1. #1

    7th Anniversary for the Funzio games!

    Hi Modern Warriors!

    The end of this month marks the 7th anniversary of the first Funzio game Crime City, which enabled the release of Modern War shortly after. We want to take this opportunity to thank you all for playing and keeping the community alive through all these years!
    To celebrate this occasion, the last week of the month will have some extra loot for you and your Factions to take advantage of.

    Make sure to login every day between July 25th and July 31st, because you will find some extra rewards waiting for you everyday and some extra loot for you to take as long as you can complete those daily missions.
    You and your Faction will also find that the last Frontline of the month (July 27-30) will have some extra incentives to compete harder with your rivals for.

    Good luck out there!


  2. #2
    Hi Modern Warriors!

    We also wanted to add that we will have an anniversary sale with special deals for you starting this Friday. The sale will be between July 27th - 30th so make sure you don't miss out!


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