even start at this point.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    100 gems? O_O

    Count me in, XBB-DGX-MXX.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    I'm down! Lets do it

  4. #4
    Well I don't see any harm in posting on the thread. Seems a bit to good to be true though! Guess we'll see! What do you mean by checking in though?
    IGN: superchicken13 Level 130
    Friend Code: xbb-pzq-cwx
    Guild Master: Veni Vidi Vici Level 46
    Level 80+ feel free to apply to guild! Couple of spots are still open!
    7% all elements

  5. #5
    Maestro's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Within 4 hours from gree's headquarters
    I'm hoping the the forum admin will run with this like they did in MW and CC last January. The old CC forum admin CCmark used to do this every now and then. CJ has done at least 1 last January. Since we haven't had one here I figured I would float the idea and see is the forum admin runs with it. Gambit reminded me of this over in the MW forum a few days back. There also used to be forum member contests in the crime city forum run by the CCmark before he "left" . That was before syndicates started.

    I am just floating the idea right now.

  6. #6
    Sounds like a great idea. Though it seems pretty counter productive to Gree's money making business. Unless it's that 'first ones for free' plan to get you hooked on gems
    IGN: superchicken13 Level 130
    Friend Code: xbb-pzq-cwx
    Guild Master: Veni Vidi Vici Level 46
    Level 80+ feel free to apply to guild! Couple of spots are still open!
    7% all elements

  7. #7
    Maestro's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Within 4 hours from gree's headquarters
    When they did it on the CC and MW forums I believe it was kind of a thank you for you support and ideas to the active forum members. This forum is still positive and helpfull. The CC and MW forums have gotten really negative.
    Forum members are like a second beta test for them we report problems and actively try to help the game grow thus helping gree to have a better product and make more money.

  8. #8


    Count me in!
    IGN: Sabre LEVEL: 100+
    K&D Code: XBB-GZW-YQG

  9. #9
    In the unlikely event that this does go on.. I'm down!

  10. #10
    If this actually happened it would be amazing, you can count me in!

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