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  1. #31
    Agent Orange's Avatar
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    Toronto Canada
    Hmm so what's up guys? Did gree find the problem causing this mess?

    Ok here is my current speculation on what is going bad. At first I thought it was Game Centre or someone putting back some bad code from 4.5.x but after some testing I am beginning to suspect the database scan on login that was installed to catch the cheaters snagging those units that they were not supposed to have. Why do I suspect this?

    It has to do with annomolies showing up when doing missions, and then missions not showing up after completing a level. Btw for a brief time I was able to unblock the missions not showing up by doing others in the list such as clearing a level. However this is also now broken.

    In any event it feels like this could be one issue. Also linking is broken. If I log out of my primary account and then to a secondary then try to go back everything is locked out. Consistantly. Now this could be connected to the above in that the database is getting for lack of a better term confused er well corrupted and this is invoking the cheater finder to toss a lockout.

    In any event the game as it is appears to be pretty much unplayable at this point though I am somewhat curious as to how SUPu is able to continue on or are they all on android? Is this because they have some inside information allowing them to get overcome these fresh problems or are they just really lucky... Hmmmm

    The other problem is that the database cannot handle all of the different events/missions taking place simultaneously something the players have repeatedly complained about but dutifully ignored. Perhaps this is just pointing out that the base game engine has had enough...

    Granted at this point for some/many due to the unreliability of linking or just even logging in it seems that participating or being able to participate in WD is a crap shoot and therefore not worth declaring only to find out that you are screwed.

    One last thought on linking, one of the reasons for creating this was to provide a work around for players that had accounts on old IOS and Android devices that will eventually be orphaned as the operating systems evolve. On IOS that is likely anyone not supporting IOS 8 or newer....
    Modern War
    IOS - Agent Orange - ID 863 440 860
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    Android - Agent Orange -ID 179 321 004
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    War of Nations - Agent Orange - Quit the game
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  2. #32

    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Relic: please package these questions and pass them to whoever is in charge of ignoring them. Many of these reports are obviously written from players asking for 1) a stable game platform and for 2) GREE to spend some time repairing known bugs before rushing headlong into adding further strain on the game functionality (when there were 23 events running on the same day it was obvious the game was unable to handle the load clocks were off, events were missing then reappearing, etc) and the player base. The solution to the existing problems doesn't lie in ignoring them and adding more events to the game. I promise you, it really does not. So please make this clear, like I just did. I'm asking you to push it over to whatever mysterious unaccountable agency proceeds in not reading these or, should they do so, there is more existing evidence of a formal policy at GREE to not fix bugs than to fix them. It's sometheing everyone recognizes and it's annoying to be lied to via the whole "we care, we are addressing the issue" line of GREE balderdash.

    After we get that part accomplished can you write (in clear English) replies to the 5 most frequently repeated issues mentioned? And try to go for 10? Maybe post the 10 most often mentioned complaints as you see them and let us vote for 5 to which we want actual, real answers.
    By "real answers" I mean:
    "the missions and goals which vanished: this issue is not a bug. The coders removed the missions Thursday March 12 because of the problem which began March 3, when players reported (note that, GREE didn't discover it *we* bug check your buggy game for you guys) rewards werent received. The team in charge of debugging that problem consists of three engineers and one temp. The estimate from the project manager is this will take 100 hours. With weekends and nights it is scheduled to be reintroduced April 5 at noon PST. This is an estimate but we are aiming at this date. So, player base, that issue is now not a mysterious cabal of game whales and crooked GREE con artists, it's actually being fixed as of yesterday at 2PST and please bear with us until the deadline on April 5. If it isn't ready then we will post an update regarding how much has been done and how much remains and without revealing secrets and stuff we will describe the stall. "Tim got food poisoning" or "the compiler crashed and it turns out we had ARM errors related to object linking which was only discovered after the crash. Another 36-48 hours will be needed."

    It's not rocket science. It's actually called "customer service," and everyone - the 12 year old children who play this game - everyone - is astounded at the complete utter lack of it, and the accompanying disregard for us. When 12 year olds can be reasonably more professional in their conduct than your company, you have a big problem. So what could you possibly have to lose by trying some honest professionalism? You think we won't respect you? We won't be grateful? You can make more gold cash by having everyone angry and resentful and trying to jam you up because they are treated so very poorly? We are already in a state of disrespect. That is GREE's doing not ours. We are bastards but we are angry bastards because of your treating us like crap. We won't be grateful, at least not in any way that will last. But we will see the kind of excellent treatment we get from the fast food world, from public school, the Dmv, from pedophiles and police. All of which is far superior to how we feel about the way GREE treats us. When you're company is looked down on by the motor vehicles department and pornographers again - you have a problem. So try fixing it? Trying, and being a little bit honest might actually work. Nobody there would know, obviously, but trust me here. It can't make things worse.

    So, push the paper. Answer some questions "we are aware of the issues presented in the forum weekly feedback and are working on them" is NOT an answer - and see what happens. Shock us all. Please.
    Last edited by Gileas; 03-14-2015 at 10:36 AM.
    "If GREE does something you like, do NOT post about it.
    Or, enjoy the nerf."
    -Vile Lynn
    "can we ban use use of the words, "fun," and "exciting," on the forum...?"

  3. #33
    worst and most useless buggy game ever created.

    Gree brings shame to the entire gaming industry.

    end the game Gree. you already destroyed every good part if it.

    just go into bankrupcy its too good for you but its honorable.

    being Japanese you need to find that again and this is the only way. imo.

  4. #34

    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    It is difficult to login on iOS. The game keeps loading and nothing happens. I hardly can say if anything else is wrong because I get few chances to play.
    It would be nice also if there was a notification in the chat about how left the faction.
    It would also be nice if you could get a measure of how active people were, like donation last 30 days and faction points produced last 30 days

  5. #35

    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    How's come we do a ton of playing to become Golden Major only to be awarded a teensy weensy tutti fruitti tank worth 11k/11k attack /defense which is comparable to one very close to the worthless ones at beginning of the store's stash? Surely 3 years of playing and growth in rank are worth close to a million attack/defense. There are other ranks with equally ignorant offerings as well. Actually, I refer to not only the awarded tank but also the one that becomes unlocked for purchase. Please adjust accordingly.
    Last edited by Sparkle; 03-14-2015 at 06:36 PM. Reason: Missed a line

  6. #36

    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Double strike still not working properly. I just lost the double strike to someone whose defense is only 8% of my attack. That is not a typo. 8% of my attack

  7. #37
    Agent Orange's Avatar
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    Toronto Canada
    I suppose the most frustrating part of this process is, are you guys listening? To whoever this gets passed along to, you present the appearance to your failing customer base that you are not listening and don't care.

    Feedback from us is obviously ignored otherwise we would not still have event piled on event and yet another 7 day WD that nobody wants.

    Top that off with an app that won't work for some/many IOS users on the latest hardware and you basically have the state of affairs we have now.

    There appears to be no master plan to top things off with such a mismatch of prizes for events and I notice this morning that the WD prizes now start at the top 2000 factions with the other tiers missing. Perhaps this is a fresh display bug perhaps not.

    In any event the overall feeling is that upper management does not give a crap about their customers and if that is the case why should we care about your game?
    Modern War
    IOS - Agent Orange - ID 863 440 860
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    Playing since 11/08/2011
    Level 240+

    Android - Agent Orange -ID 179 321 004
    Free Player since 7/18/12
    Level 33+

    War of Nations - Agent Orange - Quit the game
    Free Player since 5/30/13

  8. #38

    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Relic View Post
    . . . When providing feedback, please keep it constructive, on-topic, non-inflammatory, and break it down into the following categories:

    In-Game Events
    Customer Support
    Community Support
    Game Stability & Issues. . .
    My constructive, on-topic, non-inflammatory feedback relates to customer service and community support.

    I think it is safe to say we are ALL tired of hearing an issue is “being investigated” and NEVER hearing any update as to status or estimated time of resolution. I don’t think it’s unfair of us, as customers, to ask these questions. I also don’t think anyone here expects an estimated time accurate to the minute. But, a ballpark is NOT asking too much. Will it be a day, a week, a month? Even “never” would be something with which we could work in that at least we know to accept it or quit.

    When we’re ignored time and time again, we feel unvalued. To what other conclusion can we come?

    Please, think seriously about this for a minute. Human beings to human beings, imagine this. You’re having car problems so you take it to the mechanic (notification a problem exists). You call the next day to see if there’s any news. He doesn’t answer or return your call. You call again the following day: same thing no answer, no return call. You call a third time he finally sends you a text message that says he’s investigating the issue (acknowledgement) but gives no other information. Three more days go by, and you call to see what his investigation revealed and how long it’ll take to fix: no answer, no return call. Two more days go by and you call again to check on the status. No answer, no return call. This goes on for a couple weeks and you still haven’t heard anything, not even a speculative peep about when your car is going to be fixed.

    As if this wasn’t irritating enough, imagine you paid him in advance. Would you have any more patience with him? Do you think it would be right for a business that already took your money to treat you that way?

    Psychologically, what happens in this process? What started as irritation festers into anger then, resentment and, finally rage.

    No one expects perfection. But acknowledging that our frustrations are valid and giving some estimate when it will be fixed always goes a long way to garnering patience. But, it only goes so far. Repeatedly pushing a broken product will eventually wear thin especially when it repeatedly happens over a weekend when no one that can take action is around to do so. It’s been asked, even begged, that you stop creating new stuff until you fix the existing stuff.

    I don’t understand the logic of ignoring customers. I really don’t. I’ve been involved in focus groups where companies paid people $200 an hour (each) to learn what their customers want. And here we are begging you to listen for free. The most astounding part is we’re asking you for the easier of two ways. We’re asking you to stop spending resources on new things. Make the game work as it should first. We’d be happy with that. Once everything is fixed we’d be happy to share opinions on new stuff before you spend a fortune developing something we don’t want - cough cough equipment.

    Many of us are at our wits end. We’re hanging on by a thread hoping to see some semblance of interest in our concerns.

    Are we really being unreasonable here?

  9. #39

    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    where the hell is everyone?
    FluffyBunnie, Reversal, legalious, 1Shot, HellRaizer, Lolsies

  10. #40

    Join Date
    May 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by goblue21 View Post
    where the hell is everyone?
    FluffyBunnie, Reversal, legalious, 1Shot, HellRaizer, Lolsies
    They asked for feedback , didn't say they were going to reply to it

  11. #41

    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Communication is key in any relationship....even with gree!

  12. #42

    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    A very foolish
    Quote Originally Posted by goblue21 View Post
    Communication is key in any relationship....even with gree!
    It's a relationship. You pay money, then you get Loved. Now that you understand the kind of relationship,
    you also understand why it works this way. Do you want to get a better girlfriend, or do you like being
    Loved for money?
    Last edited by Codys; 03-17-2015 at 12:11 PM. Reason: Language

  13. #43

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    Dec 2014
    like being "love" for money....really legalious? there isn't a better word for Love?
    Last edited by legalious; 03-17-2015 at 12:06 PM. Reason: Language

  14. #44
    Agent Orange's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goblue21 View Post
    like being "love" for money....really legalious? there isn't a better word for Love?
    Prostitution perchance
    Modern War
    IOS - Agent Orange - ID 863 440 860
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    Level 240+

    Android - Agent Orange -ID 179 321 004
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    War of Nations - Agent Orange - Quit the game
    Free Player since 5/30/13

  15. #45

    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    so we know they are watching us...they just have nothing to say....I wish they would just say that instead of nothing.

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