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  1. #16

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    Quote Originally Posted by carl9764 View Post
    No just don't bother no more due to all the glitches but if it's right in what you say then all android players are cheating which in not right, for you to cheat to me it's if you hack the game not take advantage of poor programming sorry mate but the game has just gone to the dogs, can't out what I want to say Vile will give me another warning lol
    ha, I know the feeling. I get an infraction/ban from the forums almost on a monthly basis

  2. #17
    carl9764's Avatar
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    lol truth sometimes hurts

  3. #18

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    Quote Originally Posted by smbass77 View Post
    its obvious the players intentionally initiated the steps to have unlimited ships. Gree program error....sure. But when a player does it over and over again it's cheating.

    did you get banned?
    I disagree with you. Poor programmers must be banned for poor quality and not players. We all are tapping, tapping and tapping to get advantage in this game (on NPCs, bosses, box opening button, etc.). If anybody gets free gold or FL gold ships, it is normal in my opinion. Of course, this has negative effect on gree income. But gree must ask from programmers and not from players.

    P.S.: I don't know about what glitch you are talking, did not utilize it and am not banned.

  4. #19

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    The glitch was based on the horrendous lag in the game. Tapping loads of times on unit and they don't go through, leave the screen and come back and still not gone through so tapp again in frustration and hey presto sudenely they all go through. It's called LAG due to insufficient servers and only came about because people couldn't actually get units to deploy which was costing them positions in FL and was a major disadvantage to iOS users. It's the same for WD, used to be a case of blitzing for wins but not possible on iOS due to the lag. 20-30 seconds per hit.

    All those people taking advantage of the recycle feature where you can gain billions of cash and valor to buy top units.....have they all been banned? No

    Those who took advantage of a gold glitch a couple of months ago, banned? No

    Add up the years of android getting 20-40 gold a day for free from videos and then see what the difference is......

    This glitch was known for MONTHS by Gree as searching the forum in their other games will clearly show the same glitch in the same type of event in Crime City. (Notice how it didn't take them very long to fix the problem, unlike CC where it took them weeks to fix the same problem)

    It's horrendous all over and rather than saying it was their fault for not beta testing the game they blame those who tapped to score points. And FYI, not a single player was banned in Crime City for doing the exact same thing! Double standards again by Gree.

  5. #20

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    So should I be banned when occasionally my energy meter reads over 2 million and I'm able to kill an extra few targets before it says lost connection? I didn't have to do anything, it just happens. I don't believe anyone should be banned as its Grees fault, even mods should have the decency enough to admit that.

  6. #21

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    Quote Originally Posted by Greeny1 View Post
    The glitch was based on the horrendous lag in the game. Tapping loads of times on unit and they don't go through, leave the screen and come back and still not gone through so tapp again in frustration and hey presto sudenely they all go through. It's called LAG due to insufficient servers and only came about because people couldn't actually get units to deploy which was costing them positions in FL and was a major disadvantage to iOS users. It's the same for WD, used to be a case of blitzing for wins but not possible on iOS due to the lag. 20-30 seconds per hit.

    All those people taking advantage of the recycle feature where you can gain billions of cash and valor to buy top units.....have they all been banned? No

    Those who took advantage of a gold glitch a couple of months ago, banned? No

    Add up the years of android getting 20-40 gold a day for free from videos and then see what the difference is......

    This glitch was known for MONTHS by Gree as searching the forum in their other games will clearly show the same glitch in the same type of event in Crime City. (Notice how it didn't take them very long to fix the problem, unlike CC where it took them weeks to fix the same problem)

    It's horrendous all over and rather than saying it was their fault for not beta testing the game they blame those who tapped to score points. And FYI, not a single player was banned in Crime City for doing the exact same thing! Double standards again by Gree.
    From the info going around it was not simply a matter of lag as I'm sure anyone who utilised it will testify,I believe there was an exact process in order for this to work and please don't imply that it could have accidentally been done.
    Regarding double standards I agree that both games should have resulted in same action,but I'm afraid that action should have been bans in both games.
    We can blame lag which we all know exists but the Fact is these players who utilised this exploit cheated,they cheated those who fought them in FL and they cheated their faction mates.
    Winning by cheating is not winning,they got what they deserve...

  7. #22

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hobbs View Post
    From the info going around it was not simply a matter of lag as I'm sure anyone who utilised it will testify,I believe there was an exact process in order for this to work and please don't imply that it could have accidentally been done.
    Regarding double standards I agree that both games should have resulted in same action,but I'm afraid that action should have been bans in both games.
    We can blame lag which we all know exists but the Fact is these players who utilised this exploit cheated,they cheated those who fought them in FL and they cheated their faction mates.
    Winning by cheating is not winning,they got what they deserve...
    It was all about lag, the server didn't pick up the deploys otherwise how would they deploy so many? They have not hacked the game like so many have gone on about, the game is flawed in soooooo many ways.

    I notice you overlooked the gold glitch? No comment on that one, maybe you liked that one?

    How about the recycling glitch to get stronger for WD and make yourself stronger so can't be hit or are able to hit higher targets? Cheating again?

    Or the same glitch to buy the strong units for the boss event? Cheating surely when new games can compete with others who have spent time and money to increase their iph?

    Lol, in Grees world it's all about the money. They didn't ban people in Crime City because most of the teams were doing it because Gree didn't fix it.

    Gree is constantly cheating players. This glitch was picked up 5 months ago in another game and they didn't have the thought to check other titles with the same programming?

    Best thing would be to ban everyone. I used to love this game but now it's a complete joke.

  8. #23

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    I love it whenever cheaters get caught, then they want to explain why their cheating g really isn't cheating, but someone else's fault. You guys knew at the time what you were doing, I've seen some of the chats, and many were laughing at being able to beat bigger teams using the method. Some of you had entire teams of minis doing this. You know who you are. Sorry, you will get no sympathy from myself, nor the vast majority of players in the game. Maybe you can convince yourselves that you weren't cheating, but the rest of us arnt buying it. You got what you deserved. Hopefully that sends a warning to anyone in the future thinking about what they should do with a glitch they discovered.

  9. #24

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    Greeny, so it's ok to steal because someone else is? That's exactly what you just said. I let knowone else dictate my moral compass, I dictate my own. If I screw up, then I will accept that I did, and hopefully learn from my mistake, and deal with the consequences of it. You're done with the game? Of course you are, you have no game now,lol. That's like saying you can't fire me, I quit. News flash, gree does this to make money, nothing wrong with making money. It's the American way, just that some consumers feel like a company making money means they get screwed. If the company you work for dosnt make money, you have no job.

  10. #25

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    Greeny, gold glitch? What gold glitch? do you mean the video gold thing? You sound just like the crybabies in COC that got banned. Oh you didn't ban way back then, oh you didn't give enough warnings. Etc etc. sounds like gree has changed and it getting proactive in many ways. Trying to make improvements, fixes, and yes, getting g rid of the undesirables. I for one am glad to see it. All you're doing is looking for excuses, and someone else to blame your actions on. You're a cheater, p,win and simple, you got caught, and got burned. Stop being a baby, accept responsibility for what you, and learn something. I hope you teach your kids better life lessons then what you live by example. Hopefully they havnt seen and don't know. Would hate for a kid to have such a poor start in life.

  11. #26

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    Quote Originally Posted by Speed ump View Post
    Greeny, so it's ok to steal because someone else is? That's exactly what you just said. I let knowone else dictate my moral compass, I dictate my own. If I screw up, then I will accept that I did, and hopefully learn from my mistake, and deal with the consequences of it. You're done with the game? Of course you are, you have no game now,lol. That's like saying you can't fire me, I quit. News flash, gree does this to make money, nothing wrong with making money. It's the American way, just that some consumers feel like a company making money means they get screwed. If the company you work for dosnt make money, you have no job.
    Game is flawed Speed, these 'glitches' should not be in the game FULL STOP. It's constant, and you have been paying along with many others to fight against this 'glitch' which was known to Gree for possibly 5 months? How much have they been rewarded for this glitch by overspending?

    Maybe a boycott would work, but nope, nothing.

  12. #27

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    Quote Originally Posted by Speed ump View Post
    Greeny, gold glitch? What gold glitch? do you mean the video gold thing? You sound just like the crybabies in COC that got banned. Oh you didn't ban way back then, oh you didn't give enough warnings. Etc etc. sounds like gree has changed and it getting proactive in many ways. Trying to make improvements, fixes, and yes, getting g rid of the undesirables. I for one am glad to see it. All you're doing is looking for excuses, and someone else to blame your actions on. You're a cheater, p,win and simple, you got caught, and got burned. Stop being a baby, accept responsibility for what you, and learn something. I hope you teach your kids better life lessons then what you live by example. Hopefully they havnt seen and don't know. Would hate for a kid to have such a poor start in life.
    From the man who had Micky Mac the hack in his team........

  13. #28

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    Speed ump is a 1000% right.

  14. #29
    carl9764's Avatar
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    So it's cheating ok what ever so when you next go to the ATM and ask for £20 and it starts pushing out £50 pound note what do you do give it back to the bank or take it and walk away your choice bank's fault for the error not your's

  15. #30
    HellRaizer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by carl9764 View Post
    So it's cheating ok what ever so when you next go to the ATM and ask for £20 and it starts pushing out £50 pound note what do you do give it back to the bank or take it and walk away your choice bank's fault for the error not your's - bbc questioned that a long time ago as well..

    And the legal side: - Theft by "dishonestly" taking money "belonging to another" "With the intention of permanently depriving the other of it"
    Last edited by HellRaizer; 12-02-2016 at 01:18 AM.

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