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  1. #31
    Assault and Flattery's Avatar
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    Aug 2012
    I can move it over, but nobody ever checks there =[ If you take a peek, the Red Light District Romp is over there with no replies but my own.

    Also, I just fixed the names on this list. Sorry about that.

  2. #32

    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    On a cloud.
    Thanks to have fixed the name Assault!

  3. #33

    Join Date
    May 2013
    Discreet may want to change the top 3 players item numbers to 404

  4. #34

    Join Date
    May 2013
    Players 1, 2 and 3 have all received their 1st place prize

  5. #35

    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by tam... View Post
    That's what I like about screen shots
    what I like about screen shots is when you're in overtime on 3 accounts and take them and all three of them show the same results - there wasn't a three way tie... and my one account in overtime STILL can show it!
    572 739 028
    364 082 430
    668 483 974

    Quote Originally Posted by tam
    ... if you believe you can buy a first place prize, knock yourself out buying one
    Prove to us all that its possible...I dare your do it
    Put your money were your mouth is
    its not possible to win with money

  6. #36

    Join Date
    May 2013
    Pardon? Can you expand that point of view?
    Edit: you are proposing that I am or someone is, all 3 characters?
    Last edited by tam...; 06-26-2013 at 10:51 PM.

  7. #37

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    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by tam... View Post
    Pardon? Can you expand that point of view?
    Edit: you are proposing that I am or someone is, all 3 characters?
    Me? No! I was simply saying that all three devices I used for this event (including the one that is STILL in overtime) have current screen shots showing that all three players did NOT end with the same amount. However, when you line the pockets of Gree enough, they'll normally do whatever you ask to remedy a situation.

    Considering the fact that there was no 3-way tie in game and even the results that were posted here showed that until someone spoke out of anger here and then Gree quickly apologized and got back on their knees bowing down! lol
    Last edited by Swedevil; 06-27-2013 at 11:15 AM.
    572 739 028
    364 082 430
    668 483 974

    Quote Originally Posted by tam
    ... if you believe you can buy a first place prize, knock yourself out buying one
    Prove to us all that its possible...I dare your do it
    Put your money were your mouth is
    its not possible to win with money

  8. #38

    Join Date
    May 2013
    So you are saying that the Gree list was free of errors, that there was no error in posting the name Tyler Durden even though that name never appeared in the game leader board list when the event was happening.

  9. #39

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    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by tam... View Post
    So you are saying that the Gree list was free of errors, that there was no error in posting the name Tyler Durden even though that name never appeared in the game leader board list when the event was happening.
    Are you so reluctant about the situation that you read what I say in a manner that you want to see it? I never once said there were NO ERRORS. As a matter of fact, I don't think I mentioned the name Tyler Durden at all. That was you implying that because its what you want to focus on. My fact was that the results posted now, STILL DO NOT match the results that are current on the game because there is STILL no tie on the game and that is proven with all three of my devices that were in overtime. Thank you for your cooperation and lack of realizing the facts posted compared to the admittance you want to despoil.

    Here's to keeping Gree on their knees so you can easily line their pockets.
    572 739 028
    364 082 430
    668 483 974

    Quote Originally Posted by tam
    ... if you believe you can buy a first place prize, knock yourself out buying one
    Prove to us all that its possible...I dare your do it
    Put your money were your mouth is
    its not possible to win with money

  10. #40

    Join Date
    May 2013
    I simply pointed out that there were errors, if you believe you can buy a first place prize, knock yourself out buying one
    Prove to us all that its possible...I dare your do it
    Put your money were your mouth is

  11. #41

    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by tam... View Post
    I simply pointed out that there were errors, if you believe you can buy a first place prize, knock yourself out buying one
    Prove to us all that its possible...I dare your do it
    Put your money were your mouth is
    I don't have to not do I want to. That's not the point. Once again, you have heard and read what you wanted to...but in your simplistic conclusion, you yourself have merely stated an obvious admission that first place can't be bought....if it can't be bought, is it given? Bump set spike...points made and awarded. Merry Christmas.

    On another note, the innocent ask for proof while the guilty defend and redirect...misleading much or should we ask the lawyer to explain?
    572 739 028
    364 082 430
    668 483 974

    Quote Originally Posted by tam
    ... if you believe you can buy a first place prize, knock yourself out buying one
    Prove to us all that its possible...I dare your do it
    Put your money were your mouth is
    its not possible to win with money

  12. #42

    Join Date
    May 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by tam... View Post
    I simply pointed out that there were errors, if you believe you can buy a first place prize, knock yourself out buying one
    Prove to us all that its possible...I dare your do it
    Put your money were your mouth is

    There was no three way tie. And if gree paid 1st prize to all three of you then you kicked and screamed your way through it again. WTG! Ruin the game even more by taking advantage of a company.
    Either way Tam you are the proposed worst person playing this game. What motivates you to have to be first in the leader board event anyways? God forbid you let one go to the non millionaires in the building. I for one will never spend a cent in the leader board event because of you. Maybe if the entire CC world did the same they would just end the event so I don't have to see your name or what was it for a bit...Great White? Good one btw.

    Just so everyone who is reading this knows, there wasn't a three way tie. But now the top three players (all part of FCS...perhaps) got the first prize. Bs riddled all over this situation

  13. #43

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    May 2013
    I say that what you have is information before the server received the final information
    And you want to make an issue out of incorrect information

    Edit: for incorrect spelling

  14. #44

    Join Date
    May 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by tam... View Post
    I say that what you have is information before the server received the final information
    And you want to make an issue out of incorrect information

    Edit: for incorrect spelling
    That doesn't make sense, please try about you show the screen shots to prove that all three people ended with the same amount. If not then gree should remove the other two top prizes.

    No screen shot, then it isn't true

  15. #45

    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    It should read dead in the water. An hour before the leaderboard event ends, the board freezes. Many players use that time to make a move. No one knows until Gree releases the winners' list. Check it out next time we have a leaderboard event.

    It's okay to call someone out but have all of the facts before you do so. Asking for screen shots is not the way to resolve issues since they can be photo shopped and probably against TOS and risk that player a forum ban!

    Quote Originally Posted by Deadwater View Post
    That doesn't make sense, please try about you show the screen shots to prove that all three people ended with the same amount. If not then gree should remove the other two top prizes.

    No screen shot, then it isn't true
    Who laughs last laughs best...

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