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  1. #31

    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    If time to rebuild index and deleting are one week I would like to wait, if game run good after that.

    I do not think enything are easy, but I think everything can be solved.

  2. #32

    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Southeast, TN
    Here is why this is still a problem....

    1. We continue to get units that make no ones army.....what can you buy in store to help your army
    2. Add function to inventory that allows you to mass delete...don't need to touch every one to get it to delete
    4. How about taking all the different types of units inftant air and such...add up a players attakck and defense on the ones that don't make an give a big unit.
    Health Regen 35%
    infantry attack 35%
    infantry defense 35%
    Ground attack 35%
    Ground Defense 35%
    Air Attack 35%
    Air Defense 35%
    Sea Attack 35%
    Sea Defense 35%
    Building Defense 35%
    Building Output 35%
    Guild member increases + 40

    The Fisher Clan (a private invite only faction for families)

    My Id 649 796 085
    My id 716 502 654
    12.8 billion iph
    3.6 bb attack
    6.26 bb defense

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