1. #2731

    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Dirty South
    Quote Originally Posted by COL Klink View Post
    Maybe I'm slow, but how do you get your picture to show up on your posts.....this is killing me as I have tried for several days to figure this out. I can see my picture on my profile page but it does not show up when I post. If you are somehow supposed to insert it into your post, I can't figure out how to do it. I am on an iPad, does that somehow limit you??? Any help would be appreciated.
    Uncheck the "Retrieve remote file and reference locally" box and it will show up in the forums...thats been my experience anyway

  2. #2732

    Is there any reason to ever have more than 500 allies?

    Since the number of units a player can use is capped at 2,000, it seems that there would be no point in having more than 500 allies, but I see players with many more than that. Is there a reason for that?

  3. #2733

    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by frank99999 View Post
    Since the number of units a player can use is capped at 2,000, it seems that there would be no point in having more than 500 allies, but I see players with many more than that. Is there a reason for that?
    No reason at all. If they increase the cap some day to say 1000 and 4k units for level 200 then I guess those people are just prepared in advance.

  4. #2734

    Join Date
    May 2013

    Question 2 little questions:

    First, and most important:
    How many times I can transfer my game between devices?

    Second, and not less important:
    Why I have no permission to start a new thread?


  5. #2735

    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Atlanta, GA
    Quote Originally Posted by daniel pena View Post
    First, and most important:
    How many times I can transfer my game between devices?

    Second, and not less important:
    Why I have no permission to start a new thread?

    1. I would assume unlimited, I've never heard other wise.

    2. You need a minimum number of post first. I think it is 10.

    Nuked my base and officially retired. I win.

  6. #2736

    Join Date
    May 2013

    Thumbs up Extra mafia?

    Thanks for the answers =)

    one more:
    What does this extra mafia do?
    I didint get it... I thought It was one more allie, but the number didint changed...

    thanks again!

  7. #2737
    Agent Orange's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Toronto Canada
    Hmm interesting they used to be called grunts wonder if this is some code crossover with cc. Basically it should just act the same as an additional ally except you can't delete it.
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    Free player
    Playing since 11/08/2011
    Level 240+

    Android - Agent Orange -ID 179 321 004
    Free Player since 7/18/12
    Level 33+

    War of Nations - Agent Orange - Quit the game
    Free Player since 5/30/13

  8. #2738

    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Dirty South
    What is the construction time of a Santa Marta Train Station?

  9. #2739

    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    i believe 24 hours
    Quote Originally Posted by Oceanz View Post
    What is the construction time of a Santa Marta Train Station?
    Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines, practiced every day

    Heavy Marine Helicopter
    PM if you are a retired top faction player who just wants to enjoy the game
    **Retired from formerly known as The Buckwheat Connection**

  10. #2740

    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Dirty South
    ah, so i can build one now, but won't get the unit for building it i guess

  11. #2741

    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    that is correct
    Quote Originally Posted by Oceanz View Post
    ah, so i can build one now, but won't get the unit for building it i guess
    Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines, practiced every day

    Heavy Marine Helicopter
    PM if you are a retired top faction player who just wants to enjoy the game
    **Retired from formerly known as The Buckwheat Connection**

  12. #2742

    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    probably not shut down.

    Will there be a decrease in support? potentially.

    It all depends on if they want to use this as their guinea pig platform to try out new ideas. They may come out with something else that uses factions.

    Quote Originally Posted by Spit Fire MW View Post
    Does anyone know if Modern War will be shut down after WD events, this is what an ex employee of Gree has mentioned.
    Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines, practiced every day

    Heavy Marine Helicopter
    PM if you are a retired top faction player who just wants to enjoy the game
    **Retired from formerly known as The Buckwheat Connection**

  13. #2743
    megaants's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Quick question, for 1 gold how much does it speed up a building completion upgrade?
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    Lvl 82 IPH 38M

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    ViiVid_Evga (retired)
    212 mil AP 10 bases

  14. #2744

    Password reset

    Hello All... I've been playing Modern war for over a year and spent a lot
    Of time and money in this game. My problem is I always played on my IPhone
    4g until my phone found its way into a machine and was broken beyond repair.
    I did however create a funzio ID. I backed up my iPhone onto my pc and thought
    That I would be able to transfer my modern war game onto my new
    iPhone 5 with no problem. My iPhone 5 has my user name but is asking
    Me for my password. Is there anyway I can reset my password? I cannot
    Remember it to save my life. It has been over 5 weeks now and I'm also
    The leader of a large clan. My intake name is Elite and my clan tags is
    ETS. Any help to resolve this would be great and thanks. I did contact
    Support on this matter 3 different times but they were of no help. My
    Email account is also connected to my funzio ID. I don't understand why
    Funzio cannot send a reset to my email address. Thank you for your time.

  15. #2745

    multiple attacks and news feeds

    If I attack a player 5 times in a row, does it generate 5 entries in their news feed, or one summary entry? If one, then there must be an effective integration time, since the integral has to stop and the post made at some point - what's the integration window? Thanks.

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