1. #1

    World Domination rewards and Frontline test event

    Dear players,

    Many of you reported issues with this weekend World Domination event rewards, claiming that they did not receive individual rewards, division rewards or faction rewards.

    As you know, we had a test event last week in order to test a fix for division rewards. Sadly, due to a leaderboard display issue, we did not manage to grant the test event rewards right after the event. Therefore the issue you're facing might be directly related to this fix.
    We kindly ask you not to reach to support yet as we are investigating the issue and hope to fix it shortly, sparing you the ticket creation.

    If you've been impacted and are 100% sure you did not receive some of your rewards please contact me in PM to share your invite code to help us speed the resolution process for this issue.

    Last but not least, we might run a 24h test Frontline event this week (starting tomorrow at 9 PM PT) to ensure that the leaderboard issues we fixed on the World Domination event are correctly fixed for FL as well.

    Thank you for your understanding,

    RecallDoro and the Deca team

  2. #2
    Dear players,

    Our team is still currently working on the World Domination rewards issues and as soon as progress is made we will share it with you.

    On a different topic we can confirm a 24h Frontline test event starting at 9pm PT.

    Thank you for your understanding,

    Your Deca team

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