1. #1

    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    RIP DJ (Member of The Ancients, ex-FUN, ex-RK3, ex-TCK ...)

    Dear KA-Community,

    With sadness I have come to tell you that a member of our great community has passed away in his twenties.
    Most of you will probably remember DJ as he has been a player since the very beginning of this game and has been a member of many guilds (The Ancients, Forum United Nations, Royal Knights 3, The Crusaders Knights, ...).
    He was a high spirited british man, with a great passion towards this game. Always willing to help those he considered his friends, to grow and become a stronger character.
    I can't speak for the other guilds but I know for certain that The Ancients has a lot of victories thanks to DJ, and without his experience and insight it would have never been able to grow in the guild it is now. For that DJ, we can only say thank you.

    Sadly in March he got the notice that he had an inoperable tumor in his spine, resulting in only a few months to live. And yesterday his dad came towards to chat to deliver this sad message.

    "Good evening The Ancients. My name is Paul father to Dan or DJ as you may of known him. I have been told by my son that on this chat you are guild members to a Kingdom age? He had a request which I am now fulfilling. He told all of you about his tumor which he developed in his spine. It is with the utmost remorse that I deliver this message to you which he wanted to do himself but was to sick to do so. He wanted you all to know that all of you have been great friends to him and bought him much happiness, which in turn makes me extremely grateful to each and everyone one of you. He wished with all his heart (I do not understand this however I have never played this game) that he could participate in one last war with you all before the tumor developed. It's with great sadness that I deliver the news that my son lost his battle with cancer last week. He was strong and brave to the end but it spread very rapidly and into his brain. This as you can guess has devastated his family and friends which by the sounds of it you all were. I do not understand how people can become so close over a online game but regardless of my thoughts I can tell you all that you brought a lot of happiness joy and friendship to Dan before his passing. For this you have my eternal gratitude. Please spare a thought for my only son and let our prayers guide him. He did give one demand if you can fufill it. He asked that the Ancients fight your next war in his name and make it a war for your enemies to remember. I hope this all makes sense and thank you for listening and being there. His only regret was he could not say goodbye himself. Many regards and good luck ancients

    He tried very hard to be able to play once more with us and go all out in a farewell war, sadly he never got the chance. But The Ancients will fight for him and always bring his spirit in the battles yet to come. He will not be forgotten, and he will never surrender!

    For those of you that want to pass their words of comfort towards DJ's friends and family.
    Please leave them here and I'll try to pass them.

    With kind regards,

    The Ancients

  2. #2
    I'm struggling to find the words the express my pain for the loss of DJ. He will always be in my heart and my thoughts. RIP brother. You will be missed always.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    I'm lost for words in shock and sadden by the news. DJ, I will surely miss you my friend...my condolences to his family and loved ones left behind. It was truly an honor to have battle with you and be part of this KA Community of friends you created while playing. My heart and prayers to your loved ones my friend. May God grant your wishes and keep you safe����

  4. #4
    Samskill's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    The Lion City
    Rip rip rip...

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Rip DJ from all at TCK and Tigers before that

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Birmingham, AL
    Bye DJ, We will miss you!

  7. #7
    With a shock I read the terrible news. It's hard to accept that you're not among us anymore. You made a big footprint in the history of Kingdom Age. You will be remembered. On behalf of Royal Knights 3, thank you for all hard work, all your time, all laughs we shared together. Rest in peace! Our thoughts to the family and your loved ones. RIP DJ!

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    My sincerest and heartfelt condolences on the loss of your friend and team mate.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Very sad to hear, my condolences to DJ's family and friends.

  10. #10
    Skyraiders's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    With love , honor and respect.....Rest In Peace DJ from the MOC family!!!

    KA: 630-568-270

  11. #11
    From Athena RK3

    Please Extend My Deepest Condolences From Athena, An Old RK3 Friend... RIP DJ, You Will Be Missed Dearly & Your Family Will Be In My Thoughts & Prayers...

  12. #12

    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Please accept my heartfelt condolences from the barbarians-
    I did not know DJ , but it is sad when we lose a member of the KA family

  13. #13

    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    RiP DJ, was a great player and person. Helpful to us all..

    I'll pass this on to a few retired friends of his who no longer play the game or use the forum.

  14. #14
    Artorius's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Starks of Winterfell have made the decision to stand down if we meet The Ancients in War as a mark of respect. So sad to read what happened to DJ and our thoughts are with his Family.
    Officer in The Dragon Reborn
    Guild ID: 595959616
    Personal ID 502-862-182
    Last War finished at 37

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