1. #1

    Major problem!!!!

    To the GREE Gods,

    Can you please stop releasing updates without testing them prior to release? It's bad practice to release a new update full of bugs unless this is your strategy to intentionally drive off your customers.
    In no order of preference here are a list of your BUGs:

    1) You can no longer see incoming attacks in the reports section
    2) LAG
    3) You can no longer see incoming allies in the reports section
    4) You can no longer return ally troops from your bases (please see point three)
    5) LAG
    6) enemy and ally bubbles are all messed up, they are half on and half off the base
    7) LAG
    8) When you fuse commanders, why do commanders who are already fused show up in the list?
    9) The animation for XWorld battles are much faster now however the battles are insanely inaccurate
    10) LAG
    11) When you go to your profile, why is the list of bases in a random order rather than alphabetical order like they used to be?
    12) I'm sure I've missed something, if so please fix it yourself
    13) for the love of ELVIS, when there is a glitch and someone abuses it to their advantage, take away the rewards they received for doing so, don't be ignorant and play possum
    14) LAG, do you see a pattern?

    Super Question) When you know an update has so many BUGs why can you not release the previous 'working' version as another update? It's no rocket science, if the current version full of BUGs is 1.222 and the previous working version was 1.111, why don't you re-release version 1.111 as version 1.333 or am I being stupid? Surely this is a quick fix, no?

    Thank you for looking, all the above is for iOS.....
    Last edited by IMY; 10-02-2015 at 04:07 AM.

  2. #2
    Since the update the server keeps resetting every 2 or 3 mins. That means self jeeping, typing messages, launching multiple attacks, defending against ports and anything that requires you staying in a certain screen are now impossible to do.

    The server resets, the screen you are in drops to the main game screen and the game freezes for upto 30 seconds each time.

    Didn't happen before the update and needs sorting out urgently.

  3. #3
    The lag right now is terribad. Worse than ever. Unplayable :/

  4. #4
    Vile Lynn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    in your dreams
    I'll let them know about this...

    Please send in a ticket so they can better investigate these issues.
    Line ID: clementine88

  5. #5
    Sirius's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Your Mobile Device
    Thanks for the reports guys! Also working on the rewarding issue as well. Everyone WILL get the rewards earned and we should have that sorted out shortly. Spread the word if you guys would^^ Thanks!

  6. #6
    I have already opened a ticket regarding this and as always the content of the email was ignored, Gree didn't even acknowledge the problems I highlighted above.

  7. #7
    Any ETA on fix for the above?

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