1. #1

    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Limited Timed Event Prizes

    We complained about this and you changed your ways but have reverted back to thoughtless. When you have Limited Timed Events and the first rewards are totally worthless people are less inclined to participate. You gave batteries, metal, and microchips for missions 2-4, they are worthless and no one can use them, you gave cells at one doesn't help me but other need them so I can see that. You started to take them out as prizes from LTEs.
    These items absolutely sux the big one. We asked you to find a use for them and your solution was way to drain our rare resources for alliance boosts. We still have way more of the worthless items than we can get rare resources. You Should have had these wasted items and oil or iron for alliance boosts if you want to still give them to us as boobie prizes. Make new kind of boosts like that with this garbage.
    Why can't you turn batteries, metal, and micro chips into something like a speed up. 50 of each item makes a 15 min ups at your satellite station. That make sense. Or if you put these with the satellite it speeds up build time, not as practical as first suggestion. I really frustrates people when we get these "prizes" especially from gold boxes when you buy them. Makes you want stop playing and ask yourself why does gree think this is a prize and are they purposely trying to screw people over with them.

  2. #2
    Drifting death's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Death to Ming
    Gree this comes down to your one size fits all event system, prizes that some need are not needed by others, some players are in a position to Finnish LTM other are not. Events requiring huge unit builds are always going to favor players with supers but as that covers only 90-100 players per world as they tend to have all but one as a super. Can manage the big builds with a little gold and Organization.
    But for the rest of the players that don't have supers they are pointless, as are the rewards they can reach.
    I don't expect to get the greatest prizes when I only need to get 25% of the unit total and no gold, as a big players big effort but it should be relative and as possible for me with 10 normal bases as it is for them with 10 supers so I needed the same organisation and gold to get the same prizes as them. Gree would have to track what I have done in the past and look at what types of bases I have and gear the event so its doable, To get the rewards.
    There needs to be systems that help the players outside the top 100 players stay in touch, with the top 100 as that's what destroys a world the further they get out of touch the more likely they quit or move world.

    Events have to be possible and engaging for all if you want everyone to try and to feel they might just do it with a little gold....

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Agreed. I don't even bother looking at the prizes now since 99% of them are unusable anyways. I actually only used to do ltms for the first ltm recruit (m16-18 depending on the ltm) when I really needed 90s and the past few months I would try for the top ltm recruits if I was set up properly. But (as I stated in the weekly feedback) even that is starting to get pointless because I can't even open the comms anymore lol. I haven't even touched the ltm comms from the past 2-3 months, which makes it pointless to try/coin for this months ltm comms lol

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