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  1. #31

    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Gree HQ
    Game issues.

    Main cause of continued game errors is due to incompetent management at Gree. Please clean house.

  2. #32

    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    It would be a really good time to stop whatever in blazes you did to raid boss. Just pull the trigger on it. It was my favorite event, too. What's the matter with you people?

  3. #33
    Kefa's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    A full faction with all bonuses maxed, ranking from 60th to 100th in WD and Frontline, used to be able to finish Raid Boss master goals with time to spare, and now, even though we remain fully active, we cannot even kill one Level 1 raid boss. In fact, only about 3 people out of 60 even have a Force Attack strong enough to qualify for the loot.

    Player Experience: On par with a swift Dwayne Johnson boot kick to the tenders.

    Game "Fun" Rating: F-

    Edit: Turns out only one member of our full top 100 team has a raw attack strong enough to get loot from a beginner lev 1 boss.
    Last edited by Kefa; 04-09-2015 at 04:03 PM.
    Navy SEALs (Warring Since Brazil): 133-849-473
    Militia SEALs 361-119-847

    Join Today:
    You are not out of the fight!
    Courage - Loyalty - Honor

  4. #34

    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Western New York
    Dev Team: What's it gonna take for you guys to understand you need to fix your screw ups? Shut the game down for a week or two if you have to. Your game and company is just as broke as our great country, trying to fix stuff that's not important and ignoring the problems that are internal.

    BTW: I'm proud to be an American. I'm ashamed with my government.

  5. #35

    Join Date
    May 2013
    thanks to a great mistake on my part...

    I had memory issues with my phone... was taking extensive pictures and videos for work. Needless to say I went looking to remove extra memory. I cleared my data and cache from MW - freed up around 2.5 gigs.

    I went back and tried to play MW on my break to find my game was starting over.

    I tried to login with my Google account... but that gave me a Alex level 4.

    I was going to send a ticket to gree and try to get it back. but now I am thinking after 48 hours of gree freedom... that I really like it, and wont send in a ticket after all.

    Thank you Gree for making this decision easier.

    Solo - Out!

  6. #36

    Join Date
    May 2013
    Just killed MW completely shameful exploitation how you get away with this disgraceful example of how to run a game is down right criminal
    Last edited by legalious; 04-09-2015 at 05:05 PM. Reason: Harassment

  7. #37

    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    I know how to fix this mess. (Commas)

    GREE many many times players have asked you to add commas.... These things >> , << to the numbers.

    Now in this new broken Raid Boss i spent 5 mins with my fingers and toes counting out numbers in 3's trying to work out was it a million, billion or trillion.

    I also struggle to understand a rivals power as it all merges into its self. Million? Billion? Trillion etc..

    So if i am struggling with my Harvard education, How the heck are the devs coping to understand and cross check these numbers.

    No wonder the curent RB is a 0 extra making it impossible.

    So there you have it. Bring back the comma and all will be rosey in GREE land.

  8. #38

    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Bring back my avatar too. You shrank it to level 1 almost weeks ago. That's more than enough time to give it back to level 268.

  9. #39

    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    3 weeks ago

  10. #40
    Well here we are at another raid boss event. This one even worse than the last. My faction has completely abandoned this insult of an event. I enjoyed raid boss but after the last two I could careless if you ever bring one back. My advice lower health or scrap it. As it stands now it isn't any fun to play.

  11. #41
    Gree... What is the explanation on this Raid Boss event? Our top 3 players hit the beginner level Boss with multiple Force Attacks and barely made a dent. All three of us have Attack stats in the Billions and tens of Billions.

  12. #42

    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    You want my feed back well here it is.. You guys must be the most incompetent people on the planet and I know some pretty dumb people. Rocks are most probably smarter. Don't mind if I get get a refund do you

  13. #43
    Bob_55's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Québec, Canada
    Please don't opened another Modern War Feedback.. Just concentrated to resolved what's did not worked with this game.

  14. #44

    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    New York City
    After my anger passes (depending on which event screw up passes from month to month) I always wind up pitying the gree team. Why oh why don't the devs just SLOW DOWN and do it RIGHT. Gree's profits would soar if you gave us a stable, reliable game with some predictability from month to month, not this schizoid debacle. If you don't have one yet I recommend a quality control team and reliable testers. YOU CAN TURN THIS AROUND GREE, everyone can be happy. Make this a distant nightmare.

  15. #45
    Tee's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    I doubt much of anything posted in this thread will ever go further than here.

    All Dev's should be required to start a new account every week and play that account.

    All Dev's should be required to read this forum.

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