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  1. #46

    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Nice rewards

    Looks good! @HRR teammembers, I really hope we have half team fighting ... Or better full team!

  2. #47
    what time does it start?
    or did I miss that little tidbit of info?

  3. #48
    Ratma2001's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Dum View Post
    what time does it start?
    or did I miss that little tidbit of info?
    No you havent miss it , they didn't put it up , apparently it's around 5:00am Australian time so convert that to your time and everything is honky dory!

  4. #49
    Ratma2001's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Crusader Shout View Post
    @Ratma2001 - we are looking for good Aussie players - I am in Melbourne. Let me know if you are interested.
    Sorry mate, have been recalled to guild as they need some additional muscle this war for a top 25 finish but watch this space!
    Ohh and if I hear any booing from the opponents I whip that's what they call tough justice, watch as I flex my muscles in this war and top the CP table! And yes I am that good!

  5. #50

    Problems connecting

    Has anyone else had problems connecting? I live in Maryland and haven't been able to connect to the kingdom age app on my phone since Wednesday. Any ideas how to fix this?

  6. #51

    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Unhappy GMT time- universal time

    Quote Originally Posted by Ratma2001 View Post
    No you havent miss it , they didn't put it up , apparently it's around 5:00am Australian time so convert that to your time and everything is honky dory!
    hey dear why not simply give info in GMT time! that would be easier and fair to all continents! Australia is big
    if you give GMT time I will know if once again I have to cancel my Friday's pizza evening!
    good for my line... but not good for us here to give up our weekly pizza)


  7. #52
    Quote Originally Posted by Me_now View Post
    Has anyone else had problems connecting? I live in Maryland and haven't been able to connect to the kingdom age app on my phone since Wednesday. Any ideas how to fix this?
    G'day mate,
    first make sure your iOS is up to date
    if you're still having problems, delete the app and reinstall.
    you won't lose your game, all the info is stored on the Gree servers
    Good luck

  8. #53

    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Energy glitches

    The war has started - anyone else getting random energy glitches?

  9. #54

    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    The game is glitching like crazy. All health gone after just two hits during battle!!! This is stupid. Maybe you should take a few weeks to fix your system and then have a war before you lose EVERYONE!!!!

  10. #55

    Angry This is BS!!

    Wtf is going on with the battle health. Many in my guild had zero at the start, I only got in 3 hits before mine was gone and I regened enough for a hit and it asked my for gems and took my health. Is Gree getting greedy. I refuse now to buy gems.

  11. #56
    SoCalWolverine's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Los Angeles, CA
    My guess is that they didn't reset everyone's health meters after the end of Darkhome. So when this battle started, everyone had whatever health was left from Darkhome.

    I had the same problem. My health bar showed 100%, but I couldn't mega the guardian. I finally just did a wall hit and I had only 1/4 my energy left. Many of my guild members had energy issues as well.
    KA Guild : 959-401-905
    My Top 50 Guild is recruiting NOW! -!!

  12. #57

    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    When you consider the amount of money people are paying... you'd think people would pay more attention to making sure that the events were working properly before making them live. Disillusionment with GREE exists because of things like this.

    Anyway, i thought I'd advertise the Guild Wars more accurately, instead of pretending the wars are fought with swords and strength, its really like this;

  13. #58
    A number of guild members reported unexpected losses, after beating the same enemy target repeatedly.
    Clearly there are some big glitches - and when you are using gems, you expect better.

    Looking forward to final result list, though we are happy to be still in top 50, since start of guild wars. Very consistent performance as we balance war and fun.
    Shout (Guild Leader)
    "Where the Strong Play for Fun"

  14. #59
    Spydrax's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    My guild stood down for the war during the USA's recognition of our military, or Memorial Day. We ended the war with 0 points and didn't engage once.
    I then, submitted a vote asking if our guild had a desire to fight every 2 weeks or once a month as initially started. Out of 27 voters, only two thought they'd like to fight every 2 weeks and they were both free players. Every person who spends told me they won't do it every 2 weeks. 3 voted to consider the battle's rewards before standing down, the rest said once a month.
    We just fought for the Giant's Ally and will sit this next one out.
    Every 2 weeks and on every American holiday weekend to date is just crazy.
    "Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys.
    Look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death!"
    Sun Tzu The Art of War

  15. #60
    The Crusaders also opted out of the Memorial Day battle. We enjoyed Giant's Valley and got another Top 50 placing.

    Regarding future wars, we are discussing alternating the wars - one gem free and one full on with gems and Top 50. We have crunched numbers and don't see good pay-off beyond that.
    Shout (Guild Leader)
    "Where the Strong Play for Fun"

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