You play - you stay, top 50/75


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Thread: You play - you stay, top 50/75

  1. #1
    Member Since
    Dec 2014
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    Crime City
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    Cool You play - you stay, top 50/75

    Hey! You!

    You playing in top 500? 250? 150?
    Maybe You looking for something stronger, without empty ghost riders who dont want playing much (like in your actual syndicate)? You want play in active syndicate, because you are active? We want you!

    You playing in top 100? 50? 25?
    Our officer/s is a dic*, You looking for other/better atmosphere or you feel already bad pressure?

    JOIN US!

    *The minimum - If you are pretty active, you can do it, gold is optional, mostly use something, but not required.
    *Syndicate are max. upgraded, so no donation's at this moment, only recreational, if something happens...
    *We using free app. line talk to communicate, if you haven't - you will like it.
    *Our crew is strong no matter what time zone 24/7.
    *We have bunch of girls in syndicate (included officers) so it's very friendly and helpfully atmosphere, also some as**oles (example: me), so everything for everyone.

    We have some minimums IP peer war's or minimum attack stats, but I'll write you about it when you catch me.

    Contact me via kakao talk: kris1989, or line: kriscrimecity

  2. #2
    Member Since
    Dec 2014
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    Crime City
    Post Count
    It's still actuall, feel free to write me

  3. #3
    Member Since
    Dec 2014
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    Crime City
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    still need fresh blood ;-)

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