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  1. #1

    Server Stability Issue

    Hello Modern Warriors,

    Many of you have been experiencing login and leaderboard issues over the last 24 hours. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
    This is due to our web hosting company conducting server maintenance to address security issues, which has impacted the stability of the game in unforeseen ways.
    We were informed that server maintenance will be impacted until at least January 5, 2018 18:00 PM PST so we expect the game to be unstable until then.

    We will try to remove the Frontline event this weekend, but due to server access instability, it is uncertain if we can remove the event in time.
    This means we might have to let the scheduled event to continue. We will update you if this is the case and give everyone advanced warning to participate in this event at your own risk. We cannot guarantee how the event will perform or if even any prizes will get paid out.

    We expect the issue to get resolved over the weekend and we will work on getting everything straightened out for any events that were negatively impacted as soon we get our access back. Sorry again for the inconvenience. We will keep you updated.


  2. #2

    [UPDATE] Please do not participate in the upcoming Frontline

    Hello Modern Warriors,

    Our development team is still working hard to resolve the server issue but the Frontline this weekend will still be unstable. We are very sorry for the inconvenience.

    It is still most likely that the prizes won’t payout (even if you see the leaderboard) and the upcoming Frontline event may end abruptly because we are still trying to stop this event.

    We do not want you to waste spending any gold and consumables on this event so please DO NOT PARTICIPATE in the event unless you just want to participate for the sake of enjoying it.

    We will continue to do our best to resolve this issue as quickly as possible and will keep you updated.
    Last edited by kamesennin; 01-05-2018 at 11:55 AM.

  3. #3
    Hi all,

    Just a quick update, unfortunately the server issue is ongoing but we are close to resolving it.
    We are very sorry for the inconvenience and appreciate your continued patience.

    We have confirmed that the Frontline event Hammelburg Subvert will not payout prizes.
    Some players will also not receive their prizes for the Raid Boss Gabrielle Wolf and Lockbox Jena Base events.
    We will prepare compensation packages for the Raid Boss and Lockbox events.

  4. #4
    Hi all,

    I am sorry to inform you that the server stability issue is ongoing and our development team is still working on the fix.

    Currently we believe the Hardcore Boss Wilhelm Shatter and Lockbox Bonn Stronghold midweek events might be affected.

    We are very sorry for the inconvenience and we will keep you updated about any developments.

    Last edited by kamesennin; 01-10-2018 at 06:08 AM.

  5. #5
    Hi all,

    We have made progress with the server stability issue and have begun testing live events.
    For now you will see the unscheduled short LTQ “Katya Gauntlet” in game.

    Please send us a ticket if you encounter any issues.
    Thank you for your continued patience and see you on the battlefield soon!

    Last edited by kamesennin; 01-11-2018 at 04:00 AM.

  6. #6
    Hello all,

    This is an update about the progress we have made so far. We made progress on our data deployment tool, but we are now having issues with our QA servers.

    Normally an event gets deployed to QA server where we test it to make sure everything is correct before pushing it out to the game server.
    Due to QA server issues we have no way to confirm that the data is being deployed correctly and don’t want to risk corrupt data getting out.
    That being the case it will mean that we will not have any events going on this weekend.

    We are also having intermittent issues with the servers that handle event Leaderboards.
    Once we get the QA environment working normally again we will move onto getting those Leaderboard servers working correctly.

    You will see a series of test events going out to the game servers. Most likely they will be an event that has a Leaderboard aspect to it and it will run for short duration so we can test to make sure it starts, stops, and pays out rewards correctly.
    We will give you notifications of these events once we know when we can get new data into the game.

    We apologize for inconvenience and please know that the engineers have been working non-stop including the weekend to fix this.


  7. #7
    Hi all,

    We are sorry for the continued delay. We have made progress with the QA server issues and will be testing the below LTQ for 16hours

    • Katya Gauntlet (Start time: Jan 16 7:00 AM PST, Duration:16 hours)

    Since this is a test event, please try the event and let us know if you encounter any problems.
    Please do NOT waste your gold on this test event!


  8. #8
    Hi all,

    We are making progress with fixing the issues and will be rolling out some test events to make sure everything works before we can return to the normal event schedule.

    The first test will be the following 16 hour Frontline:

    • Cambridge Demolish: Jan 17, 8:00 AM - Jan 18, 0:00 PST

    Since this is a test guild event, there will be a guild-lock for the next 16 hours so you will not be able to switch guilds during the event duration.
    We are sorry for the inconvenience but please participate at your own risk and avoid wasting any gold.

    If you do decide to try the event, please let us know if you encounter any issues.

    Thank you for your continued patience.


  9. #9
    Hello all,

    We have noticed that there are still issues with the test Frontline event that we ran yesterday so we will be running another 24 hour Frontline test event.

    • Manchester Mutiny: Jan 18, 8:00 AM - Jan 19, 8:00 AM PST

    We're aware that there are still a lot of issues in the game and we apologize for the frustration this is causing everyone.
    Unfortunately the game is still very unstable and we strongly advise that you avoid wasting your gold while we are still testing these events.
    We will continue to work hard to get the game fully functional as soon as possible.

    Please reach out to us with your account details if you encounter any issues.


  10. #10
    Hello all,

    We apologize for the inconvenience but there will not be an official guild event this weekend.
    We have made fixes to some of the reported issues in Frontline so we will be running another 24 hour test Frontline.
    As this will be another test, please participate at your own risk and avoid wasting any gold.

    • 24H Test Frontline Birmingham Brawl: Jan 21, 1:00 AM - Jan 22, 1:00 AM PST

    However, there will still be events in the game this weekend for you to participate in, which are the following:

    • Epic Boss Bastian Weber
    • 24H LTQ Colditz Missions
    • 24H LTQ Dassel Projectiles

    As always, please reach out to us with your account details if you encounter any issues.


  11. #11
    Hello all,

    We have made additional fixes for Frontline, which will be tested with another 24 hour test event.
    Sorry for the inconvenience but there will be a guild lock for the duration of the below event.

    • 24H Test Frontline Bolton Overthrow: Jan 22, 7:00 AM - Jan 23, 7:00 AM PST

    As before, please participate at your own risk and avoid wasting any gold.
    Thank you for your continued patience.


  12. #12
    Hello all,

    There will be another short test Frontline to test some new fixes. This event will only run for 16 hours, so please anticipate a very short event duration.
    As always, there will not be prizes with bonuses so you will not miss out on much if you decide not to participate.

    Sorry for the inconvenience but there will be a guild lock for the duration of the below event.

    • 16H Test Frontline Belfast Revolution: Jan 24, 9:00 AM - Jan 25, 1:00 AM PST

    As before, please participate at your own risk and avoid wasting any gold.

    Thank you for your continued patience.

    Last edited by kamesennin; 01-24-2018 at 08:03 AM.

  13. #13
    Hi all,

    We are happy to announce that there will be a full-length Frontline this weekend so you can rally your troops and prepare for war! Just as a small gesture for your continued patience, we will have a gift with Frontline points bonus waiting for you when you login to boost you during the event.

    • Frontline Midssomer Breakout: Jan 26, 3:00 PM - Jan 29, 2:00 PM PST

    Some of you may encounter a legacy bug where the end of war popup does not appear at the end of the event, but we have confirmed that prize rewarding and ranks still functions correctly.
    If you encounter any issues during the war please don’t hesitate to contact our customer support with your account details.
    Please bear with us but due to technical constraints we cannot make fixes in real-time during the event so any improvements will be implemented for the next war.

    We hope to bring back World Domination the following weekend so we can get back to our regular weekend cycle but we will keep you updated on this.

    We really appreciate your continued patience and we hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  14. #14
    Hi all,

    We have made some progress with fixing the World Domination event so we will be running the below test event.
    As before, this is a test event so please participate at your own risk and avoid wasting your gold.

    • TEST World Domination, Vientiane Doomed: Feb 1 9:00 AM - Feb 2 1:00AM PST

    If there are still issues, we would really appreciate it if you could contact support with your account details.
    Unfortunately we cannot make fixes on the fly so we may be running more tests over the next few days.

    Thank you so much for your continued patience and we hope to bring back the full normal event schedule soon


  15. #15
    Karrazz's Avatar
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    May 2017
    Sleep is for people without internet.
    Hi everyone,

    We have fixed a few issues related to the latest World Domination event. Therefore we will run a short duration event to confirm issues reported and perform regression testing (checking that logged issues are fixed or still happening).

    TEST World Domination: From Fri. 2nd at 8pm (PST) To Sat. 3rd at 3am (PST)

    Also, since this event will be short in duration, we have planned to also start testing the Hardcore Boss event. For this, there will be another Test event:

    TEST HCB: From Sat. 3rd at 4am (PST) To Mon. 5th at 4am (PST)

    Finally, to help you out with both events, we will be distributing 300 Concrete and 50 Supply drops to every account. You should get those items from Fri. 2nd at 7pm (PST), as soon as you log into the game.

    Should you encounter any unusual issues on those events, please contact the customer service or the community representatives with your account's ID. If possible, please keep a screenshot or a video of the issue as this will greatly help us identifying the problem you are facing.

    We thank you all for your patience.


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