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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    Energy Kingdom Age Feedback (3/24/15)

    Hello Kingdom Age Community!

    This thread is for you to post your valuable feedback on Kingdom Age. Every other Tuesday we will sticky a new feedback thread so you can conveniently post your opinions on the game. This thread will not only give you an easily accessible place to share your thoughts with us, but it will also consolidate your feedback making it more efficient for Community staff to gather and report to the Development Team.

    The intention of the thread is to collect the ongoing thoughts from our customers, it is not meant for discussion.

    When providing feedback, please keep it constructive, on-topic, non-inflammatory, and break it down into the following categories:

    In-Game Events
    Customer Support
    Community Support
    Game Stability & Issues

    Please note that this thread is not a substitution for reporting bugs and issues to Customer Support.

    Thank you,

    The GREE Community Team

    Due to the community stating they disliked weekly feedback threads, we have changed the schedule to every two weeks.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Why a 4 day war
    Why cp bonus started day 3 and finished 1 hour before end of war
    Why gem sale after 2 days
    Why get building output wrong

    Most of all why in the lords name can you not tell us before hand just say if you can't be bothered then nor will we im on the point of quitting

  3. #3

    Join Date
    May 2013
    No more 6 day wars. No more 5 day wars or 4 day wars. Stick with the standard Friday - Monday war. People have jobs. Stop being so Greedy.

    Also, the number of limited gem buildings is ridiculous. I bought them all the first two times you released them. I won't be buying them this time. Most people are not going to waste 2 mountains each month on this. 99% of the kingdoms I have visited aren't buying the new buildings either. I think you would sell more gem buildings if you released just one per month, or set them at a reasonable price.

  4. #4
    Toddiekska's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Northeast, USA
    Due to the community stating they disliked weekly feedback threads, we have changed the schedule to every two weeks.[/QUOTE]

    Please do not take the fact that we dislike the weekly feedback thread as a threat. If you are, you are totally missing the message we are stating or intentionally misinterpreting it.

    We have offered numerous threads of feedback, albeit with more questions for explanations. Feedback should be able to travel both ways and we are simply looking forward to:
    answers from previous questions/concerns,
    a reason why information cannot be disseminated upon the community prior to events,
    general acknowledgement that concerns will be addressed, how, and when.

    Perhaps i'm reading too much into the "tone" of the above response; however the Development team seems to do anything and everything they desire with poor communication. I expected this thread to counteract the poor communication and allow an avenue of discussion for progress.
    I am editing my resume and adding Beta Tester.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    May 2013
    Stop giving out all of these conquest attack bonuses. All you are doing is devaluing the defense stats that your high-level players have worked to build. High level players already get terrible CP. Now they are once again huge targets in war because players are attacking with 250% of their normal stats. Its ridiculous.

    Why should players use gems to build our defense if you are going to make it irrelevant? Why should high level players continue to play if you are going to handicap them in war?
    Last edited by E-I; 03-24-2015 at 12:29 PM.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    May 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Relic View Post

    Due to the community stating they disliked weekly feedback threads, we have changed the schedule to every two weeks.

    Another perfect example of how you blatantly ignore our feedback.

    The community wasn't saying that we dislike feedback threads because they were weekly. We dislike feedback threads BECAUSE WE FEEL YOU IGNORE OUR FEEDBACK. You ask us for feedback, we give it to you, and then we feel you completely disregard our input. We suggest the same stuff each week, and sure enough, each week it is ignored. And often you do the exact opposite of what we suggest.

    We actually like giving you feedback. We have been doing it long before you ever started these threads. Gree wasn't paying attention or simply didn't care. And honestly, that attitude still exists despite these Feedback threads. That is our problem with it.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    we want feedback from you, gree, on what you are doing to fix the numerous long standing bugs, what you are doing to improve customer support, what you are doing to communicate in advance of major game changes. when will you do something with the feedback we have already given you?

  8. #8
    JamieF's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    EB units have outrageous stats.. Nothing compared to what we have had last year. 2m common units, what the...

    Daily scratcher gave a 2k unit, i am working on a 10k trial... 2m units? This game needs some balancing
    Last edited by JamieF; 03-24-2015 at 02:53 PM.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    4 Day war is too long

    Please stop killing us. There should be no more than 1 day of war per week like traditional cycle. You have done 9 days instead of 6 over last too cycles. Please stop!! We would prefer two day wars I think.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    These EB units must be a mistake or you are on serious drugs. They are better than what we got for war. My guild just spent a ton of money for units that are immediately dominated by EB drops. I expect all of top 25 will ask for refunds of all gems spent last war. Have you lost your minds???????

  11. #11

    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Locking threads that you can't provide a decent response. Classy.

  12. #12

    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Right after the 4-days(!) war ended, the new EB event rewards point to a huge stats inflation. Although I understand that over time raw stats must deflate and only boosts matter, this is really an insult on all the hard work we did over 4 long days. Can GREE please update the last war rewards in line with the new inflated stats?

  13. #13
    Toddiekska's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Northeast, USA
    If this stats inflation is here to stay, could you please ask the Dev. Team to change attack and defense numbers to something like ##.### billion? This was done a while back and then lost for some reason. This has been asked for previously, but would be incredibly helpful now.
    I am editing my resume and adding Beta Tester.

  14. #14

    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Remove the ability to view a persons profile from the battle result screen. War time is not a time to actively recruit players for guilds.
    Anyother time fine, but not during war.
    Daily player

  15. #15
    JamieF's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Game is very slow again since new units (both my devices)

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