What do you think about the new transfer system.. Share your thoughts.


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Thread: What do you think about the new transfer system.. Share your thoughts.

  1. #1
    Steady Scribe
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    What do you think about the new transfer system.. Share your thoughts.

    Well i think it's bad news..
    Now i cant swipe my two account between my two devices.
    I got one camping account and one which i play fully.
    Usually i play my none camping account on my iphone cause it's with me all the time, and my camping account i store on my mini ipad.
    At the weekends i used to transfer these two account between my devices and play my none camping account on my mini ipad because it's more fun.

    Now i can't do that anymore...
    Both of my account are on the same apply ID, which it's impossible to save both data accounts on the Icloud.

    GREE just makes hard time to everyone.

  2. #2
    Steady Scribe helloooOonurse's Avatar
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    i have yet to find a thread about a successful ios transfer via icloud or iTunes. i somewhat understand gree's reasoning for it, but at least give the customers a step-by-step instruction on how to do so. even the in app FAQ portion on transfers is outdated. ugh!

    i'm contemplating on buying an iphone so i would need to transfer my game from ipod to iPhone in the near future. i did my own research and found that there are several third party apps you can download to transfer game data between ios devices. i googled "transfer game data from ____ to ____" and found several helpful links.

    i don't have a 2nd device to transfer to yet so if anyone decides to transfer via a third party app, please inform us!

    thanks in advance!
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  3. #3
    Steady Scribe Hub_Master_General's Avatar
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    I used to swap my one account between 2 iPhones but that hasn't worked starting about 10 days ago? Has Gree changed something?
    the Hub Master General

  4. #4
    Player Experience
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    Apple has requested that all developers work towards making game transfers/backups go through iTunes/iCloud which is part of the reason we made the change. The other part is simply convenience for people who break/lose their phones.

    This makes it more inconvenient for people who used the FunzioID transfer to switch one account between multiple devices but we felt that the trade-off was worth it as the number of people who got new devices and didn't remember their FunzioID or didn't have it set up far outnumbered the number of people who used it to play on multiple devices.

  5. #5
    Prominent Poet mickymacirl's Avatar
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    The instructions that you are giving out on how transfer doesn't work between devices, using the instructions sent to me by one of your customer support people, are incorrect.

    "Thank you for writing in about transferring your account. We recently changed the way transfers work in the game, in an effort to make it more simple for players. If you still have your old device, please sync/back up your account to either iTunes or iCloud. Next, sync your new device with either iTunes or iCloud and restore data."

    Sync works fine between similar devices, but the game data does not restore with the sync, just the game files (Modern War.app) with a new level 1 account. It's also not possible to sync an IPhone backup with an IPad or vise versa, without some technical knowledge.

    So no, it's not simpler, it doesn't work! :P
    Last edited by mickymacirl; 06-25-2013 at 02:55 AM.

  6. #6
    Steady Scribe
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    So just to clarify, you take something that is working, and change it to some new method that doesn't work. Don't try and blame Apple, it is your application and before you release a so called improvement, couldn't you at least try it out first.

    Now have a new iPhone, but can't transfer game from iPod because, well who knows why. Why not have both methods available or would that be too easy.

  7. #7
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    Oracle -
    Instead of providing us with the reason behind the change, how about we start with how to actually do it with the new system? Then, we can all at least transfer our games and decide from there if the system is a good one. Just a thought.

  8. #8
    Articulate Author
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    I'm guessing gree didn't have a choice about changing the way games are transferred, as sinceMay 1st apple will not approve updates or new apps to use the udid of a device:

    Apple had been under increased pressure to change how the UDID works due to the privacy implications of a developer knowing which particular iOS device is being used to access their app. Apple and several app developers were sued over the use of the UDID to track users across different apps. While the UDID doesn't specifically identify a user, the sharing of UDIDs across ad networks and apps can help piece together a valuable picture of activity and interests of the user of a specific device. Apple seems to be requiring apps to generate their own unique identifiers for each installation to avoid this ability to share such information across apps. see more: http://www.macrumors.com/2013/03/21/...ginning-may-1/

  9. #9
    Steady Scribe
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    Oracle, what about those of us sitting 10 days without an account and almost no response from support from this? Had to format my phone and account has been gone ever since...

  10. #10
    Consistent Contributor
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    Oracle- blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.

    blah blah blah blah. People are asking, practically BEGGING for INSTRUCTIONS yet you come in here and lay a pound of unhelpful crap on the table. Slow clap for that awesome explanation. Now... are you going to help the people ASKING for help or just tell them they pulled the short straw and tell them too bad?

  11. #11
    GREE Engineering
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikey2 View Post
    I'm guessing gree didn't have a choice about changing the way games are transferred, as sinceMay 1st apple will not approve updates or new apps to use the udid of a device:
    Yeah, no app developers had a choice. UDID is banned going forward.

  12. #12
    Articulate Author
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jerle View Post
    Yeah, no app developers had a choice. UDID is banned going forward.
    Was UDID a hacker?

  13. #13


    it all just a scam so people who have spent real money on the game have to start from scratch and am sure GREE(DY) know that most will spend again to get there new account stronger, SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM robbing buggers. why change the transfer system when it used to work ok to one that dosn't and then not give any instructions on how to do it correct...WHY.......... CAUSE ITS A SCAM

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