Quote Originally Posted by Saint-BEL View Post
Well I was wondering if it was possible to still give out some health regen bonuses. For your younger players it is very hard to compete against players that can do the same damage but twice as often

Cause the 3 major events (epic & raid boss and war) now are based on health regen. Epic boss you need health for hitting, raid boss you need health for hitting and war needs health for amounts of hits you can do.

I don't say I want major bonuses like 20% or whatever (would be great but insane), but some more small bonuses would be great.
Ow and next to the more health regen bonuses that i think everyone agrees with that are a necessity.

Please take out energy refills as a reward with epic bosses level from 100 and higher.
There is nothing more annoying then farming an epic boss 105 and get another close to useless energy refill.
they are good for the lower level rewards, keep them there and remove them from the higher. Perhaps drop them in a lower tier of rewards.