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  1. #31
    Kiss Of Death's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fredcole View Post
    I agree Rastlin and i wonder about the same. Around xmas time they put out some serious xp ltq, and didnt take the foot off the gas before the two last ones. Also there has been a really big inflation in stats of units. I guess its to get the campers going, but i rather have Gree leave players to play the way they want.
    Actually Gree don't sit there and ponder... Hmm how do we get campers to level up? They think hmm how can we make better revenue... You boys live in a weird world of make believe to think what you think... And it's not the world of KA.

    Anyway stat jumps are in line with what they did on MW and that generate substantial spending. Before that in MW an KA real spenders had the issue of very little benefit of spending... So what if you get a unit less powerful than a dragon that can't die? As soon as you have dragons those units are a waste of money. LTQs give even free players a random factor based on how far they can get in the LTQ for free that makes the boring outcome of 1million free players all with 1500 dragons and banneret plates/hawkslayer Ar/ Mail crushers and Heavy battle axes. These items and PVE drops make for a variable outcome. Also it's nice to see that when you do spend some real money you can actually see a difference that is worth spending it on.

    My old Kiss of Death account for example I spent about $2000 on gems and had minimal stat increases... Just ask Dr Bronson (Bronson) who now plays that account and he now has dragons which make hundreds of the units I bought defunct. so yay to gree for making real money worth it if you want to spend it.

    Oh here comes all the free player whinging... Shush little ones.. You can improve your stats too by getting involve in the fun events, without spending!

    I have a true camping account to and after 3 months its still level 10 (only ups because if attackers who lose) and its soooooo boooorrrriiiiinnnnggg.... But I have to do it so I can understand this mind numbing camping bit... Don't think I wasn't tempted to do the events but I restrained to stay low level and see if I can personally get every building to level 10 I can build as I slowly level to unlock the next lot. Phew... Time to pay attention to the traffic
    Last edited by Kiss Of Death; 04-07-2013 at 11:30 PM.
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  2. #32
    Kiss Of Death's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goowokji View Post
    Ofcourse the game wants you to level up quickly. When you have leveled up to say "whale territory" and are getting your teeth kicked in everyday. You are left with 2 choices:1. Quit the gameor2. Spend real money and hand over your pay check, its simple pay to continue to play otherwise step aside
    ha .... Ha ha..... Ha ha ha ha ha oh this is so why I stopped bothering about the forum and why we created the private forum knights forum last year... To avoid stupid comments by certain types ruining the fun for new players with their pessimist 'the worlds out to get you' personalities.

    Ok so juniors seeing this know... There are hundreds I not thousands of players in 'whale territory' as its called. But whales face bigger whales and so on... Always someone below you... Always someone above... All you lose is a percent of your buildings output if they get raided.. Oh dear better quit when you get raided!

    Or you might cop an occasional loss of a unit being attacked... Quick quit because the attacker use gems!!!

    Hmmm what to do when you get your dragons... Quit..!!!. Because clearly there is nothing left to do...

    "Or"... Play the fun events designed to make more fun and alter and improve your stats.. For free.. Replace dragons over a long time with creatures you win in events... Become a mini whale yourself in 'time' and also don't forget guilds to add a social aspect to a game to prevent that dead end our forum criers all fear... Oh quit quickly !

    Boy I wish I hadn't bothered to come back to the forums... But I'll try to post occasionally helpful posts for those who actually filter through the reams of posts all ranting and shaking their fists at the world for all its unfairness and not catering to their narsasistic interests.

    Quick quit, throw it in, rant at the 'man'
    Last edited by Kiss Of Death; 04-07-2013 at 11:46 PM.
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  3. #33

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    Nono.. it should be allowed to avoid exp and still reap all the benefits of leveling up, all buildings/LTQ´s should be available for all levels and they should change the gamemechanics so a lvl 10 could be more powerful than a lvl 186 in a guildwar.


    The only thing that gives a little too much exp atm is killing mobs in kando jungle/the barrens but other than that the levelingprogress is a bit on the slow side, i would personally like it even more if you got small amounts of exp from looting your own buildings and invading rivals to scout.

  4. #34

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiss Of Death View Post
    ha .... Ha ha..... Ha ha ha ha ha oh this is so why I stopped bothering about the forum and why we created the private forum knights forum last year... To avoid stupid comments by certain types ruining the fun for new players with their pessimist 'the worlds out to get you' personalities.

    Ok so juniors seeing this know... There are hundreds I not thousands of players in 'whale territory' as its called. But whales face bigger whales and so on... Always someone below you... Always someone above... All you lose is a percent of your buildings output if they get raided.. Oh dear better quit when you get raided!

    Or you might cop an occasional loss of a unit being attacked... Quick quit because the attacker use gems!!!

    Hmmm what to do when you get your dragons... Quit..!!!. Because clearly there is nothing left to do...

    "Or"... Play the fun events designed to make more fun and alter and improve your stats.. For free.. Replace dragons over a long time with creatures you win in events... Become a mini whale yourself in 'time' and also don't forget guilds to add a social aspect to a game to prevent that dead end our forum criers all fear... Oh quit quickly !

    Boy I wish I hadn't bothered to come back to the forums... But I'll try to post occasionally helpful posts for those who actually filter through the reams of posts all ranting and shaking their fists at the world for all its unfairness and not catering to their narsasistic interests.

    Quick quit, throw it in, rant at the 'man'
    KOD is was an honor to be attacked by you several months ago. Now that pleasantries are out of the way lets get down to business. Lets be honest the top prizes to LTQ's, box events, guild wars can only be attained with gems. As hard as a free player might try they will not be able to compete with a gem spender.

    Yes there will always be someone stronger but to have atleast a fighting chance, lets say be in the top 80% of your lvl, gems is a must for reasons mention above. The projected max att/def for a free player with 500 allies, boost bdlgs, weapons and armor is limited to 241k/192k, plus a few thousand more for def buildings. As impressive as those numbers are, they pale in comparison to most gem spenders.

    I have provided to 2 options of what anyone can do in this game it may not be to your liking but mocking my post qualifies you as someone who ruins this forum. I thought this forum was for people to learn and state their opinions didn't realize we were the borg collective. So instead of bashing my post just state your solution. BTW your solution is flawed, how many LTQ or LTE must one do do to replace 1500 dragon units with higher stat indestructibles? All the while gaining exp and pushing you closer to the whales. And while you participate in these events and win some of the prizes the gem spenders will more than likely reap all the top prizes and thus increasing the power gap.

    You of all people should know how easy it is to increase stats with the use of gems. But the question is why did you use gems? could it be to get top prize indestructibles and thereby gaining a power advantage over free players. That may not have been your goal but the end result is the same.

  5. #35

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    Quote Originally Posted by goowokji View Post
    KOD is was an honor to be attacked by you several months ago. Now that pleasantries are out of the way lets get down to business. Lets be honest the top prizes to LTQ's, box events, guild wars can only be attained with gems. As hard as a free player might try they will not be able to compete with a gem spender.

    Yes there will always be someone stronger but to have atleast a fighting chance, lets say be in the top 80% of your lvl, gems is a must for reasons mention above. The projected max att/def for a free player with 500 allies, boost bdlgs, weapons and armor is limited to 241k/192k, plus a few thousand more for def buildings. As impressive as those numbers are, they pale in comparison to most gem spenders.

    I have provided to 2 options of what anyone can do in this game it may not be to your liking but mocking my post qualifies you as someone who ruins this forum. I thought this forum was for people to learn and state their opinions didn't realize we were the borg collective. So instead of bashing my post just state your solution. BTW your solution is flawed, how many LTQ or LTE must one do do to replace 1500 dragon units with higher stat indestructibles? All the while gaining exp and pushing you closer to the whales. And while you participate in these events and win some of the prizes the gem spenders will more than likely reap all the top prizes and thus increasing the power gap.

    You of all people should know how easy it is to increase stats with the use of gems. But the question is why did you use gems? could it be to get top prize indestructibles and thereby gaining a power advantage over free players. That may not have been your goal but the end result is the same.
    im nearing your "Max stats" for a free player, only several hundred hydra's and no dragons.

    just saying.

  6. #36
    Kjctnorris's Avatar
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    I think the reason people have an issue with others complaining about the disparity between gem and free players is the entitlement attitude. Why does a solution need to be presented, especially if many don't feel there is a problem?

    GREE spent over $200M buying these games from Funzio. Naturally they're going to do whatever they can to get a return on that investment. Why do people complain about that? All the GREEdy jokes are childish at best. If you want to complain about GREE, complain about their costumer service, lack of dealing with hackers, or releasing of events when they're all bugged to hell. However, complaining about a business giving VIP treatment to those who bring a return on their investment is just dumb.

    Secondly, no one makes anyone play this game. If you don't like it, play something else. Why should a company who invested hundreds of millions bend over backwards for a handful of vocal, self-entitled malcontents on these forums? For every free player who expresses dissatisfaction on these forums, there's probably another hundred or so who don't say a peep and go about enjoying the game. For free.

    I played this game for months for free. But since I enjoy it, I've decided to take the leap into the pool of gem players. The water is great over here, but the park does have an admission fee. That's just life.
    Last edited by Kjctnorris; 04-08-2013 at 03:10 PM.

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  7. #37

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    @Kjctnorris, I agree with your assessment. I think my reply to KOD was misunderstood. I wasn't complaining about the disparity between free and gem players. I wanted to point out that inorder to compete with the whales gems is a must . My original post was to give my opinion as to why GREE would want players to level up quickly and 2 possible options when you reach whale territory. 1. they can quit or 2. start using gems.

    @Jixx , my calculations were solely based on a dragon army excluding indestructibles won from events or quests.

    Congrats to you both for placing 10th in Dragon's Roost

  8. #38

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    I never camped and looked tried to time my lvling during a LTQ whe I was at or very near 0 energy. Before gree changed the Rival list I could attack and raid without checking stats. Maybe 1 in 200 attack/raids I lost after I finished my first LTQ, scared brawler, by doing the energy quest, and not spending gems on the box, epic boss quest I'm still strong for my lvl. Im at lvl 137 461/430 w/375 alies. With the new rival list I see a broad range of people from lvl 123 -159, with 200-600k stats. maybe when I get to see the 200 people things will change but it looks to me that I will always have someone to raid and someone will always raid me. I no people that are 175 and only have 200k stats sucks to be them but they still find people to get.
    It doesn't matter if you do every event because there are people out there that are doing them to so you will never catch up. But you will catch the guy that says I'm gonna take this one off or only completes the normal LTQ. In my guild I tore pass some people who ever 100k high than me and others have made their lead even wider.
    Like someone said before play the game how you want to just have fun.

  9. #39
    RandomUser's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ruston View Post
    The only thing that gives a little too much exp atm is killing mobs in kando jungle/the barrens but other than that the levelingprogress is a bit on the slow side, i would personally like it even more if you got small amounts of exp from looting your own buildings and invading rivals to scout.
    Did you just suggest being able to raid your own buildings? For experience points?


  10. #40

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    Quote Originally Posted by RandomUser View Post
    Did you just suggest being able to raid your own buildings? For experience points?

    "im certain i heard a coin get stuck in a coinslot just now"

    When you take the money from your own production i call it looting, you might have a different name for it but just to be certain that you understand what i mean.

    -When moneysack is on top of house i click it and recieve gold.

    I did not mean raiding and sacking my own buildings... that would be somewhat selfdestructive.

    I did however suggest something in the shape of:
    -Everything that makes you stronger should move you along to get bigger also.

    I have a somewhat broad experience from other similar games and there is always the same phenomenon.. The guys who wants endgame privilegies but refuse to follow the lineage of the game.

    IRL it would be something like:I wanna be tough and mean too, but my skills and funds doesnt back me up, i wanna be the meanest bully in the playground, and i want ppl to fear me so i deliberately fail my exams over and over again so i dont have to move up in the educational system.. making me the only 26yrold in 4th grade.
    Other 26yrolds will probably use me as TP in a fair fight but when im in my own classroom.. oh' man, can i make the other 4th grade kids suffer or what?!

    So if youre lvl 51 and own 2 lvl 10 manors you should get exp from looting your 2x250'000 every 48 hours.

  11. #41

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    add: its kindof obvious that i dont like campers, aaait?

  12. #42

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ruston View Post
    "im certain i heard a coin get stuck in a coinslot just now"

    When you take the money from your own production i call it looting, you might have a different name for it but just to be certain that you understand what i mean.

    -When moneysack is on top of house i click it and recieve gold.

    I did not mean raiding and sacking my own buildings... that would be somewhat selfdestructive.

    I did however suggest something in the shape of:
    -Everything that makes you stronger should move you along to get bigger also.

    I have a somewhat broad experience from other similar games and there is always the same phenomenon.. The guys who wants endgame privilegies but refuse to follow the lineage of the game.

    IRL it would be something like:I wanna be tough and mean too, but my skills and funds doesnt back me up, i wanna be the meanest bully in the playground, and i want ppl to fear me so i deliberately fail my exams over and over again so i dont have to move up in the educational system.. making me the only 26yrold in 4th grade.
    Other 26yrolds will probably use me as TP in a fair fight but when im in my own classroom.. oh' man, can i make the other 4th grade kids suffer or what?!

    So if youre lvl 51 and own 2 lvl 10 manors you should get exp from looting your 2x250'000 every 48 hours.
    collection is a bit overkill, howabout getting experience for building/upgrading buildings?

  13. #43

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    There's no point reasoning with idiots. KoD can't even read a simple splash screen. So yeah, a real genius right there.

    Onto more important matters. goowokji's thinking is correct.

    If no one levels, who is going to feed the whales? So Gree gives campers some bait in the form of LTQ prizes to level them into whale territory. Once you're in that zone, it's serious business. You either quit out of frustration, or spend on gems out of frustration. Either way you will be frustrated. But who is to blame when you (the player) is the one that took the bait?

  14. #44
    Kiss Of Death's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goowokji View Post
    KOD is was an honor to be attacked by you several months ago. Now that pleasantries are out of the way lets get down to business. Lets be honest the top prizes to LTQ's, box events, guild wars can only be attained with gems. As hard as a free player might try they will not be able to compete with a gem spender.

    Yes there will always be someone stronger but to have atleast a fighting chance, lets say be in the top 80% of your lvl, gems is a must for reasons mention above. The projected max att/def for a free player with 500 allies, boost bdlgs, weapons and armor is limited to 241k/192k, plus a few thousand more for def buildings. As impressive as those numbers are, they pale in comparison to most gem spenders.

    I have provided to 2 options of what anyone can do in this game it may not be to your liking but mocking my post qualifies you as someone who ruins this forum. I thought this forum was for people to learn and state their opinions didn't realize we were the borg collective. So instead of bashing my post just state your solution. BTW your solution is flawed, how many LTQ or LTE must one do do to replace 1500 dragon units with higher stat indestructibles? All the while gaining exp and pushing you closer to the whales. And while you participate in these events and win some of the prizes the gem spenders will more than likely reap all the top prizes and thus increasing the power gap.

    You of all people should know how easy it is to increase stats with the use of gems. But the question is why did you use gems? could it be to get top prize indestructibles and thereby gaining a power advantage over free players. That may not have been your goal but the end result is the same.
    Your calculations are wrong. Secondly LTQ drops are far far more powerful than any you can buy, thirdly long term play has two outcomes, camp your butt off but still have to eventually level up, or level up and camp later, both require excessive time but if you spend your time doing LTQ's, boss events and PvE to gain a dozen items or more every time more powerful than Dragons and gold based items... over the TIME most campers spend winging about exp. avoiding it and scrouging away like misers, and you'll be replacing your units that can die with units that can't. Me yes I use gems, but I also have pure free camping accounts for fun. I understand both psychologies and still stand here and say, you WILL all eventually level up so might as well do it now and have active fun playing daily getting cool loot and creatures that can't die and focus less on saving for that 1 million for months for your final upgrade... at level 50. Enjoy a l;ittle game for what it is, camping is fine but if you ever thought a game would benefit non payers it wont. For the first time in history free players actually CAN get some great items being clever and playing. Last year GEM spenders had the advantage in a massive way, now its less, 1500 units that cant die is 1500 units that cant die, so focus on that long term thought, even low stat ones you could forget the whole buying thing and just buy equipment and do boss and LTQ's and scratchies for free and build over a year 1500 undying units armies! sigh... no one thinks this stuff through properly... good night
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  15. #45
    Kiss Of Death's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sparckle View Post
    There's no point reasoning with idiots. KoD can't even read a simple splash screen. So yeah, a real genius right there.

    Onto more important matters. goowokji's thinking is correct.

    If no one levels, who is going to feed the whales? So Gree gives campers some bait in the form of LTQ prizes to level them into whale territory. Once you're in that zone, it's serious business. You either quit out of frustration, or spend on gems out of frustration. Either way you will be frustrated. But who is to blame when you (the player) is the one that took the bait?
    Sparkle see my post below... you're not bright enough to argue with it seems. Night
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