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  1. #46

    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    I am on 3rd reset to 50 and ZERO WORD FROM GREE. Not even a reply to my tickets (one per reset). Pathetic!!

    Do you have any idea how demoralizing this is??? So hard to keep people playing in this environment.

    And watch - you will launch another one of these with this massive bug because stopping to fx things is just too hard.

    Why do we give you money??????
    Last edited by Jomama1; 10-24-2015 at 01:56 PM.

  2. #47
    Jnsolberg's Avatar
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    North Carolina
    Well, I just made my 100th kill! So I went to see what the counter said. It was at 50.

    Still no assurance from Gree that they will get the units and pumpkins credited.
    And of course the pumpkins expire in 4 days, 21 hours
    Purple Squirrel

  3. #48

    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Jnsolberg View Post
    Well, I just made my 100th kill! So I went to see what the counter said. It was at 50.

    Still no assurance from Gree that they will get the units and pumpkins credited.
    And of course the pumpkins expire in 4 days, 21 hours
    They really are trying lol. I feel like this cycle had the potentially to really transform the game back to where it was, adding in lots of fun. I think that GREE went a little to bold and wasn't able to properly test these new events.

    So I give them credit for their creativity and new idea, but the execution was just pretty poor and fairly typical for this era of KA.
    Remember, you don't have to participate in the events!

  4. #49

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    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Jomama1 View Post
    I am on 3rd reset to 50 and ZERO WORD FROM GREE. Not even a reply to my tickets (one per reset). Pathetic!!

    Do you have any idea how demoralizing this is??? So hard to keep people playing in this environment.

    And watch - you will launch another one of these with this massive bug because stopping to fx things is just too hard.

    Why do we give you money??????

    It is very demoralizing. I only had to do 22 extra bosses to finish 100 (sitting at 63 after finishing Legendary). I feel super blessed that this was the case for me. I hope that it works out for you!
    Remember, you don't have to participate in the events!

  5. #50

    Join Date
    May 2013
    I just got reset to 50 after 99 kills. I'm not even kidding. One away from completion and this? WTF. Frustrated and furious.

  6. #51

    Join Date
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    Still no word Gree? Cant you at least tell peeps they will be made whole?

  7. #52

    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Well I submitted several tickets with pics for proof I've done well over 100 bosses.. And no responses... NOW it shows 51/100.. I killed 7 bosses in the last 1/2hr.. The counter never changed.. Stayed AT 51/100 through all 7 kills.. PLUS I AM GETTING NO PUMKINS.. I still show 14x, 15x, 16x 17x, 18x, 21x, 23x, and even 30's x... I've had no luck at all.. GREE WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING !??? I'm wondering now if some of this is and has been intentional

  8. #53
    Samskill's Avatar
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    Gree, am planning to get 10,000 gems for the next war any way to mass purchase it? .....kidding, Just Trying to get your attention to this problem

  9. #54
    Jnsolberg's Avatar
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    6 days of EB He.l and now we have another one starting in a few minutes.

    This series of events would be a grind even if everything worked as it should. With the counter broken and even the pumpkins not being awarded, what is the point to this event?

    Many of my guild mates are just stopping at 50 kills. If Gree does nothing, they are the smart ones.

    If Gree does fix this, then the peeps who stopped will get left behind and become disgruntled.

    If Gree does not fix this, the ones who tried to finish will become even more disgruntled than we already are.

    This event might be a KA extinction event due to piss poor coding and no communication.
    Purple Squirrel

  10. #55

    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Well the highest my counter went was 71/100 and after 110+ kosses killed I ended the event with a goal counter of 56/100 lol

  11. #56
    Geiteke's Avatar
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    Easiest solution is simply to grant the players who finished legendary of the two boss events the wrapper prizes. The prizes for finishing legendary were way under par anyway, 10,9m/9,6m units with NO boost. Finishing legendary was hard enough, but I am sure players were not interested in the legendary prize, but only in the wrapper prize, that needed 100 kills. After finishing legendary this wrapper prize was fairly easy to obtain, but out of reach because of the timer reset. Gree, just grant us the wrapper prize if we have the other two units in our inventory, that we should have obtained for the wrapper prize (50 bosses + 2x/3x guild goal prize and legendary prize) and simply forget about the 100 kills...

  12. #57
    Jnsolberg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geiteke View Post
    Easiest solution is simply to grant the players who finished legendary of the two boss events the wrapper prizes. The prizes for finishing legendary were way under par anyway, 10,9m/9,6m units with NO boost. Finishing legendary was hard enough, but I am sure players were not interested in the legendary prize, but only in the wrapper prize, that needed 100 kills. After finishing legendary this wrapper prize was fairly easy to obtain, but out of reach because of the timer reset. Gree, just grant us the wrapper prize if we have the other two units in our inventory, that we should have obtained for the wrapper prize (50 bosses + 2x/3x guild goal prize and legendary prize) and simply forget about the 100 kills...
    An elegant, easy to implement idea!
    I'm sure Gree will try to screw over at least half the peeps by claiming they only killed 97 bosses, like they did to a friend of mine.
    Purple Squirrel

  13. #58

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    Good idea on legendary - would solve the problem immediately and show a little goodwill.

  14. #59
    Zepson's Avatar
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    It's still weekend in greeland...

  15. #60

    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    I just finished the 100th boss for Master Slayer: Soul Sucker. No resets for me on this boss, though I've still not been awarded the first 2 master slayer prizes and I'm still short over 1000 pumpkins and the last day to craft using them is tomorrow.

    Is anyone still experiencing resets?

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