What are your biggest issues with the game? - Page 4


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Thread: What are your biggest issues with the game?

  1. #46
    Member Since
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    I was just starting to really hit the crates too. This is what upset me. I thought the crates were a good deal becuase higher level units were balanced by lower level units. I already have some lower ones from crates that do not come to battle on either Defense or Offense, and soon some that won't come to battle at all. This is an understood risk you take and makes up for the relative cost saving of higher priced items in the boxes.

  2. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Speed ump View Post
    How about the sneaky price increase on gold units. The costs compared to values went up about ten percent. That's a price increase. I think funzio was doing pretty darn well without it, and gold units are already way too expensive as it is.
    And this is just in MW, in KA, thins are way more expensive
    event resets or opens cost 20 gems (MW only 15 GBs)
    and units seem also too expensive compare to their stats
    Crates are the same as in MW which actually increase by 20% not 10%, they used to cost 145 and now 175, dif is 30, which 30/145 = 20%
    I think GREE is not doing so good financially and are trying to "milk" the money spenders as fast as possible (perhaps thay is what we are getting non-stop events)

  3. #48
    Consistent Contributor Front Runner NL's Avatar
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    Biggest issue: game crashes
    Every half hour, often after finally finding a well filled oil rig and the first raid on it.

  4. #49
    Verbose Veteran Mad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arj View Post
    The ironic thing is.....gold becoming more expensive and gold units becoming more expensive benifits people who bought gold units prior to the increase...the more units you bought before the better.....someone like speed ump and war priests armys(made of whatever gold units) value only increases as gold becomes more expensive lol

    Pretty much......it kinda works like money in real life.....as more poeple join the game/economy of gold prices of things increases.......also makes the value of invested gold(in units) before the increase higher....

    IE 1500 gold spend on crates before = 30 units
    now 1500 gold will only give u = around 25 units
    A bigger issue with gold buyers is this -- and I don't think many of them realize it yet -- as Funzio comes out with newer, bigger better gold units -- their old units are slowly being devalued.

    I remember seeing a special gold unit being shown around on a thread that a player had purchased in December or November 2011. It was interesting looking unit except for one thing -- I could buy with cash, units that had more power than that special gold unit. Yet when this gold unit initially came out, it was a power house, the elite of the elite.

    MW needs to be able to entice gold buyers to continue buying new units, and the only way of doing this is by creating bigger and better units. But in the process MW is basically rendering older gold units worthless.

    So gold buyers need to ask how valuable will today's special edition gold units be in six month? Pretty serious inflation, if you ask me.

    I really enjoy MW and have thought many times of buying gold. But really wonder if it is worth it. I think Funzio has some great games, but I think they need to develop a new game with a different funding model. Right now the guy with the deepest pockets wins.

    But this discourages others like myself from buying gold units, because there is no way I could spend what these major gold players are spending, so any gold units I purchase would be a complete waste of money.

    I am not looking to win this game, but like to think I could at least hang in with some of the big spenders. If I thought I could do that I would buy gold.

    I am only at level 37, but already I have been taken to the cleaners by a couple of players. I have pretty good stats and very rarely am I beat when attacked or raided. So I checked out these two players who wupped me and not surprisingly both were heavy gold buyers.

  5. #50
    Master of Musings Agent Orange's Avatar
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    Biggest issue for me is also casualty rates, you can't get ahead attacking when you loose more than you gain which means only those with armies of indestructible units will be able to make gains.

    The Rivals list has always been a problem even from day 1. If you make it too wide ranging then weak players get decimated by the stronger players who can see them and who will attack them because it is logical and because those may be the only targets they can find.

    Once you get past L100 you start to run out of things to do in terms of attacking. I guess rankings might have been the attempted fix but like allies there really seems to be something missing. I think the program should be adjusted so that you get higher BP's when you attack players at or above your own rank and less for attacks on players under your rank. I think now it's still only based on the rivals defense score.

    Remove the cap on allies vs units brought to battle. Seems crazy to have a limit once you hit L100 considering how many potential allies you can wind up with. Probably wouldn't be too much of a stretch since our rivals lists are loosely grouped based on your number of allies so things wouldn't get too lop sided other than with the golden players.
    Modern War
    IOS - Agent Orange - ID 863 440 860
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    Android - Agent Orange -ID 179 321 004
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    War of Nations - Agent Orange - Quit the game
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  6. #51
    Verbose Veteran Fifth Reich's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=mickymacirl;263220]casualty rates, casualty rates, casualty rates, casualty rates, casualty rates, casualty rates, casualty rates, casualty rates, casualty rates, casualty rates, casualty rates, casualty rates, casualty rates, casualty rates, casualty rates, casualty rates, casualty rates, casualty rates, casualty rates, casualty rates, casualty rates, casualty rates, casualty rates,[/QUOTE low or high?
    Level 95

    I like cookies

  7. #52
    Master of Musings Agent Orange's Avatar
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    Mad makes an interesting point. Perhaps just start from scratch. One problem I have always had with MW is that you cannot develop a useable strategy when the program is as fluid as it is.

    I would like to play a game where strategy and not deep pockets is a factor. Basically I would take what we have now, get rid of the events and the challenges as well as buying of units and upgrades and instead put the cost to play up front. I would happily pay $1 - $10 up front for an app like MW but without the other stuff mentioned. I think people will pay for a good game and I also suspect you will make more money selling millions of downloads vs whatever they are taking in now. Angry Birds comes to mind....

    I suspect the real issue is that this game is that it is a work in progress and as such we get the good stuff and the failures all rolled into it. Kingdom Age seems to have been built on a lot of the strengths of MW but unfortunately it too is heading down the event and challenge hole. Granted if you factored out the buying of units then perhaps that would level the playing field enough that events and challenges would make more sense. Right now you are just buying your way through the game with a minimal amount of strategy other than what unit do I buy today....
    Modern War
    IOS - Agent Orange - ID 863 440 860
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    Level 240+

    Android - Agent Orange -ID 179 321 004
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    War of Nations - Agent Orange - Quit the game
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  8. #53
    Steady Scribe Dockman's Avatar
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    I would like to see a higher protected bank to save cash for the higher cost buildings.

    $10,000,000 should be $20,000,000.

  9. #54
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    The lack of valor missions at higher levels. Amount of battles won to get the valor units isn't worth the effort.

  10. #55
    Master of Musings
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    One issue to keep in mind about the vaults where does it end. A level 10 nano is 1 billion. At my level there's nothing I can build or even20 million. So either I buy funzio money, or try to make nice with a few other high levels not on my team. Don't need he money generated, which is why a good idea for other items of higher value to spend it on. No one who reaches over 2 million RAC has any need of the money. Maybe someday a free player will get there, but from what I can see, that's a long way off. And I don't see a way they could get there, since they could not protect the money they would have to save in order to make the upgrades needed.

  11. #56
    Articulate Author What?'s Avatar
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    That isn't a bad idea. I would suggest funzio create something where you can still play for free, but you can purchase premium a month for added bonuses. For this game premium for say $5-10 a month would give you something like 20% off upgrade times 20% off cash units. Maybe a percentage more valor and less time for stamina and energy refills. maybe even access to premium cash units that are locked unless you purchase the premium status.

    Quote Originally Posted by Agent Orange View Post
    Mad makes an interesting point. Perhaps just start from scratch. One problem I have always had with MW is that you cannot develop a useable strategy when the program is as fluid as it is.

    I would like to play a game where strategy and not deep pockets is a factor. Basically I would take what we have now, get rid of the events and the challenges as well as buying of units and upgrades and instead put the cost to play up front. I would happily pay $1 - $10 up front for an app like MW but without the other stuff mentioned. I think people will pay for a good game and I also suspect you will make more money selling millions of downloads vs whatever they are taking in now. Angry Birds comes to mind....

    I suspect the real issue is that this game is that it is a work in progress and as such we get the good stuff and the failures all rolled into it. Kingdom Age seems to have been built on a lot of the strengths of MW but unfortunately it too is heading down the event and challenge hole. Granted if you factored out the buying of units then perhaps that would level the playing field enough that events and challenges would make more sense. Right now you are just buying your way through the game with a minimal amount of strategy other than what unit do I buy today....
    Llp 755-110-608 add me I need allies.

    170m attack
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    52m/hr income
    Lvl 252
    Free army 460 allies

  12. #57
    Master of Musings Agent Orange's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Speed ump View Post
    One issue to keep in mind about the vaults where does it end. A level 10 nano is 1 billion. At my level there's nothing I can build or even20 million. So either I buy funzio money, or try to make nice with a few other high levels not on my team. Don't need he money generated, which is why a good idea for other items of higher value to spend it on. No one who reaches over 2 million RAC has any need of the money. Maybe someday a free player will get there, but from what I can see, that's a long way off. And I don't see a way they could get there, since they could not protect the money they would have to save in order to make the upgrades needed.
    I agree, in the high levels there is no way for a free player to protect that much open cash. You just become an ATM for everyone who is stronger than you are one of the main reasons I found it was pointless to build/upgrade my money buildings. I have a life outside of MW and I won't compromise it especially now that the weather is good up here. Have been considering going full cloak because as it sits now I have reached the end of the line with the game.
    Modern War
    IOS - Agent Orange - ID 863 440 860
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    Android - Agent Orange -ID 179 321 004
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    War of Nations - Agent Orange - Quit the game
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  13. #58
    Master of Musings Agent Orange's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by What? View Post
    That isn't a bad idea. I would suggest funzio create something where you can still play for free, but you can purchase premium a month for added bonuses. For this game premium for say $5-10 a month would give you something like 20% off upgrade times 20% off cash units. Maybe a percentage more valor and less time for stamina and energy refills. maybe even access to premium cash units that are locked unless you purchase the premium status.
    I think as long as there is a way for players to buy their way to the top tier of the game it really limits the real strategy aspect of the game. I understand that someone somewhere has to pay the freight so I would rather pay up front as opposed to being chipped away at as long as I am playing the game. Psychologically I see why Funzio did this, they are playing on your emotions nobody like loosing and it works well but in my case it's a fail. Maybe the Canadian side of me, I dunno.
    Modern War
    IOS - Agent Orange - ID 863 440 860
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    Android - Agent Orange -ID 179 321 004
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    War of Nations - Agent Orange - Quit the game
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  14. #59
    Consistent Contributor bbprofitz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by What? View Post
    That isn't a bad idea. I would suggest funzio create something where you can still play for free, but you can purchase premium a month for added bonuses. For this game premium for say $5-10 a month would give you something like 20% off upgrade times 20% off cash units. Maybe a percentage more valor and less time for stamina and energy refills. maybe even access to premium cash units that are locked unless you purchase the premium status.
    This is a really good idea

    Level 80+ free player
    "big daddy" uk flag

  15. #60
    Master of Musings Hello Kitty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crime City Mark View Post
    Thanks for keeping it positive. I'll be checking up from time to time to pass your feedback along.
    CCM, I'm pretty skeptical on the passing of feedback. Not sure to whom the recipients are and there is no feedback as to the results of any review. What ever happened to these suggestions (I understand that half the posts are fluff comments, including a couple of mine, but some of this content is pretty legit)?

    Last edited by Hello Kitty; 06-07-2012 at 08:07 PM.

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