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Thread: Dear Decca...

  1. #16
    robmurphy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WBS View Post
    Some of what you say is true Rob, but if Gree was as smart as you say they are they wouldn’t have such a low quality game. They would be making much more if they cared about the game rather than just placing duct tape over problems. I get why they do what they do, but they doesn’t change the fact that they are a lazy company.
    I guess it's just a matter of perspective, I'm certainly not saying you're wrong and I'm right because neither of us knows what's going on behind the closed doors of GREE HQ.

    But for me, Modern War is a low quality game and has been for a long time. What do we have?

    1. Ridiculous lag
    2. Boring as hell LTQs
    3. WD which is now pretty much run by auto-bots
    4. Frontline which half the players love, half the players despise (I'm firmly in the despise camp)
    5. 1980's graphics
    6. Glitch after glitch
    etc. etc. etc.

    The game in isolation is rubbish. It's mainly the competitive/tribal nature of factions that make it mildly entertaining. Plus the fact that most of us feel we have spent so much in the game that we can't walk away now.....

    Modern War will NEVER be a high quality game. Perhaps they're secretly working on MW2...?

    The sheer cost of removing the miles of duct tape from the infrastructure would (probably) cost a lot more than building/buying a new platform.

    The acid test, in my opinion, as to whether GREE are smart or stupid is simple -

    1. Are there still lots of whales who spend stupid amounts of money on this game (or who are great at hacking)
    2. Do GREE avoid spending a dime wherever possible.

    Yes and yes.

    I applaud GREE, from our outside perspective, they're doing exactly the right thing.

  2. #17
    NaRciS's Avatar
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    I have some top secret clown business that supersedes any plans that you might have.
    Have to agree with Rob, Gree are very clever, they played the game above and beyond probably their own expectations with regards to profit from this app.

    Let's be honest they are still generating good profit (as the owners), with Deca implementing strategic revenue generating ideas.

    They have been helped greatly by a group of players with the ability to spend, I'm guessing they didn't expect the game to grow as it did, and with no big development budgets allocated the only way forward was the 'Duct Tape'.

    I have never played for the game; it's always been about the new friends made over the past five years.

    Has it been worth it? Well, a few of them are a pain in the ass but in general, I would say, Yes!
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    From truth lead me to delusion, from light lead me to darkness, from death lead me to eternal life. Hallelujah! Are you feeling it sire?

  3. #18

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    I agree Rob for the most part, I’m speaking more into the business aspect of it. Grees been good at sucking out income from a lackluster game. But in my overall perspective I feel they could have done much better if they took out the greed and laziness, in my eyes they would be making much more than they have if they practiced what their mommas should have told them.

  4. #19
    Captain Steelman's Avatar
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    Yeah, there is some room for improvments of the game but dont touch the music... The in game music is wounderfull and I cant live without it...��

  5. #20

    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Captain Steelman View Post
    Yeah, there is some room for improvments of the game but dont touch the music... The in game music is wounderfull and I cant live without it...��
    I haven’t heard the music since I first started before factions.

  6. #21
    Bambamgunz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NaRciS View Post
    Have to agree with Rob, Gree are very clever, they played the game above and beyond probably their own expectations with regards to profit from this app.

    Let's be honest they are still generating good profit (as the owners), with Deca implementing strategic revenue generating ideas.

    They have been helped greatly by a group of players with the ability to spend, I'm guessing they didn't expect the game to grow as it did, and with no big development budgets allocated the only way forward was the 'Duct Tape'.

    I have never played for the game; it's always been about the new friends made over the past five years.

    Has it been worth it? Well, a few of them are a pain in the ass but in general, I would say, Yes!
    Should have used Gorilla Tape and i do unmute music sometimes to remind me how the game use to work as intended
    in FUNZIO days!!
    file:///C:/Users/User/Desktop/Events/VFF/TEMPORARY/  g

  7. #22

    Join Date
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    There must come a point where it becomes more costly to have spenders (people are really still spending on this?) slowly drift away, than it would be to address even one or two of the more prominent problems of the game as the cash flow allows. As there are fewer spenders and less income, so the percentage drop caused by each one leaving becomes more statistically significant. Putting some money into maintenance (I won't say development) is simply good sense.

    You gotta feed the cow if you want to keep milking it...unless you think milk is worth less than grass, in which case, why stay in the milk business anyway?
    One equal temper of heroic hearts

  8. #23

    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    so with all the things wrong with game why are worried about the graphics for real graphics

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