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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Major FL BUG - Help Immediately

    Gree my team is fighting to stay in a top 10 position.

    We just had an organized 'big' war where we planned to throw down 500m+ deploy points and secure our spot. We quickly took four nodes, and started going to town on the 5th one. ALL of our deploys were 'taken' on this node. and not a single point was credited to us. We spent literally thousands of deploys to hammer this node all at once and were not credited a single point. Please contact us ASAP this is rediculous. This is not lag, this is not an ios/droid issue, this was my ENTIRE team deploying on a node, and having the deploys removed and being credited 0 points. This has a chance to cost us our faction rank and the 15/15 prestige goal we had saved for this war. HELP, this is the last straw.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Event is over in 35 minutes - entire team is sending in tickets, but please help ASAP. (I know thats a longshot).

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    another example of Gree's great product quality. Hopefully their customer service doesn't disappoint but i'm not optimistic.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    5 gunners for your troubles.

    Thank you, spend again.
    If you have a gambling problem (ie. spend money on GREE games), call 1 - 800 - GAMBLER

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    5 minutes til event is over. no responses to tickets forum or PM yet. Please contact me ASAP

  6. #6
    legalious's Avatar
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    Apr 2014
    Southern California
    My suggestion to you is to PM Clementine, Relic or Bolt with your ticket number and they will make sure that it is not overlooked.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by legalious View Post
    My suggestion to you is to PM Clementine, Relic or Bolt with your ticket number and they will make sure that it is not overlooked.
    Mine would be that you read all posts. He has sent PM

  8. #8
    legalious's Avatar
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    Apr 2014
    Southern California
    Quote Originally Posted by sstuutss View Post
    Mine would be that you read all posts. He has sent PM
    I cant speak for the Community Managers, but I have told them about this thread prior and it was never clear whether or not he sent a PM to them directly.

    My other suggestion is to be patient, not all solutions are instantaneous.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    May 2014
    FL is full of bugs and glitches, I couldn't deploy at all for one war, it kept giving me my deploys back.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Sorry to hear this happened. Please message me your ticket number and I will forward it asap.

  11. #11
    Vile Lynn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    in your dreams
    I never trust anything that happens in the last hour of any GREE event.

    I declared an never got a match. *shrugs*
    Line ID: clementine88

  12. #12

    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    I have sent in a ticket and a PM to WaffleKing and 2 PMs to Bolt (second one including ticket number). I still have no responses. Much of the faction has sent in tickets without a response yet either.

    A more detailed/calm description of the issue:

    2 hours left in the event, we set this as a scheduled time for our faction to complete the 375m faction goal (we typically do close to 1b in faction deploy points to secure our rank). We got SUP, so we decided to wait until the next war to deploy. This was still more than an hour left in the event (we hoped missing all of the last hour issues we have all seen, that still arent fixed. We declared with roughly an hour and a half to go, and let the other teams deploy for a while. Then we took 3 of the nodes and decided to blitz the 5th node at about 10 minutes left in the war with all of our power. Everybody who deployed on that node (for the entire 10 minutes left in the war) had their available deploys removed, yet their units (frontline gunners and ships) were not used up and no points were given. We literally had 40+ people dropping 250+ deploys, many used a significant amount of gold before it was noticed. Deploys on other nodes in the last 10 minutes still worked, but because we all had used up our deploys, and we could not take the node we wanted (the one with all of the control points we wanted to steal) it cost us our 15/15 prestige goal. Trust me we did well over the amount of deploys needed to earn this had they have counted. It also cost us all individual placement ranks, and a serious shot at our faction rank (although we still placed 10th - we shouldnt have needed to spend as much as we did).
    Last edited by andy2; 07-06-2015 at 03:36 PM.

  13. #13

    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    you people just never learn do you? You guys are worse than a new puppy. Eventually the puppy learns not to piss on the floor. But not you guys. You just continually give this so called company money to get abused. I am sure everyone at GREE laughs their butts off every event. Knowing that they will get paid over and over again. No matter how bad the product is. But thanks for wasting your money on gold. It keeps the game alive for all of us smart enough to play this game for what it is, casual entertainment.

  14. #14

    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by groovy shags View Post
    you people just never learn do you? You guys are worse than a new puppy. Eventually the puppy learns not to piss on the floor. But not you guys. You just continually give this so called company money to get abused. I am sure everyone at GREE laughs their butts off every event. Knowing that they will get paid over and over again. No matter how bad the product is. But thanks for wasting your money on gold. It keeps the game alive for all of us smart enough to play this game for what it is, casual entertainment.

    ...and your input really helps with getting this issue resolved. about keeping your nose out!

  15. #15

    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Bongo View Post
    ...and your input really helps with getting this issue resolved. about keeping your nose out!
    Thank you, I agree. We may not be smart people for continuing to spend through all of the errors, but for whatever reason my team does. And fact of the matter is we did here and the game didnt work correctly for us so we would like it resolved, and groovy's post contributes absolutely nothing to the issue at hand. Still hoping to hear something back from a gree rep.

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