the level 100 boss should be (reasonably) attainable by all players, since we do need some newer players to fill in the spots of retiring veterans. Endless farming was the real pickle with the last cycle of EB, that and 250+ player not being able to finish (without many vaults). I think an even playing field can be okay (which is what we are getting now), but it is scaled up a little too much for advancement. If Gree implemented a continously increasing EB health beyond lvl 100 it could help with the complaints.

Furthermore, I think scaled modifiers at certain incriments might also help. Say for example a 1% mod at 50 kills, another 1% at 75 killes, and the finale of 3% at 100 kills. It would serve a couple purposes for Gree and Players...if players were struggling early, they can still shoot for A MODIFIER and possibly spend gold to get 50 killls completed, and much more so for 75 kills, and DIEHARDS (true Bruce Willis style) would push for the 100 kill Mods. 5% mod is a reasonable gimme for top players...but 1% or 2% is an achievement for newer/lower players.