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  1. #16
    Pidgeot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by J-manKometh96 View Post
    I ask merely to make it easy to highlight your ignorance, naivety, and gullibility.
    I noticed when it comes to ones beliefs, people are eager to follow rules and shut down ones first amendment right. If we were following rules, you would not be using aggression words to incite argument, which are against the rules. People like to keep the truth down because you can't make money or control people with it.

  2. #17

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    I love it when the children think they know how things work.
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  3. #18
    Pidgeot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by J-manKometh96 View Post
    I love it when the children think they know how things work.
    I love when people use ad hominems to make an arguement.

  4. #19

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pidgeot View Post
    I noticed when it comes to ones beliefs, people are eager to follow rules and shut down ones first amendment right. If we were following rules, you would not be using aggression words to incite argument, which are against the rules. People like to keep the truth down because you can't make money or control people with it.
    I'm sure you want fair taxes to right? Like a straight across the board 20% tax on each income class. Oh wait you say rich people should be taxed more that is only fair. Is it fair that 47% of Americans pay the taxes of 53% who don't. We can blame millions on politicians on both sides, I merely use the taxes as an example as those who claim they want a fair tax code only say it out of ignorance. There are issues with the tax code but not the issues that many cry out about. I have learned that if you want to piss of politicians like Obama and his kind you only need to be morally firm, get a job, be responsible, be married and have kids and not be so open minded that your brain falls out. O if you want to talk politics and pointing fingers we can do that all day long brother. But don't be fooled Democrats have just as many demons on their side, they are same snake different heads.

  5. #20
    Pidgeot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WBS View Post
    I'm sure you want fair taxes to right? Like a straight across the board 20% tax on each income class. Oh wait you say rich people should be taxed more that is only fair. Is it fair that 47% of Americans pay the taxes of 53% who don't. We can blame millions on politicians on both sides, I merely use the taxes as an example as those who claim they want a fair tax code only say it out of ignorance. There are issues with the tax code but not the issues that many cry out about. I have learned that if you want to piss of politicians like Obama and his kind you only need to be morally firm, get a job, be responsible, be married and have kids and not be so open minded that your brain falls out. O if you want to talk politics and pointing fingers we can do that all day long brother. But don't be fooled Democrats have just as many demons on their side, they are same snake different heads.
    I agree with that. I dont support Democrats either but they are much more liberal and tend to have views I support. I'm as much for the people as any other secular humanist is. I want whats fair for the most people possible. You can religious Democrats just like you can have Atheist Republican but these are like the 1%. I do want a fair tax bracket for all and I do think those who make much more money than others should pay higher taxes because they can afford it. It make sense that a person making 7 figures a year would have to pay more taxes than someone making 5 figures a year. This is a super gray area because there are people, American and non American who are tax exempt. Guess what, All religious organizations in America are tax exempt and these religions make a lot of money that goes untaxed.

    I dont know where you numbers came from though so a source would be needed so I can check it but there is no way less than half the country pays the taxes for all. I said what I said because the only group by a large number who voices their rights are religious (often christian/Jesus faith) republicans and they do this to the point to where its negative for everyone else. No other group, excluding radical Muslims uses this right to oppress or spread bigotry because of their beliefs. Democrats often don't do this which is why they are not targeted for this. Sure they are just as bad but this is like comparing the attack on Pearl Harbor, a military base to the nuking of 2 civilian cities in Japan and saying its equal.

  6. #21

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    What's sad is you are part of one of these "religions" and don't even realize it.
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  7. #22
    Pidgeot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by J-manKometh96 View Post
    What's sad is you are part of one of these "religions" and don't even realize it.
    What religion of that?

  8. #23

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pidgeot View Post
    I agree with that. I dont support Democrats either but they are much more liberal and tend to have views I support. I'm as much for the people as any other secular humanist is. I want whats fair for the most people possible. You can religious Democrats just like you can have Atheist Republican but these are like the 1%. I do want a fair tax bracket for all and I do think those who make much more money than others should pay higher taxes because they can afford it. It make sense that a person making 7 figures a year would have to pay more taxes than someone making 5 figures a year. This is a super gray area because there are people, American and non American who are tax exempt. Guess what, All religious organizations in America are tax exempt and these religions make a lot of money that goes untaxed.

    I dont know where you numbers came from though so a source would be needed so I can check it but there is no way less than half the country pays the taxes for all. I said what I said because the only group by a large number who voices their rights are religious (often christian/Jesus faith) republicans and they do this to the point to where its negative for everyone else. No other group, excluding radical Muslims uses this right to oppress or spread bigotry because of their beliefs. Democrats often don't do this which is why they are not targeted for this. Sure they are just as bad but this is like comparing the attack on Pearl Harbor, a military base to the nuking of 2 civilian cities in Japan and saying its equal.
    Check the numbers on taxes man you'll find it's pretty close. I don't know if you realize that Muslims kill homosexuals and stone them to death. I am not in agreement with majority of so called Christian groups either. Many of them are hypocrites and want to ride the high horse. Don't confuse hatred with beliefs. I am not in favor of homosexuality, does that mean I hate them, no. I have been labeled a bigot many times because of it with gay friends who chose to no longer be my friend because I was honest. But it was my honesty also that put the hot coals on there shoulder as, I told them that they call me a bigot for disagreeing with their lifestyle, and they disagreed with mine, so I said how am I anymore of a bigot then you? They didn't have an answer because they saw the flaw in the way they were thinking. I'm a firm believer in walking in love towards other, and that I don't have to agree with them to do it not them with me.

    Yes many of the Christians voice their opinions but so do atheist groups, and other groups who have been militant in their ways. Every group seems to want something. I don't care who they are, whether it's atheists crying about the In God we trust on the money or the Feminists claiming they are being held down, even though they have more rights then men, or the church leaders who want to serve God but yet choose to be under a 501c3 and are serving the state over God. Why can't we just follow the constitution that guarantees rights for all not based on anything besides being a citizen of the USA.

    I lean more conservative independent because I believe in responsibility and that love is not forced but rather chosen to be given out. I like the saying, teach a man to fish and he'll eat for life, but give a man a fish and he will only eat for a day. I believe that too many on the liberal side have the entitlement attitude that the government owes them something, or that if you have money you are evil. I just want freedom and a small government, I want to make a living and feed my family honestly, I want to be able to give money to the poor and not have it forced out of me by the government, I want the ability to start a business and have the freedom to fail or succeed without over regulations. I want to see people in this nation have the drive to be responsible again. I want to see an actual president in this country or politician that lives this country and not apologize and make us seem like an evil weak minded people. A politician who actually makes us financially responsible and not continue the trend of ruining our kids futures. Sadly I'm not sure this will ever happen as we are going in the wrong direction.

    My rant is over. Relic or Bolt, if you feel this is against anyone it is not. We are adults here, ban me before you close the thread.

  9. #24
    East Coast Bias's Avatar
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    Thanks for ruining the thread. I would say close the thread and ban the two.

  10. #25
    Pidgeot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WBS View Post
    Check the numbers on taxes man you'll find it's pretty close. I don't know if you realize that Muslims kill homosexuals and stone them to death. I am not in agreement with majority of so called Christian groups either. Many of them are hypocrites and want to ride the high horse. Don't confuse hatred with beliefs. I am not in favor of homosexuality, does that mean I hate them, no. I have been labeled a bigot many times because of it with gay friends who chose to no longer be my friend because I was honest. But it was my honesty also that put the hot coals on there shoulder as, I told them that they call me a bigot for disagreeing with their lifestyle, and they disagreed with mine, so I said how am I anymore of a bigot then you? They didn't have an answer because they saw the flaw in the way they were thinking. I'm a firm believer in walking in love towards other, and that I don't have to agree with them to do it not them with me.

    Yes many of the Christians voice their opinions but so do atheist groups, and other groups who have been militant in their ways. Every group seems to want something. I don't care who they are, whether it's atheists crying about the In God we trust on the money or the Feminists claiming they are being held down, even though they have more rights then men, or the church leaders who want to serve God but yet choose to be under a 501c3 and are serving the state over God. Why can't we just follow the constitution that guarantees rights for all not based on anything besides being a citizen of the USA.

    I lean more conservative independent because I believe in responsibility and that love is not forced but rather chosen to be given out. I like the saying, teach a man to fish and he'll eat for life, but give a man a fish and he will only eat for a day. I believe that too many on the liberal side have the entitlement attitude that the government owes them something, or that if you have money you are evil. I just want freedom and a small government, I want to make a living and feed my family honestly, I want to be able to give money to the poor and not have it forced out of me by the government, I want the ability to start a business and have the freedom to fail or succeed without over regulations. I want to see people in this nation have the drive to be responsible again. I want to see an actual president in this country or politician that lives this country and not apologize and make us seem like an evil weak minded people. A politician who actually makes us financially responsible and not continue the trend of ruining our kids futures. Sadly I'm not sure this will ever happen as we are going in the wrong direction.

    My rant is over. Relic or Bolt, if you feel this is against anyone it is not. We are adults here, ban me before you close the thread.
    Yes, Atheist groups do voice them but they do that because they have to. Its against the constitution to favor a religion, yet our government favors Christianity and when we say hey, know your bounds, the constitution says you can't do we, we are branded as un-Americian when all we ask is for our government to follow the law. In God we trust should not have been put on the money and violates the right of every non Christian American. Same goes for the Pledge of Allegiance.

    I also agree with that saying but I feel most conservative values dont aid America in its growth and that liberal values are the way to go if we want improvement in America. The thing is all people need help but some need it more than others, thats why we have all the social programs. I also agree we should just follow the constitution but most dont and rights are for sure not equal since there is a ton of racial and gender bias in America. A good document means nothing if humans are involved and a lot of this stems from religion as most liberals dont care about things like race and gender when making choices. I believe doing whats best for the most about of people is the way to go but never exclude those who cant help themselves. If anything, Jesus is the ultimate example of what a liberal is supposed to be, lol.

    The thing about responsibility is how does one go about this? The truth of this is some people have more opportunities than other. Someone born into money for example has more options available to them all throughout their lives than someone who had to fight for what they have. Again this is a social responsibility. What options does someone have if they have none? Sure some conservative values are good but I feel they are outdated. Liberals don't feel like they are entitled to anything. We simply want our government to act the way they are supposed to. You know "by the people, for the people". The government has evolved into something that took control away from the people and acts on it own. We simply want options for all rather the few. All the things you want, I also want but we have to be realistic about it. The American Dream is a lie. It was never intended for the masses. Very few people get to do something like that. Nowadays you need to know someone to get that start. Working wages for many are so low they have to work 2 or 3 jobs just to get by. Liberals say raise the minimum wage, republicans say nope. This is the world we live in. Why should others have it easy? Why do I need to pay more? this is the corporate america mindset. Without regulations, things dont get fixed. Its pretty much why GREE does what it does and thats because governments can't regulate business, its the other way around.

    I agree that we need a president that lives like we do. Obama lived the way most of us does and he knows our struggles. The problem is most of the others did not. Most the others came from money and lived the life style. I believe removing republications from office will fix a lot of our problems. We should have people in office who know what it means to be a common american and enact a strategy to fix the problem. We should not be arguing about gay right, abortion, things like health care or even minimum wage. Sure America is one of the greatest nations on earth but its too far set in its old ways. I mean, who though it was a good idea to defund NASA?

  11. #26
    Pidgeot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by East Coast Bias View Post
    Thanks for ruining the thread. I would say close the thread and ban the two.
    These are the post I don't like. When people beliefs are challenged, they want censorship. First Amendment bro.

  12. #27
    East Coast Bias's Avatar
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    Go find a different forum to debate your sexuality, beliefs, etc. I doubt any of us care about it here.

    That said, diverse views are healthy, but this is a FRICKEN BROKEN GAME FORUM. If you want to be heard, pick the right venue, or people will simply dismiss you for not giving respect to others who are here to talk about this game, not the first amendment.

  13. #28
    HellRaizer's Avatar
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    Why hasn't a mod either removed, locked or banned these religious posts?

    Inappropriate Content:
    Racial, religious, or sexual slurs are likely to result in an immediate infraction or ban. Discussion and/or advocacy of software piracy or refunds is strictly prohibited on these boards. Piracy includes links to illegal downloads of games or methods to circumvent copy protection mechanisms. Any detailed discussion of refunds received by GREE will not be tolerated.

  14. #29
    Pidgeot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HellRaizer View Post
    Why hasn't a mod either removed, locked or banned these religious posts?

    Inappropriate Content:
    Racial, religious, or sexual slurs are likely to result in an immediate infraction or ban. Discussion and/or advocacy of software piracy or refunds is strictly prohibited on these boards. Piracy includes links to illegal downloads of games or methods to circumvent copy protection mechanisms. Any detailed discussion of refunds received by GREE will not be tolerated.
    No one is using Racial, religious, or sexual slurs. No one is shaming anyone for their beliefs or being rude. We are having a civil discussion, nothing wrong with that.

  15. #30

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    Hence why I warned in the beginning religion and politics were against forum rules. But it seems the kiddie knows it all and has the answer for all.

    Sorry Raizer, but it falls under the Staying On Topic section of the Code.

    Bias, don't worry about it. The whole thread was a bad idea.
    Last edited by J-manKometh96; 06-01-2015 at 01:25 AM.
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