Quote Originally Posted by Ant venom View Post
I think Crime City will shut down before Knights and Dragons. Why? Well first their Forum is basically run by a troll moderator by the name of 1Shot. Secondly there has been no updates and their Forum is pretty much dead. Anyways since all the Community Managers are fired (Except for Tadaaah who is currently GREE's Social Media Manager) it means that the Knights and Dragons Forum is basically an anarchy now. We're just waiting for a Moderator to step up now but they're mostly inactive. Great job GREE, get rid of communications, more money. Btw GREE recently laid off 2/3 of the team in the West so it means they aren't making profit.
Ya'know, 1Shot moderates this forum, too. He plays CC, but he can still mod K&D, MW, KA, LoN & WoN.

CC will be the last GREE app to die. And the CC forum is way more active than K&D, IMHO.

And, Tadaaah is no longer employed by GREE.