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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Oct 2014

    Epic Boss Failure

    Dear Gree:

    You have completely ruined the game with this CRAZY stat inflation in the Epic Boss Event.

    I've been playing Modern War for 2 1/2 years now (about 936 days). I've slowly fought and scratched and clawed my way up to 15 billion attack stats by joining various factions, building money and boost buildings and by participating in various events to gain powerful units. I was proud of my work. Happy with the fruits of my labor. I've logged in and played almost every day over the past 2.5 years. Hell, I even purchased gold to advance myself in the game at times, thinking $20-$60 dollars was a small price to pay for a game that I enjoyed so much.

    In 2.5 years I gained 15 billion attack power. In the past 2.5 DAYS I've gained 985 billion in attack power. I'm now at 1.08 TRILLION! What took many of us years to build, you created the conditions that allowed people to match that in 2-3 days.

    Was this stupidity, an accident or just the final "last supper" before you pull the plug on your epic failure, giving us a final meal before you pull the plug?

    P.S. I stopped buying gold in October 2014 when you screwed up the Grim Harvest FLTQ event.
    Last edited by Ranger89; 03-21-2015 at 09:28 PM.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Cry me a river. You know to the date how many days you played. Lmao. Looser. Just quit then.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by major willy View Post
    Cry me a river. You know to the date how many days you played. Lmao. Looser. Just quit then.
    Apparently the ability to combine reading an email and doing simple math makes a person loose.


    Just keep tapping like I am. Enjoy the teammates and when the game dies, it dies. Truth is, a week after its gone, we won't care. I enjoy helping my "friends" succeed at a fake game. Sounds silly but that's why I play. In the end, I couldn't care less what gree does. I've had to give up on that a LONG time ago.

  4. #4
    Pidgeot's Avatar
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    Hey, I did the same thing. I've been on my grind for a long time to also gain a 15 billion attack stat. Games change. In trading card games, the meta changes every 2 or 3 months when a new set is released "devaluing" my gains from the last set. Its called Power Creep and companies do it to make money. This game was getting stale for me so this is a good change.

    You, like every other player has the same chances to get the same units so if you want to get to 150 billion, you better get on your grind. Complain when its needed because this time, it's not.

  5. #5

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    Oct 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Pidgeot View Post
    You, like every other player has the same chances to get the same units so if you want to get to 150 billion, you better get on your grind. Complain when its needed because this time, it's not.
    True... however, folks who invested 2-3 years in the game have seen their advances erased in a whim. Yes, we can tap, tap, tap away to get 1 Trillion stats like everyone else. You might end up with 1.0 Trillion and I'll have 1.015 trillion, based on my years of playing, which seems quite odd.

    Complaining, yes, I suppose. And you can argue that you get what you pay for. Since I'm paying $0 for this game, I'm just going with the flow these days, but that doesn't mean Gree's actions don't warrant criticism.

  6. #6
    Pidgeot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ranger89 View Post
    True... however, folks who invested 2-3 years in the game have seen their advances erased in a whim. Yes, we can tap, tap, tap away to get 1 Trillion stats like everyone else. You might end up with 1.0 Trillion and I'll have 1.015 trillion, based on my years of playing, which seems quite odd.

    Complaining, yes, I suppose. And you can argue that you get what you pay for. Since I'm paying $0 for this game, I'm just going with the flow these days, but that doesn't mean Gree's actions don't warrant criticism.
    No game would be played if it did not change. Would you still be playing Sonic the Hedgehog 1 after 20 if they made another sonic game with the same everything. It would get boring. People invest in the game at the current time and pay for whats given at that time. Those people playing for that long also can make the same advancement with the units.

  7. #7
    RAMNUTS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by major willy View Post
    Cry me a river. You know to the date how many days you played. Lmao. Looser. Just quit then.
    YOU ARE THE LOSER! Why do you feel the need to bully and berate someone just for expressing how they feel? I also noticed that he knew (down to the day) how long he has been playing but that it what makes him... him. I am sorry for you that you obviously feel so bad about yourself that you must verbally assault others to relieve your spent up anger so you can feel better about yourself. If you can't type anything without being mean then Don't Type!

    I hear you Ranger, although my stats aren't quite that big, its making everything I worked for the past year obsolete but that's what makes the world go round! Twelve months from now they will probably have 500 million a/d units.
    Last edited by RAMNUTS; 03-21-2015 at 10:34 PM.

  8. #8

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    US of A
    The rewards and their stat increase are not showing up on ios but when I open up the same account on droid the units and stat increases are there.

  9. #9
    Over that 2.5 years you have obtained many boosts. These boosts and all that hard work still apply. New users aren't going to get the same stats as you because they don't have all of the boosts to go with it.

  10. #10

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    Quote Originally Posted by DiggerDamo View Post
    Over that 2.5 years you have obtained many boosts. These boosts and all that hard work still apply. New users aren't going to get the same stats as you because they don't have all of the boosts to go with it.
    Finally! A post with some sense! thank you!

    OP, do you believe everyone will go to the Trillion stats? Think again...

  11. #11

    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Enjoy it, snort it up, roll in it, rub it on your gums or just main line it... GREE are getting many many High on this powerful mix

  12. #12

    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by ju100 View Post
    Finally! A post with some sense! thank you!

    OP, do you believe everyone will go to the Trillion stats? Think again...
    if you are in a decent faction; with decent boosts; and have capitalized on the massive raw stat increase from this cycle...then yes;over time they will.

  13. #13
    DEWIN NUTTIN's Avatar
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    In da NUT hole
    Quote Originally Posted by DiggerDamo View Post
    Over that 2.5 years you have obtained many boosts. These boosts and all that hard work still apply. New users aren't going to get the same stats as you because they don't have all of the boosts to go with it.
    Yes, boostesses DEW help those fake stats very much.
    However, remember that old song, The Old Grey Mare?
    Well, this latest GAMING TSUNAMI has also offered a very effective way to counter those old boostesses.
    Just check out those gold boostesses that can be procured using FREE video gold, and that Gree appreciation gold that some smart players saved.
    How DEW I know?
    Let's just say, I don't play, I conduct experiments.
    My experiments say there are many ways to play this game.
    The behemoths will never encounter my tiny giants. LOL
    It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.

    SPEND it, if you got any left.

    Jesse “The Body” Ventura said, “Win if you can, lose if you must, but always cheat!”

    In the words of Bobby Heenan: "The money's the same, whether you earn it or scam it.

  14. #14
    the thing that veterans get from this game is the % increases that older units give, as that will make the newer players only reach around 1 billion, and the older players closer to trillions.

  15. #15
    Yes you could take a mini/new account kill a lot of bosses and max all the new gold boost buildings (that would take a lot of gold). This would give you one killer account. But you would still not have all of the other boosts/rewards such as + upgrades, + energy regens, + alliance att/def etc. etc.

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