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  1. #1
    First, I just want to say I've been playing since Santa, but didn't REALLY start playing until Frog Prince and the hooks were set. In the beginning, the game is really good about having a variety of armors that are completely farmable and it is extremely rewarding to finally craft. One thing I can almost be certain of is (if most players are like me) I'd bet most people will remember their very first Epic Raid Boss armor because it's a very awesome feeling. Well, the problem I've ran into currently is that once you've gathered a collection of ERB+ armor, the next logical step is to start fusing for epics... but many of the feelings that made the game enjoyable to me previously have been replaced with frustration. There are very few options for you at this point in the game other than praying to the RNG gods. I do feel the need to add that forking over $ at this point for chest epics or entry to t25 raid/war is a completely viable option...but I think for the sake of a more linear progression I've got a few ideas that could help..
    One of the more basic things that could be done is to introduce a way to improve fusion odds for example maybe two maxed legendaries give much better chances..or it would be cool to have a new type of fusion that could require one legendary of each element for a guaranteed epic with random elements.
    Another idea I had involves 2 things that have been heavily requested in the past. New event rewards and guild member armor donations. The way this would work is to make a new type of "Guild Fusion Stone" that can only be obtained by placing t500..a weaker member of the guild could put up an armor of their choice to be fused..any other member of the guild could supply another armor of the same rarity to donate for fusion. This will give a reward to guild events that work toward strengthening the guild as a whole AND gives stronger members a way of directly contributing to those that need it and not just giving a noob free epics.

    On another quick side note, I'd like to see you guys take a good look at Knight health..at the very least for PvP because fights are too short and I think the way it currently is gives misses and crits too much influence over a battle, imo
    Last edited by Soberranger; 03-23-2015 at 04:24 AM.

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