Hi Mobsters,

We are sorry for the inconvenience but there was a slip up on our side with the rewards of the below wrapper goals of the SA Beguiled Witnesses

  • Beguiled Witnesses Complete (1/2)
  • Beguiled Witnesses Complete (2/2)

Instead of the usual Battle for Empire City Health Regens, we had SA Deploy Regens as bonuses on the rewards.

To give you an opportunity to players who depended on the BfEC Health Regens, we have decided with your community representatives to put them as wrapper goals for the below 24H LTQs that will be running next week Monday and Tuesday.
The goal requirements for the -2% and -4% Empire City Health Regens are the below:

  • [24H LTQ] Steelyard Distress (Apr 2, 0:00 AM - Apr 3, 0:00 AM PDT): complete Steelyard Distress: Elite (15/15) for -2% Empire City Health Regen
  • [24H LTQ] Sleeper Hit (Apr 3, 0:00 AM - Apr 4, 0:00 AM PDT): complete Sleeper Hit: Elite (15/15) AND Sleeper Hit: Ultimate (6/6) for -4% Empire City Health Regen

Good luck!
